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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • Will keep Linda in my prayers. ❤
    FlakeNoirNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Sending you my best wishes (((Lin.)))
    MarshacatGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Positive vibes for KFF... 
    MarshacatGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Positive healing vibes on the way.
    catNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • ...just got our Christmas card from her and she said she wanted to be back with us soon, but hadn't said anything about the eye....dang it!.....hope beyond hope all will be well....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19
  • Hoping the very best for KFF. Will send her my thoughts and wellwishes.
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Can things disappear and then appear again? My new book vanished and i looked all over for it. I had read in it earlier today and then made a break and when it was time to return to it was gone. Vanished. I searched everywhere, i even looked under the bed (i found a book about The Black Death of the 14,th century there but not the one i was hunting for). I moved every book on my night table and on the floor beside the bed. Nothing. I did it again. Nothing. Then in desperation i looked in the bathroom and the kitchen. Nothing. Then i just stared and hoped for a bright thought. Nothing. Then i moved the books a third time and there it was!! I can swear it wasn't there when i looked there the first two times. I can swear on my mothers grave! But now it was lying there smiling at me with a teasing smile seemingly proud over how good it is in hide and seek. Three options: one i am getting crazy, two the book evolved legs and walked away and three it was there and my eyes deceived me which is rather close to alternative one. Oh well, i have it now anyway and wont let it get away again!!
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshaNotarocatdoyoulove19Neesy
  • I'm going with option three Kurben, though secretly hoping for two. 😁
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshaNotarocatNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    Can things disappear and then appear again? My new book vanished and i looked all over for it. I had read in it earlier today and then made a break and when it was time to return to it was gone. Vanished. I searched everywhere, i even looked under the bed (i found a book about The Black Death of the 14,th century there but not the one i was hunting for). I moved every book on my night table and on the floor beside the bed. Nothing. I did it again. Nothing. Then in desperation i looked in the bathroom and the kitchen. Nothing. Then i just stared and hoped for a bright thought. Nothing. Then i moved the books a third time and there it was!! I can swear it wasn't there when i looked there the first two times. I can swear on my mothers grave! But now it was lying there smiling at me with a teasing smile seemingly proud over how good it is in hide and seek. Three options: one i am getting crazy, two the book evolved legs and walked away and three it was there and my eyes deceived me which is rather close to alternative one. Oh well, i have it now anyway and wont let it get away again!!
    20 NO CONSPIRACY PROPAGANDA SUPERSTITION BS ideas  fantasy meaning  conspiracy tin foil hat
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerMarshaNotarocatNeesy
  • Kurben, this happens to me all the time. Seriously. 

    I believe i must be flippin’ territories. 
  • Friends!  Happy Saturday. I hope it's all peaceful in your world.   "flippin' territories" @Hedda Gabler  well said! I'm right there with you. 

    @Sundrop Hollah!  

    @cat What a terrifying trip under anesthesia for Brandon. Thank Gan he's OK.

    @Kurben Congratulations and what a place to get to work at - well done, Sir!

    As for me:  A reading from Holly's Book of Woes: $hi+happens, and get ready cuz more's comin'.  

    Some good news:  Ben graduated from EMT training last weekend and he already has a job. I think he'll go on to Paramedic training and maybe even Nursing.  I think the young man has found his calling. Blessed be.

    FlakeNoirKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerSundropcatdoyoulove19Neesy
  • Congratulations to Ben, that's fantastic! Nice to see you here, Holly. 
    KurbenMarshaGNTLGNTNotaroHedda Gablercatdoyoulove19NeesyHollyGolightly
  • ....it would be a tremendous extra skill-set if he goes on to nursing....
    KurbenNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshacatdoyoulove19NeesyHollyGolightly
  • Friends!  Happy Saturday. I hope it's all peaceful in your world.   "flippin' territories" @Hedda Gabler  well said! I'm right there with you. 

    @Sundrop Hollah!  

    @cat What a terrifying trip under anesthesia for Brandon. Thank Gan he's OK.

    @Kurben Congratulations and what a place to get to work at - well done, Sir!

    As for me:  A reading from Holly's Book of Woes: $hi+happens, and get ready cuz more's comin'.  

    Some good news:  Ben graduated from EMT training last weekend and he already has a job. I think he'll go on to Paramedic training and maybe even Nursing.  I think the young man has found his calling. Blessed be.

    Congratulations to Ben!
    KurbenNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatNeesyHollyGolightly
  • This is the first day of my christmas vacation!! Taken 4 days, strategically placed, and now dont have to work until the 29,th. Bliss!! Although this day has mostly been about getting the last presents, getting the right specialities that has to be present for it to be christmas. Got them today. Christmas Eve is the big day here when eating and presentgiving are done and i'll be celebrating with relatives away but but after that i'm all set. Planning to buy some candy tomorrow but i have gotten the chocolate (Ferrero Rocher, delicious!). I am about ready to start enjoying Christmas!!!!!!!
    FlakeNoirNotaroGazmanMarshaGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesy
  • Wonderful, enjoy Kurben.🎄
    NotaroKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTcatdoyoulove19Hedda GablerNeesy
  • Last day today for me until January. Too much chocolate everywhere,,,,
    KurbenFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesy
  • Gazman said:
    Last day today for me until January. Too much chocolate everywhere,,,,
    No such thing.

    GazmanMarshaKurbenGNTLGNTcatNotaroHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Gazman said:
    Last day today for me until January. Too much chocolate everywhere,,,,
    No such thing.

    It didn't last long. :D
    FlakeNoirMarshaKurbenGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesy
  • ....awesome you two!!!...I was actually able to wangle a vacation that starts Friday and runs until the 3rd.....that's my gift to myself.....course, Tracy may want to return it after I've been home for a few days.... :D
    GazmanKurbenFlakeNoircatdoyoulove19NotaroHedda GablerMarshaNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....awesome you two!!!...I was actually able to wangle a vacation that starts Friday and runs until the 3rd.....that's my gift to myself.....course, Tracy may want to return it after I've been home for a few days.... :D
    Tell her you lost the receipt! :D
    KurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoircatNotaroHedda GablerMarshaNeesy
  • Sending good wishes for @King Family ((Lin))  

    @cat - so glad that Brandon is ok.  How terrifying!

    I just finished my 3rd interview to become the new manager of inventory for my division and hope to know before the end of the year.  It has been a crazy two years and we have some new leadership that is hoping to streamline and make things run smoother and I want to be on the frontline of that.  

    Kiddo found out last week that she was accepted into VCU for Communication Arts, so she is stoked!  We have a lot of things to be greatful for as we head into Christmas and New Year's.  

    (((All in need or not))) Wishing you all love and green lights!  T
    NotarocatKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesyHollyGolightly
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