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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • GNTLGNT said:
    And yes, before any cynical whizbangs weigh in— i guess they can afford to give me banana bread. 

    ...a $365 chunk of nanner bread....based on your tippage..... :D
    And what did I just say whizbang??? 😂❤️

    For your information,i only tipped them 365 MINUS 2.75. 

    So there. 

    ....whizbang eh?.....better than what my crippled ears have caused me to be pejoratively described as in other circumstances..... :D
    Pulp International - Image of Capt Billys Whiz Bang from the Music Man

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroKurben
  • edited June 2022
    GNTLGNT said:n
    GNTLGNT said:
    And yes, before any cynical whizbangs weigh in— i guess they can afford to give me banana bread. 

    ...a $365 chunk of nanner bread....based on your tippage..... :D
    And what did I just say whizbang??? 😂❤️

    For your information,i only tipped them 365 MINUS 2.75. 

    So there. 

    ....whizbang eh?.....better than what my crippled ears have caused me to be pejoratively described as in other circumstances..... :D
    Pulp International - Image of Capt Billys Whiz Bang from the Music Man

    I swear! You find a picture for everything, no matter  how off the wall or obscure. You win the internet. 
  • I went to the movies yesterday.  Top Gun (meh). Ended up being an expensive day.!
    Stopped at a Wendy's on the way.  27 bucks for 3 burgers.  what the hell.

    Off work today - Juneteenth.  I think that is the way you spell it.  (GNT looking at you lol)

    GNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirKurben
  • Just reached home. Finding out that its 28 C in sweden! And still that feels cool compared to the temps i've had my second week in Crete. Hope you are better Irish!! That effing covid can go and f itself. Leave us alone!!!
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • My mom came and visited for the weekend. We had a fun weekend, Sage turned 8 and had a fabulous Hawaiian themed party. It was good she could come. She headed for home this morning. 

    I am taking a little rest time this afternoon and just plan on reading. 
    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • .....Happy belated b-day Sage!....you are now as old, as the amount of surviving brain cells I have...
    catFlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gabler
  • Watching some riveting TV. 
    Drinking a coffee. 
  • Started work again but got some sad/glad news. My boss, Linda, is moving on to a better job after the summer. I'll miss her, she is the best boss i've had in my life and she handpicked me for this job. Who knows what a new person might think? So i'm glad for her, she deserves every break and advance in her career, but a bit sad for myself. The place wont be the same without her. Hopefully this new person sees whatever Linda sees in me too.
  • Watching Cassidy Hutchinson.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTnot_nadine
  • edited June 2022
  • Kurben said:
    Started work again but got some sad/glad news. My boss, Linda, is moving on to a better job after the summer. I'll miss her, she is the best boss i've had in my life and she handpicked me for this job. Who knows what a new person might think? So i'm glad for her, she deserves every break and advance in her career, but a bit sad for myself. The place wont be the same without her. Hopefully this new person sees whatever Linda sees in me too.
    They will Kurben, you're an honest and hard working, conscientious person... they will see your value. And hopefully Linda will also pass on your attributes to the incoming manager. 
    Hedda GablercatGNTLGNTKurbennot_nadine
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Kurben said:
    Started work again but got some sad/glad news. My boss, Linda, is moving on to a better job after the summer. I'll miss her, she is the best boss i've had in my life and she handpicked me for this job. Who knows what a new person might think? So i'm glad for her, she deserves every break and advance in her career, but a bit sad for myself. The place wont be the same without her. Hopefully this new person sees whatever Linda sees in me too.
    They will Kurben, you're an honest and hard working, conscientious person... they will see your value. And hopefully Linda will also pass on your attributes to the incoming manager. 
    ....exactamundo!....the good light will shine and you will be it's center Kurb....
    KurbenHedda Gablernot_nadineFlakeNoir
  • Going to see Steely Dan tonight   :)
    Hedda GablerBevVincentKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • The show was wonderful!  Donald Fagan still sounds incredible.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTBevVincentKurbenHedda Gabler
  • ...envious....that would have been crack-a-lackin'.....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • .....so I spent the evening of listening to the annual artillery barrage known as "fireworks"....all the time wondering, "these people can't afford food, housing and gas-but they can blow money on exploding things"....*sigh*....priorities.....
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirKurben
  • .....sooooo, after years of dodging the 'Rona bullet, I got winged by it.....another outbreak at work and I didn't escape this time.....dammit!......not feeling well, but not dying either....fu*k COVID and the horse it rode in on.....don't give a hang about myself, but worried about Tracy, the extended family and the littles....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNotaro
  • Rest, fluids. Be well. 
  • Oh no Gnt.  Take good care of yourself.  
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • Totally agree in your sentiment GNT. Isolate yourself as much as possible, rest and be careful of yourself.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • I'm sorry you're unwell Scott, look after yourself, rest as much as you can. I hope your crew stay well too. 
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....sooooo, after years of dodging the 'Rona bullet, I got winged by it.....another outbreak at work and I didn't escape this time.....dammit!......not feeling well, but not dying either....fu*k COVID and the horse it rode in on.....don't give a hang about myself, but worried about Tracy, the extended family and the littles....

    Hope you feel better soon, Scott. My younger daughter's family had it after my granddaughter brought it home from school. Luckily, my SIL didn't get it somehow which was their biggest worry since it's so close to when he finished up his chemo and radiation treatments. All that to say maybe Tracy and the rest of the family will escape. Keeping fingers crossed for them.
    FlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....sooooo, after years of dodging the 'Rona bullet, I got winged by it.....another outbreak at work and I didn't escape this time.....dammit!......not feeling well, but not dying either....fu*k COVID and the horse it rode in on.....don't give a hang about myself, but worried about Tracy, the extended family and the littles....
    Sorry it hit you buddy, take good care of yourself.  Hope the family are able to stay covid free🤞
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurben
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