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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • edited September 2023
    Kittty came home.   Pet sitter from now on if I have to be gone for the noght.  i was worried sick. Actually sick.   But she is home like nothing happened.  grrrr
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNeesy
  • ....I had mentioned earlier that my Mom-In-Law is undergoing chemo for breast cancer, and with that-we had a "head-shaving" party on Saturday....she is doing her level best to be pro-active and positive, so she wanted her hair taken before it began falling out, so the grandsons split the duty and got er done....it was very emotional, yet at the same time uplifting....she also wanted the great-grandkids here so that they could see her losing her hair like this, so her being bald wouldn't frighten them....once she was "clean cut" she held an impromptu "fashion show" with a few head covers and sets of earrings she'd purchased.....the final sweet touch was when a monarch butterfly suddenly appeared and circled all of us....a touch of grace.... 
    not_nadineKurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • edited September 2023
    <3 <3  <3   This is awesome, Scott.
    KurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • edited September 2023
    Many many thoughts are with your family!

    Kris is going to come home on Thursday this week.  He has been gone since July 17th - at his sister's home.

    I drove down there and got him out and we went to the beach and all of his favorite spots along the ocean.  We had dinner at a fine restaurant and he was all back to himself, happy.   I ran down the beach and just looked and was happy.   I danced with the hurricane waves that were offshore.

    Now he want's to come home to me and Kittycat.  It will take a toll, but I am ready for it.
    He has a heart procedure in October, that I am hoping works this time.

    We are closer to the mountains but plenty of spots for him to see and cast a rod if he so desires.

    My Kris has lost 97 lbs since he left, with medication.  I loved him then, and I love him now more that he is getting his weird rock-n-roll crazy spark back.    You guys would love him like I do.

    KurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I had mentioned earlier that my Mom-In-Law is undergoing chemo for breast cancer, and with that-we had a "head-shaving" party on Saturday....she is doing her level best to be pro-active and positive, so she wanted her hair taken before it began falling out, so the grandsons split the duty and got er done....it was very emotional, yet at the same time uplifting....she also wanted the great-grandkids here so that they could see her losing her hair like this, so her being bald wouldn't frighten them....once she was "clean cut" she held an impromptu "fashion show" with a few head covers and sets of earrings she'd purchased.....the final sweet touch was when a monarch butterfly suddenly appeared and circled all of us....a touch of grace.... 
    Perfect. Kindness, gentle induction, family, love.. and hope.❤️💚💜
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Many many thoughts are with your family!

    Kris is going to come home on Thursday this week.  He has been gone since July 17th - at his sister's home.

    I drove down there and got him out and we went to the beach and all of his favorite spots along the ocean.  We had dinner at a fine restaurant and he was all back to himself, happy.   I ran down the beach and just looked and was happy.   I danced with the hurricane waves that were offshore.

    Now he want's to come home to me and Kittycat.  It will take a toll, but I am ready for it.
    He has a heart procedure in October, that I am hoping works this time.

    We are closer to the mountains but plenty of spots for him to see and cast a rod if he so desires.

    My Kris has lost 97 lbs since he left, with medication.  I loved him then, and I love him now more that he is getting his weird rock-n-roll crazy spark back.    You guys would love him like I do.

    I hope things turn around for the three of you and wish him a successful surgery. 
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNeesy
  • just took a walk around the apartment. I feel slightly proud of myself for putting away things like mats, carpets, curtains and everything that was in the way for the required workspace they asked for. I'm amazed that i managed the kitchen to to be maneuverable '(it was rather cramped...). Is it wrong to feel a bit pride for something so basic?? Anyhow now this upcoming upheaval (starts in two weeks) feel at least surviveable. If they just deliver on the promise that we will be priovded plastic covers for furniture and books so they wont be covered in dust it might actually work!
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • ...no, it's not ever wrong to feel proud of a spic & span homespace....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirnot_nadineNeesy
  • edited September 2023
    Oh no oh no.  Harleycat is doing the death stare again at something she trapped in here.  I don't know what or where it actually is.  She will not leave a corner of the room and is shaking things around.

    Pray.  I think it's a chipmunk.  I already had a long talk with her about all this. :#    :)
    FlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • edited September 2023
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...no, it's not ever wrong to feel proud of a spic & span homespace....
    Nope nope.  It's great Kurb.  
    I actually have cleaning people coming in tomorrow.   They are awesome lovely ladies.

     My place is always together, but they come every two weeks to do nooks and crannies, baseboards and such.
    But of course, I spent all day scrubbing things before they come.

    Wow, that makes me feel so fancy.  !!? Seeing it typed like that.
    Maybe they will find the chipmunk.  
    FlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • edited September 2023
    Now I don't want to touch anything.  Looks lovely.
    I'm having a weird time kids.
    Still can not shake the covid.  Fuzzy in my head and making me have strange dreams.
    First off, I can't believe I caught it.  Up strange hours.  No tv.  dont want it.  Do not want to know bad things.

    But it keeps hanging on.  Sleeping.  Reaching out to long ago freinds.  That's crazy
    And Kris is coming home tomorrow.  Gotta take care of him and act ok.

    Somebody tell a joke.   Looking at you Scott.   B) B)

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • I am going to go back and read more Holly.  Don't hate me, but I don't understand SK's obsession with this character.  Probably just me and mood.

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • edited September 2023
    eee gods.   Sorry for whining.   Just woke. and saw this my posts.    .  Head fuzz.   Hells it's all going to be good.  yikes it's cold,  lit the fire place for fist time.

    My man is coming home,    Just freaked , nervous  and sick - I hate that word   andI rally dont like the way I am feeling.  Want to get better, but not sure how to do so.  Tried everything.  eating does not work.  ew ack  right now.

    It's just him.  It's Kris.    I don't kow why I am feeling  like I can't take care of him.  I 

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Back from a dr.'s appt with Kris.   Everything looks good.  Everything is improving.  The doctor was very pleased.
    FlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Something rare happened today in Stockholm. We got a visit from a seal! They can be curious animals and this one swam around in the middle of the city. nice!
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Discovered yesterday that if you do not renew your lease, they will automatically do it.
    My landlords renewed it with a 33% rent increase.   What the hell.    I was able to give them hell and had it redone.   Gotta watch out.   :o
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • I wanna kill these snotty people from Proplatt (the company that shall change all water and some electricity lines here). If i had been a vampire  like these movies i've seen recently they would be dead and i would be feeding!! They gave specific instructions in several letters on what areas needed to be cleared. And now, 5 days before work begins they say that we must clear more space or else (and this is what pisses me off mostly) you gonna have to pay an enormous extra fee. Thanks to that i must now move two bookshelfes and a big cupboard (the Narnia kind, that you can get lost in) . Didn't even say they we're sorry just came with a badly disguised threat. For Petes sake couldn't you have told me a little earlier?? And as a parting shot one of them jeered at least you know what to do this weekend. GRRRR I'm just saying you dont wanna meet me in a dark alley.....
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I wanna kill these snotty people from Proplatt (the company that shall change all water and some electricity lines here). If i had been a vampire  like these movies i've seen recently they would be dead and i would be feeding!! They gave specific instructions in several letters on what areas needed to be cleared. And now, 5 days before work begins they say that we must clear more space or else (and this is what pisses me off mostly) you gonna have to pay an enormous extra fee. Thanks to that i must now move two bookshelfes and a big cupboard (the Narnia kind, that you can get lost in) . Didn't even say they we're sorry just came with a badly disguised threat. For Petes sake couldn't you have told me a little earlier?? And as a parting shot one of them jeered at least you know what to do this weekend. GRRRR I'm just saying you dont wanna meet me in a dark alley.....
    Deep breaths, Kurben... that's pretty shitty of them not to give you more warning, I'm sorry you've more to do. 🥺
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I wanna kill these snotty people from Proplatt (the company that shall change all water and some electricity lines here). If i had been a vampire  like these movies i've seen recently they would be dead and i would be feeding!! They gave specific instructions in several letters on what areas needed to be cleared. And now, 5 days before work begins they say that we must clear more space or else (and this is what pisses me off mostly) you gonna have to pay an enormous extra fee. Thanks to that i must now move two bookshelfes and a big cupboard (the Narnia kind, that you can get lost in) . Didn't even say they we're sorry just came with a badly disguised threat. For Petes sake couldn't you have told me a little earlier?? And as a parting shot one of them jeered at least you know what to do this weekend. GRRRR I'm just saying you dont wanna meet me in a dark alley.....
    Its not me its you - getting angry in yoga  Cultivate Calm Yoga
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • So rude of them!
  • OK, moved a lot of furniture, a cupboard and a table, packed the content of two large bookshelfes in 4 boxes and 4 big paperbags. Moved the bookshelfes and has covered most of the remaining standing (7 of them actually, still remains 5 to do) with plastic covers to protect from dust during building. Also covered the cupboard, the table and the packed books in plastic. They gonna do work in every room of my little apartment and i just know i'm gonna go nuts! Feels like i'm halfway there already......
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Oh lords, Kurb.    One thing at a time and rest.
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
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