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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • ...thank you all so much!....I have a mild case, but Tracy was diagnosed yesterday, and hers is worse than mine....not hospital level, but she's not feeling well and was put on Paxlovid-the new anti-viral med to help her out.....course I feel like hell because I brought the shit home, even with doing everything required as far as protecting myself at work....pushing fluids, resting and OTC relief meds is the regimen....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbencat
  • That's a shame, GNT. Positive vibes to everyonye in the family. Take care of yourselves.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirKurbencat
  • Healing vibes being sent, @GNTLGNT for you and yours. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirKurben
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...thank you all so much!....I have a mild case, but Tracy was diagnosed yesterday, and hers is worse than mine....not hospital level, but she's not feeling well and was put on Paxlovid-the new anti-viral med to help her out.....course I feel like hell because I brought the shit home, even with doing everything required as far as protecting myself at work....pushing fluids, resting and OTC relief meds is the regimen....
    Hope tracy feels perky soon. 
  • Tonight when Scott gets home from work, we are heading to my dad's. We will spend the night there and tomorrow morning we head to Laramie and drop Ali off at the University of Wyoming for that summer program she was accepted into. She will be there for 3 weeks, taking classes and going on field trips, living in the dorm and getting a taste of college life. 

    It is an amazing opportunity for her and I am so proud of her but I am SO nervous and scared about leaving her there, 6 hrs away from us. Please send good vibes that she has fun and stays safe and healthy while there. Letting go is hard for this mama. Safe travel vibes would be much appreciated, too. 

    We will have a quick visit with Scott's aunt who lives in Laramie (one thing that gives me comfort, Ali has family right there if the need arises) and heading home again tomorrow. It will be a busy, fast weekend. 
    not_nadineGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoir
  • Well actually it was last night.
    Ordered Chinese yum. Decided to try Striracha on it for a little heat.
    Looked at it and shook it up.  No cap on it.
    All over my face and the walls looked like Dexter's work room.    :|

    GNTLGNTcatHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoir
  • cat said:
    Tonight when Scott gets home from work, we are heading to my dad's. We will spend the night there and tomorrow morning we head to Laramie and drop Ali off at the University of Wyoming for that summer program she was accepted into. She will be there for 3 weeks, taking classes and going on field trips, living in the dorm and getting a taste of college life. 

    It is an amazing opportunity for her and I am so proud of her but I am SO nervous and scared about leaving her there, 6 hrs away from us. Please send good vibes that she has fun and stays safe and healthy while there. Letting go is hard for this mama. Safe travel vibes would be much appreciated, too. 

    We will have a quick visit with Scott's aunt who lives in Laramie (one thing that gives me comfort, Ali has family right there if the need arises) and heading home again tomorrow. It will be a busy, fast weekend. 
    ....positive vibes being pushed your way.....it is a fantastic opportunity, and nerves are built into Mama DNA.....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Well actually it was last night.
    Ordered Chinese yum. Decided to try Striracha on it for a little heat.
    Looked at it and shook it up.  No cap on it.
    All over my face and the walls looked like Dexter's work room.    :|

    Tasty Firestorm - In Praise of Sriracha - quickmeme
    catnot_nadineHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoir
  • Just got tickets to see Roger Waters at Madison Square Garden!

     B) B)  
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • cat said:
    Tonight when Scott gets home from work, we are heading to my dad's. We will spend the night there and tomorrow morning we head to Laramie and drop Ali off at the University of Wyoming for that summer program she was accepted into. She will be there for 3 weeks, taking classes and going on field trips, living in the dorm and getting a taste of college life. 

    It is an amazing opportunity for her and I am so proud of her but I am SO nervous and scared about leaving her there, 6 hrs away from us. Please send good vibes that she has fun and stays safe and healthy while there. Letting go is hard for this mama. Safe travel vibes would be much appreciated, too. 

    We will have a quick visit with Scott's aunt who lives in Laramie (one thing that gives me comfort, Ali has family right there if the need arises) and heading home again tomorrow. It will be a busy, fast weekend. 
    She will do great i'm sure. Letting go is never easy....  If Ali has any of her mams power and aim she will do fine. Sending all possible good luck vibes to her. Be there shortly.
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • Today is recuperation day here. It was an outing yesterday. My friends and I, there is a group of 6 of us that meet once a month or so for a beer, but yesterday was special. It was the Bar Emptying of the place we usually go to before it closes for the holiday. It lies in a part of town with not very many tourists so if the staff are gonna have any vacation they take a month in august. They want to empty their storage of beer and wine so the prices are reasonable. And since it is the last day the music is loud, people are dancing in the isles between tables (i even saw a girl dancing on a table) and i admit i was lured to the floor by the girlfriend of a good friend of mine. Your judgment get slightly impaired after some beers. This place doesn't have a dancefloor, it is a pub with a great selection of beers. But this evening everything was different. We were there from 5 pm to 11 pm and it felt much shorter. Very nice evening all in all.
    not_nadineGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoircat
  • ....oh what an image that conjures..Bacchus Unleashed!!!.....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoircat
  • Have a friend who had a tail light burn out.  She didn’t know how to change it so called the dealer she purchased the car from and asked to see if someone could pop it in,  they told her it would cost 60 dollars and wait time 2 hours.  

    I told her no way do it!  

     So, she went to an auto part store and bought 2 bulbs for 8 dollars. (They only had a pack of two— which i  said, if the one  burned out, the other might be soon to follow so not a waste) anyway, i have a friend who said it was easy to replace and he would do it. Took about 5 mins. 

    How do people live with themselves taking advantage of others? Unethical grifting scumbags. 

  • We made it to/from UW safely. Ali is having fun so far, she can only call or text when she is in her dorm room, and her schedule is jam packed, so early morning or bedtime. She is a bit homesick already but the program coordinators said it goes like this...they text or call as much as possible the first 3 or 4 days then it starts to taper off until you don't hear from them at all. I told Ali she better send me an I'm alive text every night at least. 😉 

    It was hard to leave her. I cried a lot on the drive home. 

    We did, unfortunately, see the immediate aftermath of a fatal car accident on the way there. I will never get the image out of my head...it had happened just minutes before we passed by.  Have been upset over that and praying for the person's family. Double prayers of thanks that we made the trip safe and sound. 

    Thanks to everyone who sent good vibes. I will try to keep you posted on how she is doing for the next 3 weeks! ❤
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gabler
  • Have a friend who had a tail light burn out.  She didn’t know how to change it so called the dealer she purchased the car from and asked to see if someone could pop it in,  they told her it would cost 60 dollars and wait time 2 hours.  

    I told her no way do it!  

     So, she went to an auto part store and bought 2 bulbs for 8 dollars. (They only had a pack of two— which i  said, if the one  burned out, the other might be soon to follow so not a waste) anyway, i have a friend who said it was easy to replace and he would do it. Took about 5 mins. 

    How do people live with themselves taking advantage of others? Unethical grifting scumbags. 

    ....yes indeed, however-most crap on cars anymore was designed to be "repaired" at the dealership.....shade tree mechanics don't have the wherewithal to purchase all the diagnostics required....shouldn't have to remove a portion of a vehicles front end to get to the battery or replace a damn bulb, but there it is.....it's all about the Benjamins.....
    FlakeNoirHedda Gablercat
  • Ali is doing well. Started one of her classes yesterday, criminal justice. She has it in the morning and afternoon. Next week she'll start her 2nd class, a tech class. They went to an art museum last night. Had a concert scheduled but it was canceled due to weather. Tonight after dinner they have various meetings with college reps. 

    We texted and did the face time thing last night. Texted with her this morning but I did not hear from her after lunch during her little break. She did say she didn't sleep great last night, so I hope she took a nap. Or it is just like the coordinators say, she is tapering off her contact with us. I'm glad she is having a good time. 

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurben
  • Kurben said:
    I am home from the big spring party..... Let me put it like this, I'll survived! Everybody let their hair down and had a ball. Seriousness was gone. The fun started at 3 pm with some games. I helped my team with my tastebuds. I managed to correctly say which was Coke, Pepsi and Cuba Cola from three rather stale glasses. I also put my foot in a box where the point was to identify what was in there. I got that right too, Lego. There were some charades and some juridic question that i hadn't a clue about put i had teammates. Then change into some nicer clothes that i had brought to work, nice black trousers, white shortsleeved shirt and a yellow jacket to honoe spring and make me look less like a penguin. Hummersoup, tender Ox Cheeks with potato and apple and chocolate cake for dessert followed by dancing. Some wine, both white and red, some beer and some bubbly. I am NOT a dancer but felt that someone from the archive ought at least to make an appearance to save our honor. Perhaps i damaged it instead.....  Was home by midnight and was rather tired then. All in all a very fun evening.

    I'm just playing catch-up on these posts - was going to ask what Hummersoup is but I can see from a pic above that it looks like it was already explained.

    Hope you had a great time @Kurben
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurben
  • And groom your damn feet. Nobody wants to see nasty. People can’t help scars or deformities, but you can damn well have clean, well maintained scarry deformy feet!

    Have you ever watched a show called "My Feet Are Killing Me"? You wanna see nasty just watch that show - it's absolutely incredible how weird looking some of these feet are :o
  • edited July 2022
    Neesy said:
    And groom your damn feet. Nobody wants to see nasty. People can’t help scars or deformities, but you can damn well have clean, well maintained scarry deformy feet!

    Have you ever watched a show called "My Feet Are Killing Me"? You wanna see nasty just watch that show - it's absolutely incredible how weird looking some of these feet are :o
    Every week. I feel so bad for these people with deformities and unpreventable problems. 

    Not so bad for the ones who just let their feet get nasty from preventable ailments. If they let their feet get bad, imagine the rest of their hygiene? Their homes?  Filthy, 🤢🤮
  • Last night, I fell out of bed.  BLAM!  RIght down.
    Who does that as a adult?  I've been a bit sick these last couple of days.  

    I've done this NN - it's a very rude awakening indeed

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurben
  • Here it is July 13th already - I only got up to the beginning of June on these posts (page 126) - will have to come back later or tomorrow to catch up.

    Today I am fighting a speeding ticket that came in the mail - they want $221.00! Apparently I was going 63 km/h in a 50 km zone

    BTW 63 km an hour = 39 miles per hour believe it or not
    After doing some more conversions 50 km an hour = 31 miles per hour so I was going 8 miles an hour over the speed limit

    I called and a Judicial Justice of the Peace will call me between 8:30 - 12:30 on August 12th - hopefully they will reduce the fine when they find out I am a 'little old lady' on a pension who normally would not speed. :p

    All I can think of is that we must have been going to see a doctor at CCM (Cancer Care Manitoba) as it was on Monday July 4th in the morning that this happened and that's not a holiday here

    Wish me luck!

  • Last night, I was really wanting to watch the miniseries 'The Shining' again (I haven't seen it in years)
    It was nowhere to be found on streaming.
    Off to amazon and it arrived today.  Cheaper to buy the 3 pack instead of just the series.

    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Gotta admit, the kid who plays Danny takes some getting used to.
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