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Random Thoughts



  • Bev drew my attention to Wordle in his twitter feed. Play, it’s free!
  • I got today’s Wordle in 2! A fluke. I will never do it again. 😄
  • edited January 2022
    I need to do a Google to know what a Wordle is.
    Hedda GablerNotarocatHollyGolightlyMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • edited January 2022
    Ooh this fecking game! There goes the rest of my free time. 
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbencatHollyGolightlyMarshaGNTLGNT
  • Wait. Wordle is only once a day? My free time just opened up again.
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablercatMarshaGNTLGNT
  • One word a day. 🤣😂
  • One word a day. 🤣😂
    I had ONE job. And still effed it up. I would have gotten it in 7 goes. 😂🙄😁
    NotaroHedda GablercatHollyGolightlyKurbenMarshaGNTLGNT
  • The first day i played  i totally threw away my guesses. Now, strategy. 🤓
  • The first day i played  i totally threw away my guesses. Now, strategy. 🤓
    I think today's game taught me a few things.
    One of them being, I am impulsive in word games. 😆
    Hedda GablercatHollyGolightlyKurbenMarshaGNTLGNT
  • edited January 2022
    FlakeNoir said:
    The first day i played  i totally threw away my guesses. Now, strategy. 🤓
    I think today's game taught me a few things.
    One of them being, I am impulsive in word games. 😆
    I just threw up words. 

    Now, here’s the skinny —. Your first word, pick one with five different letters. Don’t pick something like “treat”. Two Ts — you threw away a chance to include or eliminate a letter. Pick a word with as many vowels as possible. 

    Commonly used letters— r, t, s, l ,n

    There are language rules as guidance. 

    I have a word i throw up as my first word every time. It has served me well so far. Well, not the  first time. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    The first day i played  i totally threw away my guesses. Now, strategy. 🤓
    I think today's game taught me a few things.
    One of them being, I am impulsive in word games. 😆
    I just threw up words. 

    Now, here’s the skinny —. Your first word, pick one with five different letters. Don’t pick something like “treat”. Two Ts — you threw away a chance to include or eliminate a letter. Pick a word with as many vowels as possible. 

    Commonly used letters— r, t, s, l ,n

    There are language rules as guidance. 

    I have a word i throw up as my first word every time. It has served me well so far. Well, not the  first time. 
    Thanks girl. 
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Oh this frigging game!
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenMarsha
  • How can there be no f'king "a" in this word?! 
    And... there are not enough 5 letter words in the English language. Especially ones without an "a". 
     My lord I'm impatient. 😄🥺😬
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenMarsha
  • It took me all 6 today to get word because numbnutz got distracted and kept a letter in the same spot for 3 moves— and it told me on the second move it was in the wrong place.

  • edited January 2022
    It took me all 6 today to get word because numbnutz got distracted and kept a letter in the same spot for 3 moves— and it told me on the second move it was in the wrong place.

    I got it in 5, but took nearly the whole day for various reasons. 
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenMarsha
  • I'm terrible with not fully learning how new things work. I buy something, read the basic setup, thinking I'll somehow fully learn how to use it via osmosis. I'm basically lazy with tech, or anything that has instructions that are longer than a few lines.
    For instance, the above information would probably see me read the first line and a half, were it on a pamphlet. 

    Two examples. 

    1) my noise cancelling wireless headphones. (which I fooking love) There is a function on these that will redial the last call you made on your cell. I never want to do this. But sometimes I do it regardless, just by randomly flicking through some unknown sequence of the 3 buttons on the side. (because I didn't bother to read the leaflet) When this happens, I panic... make screechy vocals while quickly turning the headphones off.

    2) Tonight I noticed my Fitbit Charge 4 was reading kinda dim. It also wouldn't come alive/alight... like it normally does when I either turn my wrist or tap the screen.
    My fix... bash it a few times. Nope. Turn the display on by pushing the side button.  Yep, so not completely dead.
    Maybe I should dump the cache on the app? Nope. Okay, re-sync... Nope, still dull display and no "come alive automatically" function.
    So (rather than actually read the manual) I flicked through the different sections manually with the side button and played around a bit.... and well, holy shit! This thing has a "sleep mode".
    I should have been using this at night instead of waking us up when I turn over and my Fitbit lights up like a f'king Christmas tree🙄
    It's okay, this has only been happening since last July. 😳
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbencatMarshaNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    It took me all 6 today to get word because numbnutz got distracted and kept a letter in the same spot for 3 moves— and it told me on the second move it was in the wrong place.

    I got it in 5, but took nearly the whole day for various reasons. 
    I need to quit playing at 3 in the morning.  I almost screwed up again, but got today’s in 4. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    It took me all 6 today to get word because numbnutz got distracted and kept a letter in the same spot for 3 moves— and it told me on the second move it was in the wrong place.

    I got it in 5, but took nearly the whole day for various reasons. 
    I need to quit playing at 3 in the morning.  I almost screwed up again, but got today’s in 4. 
    I'm not going to open it until after coffee. Once a day, I owe it at least a coffee.
  • OMG!!! I got it in 3 guesses!
    Today, I love this game.😂
  • FlakeNoir said:
    It took me all 6 today to get word because numbnutz got distracted and kept a letter in the same spot for 3 moves— and it told me on the second move it was in the wrong place.

    I got it in 5, but took nearly the whole day for various reasons. 
    I need to quit playing at 3 in the morning.  I almost screwed up again, but got today’s in 4. 
    I'm so curious about your starter word now. I have one of my own that I'm using every time, it has most of the vowels but isn't even an English word. 🙄😁
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    It took me all 6 today to get word because numbnutz got distracted and kept a letter in the same spot for 3 moves— and it told me on the second move it was in the wrong place.

    I got it in 5, but took nearly the whole day for various reasons. 
    I need to quit playing at 3 in the morning.  I almost screwed up again, but got today’s in 4. 
    I'm so curious about your starter word now. I have one of my own that I'm using every time, it has most of the vowels but isn't even an English word. 🙄😁
    A word like adieu or audio have 5 vowels which is good. But that d is a throwaway consonant— not one of the more used ones. 

    I know there are better words than the one I use,  but mine has worked well for me so far. I ‘ll tell it when i see it pay off fir me a few more times. 
  • I've been using adieu. 
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