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What T.V. Shows Have Your Attention?



  • Started to watch American Primeval. A recent american western mini series that takes olace in 1857 during the Utah War when, as i understand it, the mormons under Brigham Young tried to make Utah into its own territory that did not have any bonds with the united states. Into this political mess comes a mother (played by Betty Gulpin) and her son heading west to try to find the childs father. They are escorted by a reluctant guide, a mountain man (Taylor Kitsch) and they face Bounty hunters, Mormon Militia, Natives and us cavalry all of whom she wish to avoid. Started well. Seen the three first episodes and will probably finish it tomorrow. Netflix
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • I started watching this as well. I'm only on the first but I think I'll continue.
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • I finished Servant, Ted Lasso and rewatched first season of Severance. 

  • Pracock - 50 years of SNL
  • edited January 20
    I am in the middle of watching this. It is so bizarre I don't know what the heck's going on. Is she a child? Is she an adult? Is she murderous? Is she a predator? Who's lying?
    I don't know the answer yet.

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