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Random Thoughts



  • ....I'll have the right side of the menu please..... :D
    not_nadineFlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbenMarsha
  • This is weird:
    I was humming Wildflowers by Tom Petty this morning as I scrolled through Facebook (because I have to monitor my work site board!!), and this showed up on my feed:

    FlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTNotaroNeesy
  • edited November 2021
    Okay, I finished my Judy Blume Masterclass.

    It was 5 hours-ish. 24 segments.  The first 10 I wasn't particularly hooked, but the last 14 were fantastic. 

    She is a lovely woman.  Passionate and her emotions were very real and raw.  She was vulnerable, choking up, barely able to discuss certain things from time to time because they was so powerful.  

    And she was in the same club with me when it comes to covers:  If you can, try to have a say in your covers.  The artwork for a book is so important!

    She has a book store in Key West. She is working at the counter.  She will talk books with you. (Didn't check to see if it is still open as of this writing.)

    I know I must have read her books, but for the life of me I can't remember.

    Did any of you read Judy Blume?  Or one of your kids?  What was your or theirs favorite?  Suggest a read.  I don't care if it is a kid's book.  I need to read one of her books.  
  • Let children read whatever they want and then talk about it with them. If parents and kids can talk together, we won't have as much censorship because we won't have as much fear.
    Judy Blume

    KurbenNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirHollyGolightlyMarsha
  • Okay, I finished my Judy Blume Masterclass.

    It was 5 hours-ish. 24 segments.  The first 10 I wasn't particularly hooked, but the last 14 were fantastic. 

    She is a lovely woman.  Passionate and her emotions were very real and raw.  She was vulnerable, choking up, barely able to discuss certain things from time to time because they was so powerful.  

    And she was in the same club with me when it comes to covers:  If you can, try to have a say in your covers.  The artwork for a book is so important!

    She has a book store in Key West. She is working at the counter.  She will talk books with you. (Didn't check to see if it is still open as of this writing.)

    I know I must have read her books, but for the life of me I can't remember.

    Did any of you read Judy Blume?  Or one of your kids?  What was your or theirs favorite?  Suggest a read.  I don't care if it is a kid's book.  I need to read one of her books.  
    I was 8 years old when my bossy cousin bought me Are You There God? It's Me Margaret. I loved it, I read it a few times until we could get back to the Walden Books at the mall. And I bought another - I can't remember which, but I read and bought all of them over a couple of years: It's Not the End of the World, Blubber, Deenie, Then Again, Maybe I Won't, Tiger Eyes, Rachel Robinson, All the Fudge books, Forever. I got them for my girls too.  If I find one in a thrift store, I buy it. I would so love to visit her store and chat with her about some books. She is living the dream.
  • Okay, I finished my Judy Blume Masterclass.

    It was 5 hours-ish. 24 segments.  The first 10 I wasn't particularly hooked, but the last 14 were fantastic. 

    She is a lovely woman.  Passionate and her emotions were very real and raw.  She was vulnerable, choking up, barely able to discuss certain things from time to time because they was so powerful.  

    And she was in the same club with me when it comes to covers:  If you can, try to have a say in your covers.  The artwork for a book is so important!

    She has a book store in Key West. She is working at the counter.  She will talk books with you. (Didn't check to see if it is still open as of this writing.)

    I know I must have read her books, but for the life of me I can't remember.

    Did any of you read Judy Blume?  Or one of your kids?  What was your or theirs favorite?  Suggest a read.  I don't care if it is a kid's book.  I need to read one of her books.  
    I was 8 years old when my bossy cousin bought me Are You There God? It's Me Margaret. I loved it, I read it a few times until we could get back to the Walden Books at the mall. And I bought another - I can't remember which, but I read and bought all of them over a couple of years: It's Not the End of the World, Blubber, Deenie, Then Again, Maybe I Won't, Tiger Eyes, Rachel Robinson, All the Fudge books, Forever. I got them for my girls too.  If I find one in a thrift store, I buy it. I would so love to visit her store and chat with her about some books. She is living the dream.
    If you could pick one or two — which would you recommend? I don’t care what grade level — just a couple of her really good ones. 
  • .....so apparently when you see a parent with their child on a leash, it's bad form to ask them "Is it a Rescue"?......
    KurbenFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....so apparently when you see a parent with their child on a leash, it's bad form to ask them "Is it a Rescue"?......
    🤣🤣🤣 Oh please tell me you actually did this?! And then send me a video link. 😄
    NotaroHedda GablerHollyGolightlyGNTLGNT
  • @Hedda Gabler - They are all fantastic - Forever was the handbook to first love for me and my posse in high school. Are You There God (definitely not religious ) is probably a good one to start with. Summer Sisters & Lovey were adult women's literature - enjoyed them both. You really can't pick a bad one. So much is geared toward elementary/middle school ages. I really loved It's Not the End of the World.  Reading 70s books makes me really miss those times. Paul Zindel, Norma Klein, Go Ask Alice.  I still have my copy of Me & Fat Glenda.  We are book nerds.
    FlakeNoirKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • @Hedda Gabler Cry yer pardon!! It's Wifey, not Lovey. 

    I am happy you are enjoying the Master Classes .  I can imagine Judy Blume has empathy and passion in surplus.  Maybe Blubber would be a better starter Blume. I can't decide. 
    FlakeNoirKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    15 of the Funniest Quotes About Kids You39ll Ever Hear  6 Min Read
    Having 4 makes you old. And stupid. 
  • edited November 2021
    And having none makes you... ?    B)  
  • edited November 2021
    And having none makes you... ?    B)  
    Kind of free, kind of wow ….
  • edited November 2021

    I hope that link works.  It’s comedy wildlife winners. The overall winner — great photograph!🤣😂🤣😂

    that looks painful! 
  • ...those are terrific!!!!....and hells yeah.....OUCHIE WOO WOO.......

    Grimace GIF  Gfycat
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNotaro
  • edited November 2021
    @Hedda Gabler - They are all fantastic - Forever was the handbook to first love for me and my posse in high school. Are You There God (definitely not religious ) is probably a good one to start with. Summer Sisters & Lovey were adult women's literature - enjoyed them both. You really can't pick a bad one. So much is geared toward elementary/middle school ages. I really loved It's Not the End of the World.  Reading 70s books makes me really miss those times. Paul Zindel, Norma Klein, Go Ask Alice.  I still have my copy of Me & Fat Glenda.  We are book nerds.
    I just finished Freckle Juice (very cute) and Are You There God…. Which IS religious girl! 

    But in a very charming way.  The whole book she talks to God, her year long project is about religion and there is conflict about Christianity and Judaism in her family.  🤣.  

    it was more than that though— the point was more the insecurities of being 12.  What a landmine we all walked through.  that hellish landscape of trying to feel normal, fit in. 

    Now reading Tales of a 4th grade nothing.
  • @FlakeNoir
    Keep an eye out for my god daughters daughter.  (what's that make me - Great Godmother? )

    She was picked and interviewed from her school.  Now going to be on billboards and NZ magazine covers.  (!!)

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirKurben
  • @FlakeNoir
    Keep an eye out for my god daughters daughter.  (what's that make me - Great Godmother? )

    She was picked and interviewed from her school.  Now going to be on billboards and NZ magazine covers.  (!!)

    Fairy Godmother GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirKurbenNeesy
  • @FlakeNoir
    Keep an eye out for my god daughters daughter.  (what's that make me - Great Godmother? )

    She was picked and interviewed from her school.  Now going to be on billboards and NZ magazine covers.  (!!)

    Oh, that’s so fun! For what? Is she advertising a product? An idea? A tourism welcome?
  • @FlakeNoir
    Keep an eye out for my god daughters daughter.  (what's that make me - Great Godmother? )

    She was picked and interviewed from her school.  Now going to be on billboards and NZ magazine covers.  (!!)

    Oh, that’s so fun! For what? Is she advertising a product? An idea? A tourism welcome?
    ...missing birds.....
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirKurbenNeesy
  • @FlakeNoir
    Keep an eye out for my god daughters daughter.  (what's that make me - Great Godmother? )

    She was picked and interviewed from her school.  Now going to be on billboards and NZ magazine covers.  (!!)

    That's exciting! What will I be looking out for? I don't get the magazines but my mum does and she keeps them for my client who uses them as a sensory item.
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
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