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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • ghost19 said:
    Went Christmas shopping last Saturday night....

    -Did not notice until Sunday morning that someone had backed into my four month old SUV.....hard, at least twice while I was parked in one of at least six parking lots....

    -Cursed......well and often after seeing the damage. Estimate so far around $1800.00

    -Wondered if by some Christmas miracle I could find out who bashed my truck and go pay them a visit, maybe show them how the Christmas spirit can be rammed down their throat with enough force and good cheer......

    -Helped my son with Calculus....actually just sat there nodding my head while he went over his lesson because the lesson appeared to be written in ancient hieroglyphics or possibly cuneiform...apparently just nodding and repeating what he said back to me in a different way helped him understand the lesson.....parenting skills for that day highly questionable and dubious at best.

    -Was told by insurance company that I have a $500 deductible since there's no suspect information on my vehicle damage.............cursed some more. Merry Christmas 2020 you f'n dumpster fire of a year...lol

    -Considered buying a bottle of Sparkle Donkey to cap off the weekend, decided against it, Alcohol is still not my friend and will never be...lol

    -Wished I lived somewhere where I might actually see a white Christmas before I die.

    -Figured if GNT can go Christmas shopping and manage not to pull someones gizzard out then I can weather this also...lol

    ....I've got your 6 if you need some curb to lay the offender on for stompin'!....MAN, I hate that BS bro.......makes you want to grab the Salvation Army kettle and walk into the store, whirling it about your head like a Medieval flail......
    spideymanghost19NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircatNeesy
  • ghost19 said:
    ghost19 said:
    Went Christmas shopping last Saturday night....

    -Did not notice until Sunday morning that someone had backed into my four month old SUV.....hard, at least twice while I was parked in one of at least six parking lots....

    -Cursed......well and often after seeing the damage. Estimate so far around $1800.00

    -Wondered if by some Christmas miracle I could find out who bashed my truck and go pay them a visit, maybe show them how the Christmas spirit can be rammed down their throat with enough force and good cheer......

    -Helped my son with Calculus....actually just sat there nodding my head while he went over his lesson because the lesson appeared to be written in ancient hieroglyphics or possibly cuneiform...apparently just nodding and repeating what he said back to me in a different way helped him understand the lesson.....parenting skills for that day highly questionable and dubious at best.

    -Was told by insurance company that I have a $500 deductible since there's no suspect information on my vehicle damage.............cursed some more. Merry Christmas 2020 you f'n dumpster fire of a year...lol

    -Considered buying a bottle of Sparkle Donkey to cap off the weekend, decided against it, Alcohol is still not my friend and will never be...lol

    -Wished I lived somewhere where I might actually see a white Christmas before I die.

    -Figured if GNT can go Christmas shopping and manage not to pull someones gizzard out then I can weather this also...lol

    Aww hell no! People have no integrity any more. No respect for others. It’s all about them.  No doing the right thing— it’s doing what keeps 30 pieces of silver in your pocket and screw scruples.

    Did the parking lot have video cameras? Could you ask the police to ask the  business to check? That’s a lot of damage. 

    Sparkle donkey will make you forget Sparkle Donkey isn’t your friend. 

    🤣 on the calculus paragraph!  

    Be safe shopping. Pick quiet times to go.  No gizzard ripping. 

    Since it happened on private property the police wouldn't even respond. Parking lot accidents with no suspect information are about the lowest priority since there's no suspect info and no injuries. They had me download a private property accident form from their website, so I filled it all out and submitted it to my insurance company with a bunch of pictures I took, that was good enough for my insurance company, they've been great. Once I notified them, they've taken care of everything, been with them a long time, so that was good to see, other than the $500.00 deductible but not too bad considering.

    If I had done that much damage to someones' vehicle, there's no way in hell I would not have stayed around and worked it out with them, I could not have slept at night knowing I'd done that to someone's vehicle.


    wtf what confused surprised huh wut wat benny hill trending GIF on Giphy  via IFTTT httpgphis1IG09eQ  Benny hill Funny gif Richest actors
    spideymanghost19NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircatNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Just sitting having a cuppa ☕ before I head out to work. TFI Friday 😎
    Only one cup of coffee Giant Coffee Mug  Fancy coffee drinks Coffee  humor I love coffee
    spideymanNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircatNeesy
  • ghost19 said:
    Went Christmas shopping last Saturday night....

    -Did not notice until Sunday morning that someone had backed into my four month old SUV.....hard, at least twice while I was parked in one of at least six parking lots....

    -Cursed......well and often after seeing the damage. Estimate so far around $1800.00

    -Wondered if by some Christmas miracle I could find out who bashed my truck and go pay them a visit, maybe show them how the Christmas spirit can be rammed down their throat with enough force and good cheer......

    -Helped my son with Calculus....actually just sat there nodding my head while he went over his lesson because the lesson appeared to be written in ancient hieroglyphics or possibly cuneiform...apparently just nodding and repeating what he said back to me in a different way helped him understand the lesson.....parenting skills for that day highly questionable and dubious at best.

    -Was told by insurance company that I have a $500 deductible since there's no suspect information on my vehicle damage.............cursed some more. Merry Christmas 2020 you f'n dumpster fire of a year...lol

    -Considered buying a bottle of Sparkle Donkey to cap off the weekend, decided against it, Alcohol is still not my friend and will never be...lol

    -Wished I lived somewhere where I might actually see a white Christmas before I die.

    -Figured if GNT can go Christmas shopping and manage not to pull someones gizzard out then I can weather this also...lol

    So sorry to hear about that damage. Thankful insurance co being helpful.  You need to talk to "Cat"-- sounds like something her across the road neighbor would do!  Be safe. A a very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Only love and green lights!!
    GNTLGNTghost19NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircatNeesy
  • .....a Friday kiss......

    KurbenNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircatNeesy
  • spideyman said:
    ghost19 said:
    Went Christmas shopping last Saturday night....

    -Did not notice until Sunday morning that someone had backed into my four month old SUV.....hard, at least twice while I was parked in one of at least six parking lots....

    -Cursed......well and often after seeing the damage. Estimate so far around $1800.00

    -Wondered if by some Christmas miracle I could find out who bashed my truck and go pay them a visit, maybe show them how the Christmas spirit can be rammed down their throat with enough force and good cheer......

    -Helped my son with Calculus....actually just sat there nodding my head while he went over his lesson because the lesson appeared to be written in ancient hieroglyphics or possibly cuneiform...apparently just nodding and repeating what he said back to me in a different way helped him understand the lesson.....parenting skills for that day highly questionable and dubious at best.

    -Was told by insurance company that I have a $500 deductible since there's no suspect information on my vehicle damage.............cursed some more. Merry Christmas 2020 you f'n dumpster fire of a year...lol

    -Considered buying a bottle of Sparkle Donkey to cap off the weekend, decided against it, Alcohol is still not my friend and will never be...lol

    -Wished I lived somewhere where I might actually see a white Christmas before I die.

    -Figured if GNT can go Christmas shopping and manage not to pull someones gizzard out then I can weather this also...lol

    So sorry to hear about that damage. Thankful insurance co being helpful.  You need to talk to "Cat"-- sounds like something her across the road neighbor would do!  Be safe. A a very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Only love and green lights!!

    Thanks Spidey. You do the same ma'am, I hope your Christmas is amazing.
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircatGNTLGNTNeesy
  • catcat
    edited December 2020
    We had a stressful day. Scott's bp has been running high. I made him an appt with our clinic. He went in this morning. 

    He texted me once and said they want to do an ekg. I was like why? He said family history. Then he texts me again the ekg was done. I said well, was it ok? He says the dr (but it was a PA) wants to talk to you. So right away I knew something was up. 

    Then he texts me that he is coming to get me, against wishes and has to go to ER because the ekg indicated he had had or was having a heart attack. He said he felt fine. The pa wanted to call an ambulance to take him to the ER which, I kid you not, is literally across the street from the clinic. Scott said no I feel fine I am going home to get my wife and you are not calling an ambulance to take me ACROSS THE STREET. 

    So we go. I do not even get past the doors. Covid lockdown, only patients allowed inside. Sigh. We will let you know. So I come home, freaking out. They did another ekg and drew blood. Long story short, Scott is fine...the ER doc said the pa made a really bad call sending him over. That he should have at least sent the ekg over first if he had questions before transferring him there. Bloodwork all came back fine. Thank God. 

    ER doc prescribed a different med for his BP than clinic, said it was better. Scott is plum livid at clinic. I get it, I mean ER visits are not cheap. But I say better safe than sorry. He is so pissed, that when we went back to clinic later to pick up his prescriptions (our pharmacy is in same building) that I went in to get them, because if he had gone in, it would have not been good. 

    What a sh*tshow. We had some lunch and then he still wanted to go do our Christmas shopping that we had left. So we did. I need to get just a few small things still. But we are 99% done now. 

    I swear.  The emotional rollercoaster of this crap year can stop any freaking time now. 

    Oh and side story, referring to Spidey's comment above about our neighbor. The one who backed into Evan's truck...yesterday, Evan took my car down for me to air up a tire I have a slow leak in. On his way back to the house, the neighbor backed out of his driveway and almost hit Evan in my car. Evan had to swerve. No time to stop. If he had stopped the dummy would have creamed him. I swear!!! And this guy has a CDL...he cannot drive worth a crap! Or at least he cannot back out of his driveway worth a crap.  I honestly cannot understand it. UGH. 

    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    We had a stressful day. Scott's bp has been running high. I made him an appt with our clinic. He went in this morning. 

    He texted me once and said they want to do an ekg. I was like why? He said family history. Then he texts me again the ekg was done. I said well, was it ok? He says the dr (but it was a PA) wants to talk to you. So right away I knew something was up. 

    Then he texts me that he is coming to get me, against wishes and has to go to ER because the ekg indicated he had had or was having a heart attack. He said he felt fine. The pa wanted to call an ambulance to take him to the ER which, I kid you not, is literally across the street from the clinic. Scott said no I feel fine I am going home to get my wife and you are not calling an ambulance to take me ACROSS THE STREET. 

    So we go. I do not even get past the doors. Covid lockdown, only patients allowed inside. Sigh. We will let you know. So I come home, freaking out. They did another ekg and drew blood. Long story short, Scott is fine...the ER doc said the pa made a really bad call sending him over. That he should have at least sent the ekg over first if he had questions before transferring him there. Bloodwork all came back fine. Thank God. 

    ER doc prescribed a different med for his BP than clinic, said it was better. Scott is plum livid at clinic. I get it, I mean ER visits are not cheap. But I say better safe than sorry. He is so pissed, that when we went back to clinic later to pick up his prescriptions (our pharmacy is in same building) that I went in to get them, because if he had gone in, it would have not been good. 

    What a sh*tshow. We had some lunch and then he still wanted to go do our Christmas shopping that we had left. So we did. I need to get just a few small things still. But we are 99% done now. 

    I swear.  The emotional rollercoaster of this crap year can stop any freaking time now. 

    Oh and side story, referring to Spidey's comment above about our neighbor. The one who backed into Evan's truck...yesterday, Evan took my car down for me to air up a tire I have a slow leak in. On his way back to the house, the neighbor backed out of his driveway and almost hit Evan in my car. Evan had to swerve. No time to stop. If he had stopped the dummy would have creamed him. I swear!!! And this guy has a CDL...he cannot drive worth a crap! Or at least he cannot back out of his driveway worth a crap.  I honestly cannot understand it. UGH. 

    Bloody heck Cat! That is terrible... and not at all what you need. That was an awful thing to put you all through. 😠 Madness!

    As for the neighbour... you need to borrow a tank, so you can back into him as he's coming out of his driveway.  What an ass! 
    KurbencatGNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablerNeesy
  • Sending you calming vibes Cat, that's a hell of a thing to have to go through

    Unfortunately with your neighbour the guy is clearly a jackass, he'll get his comeuppance, karma finds a way. 
    FlakeNoirKurbencatGNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    We had a stressful day. Scott's bp has been running high. I made him an appt with our clinic. He went in this morning. 

    He texted me once and said they want to do an ekg. I was like why? He said family history. Then he texts me again the ekg was done. I said well, was it ok? He says the dr (but it was a PA) wants to talk to you. So right away I knew something was up. 

    Then he texts me that he is coming to get me, against wishes and has to go to ER because the ekg indicated he had had or was having a heart attack. He said he felt fine. The pa wanted to call an ambulance to take him to the ER which, I kid you not, is literally across the street from the clinic. Scott said no I feel fine I am going home to get my wife and you are not calling an ambulance to take me ACROSS THE STREET. 

    So we go. I do not even get past the doors. Covid lockdown, only patients allowed inside. Sigh. We will let you know. So I come home, freaking out. They did another ekg and drew blood. Long story short, Scott is fine...the ER doc said the pa made a really bad call sending him over. That he should have at least sent the ekg over first if he had questions before transferring him there. Bloodwork all came back fine. Thank God. 

    ER doc prescribed a different med for his BP than clinic, said it was better. Scott is plum livid at clinic. I get it, I mean ER visits are not cheap. But I say better safe than sorry. He is so pissed, that when we went back to clinic later to pick up his prescriptions (our pharmacy is in same building) that I went in to get them, because if he had gone in, it would have not been good. 

    What a sh*tshow. We had some lunch and then he still wanted to go do our Christmas shopping that we had left. So we did. I need to get just a few small things still. But we are 99% done now. 

    I swear.  The emotional rollercoaster of this crap year can stop any freaking time now. 

    Oh and side story, referring to Spidey's comment above about our neighbor. The one who backed into Evan's truck...yesterday, Evan took my car down for me to air up a tire I have a slow leak in. On his way back to the house, the neighbor backed out of his driveway and almost hit Evan in my car. Evan had to swerve. No time to stop. If he had stopped the dummy would have creamed him. I swear!!! And this guy has a CDL...he cannot drive worth a crap! Or at least he cannot back out of his driveway worth a crap.  I honestly cannot understand it. UGH. 

    ...I am not litigious by nature, but you have a viable lawsuit there, at the very least a complaint should be made with your state medical board....he has every right to be pissed....I'm just glad he's good and that the new med helps.....any questions, you reach out ya here?.....
    catNotarospideymanFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • ...for Cat....

    Pin on NextHaha
    not_nadinecatNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • Oh cat, so glad scott is okay but understand the frustration!
  • My husband has turned into a toddler about this bp thing. Been busy dealing with that. 😉 I love him to death but OH MY GOD. 😆 We are trying drug #3 now. First one did not help at all but ER doc said was good. So he WANTS it. 2nd drug helped the bp but was prescribed by PA who he hates so doesn't want it. Also was causing some rapid heartbeat.  3rd drug the jury is still out but so far not much difference in bp. Little bit but not much. 

    Finished up shopping today. Except for Evan's girlfriend. Do not really know her or much about her yet but feel I need to get her something. 

    Other than that, not much. Watched first episode of The Stand. Probably hit the hay soon. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyNotaro
  • cat said:
    My husband has turned into a toddler about this bp thing. Been busy dealing with that. 😉 I love him to death but OH MY GOD. 😆 We are trying drug #3 now. First one did not help at all but ER doc said was good. So he WANTS it. 2nd drug helped the bp but was prescribed by PA who he hates so doesn't want it. Also was causing some rapid heartbeat.  3rd drug the jury is still out but so far not much difference in bp. Little bit but not much. 

    Finished up shopping today. Except for Evan's girlfriend. Do not really know her or much about her yet but feel I need to get her something. 

    Other than that, not much. Watched first episode of The Stand. Probably hit the hay soon. 
    ...we men are big wooses.....tell him I said he's making his issue worse bein' stressed about the damn pills......and also, take the med thsat worked.....frig who prescribed it.... <3
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesyNotaro
  • GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    My husband has turned into a toddler about this bp thing. Been busy dealing with that. 😉 I love him to death but OH MY GOD. 😆 We are trying drug #3 now. First one did not help at all but ER doc said was good. So he WANTS it. 2nd drug helped the bp but was prescribed by PA who he hates so doesn't want it. Also was causing some rapid heartbeat.  3rd drug the jury is still out but so far not much difference in bp. Little bit but not much. 

    Finished up shopping today. Except for Evan's girlfriend. Do not really know her or much about her yet but feel I need to get her something. 

    Other than that, not much. Watched first episode of The Stand. Probably hit the hay soon. 
    ...we men are big wooses.....tell him I said he's making his issue worse bein' stressed about the damn pills......and also, take the med thsat worked.....frig who prescribed it.... <3
    My point exactly. I tried to help convince him it was ok to take no matter who prescribed it because that is also what I take and it works for me.  But then I was in trouble too. 🙄🙄 He did have very high heart rate on it though so it might not be the best choice for him. He has not taken his BP yet today, but today is day 2 on med 3 so hopefully it has improved. 
    GNTLGNTspideymanKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesyNotaro
  • cat said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    My husband has turned into a toddler about this bp thing. Been busy dealing with that. 😉 I love him to death but OH MY GOD. 😆 We are trying drug #3 now. First one did not help at all but ER doc said was good. So he WANTS it. 2nd drug helped the bp but was prescribed by PA who he hates so doesn't want it. Also was causing some rapid heartbeat.  3rd drug the jury is still out but so far not much difference in bp. Little bit but not much. 

    Finished up shopping today. Except for Evan's girlfriend. Do not really know her or much about her yet but feel I need to get her something. 

    Other than that, not much. Watched first episode of The Stand. Probably hit the hay soon. 
    ...we men are big wooses.....tell him I said he's making his issue worse bein' stressed about the damn pills......and also, take the med thsat worked.....frig who prescribed it.... <3
    My point exactly. I tried to help convince him it was ok to take no matter who prescribed it because that is also what I take and it works for me.  But then I was in trouble too. 🙄🙄 He did have very high heart rate on it though so it might not be the best choice for him. He has not taken his BP yet today, but today is day 2 on med 3 so hopefully it has improved. 
    Doesn't he regocnize Scotts All Knowing in this matter?? Say its Scotts the All Knowings point, not yours and it might work. Me, when it comes to things i dont have a clue about, like medicine, i follow the advice of the high and mighty.
    GNTLGNTcatHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesyNotaro
  • Kurben said:
    cat said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    My husband has turned into a toddler about this bp thing. Been busy dealing with that. 😉 I love him to death but OH MY GOD. 😆 We are trying drug #3 now. First one did not help at all but ER doc said was good. So he WANTS it. 2nd drug helped the bp but was prescribed by PA who he hates so doesn't want it. Also was causing some rapid heartbeat.  3rd drug the jury is still out but so far not much difference in bp. Little bit but not much. 

    Finished up shopping today. Except for Evan's girlfriend. Do not really know her or much about her yet but feel I need to get her something. 

    Other than that, not much. Watched first episode of The Stand. Probably hit the hay soon. 
    ...we men are big wooses.....tell him I said he's making his issue worse bein' stressed about the damn pills......and also, take the med thsat worked.....frig who prescribed it.... <3
    My point exactly. I tried to help convince him it was ok to take no matter who prescribed it because that is also what I take and it works for me.  But then I was in trouble too. 🙄🙄 He did have very high heart rate on it though so it might not be the best choice for him. He has not taken his BP yet today, but today is day 2 on med 3 so hopefully it has improved. 
    Doesn't he regocnize Scotts All Knowing in this matter?? Say its Scotts the All Knowings point, not yours and it might work. Me, when it comes to things i dont have a clue about, like medicine, i follow the advice of the high and mighty.
    ....the High & Mighty???......that's Mister Village Idiot to you Good Sir!!...... :D
    KurbencatHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesyNotaro
  • cat said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    My husband has turned into a toddler about this bp thing. Been busy dealing with that. 😉 I love him to death but OH MY GOD. 😆 We are trying drug #3 now. First one did not help at all but ER doc said was good. So he WANTS it. 2nd drug helped the bp but was prescribed by PA who he hates so doesn't want it. Also was causing some rapid heartbeat.  3rd drug the jury is still out but so far not much difference in bp. Little bit but not much. 

    Finished up shopping today. Except for Evan's girlfriend. Do not really know her or much about her yet but feel I need to get her something. 

    Other than that, not much. Watched first episode of The Stand. Probably hit the hay soon. 
    ...we men are big wooses.....tell him I said he's making his issue worse bein' stressed about the damn pills......and also, take the med thsat worked.....frig who prescribed it.... <3
    My point exactly. I tried to help convince him it was ok to take no matter who prescribed it because that is also what I take and it works for me.  But then I was in trouble too. 🙄🙄 He did have very high heart rate on it though so it might not be the best choice for him. He has not taken his BP yet today, but today is day 2 on med 3 so hopefully it has improved. 
    Wow - I hope you get this all sorted out soon - I have found amlodipine to be good for me without side effects but everyone is not the same - good luck!

    FlakeNoirKurbenNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTcat
  • Been doing the big shoppin g before christmas!! The christmas ham is secured, The christmas paté is secured, the christmas chocolate (three different kinds) are secured, the christmas cheese is secured. Most of the christmas drinking is secured. Whats left is the christmas candy but i can buy that here, dont need to go to the city for that. I try to avoid it because of covid (i have no car) since i must take subway or bus. Places i try not to be on as much as possible. Anyway i think i'm done, i feel done in anyway.....
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
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