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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • spideyman said:
    I have an urgent request for prayers and healing vibes. A dear friend's family member as been diagnosed with Covid and is in the hospital.  Thank you.
    Continuing good energy. 
  • Estimate came in today. Only a few dollars off of being a total loss according to their "formula". So now we wait to see what insurance company decides. Could still go either way, I guess. 

    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTspideymanNeesyMarshaSundrop
  • cat said:
    Estimate came in today. Only a few dollars off of being a total loss according to their "formula". So now we wait to see what insurance company decides. Could still go either way, I guess. 

    .....I know it sounds bad to say, but I hope they total it.....a rebuilt vehicle never "feels" right again....
    catspideymanNeesyHedda GablerMarshaSundrop
  • GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Estimate came in today. Only a few dollars off of being a total loss according to their "formula". So now we wait to see what insurance company decides. Could still go either way, I guess. 

    .....I know it sounds bad to say, but I hope they total it.....a rebuilt vehicle never "feels" right again....
    This is the rock/hard place situation. I feel they don't want to total it because of inflation.  I kind of don't want it totalled because of inflation. The car is booking around 5-6000 more than we owe. Cash value "should" give me enough for a nice down pymt on a new one (if Liberty Mutual offers that.)but I am stubborn enough to want what I want and I want another Jetta.  Which means travelling to find one and only ones in stock are brand new. Which means a higher payment most likely and certainly higher insurance just because it is newer. 

    But I also do not want a car back that isn't right. I know exactly what you're saying, even though we trust the body shop, it won't be like it was, no matter how excellent a job they do. 

    I think they will say fix it solely because of inflation. And that means I get %&*#@. I kinda feel I'll be %&*$# either way...a car back that is not quite right or new car and more money out of our pockets because of the way the economy is right now. 

    GNTLGNTspideymanNeesyHedda GablerMarshaSundrop
  • Updating on my dear friend's family member... they are holding their own and responding well to treatments. Very weak. Please continue prayers and healing vibes. Thank you.
    catNeesyKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Hi hope all is well. Happy Valentines day. Really going to get started posting soon.

    Had to have an unexpected eye surgery,but all is on the way back to normal.

    Hey Lin! Glad to hear it all went well

    spideymancatKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Kurben said:
    Could have been a better day.... I just got news that an old workingmate that i went to pubs and parties with a few years back suddenly died from a stroke. A hell of a way to start the weekend....
    So Sorry Kurben
    spideyman said:
    I have an urgent request for prayers and healing vibes. A dear friend's family member as been diagnosed with Covid and is in the hospital.  Thank you.
    Prayers being sent that recovery will be swift

    spideymancatKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • @Hedda Gabler did you ever find some Girl Scout cookies?
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyMarsha
  • cat said:
    @Hedda Gabler did you ever find some Girl Scout cookies?
    That’s a no. Damn little cult cookie hoarders.  
  • spideyman said:
    Updating on my dear friend's family member... they are holding their own and responding well to treatments. Very weak. Please continue prayers and healing vibes. Thank you.
    13 Best Sending Positive Vibes ideas  love and light sending prayers positive  vibes
    KurbenHedda GablerNeesyMarsha
  • cat said:
    @Hedda Gabler did you ever find some Girl Scout cookies?
    That’s a no. Damn little cult cookie hoarders.  
    cat said:
    @Hedda Gabler did you ever find some Girl Scout cookies?
    That’s a no. Damn little cult cookie hoarders.  
    Best Girl Scout Cookie Memes 2022
    KurbenHedda GablercatNeesyMarsha
  • I'm thinking of actually leaving the house today to get some fresh air and sunshine - it's only minus 21 and there's no wind chill

    Yesterday I went out for a walk to the store and on the way back saw some huge snowplows clearing the area around the police station. The piles of snow must be over eight or nine feet high

    Feeling a lot better now about losing Bailey - thanks to all who expressed condolences - just saw them yesterday as I was taking a bit of a break from posting

    Hedda GablerKurbencatGNTLGNTMarshaSundrop
  • Well, the latest in the car saga...

    Estimate was turned into Liberty Mutual on Monday. We still had not heard anything. Scott tried the LM lady 2x today and surprise! No answer. 🙄 So he called the body shop to see if they had heard anything. They have had no communication from LM, no call, no email. But they did get a "cancel assignment" today. They said that usually means they are going to total the vehicle. OK, well shouldn't we be getting a call then??? Even the body shop was baffled at the level of crap. 

    My ins lady is giving it til noon tomorrow and will then get back on the phone on our behalf. The only progress we have had with this while situation is because she has worked the phone for us. I am going to take her a nice gift basket of something or other when this is all over because she really has been so helpful. 

    I am not releasing my car to them until I have (or the bank has) the check in hand. After all this crap, I do not trust them at all. So they can keep paying the storage fees until I have the $. And we are fully prepared to fight for book value. So I hope Miss Madelyn from Liberty Mutual has her ducks in a VERY TIGHT row when she gives us their offer. She maybe should have been better at communicating. But she chose to be difficult. I can do the same. 

    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTNeesyMarshaSundrop
  • Scott,any updates on sunny?
  • cat said:
    @Hedda Gabler did you ever find some Girl Scout cookies?
    Yo yo yo! Little green goblins out today, i got 6 boxes!

    are these adventurefuls new? I didn’t see these last year so trying those .  Got my boxes of samoas. She said they were having a hard time getting enough of those. 

    I’m thinking, bitch — know your clientele. 
  • cat said:
    @Hedda Gabler did you ever find some Girl Scout cookies?
    Yo yo yo! Little green goblins out today, i got 6 boxes!

    are these adventurefuls new? I didn’t see these last year so trying those .  Got my boxes of samoas. She said they were having a hard time getting enough of those. 

    I’m thinking, bitch — know your clientele. 
    🤣 Yay I'm so glad for you! 

    I'm not sure which ones are the adventurefuls. We won't get our cookies until April, we opted to have Sage deliver them rather than shipping. But there were 2 new ones I think, a brownie type cookie and a smores one. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Adventurefuls a New Girl Scout Cookie Debut in 2022  NBC Los Angeles
    That’s them . Not bad. 
  • Hey Y'all!   Sorry I haven't checked in sooner.  My surgery went very well, but I've been in a lot more pain than I had anticipated.  The doctor said that he did anticipate the pain, and told me that in spite of what I think, I do happen to be a mere mortal, and should feel pain like everyone else in the world.   :D  I only worked three days last week, and only for 3 hours each day.  I'm heading out for my 2 week post op visit in a couple of minutes.  I'm hoping they will add some chewable food to my diet, because I'm getting bored with protein shakes, broth, pureed soups, jello, yogurt and pudding......but I did lose a few pounds, so there's a silver lining in there.  

    Thanks SO much for all the well wishes, love and daisies!!  That means so much more than I can tell you.  Big Thanks to Scott for keeping everyone updated for me, and for assuring me that everything would be okay.  Love ya, Big Guy.

    KurbenHedda GablerMarshacatGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Hi hope all is well. Happy Valentines day. Really going to get started posting soon.

    Had to have an unexpected eye surgery,but all is on the way back to normal.
    Hoping all is well with your eye, and sending Love and Daisies your way ♥
    KurbenHedda GablerMarshacatGNTLGNTNeesy
  • We got a very nice offer on my car. Plenty to pay it off and have a hefty down pymt on a new one. It should bring us pretty close to only financing just about the same amt we had left on the one that was wrecked, so pymt should be about the same.  Just waiting on all that to come through. The total loss person we were given is much better than the other dimwit...the total loss person called us 3x on Friday alone, that was 1 more time than we talked to the other one the entire last month. 

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerSundropKurbenNeesyMarsha
  • Sundrop said:
    Hey Y'all!   Sorry I haven't checked in sooner.  My surgery went very well, but I've been in a lot more pain than I had anticipated.  The doctor said that he did anticipate the pain, and told me that in spite of what I think, I do happen to be a mere mortal, and should feel pain like everyone else in the world.   :D  I only worked three days last week, and only for 3 hours each day.  I'm heading out for my 2 week post op visit in a couple of minutes.  I'm hoping they will add some chewable food to my diet, because I'm getting bored with protein shakes, broth, pureed soups, jello, yogurt and pudding......but I did lose a few pounds, so there's a silver lining in there.  

    Thanks SO much for all the well wishes, love and daisies!!  That means so much more than I can tell you.  Big Thanks to Scott for keeping everyone updated for me, and for assuring me that everything would be okay.  Love ya, Big Guy.

    ...love ya too honey and I'm glad you're on the mend.....time for a post-op grease dripping pizza.... :D
    Hedda GablerSundropcatKurbenNeesyMarsha
  • cat said:
    We got a very nice offer on my car. Plenty to pay it off and have a hefty down pymt on a new one. It should bring us pretty close to only financing just about the same amt we had left on the one that was wrecked, so pymt should be about the same.  Just waiting on all that to come through. The total loss person we were given is much better than the other dimwit...the total loss person called us 3x on Friday alone, that was 1 more time than we talked to the other one the entire last month. 

    ....zombies didn't eat their brain.....
    Hedda GablerSundropcatKurbenNeesyMarsha
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