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What T.V. Shows Have Your Attention?



  • I know about the "4" thing -- you never give someone a set of four glasses for their wedding, for example. I read a book called Culture Shock: Japan before I went to Tokyo the first time, about 30 years ago. It was fascinating! The company I work for is Japanese and I've been there quite a few times. Then, of course, my daughter moved their with her husband and my two grandkids were born there.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • edited January 2023
    I know about the "4" thing -- you never give someone a set of four glasses for their wedding, for example. I read a book called Culture Shock: Japan before I went to Tokyo the first time, about 30 years ago. It was fascinating! The company I work for is Japanese and I've been there quite a few times. Then, of course, my daughter moved their with her husband and my two grandkids were born there.
    Thirty years ago? Of course things change, but in general, do you feel the book you read still holds in today’s Japan?
  • Coming Wednesday to Netflix— Great British Baking Show — The professionals. 

    I am interested in this one.  I don’t care for the celebrity one, but this one could be good. 
  • I just finished a novel about a murder during a GBBS-like show. 

    I think a lot of what I read 30 years ago still applies, although there's new generation since then and some of the old traditions may not be as important. The company I work for, though, still has a lot of the old-timers in high-ranking positions.
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • edited January 2023
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • I just finished a novel about a murder during a GBBS-like show. 

    I think a lot of what I read 30 years ago still applies, although there's new generation since then and some of the old traditions may not be as important. The company I work for, though, still has a lot of the old-timers in high-ranking positions.
    And was the novel good?
  • It was okay. A cozy, also a first novel. Not terrible. I blazed through it in a day.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • edited January 2023
    On Tokyo Stories and Mahjong has made an appearance.  I play Mahjong every single day on my phone. Single play. Now, i know there is strategy involved, but I don’t play slow. I make myself go as fast as I can, and many times, I see the correct move too late.  Just as I hit the wrong tile i think “damn!”   But i do it fast as a brain exercise. 

    Anyway, they have professional Mahjong gamblers, like poker. And the mahjong tables were so cool. Played with tiles, game over, push a button, hole opens up in table,  shove tiles in hole, push another button, new tiles come up!!! 

    But… i feel there is tragedy ahead.  This episode has a kid in it and I’m worried. 
  • Kid was good even though ended up in foster care. Dad and he visited and their relationship was loving. 
  • Robert Meyer Burnett - who has nothing kind to say about Star Trek since the 2009 era, raves about the third season of Picard.

    That makes me hopeful after the previous two terrible seasons.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • The Great BB Show — Oh lord! These are professional bakers???? 

    I guaranteeeee I could have made a better looking pastry than the orange balls.  

    Many were beautifully put together but apparently were baked wrong or tasted wrong. 
  • The Great BB Show — Oh lord! These are professional bakers???? 

    I guaranteeeee I could have made a better looking pastry than the orange balls.  

    Many were beautifully put together but apparently were baked wrong or tasted wrong. 
    Okay, if this team isn’t the first to go home, I AM A PASTRY CHEF!
  • I am watching Escape to the Country on Britbox. 

    These are old episodes. I know I watched them long ago, but enough time has passed that i don’t remember them.  It’s a little comfort food  that i really need right now. 

    I love this show. 
  • edited February 2023
    I am watching Escape to the Country on Britbox. 

    These are old episodes. I know I watched them long ago, but enough time has passed that i don’t remember them.  It’s a little comfort food  that i really need right now. 

    I love this show. 
    ❤️❤️❤️ i looked up these 2 seasons i’m watching, i have NOT seen them so I am thrilled!
  • edited February 2023
    Got to see the first episode free of Poker Face. I really liked it but I need to see more to know if I’m going to like the ongoing thread of her being hunted.  I’m a little meh about that. I really wanted this to be a Columbo-like format. And it very well may be — with the added twist. Hmmm. Just not sure about it. 
  • It's Columbo in a different place every week. The chase part of it is ongoing, but mostly it's the reason why she can't settle down anywhere. I'm really digging it.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • edited February 2023
    The great British Baking Show — while the team that won did a nice job throughout, i’m not sure I agree that they should have. 
  • Rewatching Alias Smith And Jones.....sadly they don't make them like this anymore, Pete Duel could have been a megastar, tragic end for such a talented man. The 70's was just the best for tv shows...

    FlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Notaro said:
    Rewatching Alias Smith And Jones.....sadly they don't make them like this anymore, Pete Duel could have been a megastar, tragic end for such a talented man. The 70's was just the best for tv shows...

    Pete was all over TV. I remember him. I looked him up and he died so young!  Depression sucks. 

    If you are depressed, come talk. Sometimes ya just have to vent. 
  • edited February 2023
    @BevVincent ;

    A lot of these women in Midnight Diner are “hostesses.” Is this a nice name for prostitute or can it be strictly for companionship? I mean, I know some are, but are they all?  Are they all sex workers and it just depends on what the guy wants? I know there are male sex workers too.
  • Very often, hostess bars are just for lonely men to pay money to talk to and drink with women.
    GNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • We watched the first two episodes of Dear Eddie on Apple TV+ last night. It's about the relatives of the victims of a plane crash (a real Flight or Fright experience in the first episode) and the one boy who survived it.
    GNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Cunk on Earth
  • The Last of Us.. .it's, okay so far.

    Still waiting on more 1923.

    Just started Your Honor. (Bryan Cranston) It's good.
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