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Random Thoughts



  • Billboards  Keep NZ beautiful mag.   
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Bev vincent — just curious— have you been working with Newton’s frame of reference? 
  • @Hedda Gabler - They are all fantastic - Forever was the handbook to first love for me and my posse in high school. Are You There God (definitely not religious ) is probably a good one to start with. Summer Sisters & Lovey were adult women's literature - enjoyed them both. You really can't pick a bad one. So much is geared toward elementary/middle school ages. I really loved It's Not the End of the World.  Reading 70s books makes me really miss those times. Paul Zindel, Norma Klein, Go Ask Alice.  I still have my copy of Me & Fat Glenda.  We are book nerds.
    I just finished Freckle Juice (very cute) and Are You There God…. Which IS religious girl! 

    But in a very charming way.  The whole book she talks to God, her year long project is about religion and there is conflict about Christianity and Judaism in her family.  🤣.  

    it was more than that though— the point was more the insecurities of being 12.  What a landmine we all walked through.  that hellish landscape of trying to feel normal, fit in. 

    Now reading Tales of a 4th grade nothing.
    Excellent!! I guess it was a little about religion, but not in a converting you sort of way. For me, reading it at 8 or 9 years old, it felt like she talked to God they way I talked to my imaginary friend (or my inner self). 4th Grade Nothing is great - and you'll meet Sheila who get her own book in Otherwise Known as Sheila the great. Of all the Blume girls, I think I was a Sheila.  Tiger Eyes is one I remember being heartbreaking.  I could talk Judy Blume books with you all day long. 
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • @Hedda Gabler - They are all fantastic - Forever was the handbook to first love for me and my posse in high school. Are You There God (definitely not religious ) is probably a good one to start with. Summer Sisters & Lovey were adult women's literature - enjoyed them both. You really can't pick a bad one. So much is geared toward elementary/middle school ages. I really loved It's Not the End of the World.  Reading 70s books makes me really miss those times. Paul Zindel, Norma Klein, Go Ask Alice.  I still have my copy of Me & Fat Glenda.  We are book nerds.
    I just finished Freckle Juice (very cute) and Are You There God…. Which IS religious girl! 

    But in a very charming way.  The whole book she talks to God, her year long project is about religion and there is conflict about Christianity and Judaism in her family.  🤣.  

    it was more than that though— the point was more the insecurities of being 12.  What a landmine we all walked through.  that hellish landscape of trying to feel normal, fit in. 

    Now reading Tales of a 4th grade nothing.
    Excellent!! I guess it was a little about religion, but not in a converting you sort of way. For me, reading it at 8 or 9 years old, it felt like she talked to God they way I talked to my imaginary friend (or my inner self). 4th Grade Nothing is great - and you'll meet Sheila who get her own book in Otherwise Known as Sheila the great. Of all the Blume girls, I think I was a Sheila.  Tiger Eyes is one I remember being heartbreaking.  I could talk Judy Blume books with you all day long. 
    No, not converting at all. Just a kid wanting help and answers and guidance.  Very nice little story. And judy’s writing just simple. Just goes to show you can  tell a worthwhile story without heavy handed vocabulary. 

  • May be an image of text that says A moment of silence for all the big city suit- wearing guys who are about to get dumped by their girlfriends for a small town guy wearing flannel in Hallmark movies this holiday season
    The Holiday 
    Love Actually 
    NotaroMarshaGNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Hallmark Memes Just In Time For The Christmas Season - Memebase - Funny  Memes
    But maple syrup is delicious! And New York is too loud.
    Oh you people just don't understand love at all! 😄
    NotaroHedda GablerMarshaKurbennot_nadineGNTLGNT
  • St Patricks Catherdal.   NY

    May be an image of christmas tree and outdoors
    Hedda GablerNotaroMarshaKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Hallmark Memes Just In Time For The Christmas Season - Memebase - Funny  Memes
    But maple syrup is delicious! And New York is too loud.
    Oh you people just don't understand love at all! 😄
    ...and thus begins another Hallmark movie.....
    Kurbennot_nadineHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNotaro
  • I've just found an inappropriate emoji click that I left on someone's post! Please... if any of you think... huh? What(?!) on any of my reactions... I often drift off late at night on the couch, phone in hand...and snap awake to see I've typed random characters, or changed emojis.🙄

    Basically, just ignore me and carry on.
  • Bev vincent — just curious— have you been working with Newton’s frame of reference? 
    In what context?
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I've just found an inappropriate emoji click that I left on someone's post! Please... if any of you think... huh? What(?!) on any of my reactions... I often drift off late at night on the couch, phone in hand...and snap awake to see I've typed random characters, or changed emojis.🙄

    Basically, just ignore me and carry on.
    Amazoncom You Smell That That39s Right I39m The Poop Emoji Notebook -  7x10 - Lined Paper Funny Emoji Meme JournalComposition Book with Mood  Tracker Cute  Boyfriend Best Friend or Coworker 9781722395018
    catHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroMarshaNeesy
  • edited December 2021
    Bev vincent — just curious— have you been working with Newton’s frame of reference? 
    In what context?
    I have no idea why I asked this. I know it probably had something to do with a story link you posted on twitter. I’ll have to go back in time and see if i can grab that memory before it’s gone. Well, more gone. 

    Having said that, today you posted a link to how reading habits changed.  I think the article said more people spent more time reading. Boy oh boy, not me. I couldn’t even read the article — i skimmed it just enough to get everything it said more than likely wrong. I wish i could focu….hey!  I found my fingernail file!

    If You Give A Mouse A Cookie …..
  • edited January 2022
    I watched 24 Masterclass videos in 2021. 

    Futura — Spray Painting & Abstract Art
    David Sedaris — Storytelling and Humor
    Levar Burton — The Power of Storytelling
    Ron Howard  — Directing
    Ringo Starr — Drumming & Creative Collaboration
    Metallica — Being a Band
    Cornel West — Philosophy
    Judy Blume — Writing
    David Lynch — Creativity and Film
    Billy Collins — Reading and Writing Poetry
    N.K. Jemisin —Fantasy and Science Fiction Writing
    Aaron Sorkin — Screenwriting
    David  Mamet — Dramatic Writing 
    Amy Tan — Fiction, Memory, and Imagination
    Salman Rushdie — Storytelling and Writing
    Walter Mosley — Fiction and Storytelling
    Joyce Carol Oates — The Art of the Short Story
    David Baldacci — Mystery and Thriller Writing
    Neil Gaiman — The Art of Storytelling
    Dan Brown — Writing Thrillers
    Margaret Atwood — Creative Writing
    R.L. Stine — Writing for Young Audiences
    Malcolm Gladwell — Writing
    James Patterson — Writing 

    Spike was first class in 2022. 

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