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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • ....thank you all!....she has had to endure a truckload of grief and sh*t over these 27 years, much of which I shoveled.....I am far from the perfect husband, but I love her with all my heart.....
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesycatdoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....27 years ago tomorrow, Tracy became my bride.....and I'm still alive........

    Jim Carrey Reaction GIF by OO Inc - Find  Share on GIPHY
    She is an exceptionary woman!! Happy anniversary!!
  • New Years day... I'm off to work. 🙄😁
    Happy celebrations, be safe everyone. 💚🥳💜
    KurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaroNeesycat
  • Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    .....27 years ago tomorrow, Tracy became my bride.....and I'm still alive........

    Jim Carrey Reaction GIF by OO Inc - Find  Share on GIPHY
    She is an exceptionary woman!! Happy anniversary!!
    ...indeed she is.....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesycat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    New Years day... I'm off to work. 🙄😁
    Happy celebrations, be safe everyone. 💚🥳💜
    ....thanks Flakers, as always-hope it was a good shift.....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesycat
  • ....once the ice bath lets up here, gonna take Tracy shopping for a winter coat....I have bought here jackets, but not an honest to warmness winter one.....I feel dumber than normal and will remedy that ASAP.....well, the coat at least......
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesycat
  • Been grocery shopping.... For the first time in a new year!!
  • Happy New Year, everyone! 

    Let me just say how lovely it was to get a snail-mail card from @Neesy, wishing us well, and reminding me gently that there are a bunch of lovely people here with whom to gather, chat, and enjoy goodwill.  I haven't been doing so, and it's a regret. 

    We're fine. Grandma and I went to Illinois to see her brother over Christmas. He lives alone, and his last remaining family thread in town (the other brother) moved out of state a couple months ago. 

    It was a nice visit. He was thrilled to see us, his new house is actually comfortable to be in as a guest, and because of his personality and job, we were more socially isolated with him than we would've been staying home. 

    Now, to be sure, it wasn't a good time to travel. Snowstorms tried to kill us both on the way there and the way back, but we made it through without damage to anything other than our emotional state. 

    Other than that, our bit of excitement was a few Friday nights ago, a drinking glass shattering in my hand, still don't know how, and blood running, paper towels soaked with blood, and driving to the emergency care at 1:00 am for stitches. Amazingly, the slices didn't affect tendons or ligaments, and I worked all the next week. Grandma was kind enough to clean the blood off the tile and the walls. The stitches are out now, and all is well. 

    It's a bit of a working weekend for me, but I will stay logged in and try to catch up on things as I can, and it looks like this thread is a good place to start. I hope everyone's doing well!
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • Grandpa said:
    Happy New Year, everyone! 

    Let me just say how lovely it was to get a snail-mail card from @Neesy, wishing us well, and reminding me gently that there are a bunch of lovely people here with whom to gather, chat, and enjoy goodwill.  I haven't been doing so, and it's a regret. 

    We're fine. Grandma and I went to Illinois to see her brother over Christmas. He lives alone, and his last remaining family thread in town (the other brother) moved out of state a couple months ago. 

    It was a nice visit. He was thrilled to see us, his new house is actually comfortable to be in as a guest, and because of his personality and job, we were more socially isolated with him than we would've been staying home. 

    Now, to be sure, it wasn't a good time to travel. Snowstorms tried to kill us both on the way there and the way back, but we made it through without damage to anything other than our emotional state. 

    Other than that, our bit of excitement was a few Friday nights ago, a drinking glass shattering in my hand, still don't know how, and blood running, paper towels soaked with blood, and driving to the emergency care at 1:00 am for stitches. Amazingly, the slices didn't affect tendons or ligaments, and I worked all the next week. Grandma was kind enough to clean the blood off the tile and the walls. The stitches are out now, and all is well. 

    It's a bit of a working weekend for me, but I will stay logged in and try to catch up on things as I can, and it looks like this thread is a good place to start. I hope everyone's doing well!
    So happy to see you, Grandpa!!! Perhaps you start drinking in papercups, to be on safe side? All joking aside, good to see you and hope to hear more from you.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • Grandpa said:
    Happy New Year, everyone! 

    Let me just say how lovely it was to get a snail-mail card from @Neesy, wishing us well, and reminding me gently that there are a bunch of lovely people here with whom to gather, chat, and enjoy goodwill.  I haven't been doing so, and it's a regret. 

    We're fine. Grandma and I went to Illinois to see her brother over Christmas. He lives alone, and his last remaining family thread in town (the other brother) moved out of state a couple months ago. 

    It was a nice visit. He was thrilled to see us, his new house is actually comfortable to be in as a guest, and because of his personality and job, we were more socially isolated with him than we would've been staying home. 

    Now, to be sure, it wasn't a good time to travel. Snowstorms tried to kill us both on the way there and the way back, but we made it through without damage to anything other than our emotional state. 

    Other than that, our bit of excitement was a few Friday nights ago, a drinking glass shattering in my hand, still don't know how, and blood running, paper towels soaked with blood, and driving to the emergency care at 1:00 am for stitches. Amazingly, the slices didn't affect tendons or ligaments, and I worked all the next week. Grandma was kind enough to clean the blood off the tile and the walls. The stitches are out now, and all is well. 

    It's a bit of a working weekend for me, but I will stay logged in and try to catch up on things as I can, and it looks like this thread is a good place to start. I hope everyone's doing well!
    Oh my lordy! You are so lucky it didn’t hit those important things for hand movement. 

    I’m glad you and grandma got to have an adventure — you are our travelin’ man and need to keep seeing the world so i can vicariously live through your stories.  And very happy it was all done safely.

    keep checking in!
  • ....turn our backs for ONE minute!......damn Gpa, glad he paw will heal......
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroNeesycat
  • ....today will be our New Year munch out....pork & kraut, mashed taters, fried cabbage and lil sausages....if I could've imported 4 leave clovers, I'da done that......tried something new at the change of years, and maybe Notaro will know of this....I think it's an Irish tradiation....as the clock strikes midnight, we opened our front door to allow the winds of the New Year to blow through our home, whilst the back door was propped open as well, so that the old year is lofted away.....
    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroSundropNeesycat
  • First day back in work today, new strain of covid is rampant here so it'll be interesting to see if the site remains open for any length of time. 🙄
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNTcat
  • Notaro said:
    First day back in work today, new strain of covid is rampant here so it'll be interesting to see if the site remains open for any length of time. 🙄
    Be safe there Irish, I'm constantly worrying about you all out there in the world.
    That strain has made it here now too, but still not in the community thankfully. 
    NotaroHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNTcat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    First day back in work today, new strain of covid is rampant here so it'll be interesting to see if the site remains open for any length of time. 🙄
    Be safe there Irish, I'm constantly worrying about you all out there in the world.
    That strain has made it here now too, but still not in the community thankfully. 
    It has made it here as well.... We got three cases of the british strain and one case of a southafrican version of covid thats as bad as the british but different.
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTcat
  • Kurben said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    First day back in work today, new strain of covid is rampant here so it'll be interesting to see if the site remains open for any length of time. 🙄
    Be safe there Irish, I'm constantly worrying about you all out there in the world.
    That strain has made it here now too, but still not in the community thankfully. 
    It has made it here as well.... We got three cases of the british strain and one case of a southafrican version of covid thats as bad as the british but different.
    I hadn't heard about the South African one. 
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNTcat
  • Grandpa said:
    Happy New Year, everyone! 

    Let me just say how lovely it was to get a snail-mail card from @Neesy, wishing us well, and reminding me gently that there are a bunch of lovely people here with whom to gather, chat, and enjoy goodwill.  I haven't been doing so, and it's a regret. 

    We're fine. Grandma and I went to Illinois to see her brother over Christmas. He lives alone, and his last remaining family thread in town (the other brother) moved out of state a couple months ago. 

    It was a nice visit. He was thrilled to see us, his new house is actually comfortable to be in as a guest, and because of his personality and job, we were more socially isolated with him than we would've been staying home. 

    Now, to be sure, it wasn't a good time to travel. Snowstorms tried to kill us both on the way there and the way back, but we made it through without damage to anything other than our emotional state. 

    Other than that, our bit of excitement was a few Friday nights ago, a drinking glass shattering in my hand, still don't know how, and blood running, paper towels soaked with blood, and driving to the emergency care at 1:00 am for stitches. Amazingly, the slices didn't affect tendons or ligaments, and I worked all the next week. Grandma was kind enough to clean the blood off the tile and the walls. The stitches are out now, and all is well. 

    It's a bit of a working weekend for me, but I will stay logged in and try to catch up on things as I can, and it looks like this thread is a good place to start. I hope everyone's doing well!

    Wow - sending healing vibes - I don't remember sending a gentle reminder lol but it's good to hear from you

    I haven't been on the old FB in a while so I should probably check in

    Happy New Year!

    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcat
  • Today I decided to go back online after taking the holidays off - don't think I've posted since Christmas

    Hope everyone had a good holiday even though we're all stuck indoors

    Happy New Year 2021 GIF  Happy New Year 2021 Wallpaper

    KurbenNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcat
  • Neesy said:
    Today I decided to go back online after taking the holidays off - don't think I've posted since Christmas

    Hope everyone had a good holiday even though we're all stuck indoors

    Happy New Year 2021 GIF  Happy New Year 2021 Wallpaper

    I’m glad to see you.

    i’m taking a different stance on people these days. Everyone is so stressed so they can check in as they want to. Doesn’t mean i’m not worried about them.  

  • Today I got my security clearance for the new job!  I was so worried about the backround check, even though I've never done anything wrong.
    NotaroFlakeNoirKurbenspideymanNeesyGNTLGNTcatHedda Gabler
  • edited January 2021
    Today I got my security clearance for the new job!  I was so worried about the backround check, even though I've never done anything wrong.

    I hope they didn't ask about your penchant for eating pork chops "well-fired"! :o

    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTcatKurbenHedda Gabler
  • Today I really should go out to the bank but not sure if I'll make it or not. Yesterday I had a scary incident in the parking lot outside the grocery store.

    This little old lady with a wee dog in her car was heading towards my Jeep Liberty - she was heading straight for the back bumper (she was trying to park beside me).

    Both me and a guy in another truck were yelling at her. She hit the bumper at low speed and I told her to back up. She did and the bumper just popped back out.

    I wasn't inside the vehicle but just getting ready to go back into it.

    Anyway - long story short - she only caused some very minor scratches.

    The guy got her license number.

    I told her "Just go park somewhere else!" - I know, that sounds selfish. :/

    She took off and I didn't see where she went. After calling the insurance they said I could not report her by using her license number unless I wanted to file a claim.

    I didn't because after cleaning the road grime off the bumper I noticed it wasn't bad at all. Still - I don't know if she should still be driving.

    I did run into her (not physically haha) - but I did see her shortly after, parked in front of the pet food store. We talked for a while and she told me the dog's name [Bailey] and that is was her son's dog etc.

    She seemed like a nice enough elderly woman. I wonder why there is no system in place to report drivers who look like they're perhaps too old to still be driving?

    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTcatHedda Gablerspideyman
  • Notaro said:
    First day back in work today, new strain of covid is rampant here so it'll be interesting to see if the site remains open for any length of time. 🙄
    ....I gotcha a mask B!....

    People are turning to unusual and inventive masks to beat COVID-19 -  Esquire Middle East
    catFlakeNoirKurbenNotaroHedda GablerNeesySundrop
  • Today I got my security clearance for the new job!  I was so worried about the backround check, even though I've never done anything wrong.
    Cheezburger - I Can Has Cheezburger  Failblog  Memebase  All In One  Juicy Cheezburger - Funny Memes  Funny Pictures - Cheezburger
    catFlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerNeesyspideymanSundrop
  • Neesy said:
    Today I really should go out to the bank but not sure if I'll make it or not. Yesterday I had a scary incident in the parking lot outside the grocery store.

    This little old lady with a wee dog in her car was heading towards my Jeep Liberty - she was heading straight for the back bumper (she was trying to park beside me).

    Both me and a guy in another truck were yelling at her. She hit the bumper at low speed and I told her to back up. She did and the bumper just popped back out.

    I wasn't inside the vehicle but just getting ready to go back into it.

    Anyway - long story short - she only caused some very minor scratches.

    The guy got her license number.

    I told her "Just go park somewhere else!" - I know, that sounds selfish. :/

    She took off and I didn't see where she went. After calling the insurance they said I could not report her by using her license number unless I wanted to file a claim.

    I didn't because after cleaning the road grime off the bumper I noticed it wasn't bad at all. Still - I don't know if she should still be driving.

    I did run into her (not physically haha) - but I did see her shortly after, parked in front of the pet food store. We talked for a while and she told me the dog's name [Bailey] and that is was her son's dog etc.

    She seemed like a nice enough elderly woman. I wonder why there is no system in place to report drivers who look like they're perhaps too old to still be driving?

    ....she definitely needs off the road....my Mom took out a restaurant wall and our garage door before we FINALLY got her freakin' keys......
    catFlakeNoirKurbenNotaroHedda GablerNeesyspideyman
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