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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Notaro said:
    Been sick, struck down with the covid, tested positive on Thursday evening, feeling pretty damn rough with it. I've been isolatiolng in the spare bedroom. My daughter tested positive today. Wife is still testing negative. Stay safe folks.
    take care. Rest. 
    I will Hedda, thank you.🙂
  • Notaro said:
    Been sick, struck down with the covid, tested positive on Thursday evening, feeling pretty damn rough with it. I've been isolatiolng in the spare bedroom. My daughter tested positive today. Wife is still testing negative. Stay safe folks.
    I'm sorry she has it now too. 🥺 I hope today was better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. Get well soon Irish, look after yourselves. 💚
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablercatKurben
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    Been sick, struck down with the covid, tested positive on Thursday evening, feeling pretty damn rough with it. I've been isolatiolng in the spare bedroom. My daughter tested positive today. Wife is still testing negative. Stay safe folks.
    I'm sorry she has it now too. 🥺 I hope today was better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. Get well soon Irish, look after yourselves. 💚
    Thank you Flakes. 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gablercat
  • Notaro said:
    Been sick, struck down with the covid, tested positive on Thursday evening, feeling pretty damn rough with it. I've been isolatiolng in the spare bedroom. My daughter tested positive today. Wife is still testing negative. Stay safe folks.

    Sending healing vibes your family's way. Hope you're all feeling better very soon.
    GNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablercatFlakeNoirNotaro
  • Notaro said:
    Been sick, struck down with the covid, tested positive on Thursday evening, feeling pretty damn rough with it. I've been isolatiolng in the spare bedroom. My daughter tested positive today. Wife is still testing negative. Stay safe folks.
    Hope you are feeling better, @Notaro. Sending healing vibes to you and yours!
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaro
  • cat said:
    Notaro said:
    Been sick, struck down with the covid, tested positive on Thursday evening, feeling pretty damn rough with it. I've been isolatiolng in the spare bedroom. My daughter tested positive today. Wife is still testing negative. Stay safe folks.
    Hope you are feeling better, @Notaro. Sending healing vibes to you and yours!
    ....they just hung an IV of Hennessey....he'll be right as rain in no time....
    catFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroKurben
  • Come back when you can Irish, we miss your voice here. I hope the girls are doing better too. 💚❤💜
    GNTLGNTHedda GablercatNotaro
  • Going to try yard work. I have a ton of books going.  I really need to focus. 
  • The Beginning of Wisdom - YouTube...."focus Grasshopper".....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarocat
  • Going to try yard work. I have a ton of books going.  I really need to focus. 
    I totally lied. I did nothing. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Come back when you can Irish, we miss your voice here. I hope the girls are doing better too. 💚❤💜
    I'm here. Thank you all for all the well wishes, the girls are doing good, better than me, the effects seem to be lingering. Thank christ I had all my vaccine shots, God knows what it would have done to me otherwise.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablercatMarshaKurben
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Come back when you can Irish, we miss your voice here. I hope the girls are doing better too. 💚❤💜
    I'm here. Thank you all for all the well wishes, the girls are doing good, better than me, the effects seem to be lingering. Thank christ I had all my vaccine shots, God knows what it would have done to me otherwise.
    Welcome back! I'm so relieved your family have all had all of your vaccines too, this thing has been a lottery... I'm glad you're still with us! Keep resting as much as you can... and eat your vegetables.   
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda Gablercat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Come back when you can Irish, we miss your voice here. I hope the girls are doing better too. 💚❤💜
    I'm here. Thank you all for all the well wishes, the girls are doing good, better than me, the effects seem to be lingering. Thank christ I had all my vaccine shots, God knows what it would have done to me otherwise.
    Welcome back! I'm so relieved your family have all had all of your vaccines too, this thing has been a lottery... I'm glad you're still with us! Keep resting as much as you can... and eat your vegetables.   
    Thanks Flakes, it really is a roll of the dice, I still got off lightly compared to some folks.

    Eat my vegetables.....absolutely....I had mushroom and onion on my pizza last night🤔
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablercatKurben
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Come back when you can Irish, we miss your voice here. I hope the girls are doing better too. 💚❤💜
    I'm here. Thank you all for all the well wishes, the girls are doing good, better than me, the effects seem to be lingering. Thank christ I had all my vaccine shots, God knows what it would have done to me otherwise.
    Welcome back! I'm so relieved your family have all had all of your vaccines too, this thing has been a lottery... I'm glad you're still with us! Keep resting as much as you can... and eat your vegetables.   
    Thanks Flakes, it really is a roll of the dice, I still got off lightly compared to some folks.

    Eat my vegetables.....absolutely....I had mushroom and onion on my pizza last night🤔
    Jaysus... you must still have The Rona... mushrooms!!!!!😳🤢🤮
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablercatKurben
  • I went and got my coffee today. Yes, i go everyday. And i tip a buck every day. A year of tips? Not bad barristas. 

    Anyway, they all know me — i go today and started yakking with my girl and drive away without tipping. I didn’t realize until I was down the road, the dollar laying in the seat beside me. I can tip on app, but i don’t want Starbucks taking a cut of that tip because I used their service. 

    So, i go back, the line isn’t bad — get to speaker and told them I forgot to tip and that was all I was doing back in line. 

    I get to window and they had warm banana nut bread for me!!!  I think that’s what it is, haven’t tasted yet.  

    So shines good deeds in this weary world, my friends. 
  • And yes, before any cynical whizbangs weigh in— i guess they can afford to give me banana bread. 

  • And yes, before any cynical whizbangs weigh in— i guess they can afford to give me banana bread. 

    ...a $365 chunk of nanner bread....based on your tippage..... :D
  • GNTLGNT said:
    And yes, before any cynical whizbangs weigh in— i guess they can afford to give me banana bread. 

    ...a $365 chunk of nanner bread....based on your tippage..... :D
    And what did I just say whizbang??? 😂❤️

    For your information,i only tipped them 365 MINUS 2.75. 

    So there. 

  • GNTLGNT said:
    And yes, before any cynical whizbangs weigh in— i guess they can afford to give me banana bread. 

    ...a $365 chunk of nanner bread....based on your tippage..... :D
    And what did I just say whizbang??? 😂❤️

    For your information,i only tipped them 365 MINUS 2.75. 

    So there. 

    The way I see it Starbucks owe you.... 3.15 slices of pie. (do they do pie?)
    NotarocatHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurben
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    And yes, before any cynical whizbangs weigh in— i guess they can afford to give me banana bread. 

    ...a $365 chunk of nanner bread....based on your tippage..... :D
    And what did I just say whizbang??? 😂❤️

    For your information,i only tipped them 365 MINUS 2.75. 

    So there. 

    The way I see it Starbucks owe you.... 3.15 slices of pie. (do they do pie?)
    I wish!
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