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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • When I was about 3 or 4 years old we moved to the UK for my dad's work, we lived in a delapidated house called Sutton Hall in Little Sutton in Chester.


    The left half of the the house was bricked off, for me as a child it seemed huge, I absolutely loved it there. We had some weird occurences during the time we were there. When my dad went to check the housecout before we moved in he brought a work mate with him, he told the guy to check the windows and doors downstairs and he'd check the attic and the upstairs. My dad got halfway up the staircase and he froze, he said the hairs on the back of his neck and arms went up, he got a horrible sensation of pure fear, he turned around and went back out and got his mate to check upstairs instead. We moved in and I remember we went upstair to pick our bedrooms, there were two rooms on the top floor, we went into one whic had a sloped ceiling, we loved it but my mum and dad got that same feeling, pure fear, they ushered us out and locked the room, wouldn't let us back in it again. Myself my brother and my sister shared the other room, at night I would lay down and and then feel someone tickling the soles of my feet under the blankets, I would get up and look under the bed, my brother and sister were asleep in their beds, I'd get back in bed, stretch my legs out while sitting up looking at my feet and the tickling would start again. Other times I would see the doorknob turning and the door would swing open, I'd get up and close it, and get back into bed and then watch the knob turning and the door opening again. One christmas eve we were there and were were all up in bed except my dad, he was in the sitting room making sure everything was set for the morning, someone started hammering on the front door, really pounding on it, we had a dog, a black labrador, it went nuts, ran out to the hall, barking furiously, my dad followed it into the hall. The hammering on the door was relentless, my day called out "whos there", no answer except a continued pounding, my dad flung open the door and there was nothing there, there was nowhere to run to outside so theres no way someone could have darted off to hide, the door was still being hit when he turned the lock to open it. That new years eve night my dad was walking back from his porta cabin office in the grounds of the house, he had rung his folks back home to wish them a happy new year, and a guy shone a torch in his face and asked him who he was and what was he doing there, my dad explained who he worked for and what he was doing. Then the guy ( he was a night watchman) asked him where he was going now, my dad said he was going back in the house, the guy said that nobody lived in the house, my dad said that we'd been living there for nearly a year, the guy didn't believe him, my day brought him into the house, showed him around, the guy had to sit down, he was shaking, he said he'd been at the house multiple times over the course of that year and had never seen a light on or heard anything, never saw any sign of life, my folks used to leave lights on in the hall and bathroom in case one of us kids had to get up during the night, these lights were clearly visible from outside, the guy said the house just looked empty, dead, from the outside every time he did his rounds. There were other things my folks experienced but I can't remember them all, I know I was very young at the time but those few memories I've detailed here are so vivid to me, so etched in my mind, I know they happened, I know I experienced them, they weren't dreams or fabrications, they'll stay with me till the day I die.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNeesy
  • It's no surprise you were drawn to the genre you love in movies.
    So you kids weren't phased, but mum and dad probably slept with one eye open? 
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • .....fascinating and thank you for sharing!!.....sounds as if there was at least one entity and some type of residual energy as well....and the house itself may have been the battery, ala the hotel in The Shining.....wondering what the history of the house might have revealed or what had transpired on the grounds that could have caused these manifestations....
    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    It's no surprise you were drawn to the genre you love in movies.
    So you kids weren't phased, but mum and dad probably slept with one eye open? 
    And by "phased", I of course meant "fazed".
    It's just spelled differently in New Zealand. 
    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTNotaroNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    It's no surprise you were drawn to the genre you love in movies.
    So you kids weren't phased, but mum and dad probably slept with one eye open? 
    No my brother and sister and I weren't freaked out at all, it was all a big adventure to us. Mom and dad were freaked out quite a lot, they used to hear noises, people chanting, sounds coming from rooms, the sound of multiple people walking on the gravel driveway at all hours of the night. A common occurence for me was a presence sitting on my bed and stroking my hair, I can remember the sensation of the mattress sinking as someone sat and my hair moving as it was stroked, I would lay there staring, nothing visible except my brother and siater asleep in the beds beside mine.
    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....fascinating and thank you for sharing!!.....sounds as if there was at least one entity and some type of residual energy as well....and the house itself may have been the battery, ala the hotel in The Shining.....wondering what the history of the house might have revealed or what had transpired on the grounds that could have caused these manifestations....
    We actually went back to the house in the 90s...we managed to talk our way in, the guy who lived there had come out to ask why my day was videoing the place, we told him we lived there in the late 60s, the feeling when I stepped into the house again was very strange, alas I wasn't permitted to go upstairs to my old bedroom. The guy had experienced no strange occurences himself but some visiters had ckaimed to have seen a little girl moving from room to room.
    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Some snaps from yesterday and today...

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesy
  • edited July 2023
    I absolutely love that tall stump. I have a stump in my yard, tucked around the corner and i am doing this to it.  I freakin’ love that. 
  • Nb, the US Embassy has issued security alerts to Americans in Dublin. What do you know from your side about this? 

    I hate this because your city is so beautiful, what is happening? 
  • Nb, the US Embassy has issued security alerts to Americans in Dublin. What do you know from your side about this? 

    I hate this because your city is so beautiful, what is happening? 
    An American guy got beat up pretty badly in Dublin last week, he was in a coma for days. The Garda have arrested three 14 or 15 year old  kids in connection with the attack. By all accounts it was a very savage assault. 

    KurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • ....those snaps are wonderous...Irish, not wanting to alarm you, but there appears to be a dog stalking you.... :D
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    .....fascinating and thank you for sharing!!.....sounds as if there was at least one entity and some type of residual energy as well....and the house itself may have been the battery, ala the hotel in The Shining.....wondering what the history of the house might have revealed or what had transpired on the grounds that could have caused these manifestations....
    We actually went back to the house in the 90s...we managed to talk our way in, the guy who lived there had come out to ask why my day was videoing the place, we told him we lived there in the late 60s, the feeling when I stepped into the house again was very strange, alas I wasn't permitted to go upstairs to my old bedroom. The guy had experienced no strange occurences himself but some visiters had ckaimed to have seen a little girl moving from room to room.
    ....appears as if many of the sounds that were heard were residual, just a playback of another time on an endless loop....the presence you felt on your bed was certainly a lost soul-but at least a benign one....as far as the hammering on the door, it doesn't seem malign as much as irritating....
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    It's no surprise you were drawn to the genre you love in movies.
    So you kids weren't phased, but mum and dad probably slept with one eye open? 
    No my brother and sister and I weren't freaked out at all, it was all a big adventure to us. Mom and dad were freaked out quite a lot, they used to hear noises, people chanting, sounds coming from rooms, the sound of multiple people walking on the gravel driveway at all hours of the night. A common occurence for me was a presence sitting on my bed and stroking my hair, I can remember the sensation of the mattress sinking as someone sat and my hair moving as it was stroked, I would lay there staring, nothing visible except my brother and siater asleep in the beds beside mine.
    You were a brave little boy, though I suppose the spirit/s wasn't giving you any reason to fear.
    Also your parents must have been doing a fabulous job of keeping their fears from affecting you kids. These are special memories, very personal of a time with family close and together.  Thank you for sharing with us. 
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Some snaps from yesterday and today...

    Irish, where are you guys in the top lot of snaps? It doesn't look like the Hell Fire walk? (unless from a different view point?)
    I think most of the lower ones are of Sandy Cove and/at Dun Laoghaire?
    Really lovely snaps.. thank you. 

    And yes! (DJ) That stump is fantastic, really adorable... (please send me snaps if you do this Deejers)
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • edited July 2023
    ...ok, number 7,994 of my dumb American questions....what be these flapperdoodles?....street lamps with reflectors or diffusers??....

    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...ok, number 7,994 of my dumb American questions....what be these flapperdoodles?....street lamps with reflectors or diffusers??....

    Fancy arty lights?
    Landing platforms for honey bees?
    Satellite dishes for.... lights?
    Confusing distractions for tourists while Irish people (nobody in particular) pick the pockets of unsuspecting, but wealthy looking targets?

    None of the above? 🤔
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...ok, number 7,994 of my dumb American questions....what be these flapperdoodles?....street lamps with reflectors or diffusers??....

    Fancy arty lights?
    Landing platforms for honey bees?
    Satellite dishes for.... lights?
    Confusing distractions for tourists while Irish people (nobody in particular) pick the pockets of unsuspecting, but wealthy looking targets?

    None of the above? 🤔
    ....well see, I had considered all those options as well...and even realized "flapperdoodles" is a breed of dog, not a lampy/lighty thingamajig....sooooo, roll with me on this Flakers...
    -Ping Pong paddle holders for REALLY tall Paddy's?
    -Art Nouveau paddle fans?
    -Cheap-ass Irish kiddy rides?
    -Whirly-gigs to supply wind power to the church steeple carillon bells?
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesy
  • I would say they turn in the wind.
  • I'm sticking with my first guess... functional art. (Lights) 
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • To be brutally honest folks I have absolutely no idea what they are🤔, they could be boosters for phone reception, or some form of solar panel, or security cameras.....next time I'm there I'll have a closer look🥸
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    Some snaps from yesterday and today...

    Irish, where are you guys in the top lot of snaps? It doesn't look like the Hell Fire walk? (unless from a different view point?)
    I think most of the lower ones are of Sandy Cove and/at Dun Laoghaire?
    Really lovely snaps.. thank you. 

    And yes! (DJ) That stump is fantastic, really adorable... (please send me snaps if you do this Deejers)
    Those snaps Flakes are from a local park/walkway nearb which runs alongside the Dodder river, we brought the pooch there to try and tire him out with a long walk.....it didn't work, we were out for two and a half hours, when we got home he was looking to go out again after 10 minutes🙄
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenFlakeNoirNeesy
  • ....he was trying to do YOUR damn job and identify the flappy instruments of illumination....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesy
  • Trip to Powerscourt waterfall this morning.....

    GNTLGNTKurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablercatNeesy
  • ....just stunning.....
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablercatNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Trip to Powerscourt waterfall this morning.....

    Lovely, so many nice walks in Ireland. 

    Also, we might have known that the pot of gold has always been with the Irish. It makes sense when you think about it.
    Hedda GablercatGNTLGNTKurbenNeesy
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