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Fun times, kids.
That little bunch of letters came from Harley cat walking across laptop. Meowing at me.
I swear to god if she hunts and puts something on me.
But feeling better everyday. (kinda)
I will get through this.
Can I say fuck again. Now his sister and famly are coming to get all stuff. I am out of the loop, don't know where he is and what the famly has planned. I was not his wife
But they are being very kind. I really really tried everything. We watched Young Franenstein to make him happy before ambulace shouting lines to each other.
Lost my glasses, so I can't see to type or spell.
Ok, someone tell a joke and get this thread back together again.
The shootings occurred less than 50 miles from where I live. I went to high school in Lisbon. It’s the rapid-fire killing machines, people. This is madness in the name of freedom. Stop electing apologists for murder. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN IN OTHER COUNTRIES. (From Steve)
It's disgusting that someone going through very recently documented mental health crisis like he is, still has access to such weaponry.
Blows my mind.
R.I.P innocent bystanders. 🥹
Of course, being a teacher, he ended everything with a question so we would have to respond. I’d answer in english immediately and he’d say, “No, Spanish.” I couldn’t do it. I could not shift those words around into proper sentence structure fast enough.
I’m determined to learn this good enough so I know exactly when trash talking is happening. About me or others. I want my ears to immediately hear and comprehend such gems as— “fuck you bitch”, “you old hag” and the timeless classic, “suck my ****”, en espanol, por favor.
I don’t think Duolingo teaches creative profanity. I may have to supplement. For now, I can tell you,
El Rinoceronte es rojo y tiene un globo rojo.
That’s right bitches, I’m bilingual. 🤣
Things I have learned.
Do not look she wll find you.
Clap and have a parade with glitter when she stolls in
Praise and pet.
Not too long to have a peek at her paw beans and let you touch.
Love me,feed me. I don't like that certain brand of tuna treat.
Give me more. you are touching me too long. I will rip your face off
she ran outside to probably put a chipmuck or bird on me again.
I blame all of this on Kris. He saved her from a place under a trailer called Willigletown, Ny.
Willgletown. yep
so far
Flake, use your powers
I can not say that I had not been warned about her. But I will love and take care, give her the cutest most pretty upright bowl and water dishes. but she stares still
I think she is on top of my head.