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Random Thoughts



  • GNTLGNT said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Well, someday in his honor, I will try it.  Does the pie need to be hot?  How did he eat it?  Did hte cheese melt on top? Or did he take a bite of pie and then just take a bit of cheese?  I'm going to try this.
    ...it made him no never mind if the pie was warm, room temp or cold....same with the cheese....he's do the pie, cheese, more pie, some cheese etc......
    I think the next time I go to the store, I'm going to get an apple pie and sharp cheddar.  I will report back!
    ....god I miss him.....it'll be a year this Wednesday....I feel like a terrible human being...I miss him more than my mom-but I think it's because she went so quickly, and I spent more time with Pop......
    I tried this.  And, it's not bad.  I love apple pie and I love cheese.  bite of each...pretty good.  To you, Mr. Roller (s).
  • Thought this was cool, use your talents in whatever way you can...

  • Notaro said:
    Thought this was cool, use your talents in whatever way you can...

    There are so many great people doing creative wonderful things to cheer everyone up.  I love it.  
  • This was an interesting article I read about a real Lord of the Flies situation.  But what was really interesting was the tidbits about William Golding.   He sounds like a horrible person.


  • This was an interesting article I read about a real Lord of the Flies situation.  But what was really interesting was the tidbits about William Golding.   He sounds like a horrible person.


    That was a good read, thanks. And I am not at all surprised that these Tongan boys took care of each other and thrived. Tongan culture is all about nurturing and they are a hard working and resilient people who teach their children very young to be self sufficient. 
    Would children of a different cultural background do so well? I'm not sure, possibly. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • FlakeNoir said:
    This was an interesting article I read about a real Lord of the Flies situation.  But what was really interesting was the tidbits about William Golding.   He sounds like a horrible person.


    That was a good read, thanks. And I am not at all surprised that these Tongan boys took care of each other and thrived. Tongan culture is all about nurturing and they are a hard working and resilient people who teach their children very young to be self sufficient. 
    Would children of a different cultural background do so well? I'm not sure, possibly. 
    I think that just depends on the group of kids anywhere.  Speaking about America, there are children who right now are raised on the land, self sufficient, capable.    So, if you got a group of kids from that, they could probably survive like the Tongan boys.  

    If you took a bunch of kids, not unlike the British boys in Lord of the Flies,  from America who barely know how to make a bowl of cereal, yep, they would be dead.
  • @Notaro -- I was reading an article today about a kid in Ireland.  His sister's name was Bláthnaid.  Could you pronounce that for me? 
  • @Notaro -- I was reading an article today about a kid in Ireland.  His sister's name was Bláthnaid.  Could you pronounce that for me? 
    ....you didn't ask me, but "blaw-nid"......that or "Bathfitter".....

  • Hi everyone!   I'm not sure where to put this ~ still finding my way around Bev's place.

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • @Notaro -- I was reading an article today about a kid in Ireland.  His sister's name was Bláthnaid.  Could you pronounce that for me? 
    Scott got it right, it can be Blaw-nid or Blawn-id. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • edited May 2020
    I cleaned gutters today.  I do this every spring and every fall.  I don't know how the damn things didn't rip my roof right off. They were loaded with these little hangy birch tree things that are like sponges.  Light as a feather when dry, but very dense when wet.  Just filled to the brim.  

    But it's done until autumn.  Someday, I will get the fancy gutters with the built in covers.

    @ghost19, did you get your gutters cleaned?
  • Had to dismantle the bird feeder and take down any other feeding containers, the mess created by the birds was attracting mice, had mice in the house a couple of years ago but didn't equate the mess outside with their appearance inside, sad I had to do it as I loved sitting in the back yard having a mug of tea a watching the birds flutter around.
  • First day back in work, glad to be back,  some of the guys here are just as dumb as they were before the lockdown, I saw three of them this morning standing facing each other literally elbow to elbow, not wearing any masks, having a chat. All that came into my mind while I was looking at them was the Dickens quote, "decrease the surplus population". I just can't understand complete and utter stupidity like that
    GNTLGNTHedda GablercatFlakeNoir
  • Notaro said:
    First day back in work, glad to be back,  some of the guys here are just as dumb as they were before the lockdown, I saw three of them this morning standing facing each other literally elbow to elbow, not wearing any masks, having a chat. All that came into my mind while I was looking at them was the Dickens quote, "decrease the surplus population". I just can't understand complete and utter stupidity like that
    Amazoncom 9 You Cant Fix Stupid Funny Bumper Sticker Vinyl
    NotaroHedda Gablerghost19catFlakeNoir
  • Notaro said:
    Had to dismantle the bird feeder and take down any other feeding containers, the mess created by the birds was attracting mice, had mice in the house a couple of years ago but didn't equate the mess outside with their appearance inside, sad I had to do it as I loved sitting in the back yard having a mug of tea a watching the birds flutter around.
    ....this is a shame....all the years that we have had multiple feeders about our property, we've never had a mouse problem......sure we have a few that show up, but they've never been an intrusive issue.....only thing we had to do was switch our feed cans from rubber to metal.....little buggers could get into the rubber ones and eat till they exploded....
    NotaroHedda GablercatFlakeNoir
  • I cleaned gutters today.  I do this every spring and every fall.  I don't know how the damn things didn't rip my roof right off. They were loaded with these little hangy birch tree things that are like sponges.  Light as a feather when dry, but very dense when wet.  Just filled to the brim.  

    But it's done until autumn.  Someday, I will get the fancy gutters with the built in covers.

    @ghost19, did you get your gutters cleaned?

    Yes ma'am, I did, well, Daniel and I, mainly Daniel. I'm passing the torch on this job. The weather was absolutely gorgeous here yesterday with a nice breeze, so it wasn't too hot outside, even in the sun. Our gutters were FULL of these helicopter looking things that come off all the oak trees in my yard. When they get wet they pack together and make something akin to adobe as far as thickness. We actually had a few weeds growing OUT of the packs of helicopters. I showed Daniel what needed to be done, basically moving the ladder slowly around the house scooping all that gunk out. Everything in the gutters was still wet and packed from all the rain we've had so the gutter attachment on the leaf blower wasn't going to work very well, the stuff is just too dense. Anyway, it took us about 3 hours taking a couple of breaks in between, and we were both covered in mud, grit, and water when were done but all the gutters are clean and the downspouts have been blown free of anything blocking them. More importantly, that's now his job..lol, although I will be holding the ladder for him, that's some hard won safety tips...lol
    GNTLGNTHedda GablercatFlakeNoir
  • edited May 2020
    ghost19 said:
    I cleaned gutters today.  I do this every spring and every fall.  I don't know how the damn things didn't rip my roof right off. They were loaded with these little hangy birch tree things that are like sponges.  Light as a feather when dry, but very dense when wet.  Just filled to the brim.  

    But it's done until autumn.  Someday, I will get the fancy gutters with the built in covers.

    @ghost19, did you get your gutters cleaned?

    Yes ma'am, I did, well, Daniel and I, mainly Daniel. I'm passing the torch on this job. The weather was absolutely gorgeous here yesterday with a nice breeze, so it wasn't too hot outside, even in the sun. Our gutters were FULL of these helicopter looking things that come off all the oak trees in my yard. When they get wet they pack together and make something akin to adobe as far as thickness. We actually had a few weeds growing OUT of the packs of helicopters. I showed Daniel what needed to be done, basically moving the ladder slowly around the house scooping all that gunk out. Everything in the gutters was still wet and packed from all the rain we've had so the gutter attachment on the leaf blower wasn't going to work very well, the stuff is just too dense. Anyway, it took us about 3 hours taking a couple of breaks in between, and we were both covered in mud, grit, and water when were done but all the gutters are clean and the downspouts have been blown free of anything blocking them. More importantly, that's now his job..lol, although I will be holding the ladder for him, that's some hard won safety tips...lol
    Isn't it nice to pass on the jobs?

    I still have a back gutter I need to get to, but it's been raining fierce here. So, I walk by the back door and look up expecting to see the gutter hanging off the house with half the roof attached. 

    Hoping tomorrow there will be a break in the rain so I can get up the ladder and scoop it out.
  • ghost19 said:
    I cleaned gutters today.  I do this every spring and every fall.  I don't know how the damn things didn't rip my roof right off. They were loaded with these little hangy birch tree things that are like sponges.  Light as a feather when dry, but very dense when wet.  Just filled to the brim.  

    But it's done until autumn.  Someday, I will get the fancy gutters with the built in covers.

    @ghost19, did you get your gutters cleaned?

    Yes ma'am, I did, well, Daniel and I, mainly Daniel. I'm passing the torch on this job. The weather was absolutely gorgeous here yesterday with a nice breeze, so it wasn't too hot outside, even in the sun. Our gutters were FULL of these helicopter looking things that come off all the oak trees in my yard. When they get wet they pack together and make something akin to adobe as far as thickness. We actually had a few weeds growing OUT of the packs of helicopters. I showed Daniel what needed to be done, basically moving the ladder slowly around the house scooping all that gunk out. Everything in the gutters was still wet and packed from all the rain we've had so the gutter attachment on the leaf blower wasn't going to work very well, the stuff is just too dense. Anyway, it took us about 3 hours taking a couple of breaks in between, and we were both covered in mud, grit, and water when were done but all the gutters are clean and the downspouts have been blown free of anything blocking them. More importantly, that's now his job..lol, although I will be holding the ladder for him, that's some hard won safety tips...lol
    Isn't it nice to pass on the jobs?

    I still have a back gutter I need to get too, but it's been raining fierce here. So, I walk by the back door and look up expecting to see the gutter hanging off the house with half the roof attached. 

    Hoping tomorrow there will be a break in the rain so I can get up the ladder and scoop it out.
    Hazmat Suits
    Hedda GablerNotaroghost19cat
  • I climbed up there this evening and the gutter was clean other than the downspout.  Everything was clogged right there. So got that cleaned and we should be good to go until autumn!  yay!
  • I climbed up there this evening and the gutter was clean other than the downspout.  Everything was clogged right there. So got that cleaned and we should be good to go until autumn!  yay!

    I climbed up there this evening and the gutter was clean other than the downspout.  Everything was clogged right there. So got that cleaned and we should be good to go until autumn!  yay!

    Good deal. It's a nasty but necessary job. This last cleaning should hold till Autumn when every damn leaf for a 10 mile radius blows into my gutters.....
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTcatFlakeNoir
  • @GNTLGNT -- you've earned 5 WTF badges.  That made me laugh!
  • @GNTLGNT -- you've earned 5 WTF badges.  That made me laugh!
    ....a proud moment in an otherwise mundane life...... :D
    Hedda GablerNotarocatFlakeNoir
  • GNTLGNT said:
    @GNTLGNT -- you've earned 5 WTF badges.  That made me laugh!
    ....a proud moment in an otherwise mundane life...... :D
    I'm not sure, but I think I gave you all those WTFs.  bwhahahaa!
  • GNTLGNT said:
    @GNTLGNT -- you've earned 5 WTF badges.  That made me laugh!
    ....a proud moment in an otherwise mundane life...... :D
    I'm not sure, but I think I gave you all those WTFs.  bwhahahaa!
    ....I repeat my previous post.....
    NotaroHedda GablercatFlakeNoir
  • In my  area it is pine needles in the gutters. I do have scrub oaks, so  no helicopter seeds. Daughter fearful of heights, and I'm too old to be climbing ladder, so have a dear neighbor who cks them. Appear to be running freely.  
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatFlakeNoir
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