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Random Thoughts

Because sometimes the weird and wonderful come to us at the oddest moments...

Like: (without devolving to the political) I wonder what fundamental changes will occur on a human level once we've traveled through to the other side of this corona virus?
Surely we cannot be the same creature as we were going in? 


  • I'm trying to figure out how to write fiction -- the world is going to be a different place after this is over. Do we write for the way things were, the way things are or the way we think things are going to be? 
  • I think as an author, you're going to have to do it all.  

    I'm very interested in seeing what stories come after this.  The tone, the topic, the plots and characters.  It's going to be a shift in writing I think.  
  • My sleep is so messed up.  I wake up and my brain just starts thinking about everything and everyone.  Hard to get good sleep these days.  I know I'm not alone.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Because sometimes the weird and wonderful come to us at the oddest moments...

    Like: (without devolving to the political) I wonder what fundamental changes will occur on a human level once we've traveled through to the other side of this corona virus?
    Surely we cannot be the same creature as we were going in? 
    I hope we're better people after this.  Smarter.  Kinder.  
  • I'm trying to figure out how to write fiction -- the world is going to be a different place after this is over. Do we write for the way things were, the way things are or the way we think things are going to be? 
    I think you're going to be spoiled for options. Wouldn't it also be amazing to be beginning a new work at the conception of COVID-19 and to be finishing the journey sometime after the world has recovered?
    What would the tone of the narrative be like? Would it be noticeably different throughout? 
  • I think as an author, you're going to have to do it all.  

    I'm very interested in seeing what stories come after this.  The tone, the topic, the plots and characters.  It's going to be a shift in writing I think.  
    Yes! Absolutely... I think humanity is going to be a completely different beast after this. Writing is surely going to reflect this, it's very exciting actually. (If you can compartmentalise the real horror of the situation, that is.)
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Because sometimes the weird and wonderful come to us at the oddest moments...

    Like: (without devolving to the political) I wonder what fundamental changes will occur on a human level once we've traveled through to the other side of this corona virus?
    Surely we cannot be the same creature as we were going in? 
    I hope we're better people after this.  Smarter.  Kinder.  
    It's going to be very disappointing if we're not.  :/
  • Yes to all that you say above.  

  • Things already feel different at least on some level. Everything just feels...weird...lol

  • ghost19 said:
    Things already feel different at least on some level. Everything just feels...weird...lol

    When I stay home, life is normal.  I feel safe and everything is okay.  It's just when I have to go out in the world and see people driving with face masks and tents set up and hazmat-suited people standing at the ready, that things get surreal.
  • I made myself 4 face masks today.  They are really cute!  No, they aren't super duper medical grade masks, but they are good for the 6 feet social distancing and they cover quite a bit of my face.  So I would feel safe if someone's spittle flew out at me.  And i wear glasses, so ....  nothing is 100% obviously, but I'm trying to do my best.
  • I made myself 4 face masks today.  They are really cute!  No, they aren't super duper medical grade masks, but they are good for the 6 feet social distancing and they cover quite a bit of my face.  So I would feel safe if someone's spittle flew out at me.  And i wear glasses, so ....  nothing is 100% obviously, but I'm trying to do my best.
    Good idea! What did you make them out of? (Photos?) 
  • Just cotton and fusible web.  They are super cute. If I can figure out how to post a picture, I'll give it a try.  Can we post pictures here?
  • Just cotton and fusible web.  They are super cute. If I can figure out how to post a picture, I'll give it a try.  Can we post pictures here?
    .....I believe it's possible by using the "attach a file" widget, but I'm still learning this new neighborhood....

  • ...yep, that worked....the GNT's ranch as Spring tries to come along.....
  • I love it Scott!  Nice place.  Is this your mom and dad's place you moved into?  Did you get all the renovations done before this covid hit?
  • ....yep, that's my ancestral home....and the renos are still underway.....bathrooms are done, sitting room done, working on living/dining room right now....
  • I love home renovations.  It's always so cool to see before and afters.  They are just WOW moments on how good they look.
  • ....can't find Tracy's pic file.....if I do, I'll toss a couple out there.....
  • The house looks lovely, Scott. (and 'hi!'... great to see you here!) :) 

    @Hedda Gabler I hope you can upload the pics, I'd like to see them!
  • They turned out pretty!  And bright.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    The house looks lovely, Scott. (and 'hi!'... great to see you here!) :) 

    @Hedda Gabler I hope you can upload the pics, I'd like to see them!

  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    The house looks lovely, Scott. (and 'hi!'... great to see you here!) :) 

    @Hedda Gabler I hope you can upload the pics, I'd like to see them!

    :D I would wear this. With pride. 
  • Casa de Roller looking good sir. Hope the remaining renovations go easy. Is that house close to where your old house was Scott?
  • Cool shirt.
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