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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • edited February 2022
    cat said:
    I do not. But I was one — i should be grandfathered in to early-access cookie-ing. 

    Yeah you should! 😀 Well at least you know why you haven't found any yet, but they should be out in force in a few weeks!
    Let me fix an error I made — Geandmothered. I should be grandmothered in.  

    Thanks for the heads up — I will limber up the hands  to be ready to flip the 3 fingered girl scout gang sign as I beat feet with my Samoas. 

    Catch ya later, bit- ches!!!!
  • spideyman said:
    Requesting positive thoughts and vibes for a fellow member. 

    You've got 'em Spidey - may they feel better soon

    NotarocatGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • Has anyone heard how Neesy’s Andy is doing? 

    Thank you for asking Hedda (sorry I haven't been on much lately) - Andy is still waiting for chemo but he at least has a coordinator now so he has the name and phone number of a lady named Mayah.

    It's a start!

    Bad news is that Bailey is now no longer with us. He was 17 and in poor health plus getting worse every day. I took him to the Veterinary Hospital on Friday. Will pick up his ashes when they phone some time this week.

    NotarocatGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...nothing on Andy....I fear there may be issues, because we all now that Neesy is usually a frequently infrequent visitor here....

    Hi Scott - sorry - have been dealing with some stuff but I am glad I popped in to say hello

    The days are starting to get longer now - only about 12 more weeks of winter to go!

    NotarocatGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • @cat - Mercy! Thanks be to Gan, Scott is OK.  Positive vibes for your stepmom and you as you handle all this.  

    I need to reach out to Neesy. 

    I've been a neglectful friend for some time; mired in my own woes.  I'm finally feeling light as a feather (not stiff as a board, though).  My new job is fantastic - professional, productive, begins at 8am, ends at 5pm, no nights, no weekends.  It was a tedious process leaving a job I've had for nearly 20 years, but look at me go!

    After driving my blessed hoopdie for 15 years, I am finally getting myself a new car. I ordered a VW Tiguan from Carvana.  The Ogre has one that I love to drive, so now we will be Twinkies. However, we had an ice storm here and my pick up date has been moved, so that's a bummer.  I think I'm getting it Monday.  I'm picking it up at the car dispenser.  So far I have loved the experience of car shopping from the couch.  I'll keep you posted.

    It's been a good week. I hope the same for you all.  We all need some good times.

    Hey Holly!

    I have been feeling the same way (that I need to reach out to you) plus I am still pondering sending cards out since I was remiss at Christmas time.

     I guess sending Valentine's cards might be a bit weird. They should have a second holiday for those of us who procrastinated so long that it's too late for Xmas cards lol - well I guess there's always Easter, right?

    Glad to hear you love your new job - good for you!

    NotarocatGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • cat said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...glad to hear that the stenting was a success Cat.....the rental folks do get pissy when you turn that stuff down because they make incentives off of that, but when your own company covers you-it's just unnecessary..happy birthday to the big boy!....our youngest grandbaby at the moment turned 3(going on 12)about six weeks ago.......and you can just ship ALL the cookies my way.....after you pay for them....... :D
    It has been several years since we bought any Girl Scout cookies, but I was pleasantly surprised at the prices! Only $4 a box. Seems like they used to be more? I don't know. My Scott isn't much of a sweets eater but he loves the Samoas. We bought 5 boxes just of those and he says he is locking them in his gun safe. 😄 Of course had to get some Thin Mints and there is a new smores one and a new brownie caramel one...yum! 
    Girl scout cookies are out, now? In the wild? 

    Must. Find. Girl scout. 
    Girl scout cookies funny Girl scout cookies Girl scout cookies recipes
    NotaroKurbencatHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • Yes, what flakers said on those birthday kids!   I can see their excited little faces. 

    I am in active girl scout hunting mode. 

    NotaroKurbencatHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • Sorry about Bailey, neesy.  And i hope Andy gets going soon. the waiting really is the hardest  part sometimes.  All the best wishes to you guys.  
  • Oh Neesy, this is a tough time to have to farewell Bailey, such a beautiful friendship, I'm so sorry. 🥺
    Sending healthy, healing vibes Andy's way, I hope he's called up soon.
    KurbencatNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • @Neesy Sending hugs for the loss of Bailey. And sending only good vibes to Andy and you! 
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • Neesy!! Comforting hugs to you (poor Bailey) and hoping Andy gets his treatment soon and that it is a big success story!! Also hoping all the best to you all. We are always here for you!!
    GNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • ....I was remiss.....my apologies.....so sorry about your furface, and Andy is a stubborn cuss-he'll win this fight.....positive vibes all the way!.....
    catFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    Hey everyone. It is me Spidey was asking for good vibes for. Thank you Spidey and thank you everyone for the vibes. ❤

    Scott was in a pretty good car accident on Monday night. He is ok, thank goodness. He was in my car, coming home from work and a guy in a big pickup pulling a big trailer ran a red light and piledrived him. Hit him hard enough the car came to rest almost facing the opposite direction.  Like I said he is ok. All the airbags and his seat belt did their jobs. He is sore but the only mark on him is on his ear, the impact made his glasses go flying and they scratched him coming off his face.

    Just heard my car will most likely be totalled. I am thankful Scott is ok. It could have been so so so much worse.  That is the important thing. So next step I guess is to get a rental, wait on final determination after the other guy's insurance looks at it and try to find a different car. 

    At the same time as all this, my stepmom took a bad turn. Yesterday the news was very bad but they did a scan and it turns out not as bad as they thought. They need to travel to Colorado tomorrow (big storm brewing so weather permitting) so she can get a stent put in her liver bile duct, the tumor is squeezing it shut a little. The hope is that will assist her eating again so she can gain enough strength back to start her treatments again. She is feeling some pain now and can't really eat much. I pray it helps her.  

    Just a lot going on and I know everyone has a lot going on. So I appreciate all the thoughts and good vibes and prayers. I really do. ❤

    Big hugs and positive vibes to all. ❤️ 
    (((CAT & Family))) ♥

    NotaroGNTLGNTKurbencatFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • ....good vibes for you too darlin'!......
    SundropKurbencatFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....good vibes for you too darlin'!......
    Thanks, Big Guy.   I'm hangin' in and ready to be done with it all.  
    Hope all is well with you and yours.  ♥
    GNTLGNTKurbencatNotaroFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • I was almost 5 years old when these murders happened.  After 50 years, they've finally solved them......at least the who committed them part.  I suppose we'll never know the why.  
    GNTLGNTMarshaKurbencatHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesy
  • ....closure like this is always bittersweet, and even though the "motivation" will probably never be determined as you say, there is cold satisfaction in at least knowing "who"....
    MarshaSundropKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesy
  • @Neesy ; Sorry to hear about Bailey. Sending positive vibes to you and Andy and hope they'll be able to get started soon with the chemo.
    GNTLGNTKurbencatHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesy
  • Pin on Daily Blessings

    (((all in need or not)))
    NotaroGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoircatNeesy
  • Scott, did Tracy have a good time? Is she home safely?
  • Getting supremely frustrated with the other insurance company involved in this whole accident thing. We have not heard a word from them since last Wednesday. The last communication was about releasing the car to them so they could take it to their towing yard to have it looked at. And set up my rental. 

    Since Monday, we have called the lady over 20 times. Scott has left her 4 voice mails. OUR insurance called and left a voice mail. And someone who said they were a supervisor told us they would get her a message. Nada. 

    We called the towing company here and he said they picked it up last Friday. So they have had my car for almost a week. And still cannot get any answers. 

    I realize ours is not the only claim this woman has. But pick up your stinking phone and return the call. Touch base and let us know what is happening. Complete piss poor customer service. 

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroSundropGNTLGNTKurbenMarshaNeesy
  • edited February 2022
    cat said:
    Getting supremely frustrated with the other insurance company involved in this whole accident thing. We have not heard a word from them since last Wednesday. The last communication was about releasing the car to them so they could take it to their towing yard to have it looked at. And set up my rental. 

    Since Monday, we have called the lady over 20 times. Scott has left her 4 voice mails. OUR insurance called and left a voice mail. And someone who said they were a supervisor told us they would get her a message. Nada. 

    We called the towing company here and he said they picked it up last Friday. So they have had my car for almost a week. And still cannot get any answers. 

    I realize ours is not the only claim this woman has. But pick up your stinking phone and return the call. Touch base and let us know what is happening. Complete piss poor customer service. 

    When will people get it that a lot of frustrations can be diffused with common courtesy.   Even just a phone call to say, “hey, we didn’t forget about you, still working on it” and then give a updates now and then . 

    Ignoring is so childish. 
  • I'm sorry Cat, that is disgusting behaviour. :/  

    People make me want to be a hermit.  🥺But one that has a very teeny select few repeat visitors. 
    catNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenMarshaNeesy
  • cat said:
    Getting supremely frustrated with the other insurance company involved in this whole accident thing. We have not heard a word from them since last Wednesday. The last communication was about releasing the car to them so they could take it to their towing yard to have it looked at. And set up my rental. 

    Since Monday, we have called the lady over 20 times. Scott has left her 4 voice mails. OUR insurance called and left a voice mail. And someone who said they were a supervisor told us they would get her a message. Nada. 

    We called the towing company here and he said they picked it up last Friday. So they have had my car for almost a week. And still cannot get any answers. 

    I realize ours is not the only claim this woman has. But pick up your stinking phone and return the call. Touch base and let us know what is happening. Complete piss poor customer service. 

    When will people get it that a lot of frustrations can be diffused with common courtesy.   Even just a phone call to say, “hey, we didn’t forget about you, still working on it” and then give a updates now and then . 

    Ignoring is so childish. 
    FlakeNoir said:
    I'm sorry Cat, that is disgusting behaviour. :/  

    People make me want to be a hermit.  🥺But one that has a very teeny select few repeat visitors. 
    Exactly!! Makes me very angry. And here we are, it is after 5 pm at that lady's office or phone or cubbyhole, whatever she has. And again, no return phone call after yet another message left this morning. 
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurbenMarshaNeesy
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