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Bred Any Good Rooks Lately?



  • I read 20 books this year. That is just shameful. 
    Four of those were kid books. One probably 2nd grade reading level — Judy Blume’s Freckle Juice. 

    I proudly logged it and the other kid books into my reading journal you judgmental bastids. 😜🤓

    Well if you read them this year, that's not shameful at all! 😜😁
    catHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNotaroKurbenHollyGolightly
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I read 20 books this year. That is just shameful. 
    Four of those were kid books. One probably 2nd grade reading level — Judy Blume’s Freckle Juice. 

    I proudly logged it and the other kid books into my reading journal you judgmental bastids. 😜🤓

    Well if you read them this year, that's not shameful at all! 😜😁
    Ohhhh… yes, let’s go with that. 🤣😂🤣😂

    For the record —  i read 20 books in 2021 — and i have a great start to 2022!!!  I’m doing it baby!
  • I haven't posted about my reading in a while. 

    Currently reading Outlander 3, Voyager. Still working on my reread before I get to bk 10. Am flying thru this one, almost half read in the last 2 days. 

    It's a Wonderful Woof by Spencer Quinn, the latest Chet and Bernie story. Awesome as always, made me smile and laugh out loud. I saved it for the Christmas season, as it had a Christmas-time theme. 

    Before that, Wool by Hugh Howey, a dystopian story about people who live in underground silos. I liked it very much, books 2 and 3 are on my tbr pile. 

    Reread Watchers by Dean Koontz. Has been several years since I read this one. Still good, but it didn't seem as great as before, some of the descriptions really got under my skin for some reason. I enjoyed it but not like I expected to going in. 

    Six Years by Harlan Coben. First book by him for me in years, it was ok. 

    I think that's it...I have really slacked off on keeping track. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshaNotaroKurbenHollyGolightlyNeesy

  • For the record —  i read 20 books in 2021 — and i have a great start to 2022!!!  I’m doing it baby!
    I made it to my goal of 52 books in 2021 and will keep that for 2022. What really motivated me was keeping track with my Goodreads account. You can set whatever number you want to achieve for the year and it keeps track of the books you post as read. It gave me that kick in the ass if I saw that I was getting behind on the book count. Quite a few were audiobooks that I mostly do during my walks so had the added benefit of pushing me to exercise as well.

    NotarospideymanKurbencatHedda GablerGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Just finished "Deja Vu Dreams".  The series just keeps getting better!!    
    KurbenFlakeNoircatMarshaNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTHollyGolightly
  • GNTLGNT said:

    It won't hurt, I promise. :smile:
    KurbenHedda GablerNotarocatFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHollyGolightly
  • Ordered some more books today — i will never read all these books i own before i die — yet, i am giving it a college try!
  • I finished Dolores Claiborne last night. I liked it a lot. I think it might be one of his most well-written books, considering it was essentially all first-person and heavily accented. I had no problems getting sucked right in to the story, despite the different writing style I've come to expect from King. I think that shows just how great he really is. I've now read Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne back to back, and I feel they're both pretty underrated.
    GNTLGNTKurbenMarshacatHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Grant87 said:
    I finished Dolores Claiborne last night. I liked it a lot. I think it might be one of his most well-written books, considering it was essentially all first-person and heavily accented. I had no problems getting sucked right in to the story, despite the different writing style I've come to expect from King. I think that shows just how great he really is. I've now read Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne back to back, and I feel they're both pretty underrated.
    KurbenMarshacatHedda GablerNotaroGrant87HollyGolightly
  • My favourite bookshop Chapters is closing after over 40 years in business, I managed to get in a couple of times over the Christmas holidays and I picked up a few books...
    (The Billy Connolly autobiography was a present from my daughter) 

    FlakeNoirHedda GablercatGNTLGNTMarshaHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Fantastic finds Irish, love these, very sad that Chapters is closing though.😔
    NotaroHedda GablercatKurbenGNTLGNTMarsha
  • The Bernie Marsden and the Simon Clark were second hand, the rest were new but at a vastly reduced price. Its a huge blow losing Chapters, I spend hours in there every time I visit, it's one of the main reasons I go to the city, I'll miss the place terribly 🥺😥

    FlakeNoirHedda GablercatGNTLGNTMarshaHollyGolightly
  • Closing a very special chapter in your life. I'm so sorry. 🥺💚 (and I'm not trying to be funny)
    NotaroHedda GablercatGNTLGNTMarshaHollyGolightly
  • Thank you Flakes ❤️
    FlakeNoirHedda GablercatGNTLGNTMarshaHollyGolightly
  • Notaro said:
    The Bernie Marsden and the Simon Clark were second hand, the rest were new but at a vastly reduced price. Its a huge blow losing Chapters, I spend hours in there every time I visit, it's one of the main reasons I go to the city, I'll miss the place terribly 🥺😥

    I have read about that Ripper book. He digs up that old theory of Freemasons and conspiracy and dresses it in new clothes and as a cherry on top names his suspect. But just his conviction that hes right makes it read worthy. I have read more than my share of Ripper books and some theories are better than others but none are really convincing to me and most just speculation. The best can be cathegorized as possibles but not more. 
    That Kennedy Biography looks interesting.... I know how you feel. Losing a good bookshop is like losing a dear friend.
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Kurben said:
    Notaro said:
    The Bernie Marsden and the Simon Clark were second hand, the rest were new but at a vastly reduced price. Its a huge blow losing Chapters, I spend hours in there every time I visit, it's one of the main reasons I go to the city, I'll miss the place terribly 🥺😥

    I have read about that Ripper book. He digs up that old theory of Freemasons and conspiracy and dresses it in new clothes and as a cherry on top names his suspect. But just his conviction that hes right makes it read worthy. I have read more than my share of Ripper books and some theories are better than others but none are really convincing to me and most just speculation. The best can be cathegorized as possibles but not more. 
    That Kennedy Biography looks interesting.... I know how you feel. Losing a good bookshop is like losing a dear friend.
    I listened to the audio book of the Ripper book last year and it annoyed me because it fell into the same trap that most of the books on the subject do, they all eventually start saying "It's safe to assume".... that's when I usually stop giving credence to their theory. 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshaKurbenHedda Gabler
  • ....it's a swell grab on the books bro, but the loss of yet another brick & mortar bookstore is a mighty painful thing....those of us who are CR's know EXACTLY how you feel.....wandering about the aisles of dreams, inhaling the scent of adventures waiting to happen....rubbing shoulders with fellow travelers to our special "territories"....yes, we know..... :(
    NotaroMarshaKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirGrant87
  • Notaro said:
    Kurben said:
    Notaro said:
    The Bernie Marsden and the Simon Clark were second hand, the rest were new but at a vastly reduced price. Its a huge blow losing Chapters, I spend hours in there every time I visit, it's one of the main reasons I go to the city, I'll miss the place terribly 🥺😥

    I have read about that Ripper book. He digs up that old theory of Freemasons and conspiracy and dresses it in new clothes and as a cherry on top names his suspect. But just his conviction that hes right makes it read worthy. I have read more than my share of Ripper books and some theories are better than others but none are really convincing to me and most just speculation. The best can be cathegorized as possibles but not more. 
    That Kennedy Biography looks interesting.... I know how you feel. Losing a good bookshop is like losing a dear friend.
    I listened to the audio book of the Ripper book last year and it annoyed me because it fell into the same trap that most of the books on the subject do, they all eventually start saying "It's safe to assume".... that's when I usually stop giving credence to their theory. 
    Very true. Far too many assume far too much when it comes to Ripper investigation. I think the one that irritated me the most was Patricia Cornwells attempt to unmask the Ripper. Not just because the bad, IMO of course, theory put also because she became genuinely angry and upset when others critizized her theory and findings. She acted like she had assumed that everyone would lie down flat and accept it as gospel truth just because she'd written it. Her book, to me, is one of the worst Ripper books.
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Kurben said:
    Notaro said:
    Kurben said:
    Notaro said:
    The Bernie Marsden and the Simon Clark were second hand, the rest were new but at a vastly reduced price. Its a huge blow losing Chapters, I spend hours in there every time I visit, it's one of the main reasons I go to the city, I'll miss the place terribly 🥺😥

    I have read about that Ripper book. He digs up that old theory of Freemasons and conspiracy and dresses it in new clothes and as a cherry on top names his suspect. But just his conviction that hes right makes it read worthy. I have read more than my share of Ripper books and some theories are better than others but none are really convincing to me and most just speculation. The best can be cathegorized as possibles but not more. 
    That Kennedy Biography looks interesting.... I know how you feel. Losing a good bookshop is like losing a dear friend.
    I listened to the audio book of the Ripper book last year and it annoyed me because it fell into the same trap that most of the books on the subject do, they all eventually start saying "It's safe to assume".... that's when I usually stop giving credence to their theory. 
    Very true. Far too many assume far too much when it comes to Ripper investigation. I think the one that irritated me the most was Patricia Cornwells attempt to unmask the Ripper. Not just because the bad, IMO of course, theory put also because she became genuinely angry and upset when others critizized her theory and findings. She acted like she had assumed that everyone would lie down flat and accept it as gospel truth just because she'd written it. Her book, to me, is one of the worst Ripper books.
    Now this is interesting. I’ve also read a lot of Ripper books. I thought Cornwell’s was well thought out. She went to great lengths to research, tracking watermarked papers and acquiring possible Dna. 

    And since we will never know truly who Jack was (unless some family unearths a dusty chest filled with petrified organs and diaries etc…) I thought her guess and her research was just as good as the next guy. 

    I think all Ripperologists feel they got the guy, and every book just wants to lead you to their certainty. 
  • Kurben said:
    Notaro said:
    Kurben said:
    Notaro said:
    The Bernie Marsden and the Simon Clark were second hand, the rest were new but at a vastly reduced price. Its a huge blow losing Chapters, I spend hours in there every time I visit, it's one of the main reasons I go to the city, I'll miss the place terribly 🥺😥

    I have read about that Ripper book. He digs up that old theory of Freemasons and conspiracy and dresses it in new clothes and as a cherry on top names his suspect. But just his conviction that hes right makes it read worthy. I have read more than my share of Ripper books and some theories are better than others but none are really convincing to me and most just speculation. The best can be cathegorized as possibles but not more. 
    That Kennedy Biography looks interesting.... I know how you feel. Losing a good bookshop is like losing a dear friend.
    I listened to the audio book of the Ripper book last year and it annoyed me because it fell into the same trap that most of the books on the subject do, they all eventually start saying "It's safe to assume".... that's when I usually stop giving credence to their theory. 
    Very true. Far too many assume far too much when it comes to Ripper investigation. I think the one that irritated me the most was Patricia Cornwells attempt to unmask the Ripper. Not just because the bad, IMO of course, theory put also because she became genuinely angry and upset when others critizized her theory and findings. She acted like she had assumed that everyone would lie down flat and accept it as gospel truth just because she'd written it. Her book, to me, is one of the worst Ripper books.
    Her book got quite ridiculous as it went along, she maintains Sickert wrote all the ripper letters as well, not just the notorious Dear Boss and From Hell letters but all of them using disguised handwriting. And I believe she had paintings of his destroyed in an effort to uncover "evidence" he may have hidden under the paint. She wrote a second book to further expand on her theory but I haven't read it yet. 
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Interesting. I guess i saw potential in her theory where you guys didn’t. 🤣

    that’s okay — i keep my opinion but definitely respect you two guys. 
  • edited January 2022
    Got my copies of Cain’s Jawbone. I’m going to read it through as is, but won’t be able to solve. I know my limitations —  i do not possess a puzzler brain.  But, i will pretend and make wild predictions — and I will believe i’m brilliant. Maybe my dead grandad will help me — send me information. 😜  
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