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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...going back to work after a much needed week off....not trying to age quicker than Momma Nature intends, but damn-retirement sure sounds good....
    I hope you had a lovely break Scott. 🙂 I haven't had any time off yet, tomorrow will be my last day before annual leave begins. Looking forward to it!

    NotarocatKurbenMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTHollyGolightly
  • In sweden we have a lot of red days, days that are national holidays and when institutions like courts are closed. 6,th of january is such a day, Epiphany i think its called in english. Day before red day is often a halfday so i only work till noon tomorrow, free thursday, has vacation friday and then its the weekend. Its always  nice with a 4 day weekend. It would be nice if you could work 3-4 days a week and then be free 3-4 days year round.... But on monday the usual grind starts, holidays over until easter. But it was nice while it lasted!!
    GNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablercatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...going back to work after a much needed week off....not trying to age quicker than Momma Nature intends, but damn-retirement sure sounds good....
    I hope you had a lovely break Scott. 🙂 I haven't had any time off yet, tomorrow will be my last day before annual leave begins. Looking forward to it!

    ....it was very quiet and relaxing....and I hope for the same for you....any lifting of the stress is balm to the soul at this point....
    MarshaHedda GablercatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • Kurben said:
    In sweden we have a lot of red days, days that are national holidays and when institutions like courts are closed. 6,th of january is such a day, Epiphany i think its called in english. Day before red day is often a halfday so i only work till noon tomorrow, free thursday, has vacation friday and then its the weekend. Its always  nice with a 4 day weekend. It would be nice if you could work 3-4 days a week and then be free 3-4 days year round.... But on monday the usual grind starts, holidays over until easter. But it was nice while it lasted!!
    ...I would happily work three 12's if they'd let us.....
    KurbenNotaroMarshaHedda GablercatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • Requesting prayers, healing vibes and positive thoughts for my cousin who has Covid. She is vaccinated and boosted. NY is a petri dish for the virus. 
    KurbenHedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • Healing vibes are on the way! I sincerely hope she'll pull through quickly with no bad aftereffects.
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarshaspideymanGNTLGNTdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • Good positive energy spidey. 
  • Prayers and healing vibes for Spidey's cousin. 

    Seems the stomach flu has hit my house. Scott stayed home from work today. So far, Ali, Ty and myself are ok. Hope we stay that way but it is going around, one of Scott's co-workers just told him he is going home sick with it. 

    It is also snowing and blowing. Being warned we could see -35F wind chills tonight into tomorrow. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaspideymanGNTLGNTKurbendoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • My best wishes for your cousin, Spidey. I hope there'll be no complications. 

    I hope Scott feels better, Cat. Finger's crossed nobody else gets it.
    @cat ;
    catHedda GablerMarshaspideymanGNTLGNTKurbendoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • Oh yuck! Good wishes for a quick recovery for Scott.
  • spideyman said:
    Requesting prayers, healing vibes and positive thoughts for my cousin who has Covid. She is vaccinated and boosted. NY is a petri dish for the virus. 

    You've got them.

    catFlakeNoirHedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNTdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • cat said:
    Prayers and healing vibes for Spidey's cousin. 

    Seems the stomach flu has hit my house. Scott stayed home from work today. So far, Ali, Ty and myself are ok. Hope we stay that way but it is going around, one of Scott's co-workers just told him he is going home sick with it. 

    It is also snowing and blowing. Being warned we could see -35F wind chills tonight into tomorrow. 

    Feel better, Scott. Hope no one else comes down with it.
    catFlakeNoirHedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNTKurbendoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • Healing vibes and positive thoughts being sent to Spidey's cousin and to Cat and family ❤️
    FlakeNoircatHedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNTKurbenMarshaHollyGolightly
  • Thank you everyone. ❤ Scott is home again today but he is feeling much better than yesterday. Weak and still an iffy tummy but not like yesterday. So far the rest of us are still ok. Knock on wood. 

    Kids were supposed to go back to school from break today but our temps are awful...-9 feels like -26 right now and only going to continue dropping all day. Wind chills expected to reach -35. So the kids got a "snow" day today. 

    Have a great day! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    NotarospideymanGNTLGNTKurbenMarshaHedda Gablerdoyoulove19FlakeNoirHollyGolightly
  • Thank you all. Just heard this morning that a friend in long term nursing home has it too. Started with roommate.  Be safe everyone!!
    GNTLGNTKurbenMarshacatHedda Gablerdoyoulove19FlakeNoirHollyGolightly
  • spideyman said:
    Requesting prayers, healing vibes and positive thoughts for my cousin who has Covid. She is vaccinated and boosted. NY is a petri dish for the virus. 
    Positive Mind Positive Vibes Positive Life Lined Journal - Postive Mind  Vibes Life Retro Sayings Quotes Positivity Gift - Pink Ruled Diary Prayer   Notebook For Men Women - 6x9 120 pages
    MarshacatHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NotaroFlakeNoirHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • cat said:
    Prayers and healing vibes for Spidey's cousin. 

    Seems the stomach flu has hit my house. Scott stayed home from work today. So far, Ali, Ty and myself are ok. Hope we stay that way but it is going around, one of Scott's co-workers just told him he is going home sick with it. 

    It is also snowing and blowing. Being warned we could see -35F wind chills tonight into tomorrow. 
    13 Best Sending Positive Vibes ideas  love and light sending prayers  energy healing
    KurbenMarshacatHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirHollyGolightly
  • I dont know if its a good or bad sign but it looks amazing!! Yesterday there was Northern Lights over Stockholm!! Usually they only appear in northern Sweden so i have not seen one live before.

    And thats not the most intense of it. This is about 8 pm.
    Hedda GablerNotarocatFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I dont know if its a good or bad sign but it looks amazing!! Yesterday there was Northern Lights over Stockholm!! Usually they only appear in northern Sweden so i have not seen one live before.

    And thats not the most intense of it. This is about 8 pm.
  • ...it IS gorgeous......still, the alien armada can't be far behind.....

    Alien Invasion Aborted Due To Coronavirus - Video amp GIFs  memes  quarantine funny coronavirus alien
    KurbenHedda GablerMarshaNotarocat
  • Happy Birthday Betty White.

    Type Betty White into Google and see what happens. 
  • Happy Birthday Betty White.

    Type Betty White into Google and see what happens. 
    Aww.. lovely 
    MarshaGNTLGNTNotaroHedda Gablercat
  • ....such a simple tribute, but very powerful nonetheless....
    NotaroHedda GablerMarshacat
  • Took my boostershot yesterday. First no aftereffects but in the night, just as i was going to bed, ca 15-16 hours after i took the shot i started to shake because i was so cold into my very bones. It was as if i stood in Antarctica clad only in shorts, that cold. Hands, arms and body was shaking. I crept down under four (4) layers of warm blankets and after 15 minutes it had passed but it was 15 miserable minutes. Then fell asleep and when i awoke had kicked off 3 of the 4 blankets during the night. What do you think? An aftereffect of the booster or completely unrelated?? I frankly have no clue, have never been so cold in my life.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshadoyoulove19
  • edited January 2022
    Could be a side effect —but much better than that pesky ol’ death side effect that stalks the unvaccinated. 

    And yes, vaccinated can get covid, pass covid and die from covid — but it reduces the viral load to help with all 3 of those, to lessen the chances of severe disease and death.  To not be a long hauler.

    good job Kurben. You chose….wisely. 

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