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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Tomorrow is swedens national day! So i can sleep in... YAHOOOO. Then just 4 more workdays before i'm off to Crete. I have done some packing today. While i am there you'll not be hearing much from me. But i might bring home some pics.... When i'm on vacation i often just turn off the outside world. I somehow find it relaxing not to be in contact or be contacted by anyone. Just me, the beach, the waves, and the meals that you indulge in. But you have to go away for it to work. If i go on vacation in sweden it does not work.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gablercat
  • Kurben said:
    Tomorrow is swedens national day! So i can sleep in... YAHOOOO. Then just 4 more workdays before i'm off to Crete. I have done some packing today. While i am there you'll not be hearing much from me. But i might bring home some pics.... When i'm on vacation i often just turn off the outside world. I somehow find it relaxing not to be in contact or be contacted by anyone. Just me, the beach, the waves, and the meals that you indulge in. But you have to go away for it to work. If i go on vacation in sweden it does not work.
    Enjoy your national day Kurben. 😊
    It's a public holiday here too in the morning, but I work on those.

    We understand about you switching off during your time away... but yes please do bring us back holiday snaps, it's wonderful to see the world! 
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gablercat
  • Kurben said:
    Tomorrow is swedens national day! So i can sleep in... YAHOOOO. Then just 4 more workdays before i'm off to Crete. I have done some packing today. While i am there you'll not be hearing much from me. But i might bring home some pics.... When i'm on vacation i often just turn off the outside world. I somehow find it relaxing not to be in contact or be contacted by anyone. Just me, the beach, the waves, and the meals that you indulge in. But you have to go away for it to work. If i go on vacation in sweden it does not work.
    ....going to Crete eh?.....Kurben the Cretin...... :D :D :D
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gablercat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    Tomorrow is swedens national day! So i can sleep in... YAHOOOO. Then just 4 more workdays before i'm off to Crete. I have done some packing today. While i am there you'll not be hearing much from me. But i might bring home some pics.... When i'm on vacation i often just turn off the outside world. I somehow find it relaxing not to be in contact or be contacted by anyone. Just me, the beach, the waves, and the meals that you indulge in. But you have to go away for it to work. If i go on vacation in sweden it does not work.
    ....going to Crete eh?.....Kurben the Cretin...... :D :D :D
    Oh bloody hell... new highs and lows,  same post. 😄😁😜😍
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gablercat
  • Happy National Day kurben! Have fun on vacay and yes! Share photos!
  • Happy National Day kurben! Have fun on vacay and yes! Share photos!
  • Road trip to Greenwood Lake in NY. Beautiful drive.   Hot dogs at the top Mount Peter. :)
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcat
  • Watching the Party at the Palace. 

    Queen is having feedback issues !  Love Brian May’s jacket!

    i absolutely 💯 love that queen victoria statue is watching over it all. 

  • Ohhh, love lin manuel miranda’s snippet of king george music. Brilliant. 
  • Okay, all the creative people
     who put this concert together — well fucking done. The colors, lights, images projecting onto Windsor Castle. Just kudos to everyone to celebrate like intelligent, normal people. Fantastic!
  • Oh my god, unless you are just a lowbrow, stupid neanderthal piece of crap, this is just an amazing spectacle . 
  • Okay, all the creative people
     who put this concert together — well fucking done. The colors, lights, images projecting onto Windsor Castle. Just kudos to everyone to celebrate like intelligent, normal people. Fantastic!
    Misspoke — Buckingham Palace 
  • Interesting choice — Diana Ross? Great talent for sure, but… thoughts . 

    surprised no Paul McCartney. 
  • I can imagine the energy being there. 
  • Oh my god, unless you are just a lowbrow, stupid neanderthal piece of crap, this is just an amazing spectacle . 
    I must be that, 😁 I didn't even know it was on and it's Queen's Birthday public holiday today.
    I haven’t turned my TV on for around 4 months now though. 

    Heading to work in a little while, but I wanted to drop in to wish the Irish's a safe and stress-free journey home. 💚❤
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gablercat
  • Road trip to Greenwood Lake in NY. Beautiful drive.   Hot dogs at the top Mount Peter. :)
    .....Oh Holy Crap!!.....I'm such a juvenile with my humor....."had me a Weiner on top of Mt. Peter"....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoircat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Oh my god, unless you are just a lowbrow, stupid neanderthal piece of crap, this is just an amazing spectacle . 
    I must be that, 😁 I didn't even know it was on and it's Queen's Birthday public holiday today.
    I haven’t turned my TV on for around 4 months now though. 

    Heading to work in a little while, but I wanted to drop in to wish the Irish's a safe and stress-free journey home. 💚❤
    Well that went south. 

    I meant if you were watching and didn’t see the creativity of all these people and what a great job the show was. 

  • ...for Kurb....
    A Guide to Celebrating National Day in Sweden
    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda Gablercat
  • Tomorrow i plan on doing nothing. Monday and doing nothing feels somehow extra luxorious (i know i misspelled that word but i cant be arsed to change it) except perhaps raise a glass with a little fine whisky in it to and say cheers Sweden!
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda Gablercat
  • ....for my bro, Irish.....

    I wish you a safe trip or at least a mildly entertaining non fatal  incident  Farewell Ecard
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gablercat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Oh my god, unless you are just a lowbrow, stupid neanderthal piece of crap, this is just an amazing spectacle . 
    I must be that, 😁 I didn't even know it was on and it's Queen's Birthday public holiday today.
    I haven’t turned my TV on for around 4 months now though. 

    Heading to work in a little while, but I wanted to drop in to wish the Irish's a safe and stress-free journey home. 💚❤
    Well that went south. 

    I meant if you were watching and didn’t see the creativity of all these people and what a great job the show was. 

    Oh God I was just messing 😄💜 but I really didn't know it was on either, I'm a current events hermit at the moment.😁😬
    I'm so glad you enjoyed it though..❤
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gablercat
  • Kurben said:
    Tomorrow i plan on doing nothing. Monday and doing nothing feels somehow extra luxorious (i know i misspelled that word but i cant be arsed to change it) except perhaps raise a glass with a little fine whisky in it to and say cheers Sweden!
    Happy national day, cheers... Kurben! 🍻

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gablercat
  • ....enjoying the return of electric service....had just gone to bed at about 1:15 am, when the transformer went tits up....like an overloud shotgun blast.....so, that was fun.....will have a moments silence for the critter that probably caused the explosion....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoircat
  • I have done some packing today. Thought over what i need for two weeks and put most of it in a suitcase. I think i have covered everything now. The essentials is there, clothes, my medical tablets, a selected stash of books, tickets, passport, foreign currency. What is not packed yet is toothbrush and stuff like that but i put it in later. I always feel like i forgot something when i travel.....  I know it is still some days to work before i take off but i like to pack a few days beforehand. It gives me more time to remember what i forgot. Once i did forget my tablets. That ended with an epileptic seizure on the third day.... Not the best of vacations.
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda Gablercat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....enjoying the return of electric service....had just gone to bed at about 1:15 am, when the transformer went tits up....like an overloud shotgun blast.....so, that was fun.....will have a moments silence for the critter that probably caused the explosion....
    ....yep, it was a critter....fricasseed raccoon....sorry kid, you obviously zigged whn ya should have zagged.....  :(
    Hedda GablerKurbencat
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