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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • Sending good wishes for @King Family ((Lin))  

    @cat - so glad that Brandon is ok.  How terrifying!

    I just finished my 3rd interview to become the new manager of inventory for my division and hope to know before the end of the year.  It has been a crazy two years and we have some new leadership that is hoping to streamline and make things run smoother and I want to be on the frontline of that.  

    Kiddo found out last week that she was accepted into VCU for Communication Arts, so she is stoked!  We have a lot of things to be greatful for as we head into Christmas and New Year's.  

    (((All in need or not))) Wishing you all love and green lights!  T
    Congrats to your kiddo! 
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19MarshaGNTLGNTNeesyHollyGolightly
  • Hey gazman, so nice to see you. 
  • Sending good wishes for @King Family ((Lin))  

    @cat - so glad that Brandon is ok.  How terrifying!

    I just finished my 3rd interview to become the new manager of inventory for my division and hope to know before the end of the year.  It has been a crazy two years and we have some new leadership that is hoping to streamline and make things run smoother and I want to be on the frontline of that.  

    Kiddo found out last week that she was accepted into VCU for Communication Arts, so she is stoked!  We have a lot of things to be greatful for as we head into Christmas and New Year's.  

    (((All in need or not))) Wishing you all love and green lights!  T
    Congrats, i know you got it!  And congrats to kiddo too, that’s very cool.
  • @doyoulove19 that's fantastic, I hope you get the position and can make those changes you've all been working hard to bring about.
    Fabulous for your kiddo also, brilliant! 💜
  • Thankful Thursday Hugs-December 17 2020 - The Horse Mafia

    (((all in need or not)))
    MarshaNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Neesy
  • @doyoulove19 Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Congratulations to your daughter!
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NeesyHollyGolightly
  • Sending good wishes for @King Family ((Lin))  

    @cat - so glad that Brandon is ok.  How terrifying!

    I just finished my 3rd interview to become the new manager of inventory for my division and hope to know before the end of the year.  It has been a crazy two years and we have some new leadership that is hoping to streamline and make things run smoother and I want to be on the frontline of that.  

    Kiddo found out last week that she was accepted into VCU for Communication Arts, so she is stoked!  We have a lot of things to be greatful for as we head into Christmas and New Year's.  

    (((All in need or not))) Wishing you all love and green lights!  T
    ....Girl, you should OWN that new position with all the sweat equity you've invested already!!...GNT positive vibes....and you tell little girl that Tracy and I are very proud of her...plus, if she has any questions regarding communications-you might just know some crusty old fart who could help......
    Hedda GablerMarshaNotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NeesyHollyGolightly
  • Any updates on KFF’s eye situation?

    Sundrop, check in
  • Any updates on KFF’s eye situation?

    Sundrop, check in
    I sent Sunny another message on the 21st but haven't heard back yet, she had quite a bit coming up.
    NotaroGNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gablerdoyoulove19MarshaNeesyHollyGolightly
  • ...check in!!!.....

    come-here-gif - PartyJollof
    KurbenNotaroFlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • One of these days..... The work day was OK but it started when i left. First i nearly slipped on my way to the subway, then i went shopping for some new year cheese in a store, payed and was stopped at the exit. You had to show the code on the receit you got at an exit automaton and i had thrown mine away, never keep em when i'm shopping groceries type stuff and then stood there like an idiot. But they were kind against the old fool that don't know how things work nowadays so they let me out. Then i went to the subway and there i went on the wrong train and realised it much too late, had to go off, travel back to the city and take the right train. Sigh! And to top it all off when i arrived home the elevator had stopped working. I had to walk (crawl might be more accurate) up to the eight floor carrying bags and i was puffing and huffing like an angry hippo when i reached the top floor (where my apartment is). A lesser man might have had a heartattack. Ow well, i'm alive thats whats counts, right?
    NeesyFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshacatdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • Friends!  Happy Saturday. I hope it's all peaceful in your world.   "flippin' territories" @Hedda Gabler  well said! I'm right there with you. 

    @Sundrop Hollah!  

    @cat What a terrifying trip under anesthesia for Brandon. Thank Gan he's OK.

    @Kurben Congratulations and what a place to get to work at - well done, Sir!

    As for me:  A reading from Holly's Book of Woes: $hi+happens, and get ready cuz more's comin'.  

    Some good news:  Ben graduated from EMT training last weekend and he already has a job. I think he'll go on to Paramedic training and maybe even Nursing.  I think the young man has found his calling. Blessed be.

    Congrats to Ben!

    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshacatHollyGolightly
  • Kurben said:
    One of these days..... The work day was OK but it started when i left. First i nearly slipped on my way to the subway, then i went shopping for some new year cheese in a store, payed and was stopped at the exit. You had to show the code on the receit you got at an exit automaton and i had thrown mine away, never keep em when i'm shopping groceries type stuff and then stood there like an idiot. But they were kind against the old fool that don't know how things work nowadays so they let me out. Then i went to the subway and there i went on the wrong train and realised it much too late, had to go off, travel back to the city and take the right train. Sigh! And to top it all off when i arrived home the elevator had stopped working. I had to walk (crawl might be more accurate) up to the eight floor carrying bags and i was puffing and huffing like an angry hippo when i reached the top floor (where my apartment is). A lesser man might have had a heartattack. Ow well, i'm alive thats whats counts, right?

    Wow - what a day! Hope you are enjoying your rest now - have a piece of cheese for me!
    KurbenFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshacatHollyGolightly
  • 899 Best Happy New Year 2022 Wishes for All  Ultimate New Year Wishing  Phrases - New Year Wiki

    (((all in need or not)))  Love and green Lights!!
    NotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshacatdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • Kurben said:
    One of these days..... The work day was OK but it started when i left. First i nearly slipped on my way to the subway, then i went shopping for some new year cheese in a store, payed and was stopped at the exit. You had to show the code on the receit you got at an exit automaton and i had thrown mine away, never keep em when i'm shopping groceries type stuff and then stood there like an idiot. But they were kind against the old fool that don't know how things work nowadays so they let me out. Then i went to the subway and there i went on the wrong train and realised it much too late, had to go off, travel back to the city and take the right train. Sigh! And to top it all off when i arrived home the elevator had stopped working. I had to walk (crawl might be more accurate) up to the eight floor carrying bags and i was puffing and huffing like an angry hippo when i reached the top floor (where my apartment is). A lesser man might have had a heartattack. Ow well, i'm alive thats whats counts, right?
    Sherif on Twitter quotMindhunter39s tape recorder httpstcoNVWfblNghequot   Twitter
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirMarshacatdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • Any updates on KFF’s eye situation?

    Sundrop, check in
    Sunny checked in, she may have messaged you as well.
    NotaroKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerHollyGolightly
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Any updates on KFF’s eye situation?

    Sundrop, check in
    Sunny checked in, she may have messaged you as well.
    How is she? I hope all is allright with her and family. 
    FlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerHollyGolightly
  • Kurben said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Any updates on KFF’s eye situation?

    Sundrop, check in
    Sunny checked in, she may have messaged you as well.
    How is she? I hope all is allright with her and family. 
    She has quite a bit going on, but had a nice quiet Christmas. 🙂
    NotaroMarshaKurbenGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerHollyGolightly
  • In Sweden it it isn't new year if we watch this 10 minute long comedy sketch. And we always laugh. I have seen it every year for 50 years. Traditions are strange.

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablercatMarshaHollyGolightly
  • Happy Sunday Morning Quotes with Images  Sunday Wishes Messages

    (((all in need or not)))
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoircatMarshaHedda GablerHollyGolightly
  • 10 Monday Snoopy Quotes For The New Week  Happy monday quotes Snoopy  quotes Good morning snoopy

    (((all in need or not)))
    FlakeNoircatGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerHollyGolightly
  • ...going back to work after a much needed week off....not trying to age quicker than Momma Nature intends, but damn-retirement sure sounds good....
    catMarshaKurbenFlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
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