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Bred Any Good Rooks Lately?



  • And reverse that  name:

    Ijeoma Oluo
  • ....I'm Chasing the Boogeyman now.....Rich's work is easy on the eyes.....
    Hedda GablercatKurbenMarsha
  • I spent last Sunday afternoon with Chasing the Boogeyman and spent this Sunday afternoon finishing it. 

    I really liked it. I had to keep reminding myself that it was fiction, because it really does read like a true crime story. I was scared for Rich and everyone in that town. And the pictures just made it even harder to remember I was reading a story. 

    I did guess who it was (had 2 suspects in mind) and ended up being correct but my other suspect was the same as yours, I bet, @Hedda Gabler and for the same reason, too I would guess. 

    Great little book. 
    Hedda GablerKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTspideyman
  • Next up is @Marsha's book! I have read a few chapters already but wanted to finish Boogeyman first and give both books my full attention. 🙂
    Hedda GablerKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTspideymanNotaroNeesy
  • cat said:
    Next up is @Marsha's book! I have read a few chapters already but wanted to finish Boogeyman first and give both books my full attention. 🙂

    Fingers crossed you'll enjoy the read. <3
    GNTLGNTHedda GablercatspideymanNotaro
  • I had 8 sorrows and 9 disappointments!! At least that many books did i start on only to feel that they were wrong at this time. In the end i read The Punch And Judy Murders by John Dickson Carr and it was just right. He has always been a fave with me. Written in 1937. Sometimes i have this problems of not finding the right book for the moment.
    NotarocatHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19spideymanNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I had 8 sorrows and 9 disappointments!! At least that many books did i start on only to feel that they were wrong at this time. In the end i read The Punch And Judy Murders by John Dickson Carr and it was just right. He has always been a fave with me. Written in 1937. Sometimes i have this problems of not finding the right book for the moment.
    ....I think we CR all know that feeling.....
    doyoulove19KurbencatHedda GablerMarshaspideyman
  • edited September 2021
    Tomorrow, as a Masterclass member, i have the opportunity to speak to Neil Gaiman and ask a question, one on one.  Me and Neil, besties4life— along with every other damn Masterclass subscriber.  It will be a chance which i am not taking because I have no good question to ask. Not every question will get chosen or answered. I’m not worthy. 

    but, perhaps Mr. Gaiman has a question for me?  Call me Neil and i’ll do my best to answer. 
  • Tomorrow, as a Masterclass member, i have the opportunity to speak to Neil Gaiman and ask a question, one on one.  Me and Neil, besties4life— along with every other damn Masterclass subscriber.  It will be a chance which i am not taking because I have no good question to ask. Not every question will get chosen or answered. I’m not worthy. 

    but, perhaps Mr. Gaiman has a question for me?  Call me Neil and i’ll do my best to answer. 
    GIF - GIF Call me Please call me GIF - Viral Viral Videos
    KurbenMarshacatspideymanHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoir
  • edited September 2021
    Tomorrow, as a Masterclass member, i have the opportunity to speak to Neil Gaiman and ask a question, one on one.  Me and Neil, besties4life— along with every other damn Masterclass subscriber.  It will be a chance which i am not taking because I have no good question to ask. Not every question will get chosen or answered. I’m not worthy. 

    but, perhaps Mr. Gaiman has a question for me?  Call me Neil and i’ll do my best to answer. 
    If you don't come up with a question for Mr. Neil I'm-in-love-with-you Gaiman, (<<< I grew up) I'll never speak again.
    Okay, something more realistic. I'm holding my breath until it's asked, starting.... now.
    MarshaNotarocatspideymanGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurben
  • edited September 2021
    FlakeNoir said:
    Tomorrow, as a Masterclass member, i have the opportunity to speak to Neil Gaiman and ask a question, one on one.  Me and Neil, besties4life— along with every other damn Masterclass subscriber.  It will be a chance which i am not taking because I have no good question to ask. Not every question will get chosen or answered. I’m not worthy. 

    but, perhaps Mr. Gaiman has a question for me?  Call me Neil and i’ll do my best to answer. 
    If you don't come up with a question for Mr. Neil I'm-in-love-with-you Gaiman, (<<< I grew up) I'll never speak again.
    Okay, something more realistic. I'm holding my breath until it's asked, starting.... now.
    I think it would be one of those where you can’t get through — a busy signal.  Or, you get that, “Your call is important to us. Stay on the line and the next available operator will answer your call in the order in which it was received.”  And then 2 hours later, Susie, who moonlights at Chik-fil-A, will deem your question worthy or unworthy. 

    If worthy, you get Neil.  If unworthy, they oompa loompa your ass down some garbage chute.  
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Tomorrow, as a Masterclass member, i have the opportunity to speak to Neil Gaiman and ask a question, one on one.  Me and Neil, besties4life— along with every other damn Masterclass subscriber.  It will be a chance which i am not taking because I have no good question to ask. Not every question will get chosen or answered. I’m not worthy. 

    but, perhaps Mr. Gaiman has a question for me?  Call me Neil and i’ll do my best to answer. 
    If you don't come up with a question for Mr. Neil I'm-in-love-with-you Gaiman, (<<< I grew up) I'll never speak again.
    Okay, something more realistic. I'm holding my breath until it's asked, starting.... now.
    I think it would be one of those where you can’t get through — a busy signal.  Or, you get that, “Your call is important to us. Stay on the line and the next available operator will answer your call in the order in which it was received.”  And then Susie, who moonlights at Chikfil-A, will deem your question worthy or unworthy. 

    If worthy, you get neil. If unworthy, they oompa loompa your ass down some garbage chute.  
    ...BUT, you get a chicken sandwich........or not........
    Hedda GablerspideymancatFlakeNoirNotaroMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Tomorrow, as a Masterclass member, i have the opportunity to speak to Neil Gaiman and ask a question, one on one.  Me and Neil, besties4life— along with every other damn Masterclass subscriber.  It will be a chance which i am not taking because I have no good question to ask. Not every question will get chosen or answered. I’m not worthy. 

    but, perhaps Mr. Gaiman has a question for me?  Call me Neil and i’ll do my best to answer. 
    GIF - GIF Call me Please call me GIF - Viral Viral Videos
    This made me laugh so hard. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Tomorrow, as a Masterclass member, i have the opportunity to speak to Neil Gaiman and ask a question, one on one.  Me and Neil, besties4life— along with every other damn Masterclass subscriber.  It will be a chance which i am not taking because I have no good question to ask. Not every question will get chosen or answered. I’m not worthy. 

    but, perhaps Mr. Gaiman has a question for me?  Call me Neil and i’ll do my best to answer. 
    If you don't come up with a question for Mr. Neil I'm-in-love-with-you Gaiman, (<<< I grew up) I'll never speak again.
    Okay, something more realistic. I'm holding my breath until it's asked, starting.... now.
    I think it would be one of those where you can’t get through — a busy signal.  Or, you get that, “Your call is important to us. Stay on the line and the next available operator will answer your call in the order in which it was received.”  And then 2 hours later, Susie, who moonlights at Chik-fil-A, will deem your question worthy or unworthy. 

    If worthy, you get Neil.  If unworthy, they oompa loompa your ass down some garbage chute.  
    If you didn't at least try for that oompah loompa ass shoot shot, I would be seriously disappointed in you.
    This is Neil. Gaiman. Neil f'k8ng Gaiman.  You've loved this guy since, well... Amanda f'king Palmer came onto the scene.  And beyond.  Like infinity.. and stuff. 
    Ask... and you possibly may,  might, could potentially receive. 
    NotaroKurbenMarshacatGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • I found me an unabridged translation of Jules Vernes The Mysterious Island. His books has so often been butchered in translation but this is a complete one. Great adventure story.
    MarshacatGNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Kurben said:
    I found me an unabridged translation of Jules Vernes The Mysterious Island. His books has so often been butchered in translation but this is a complete one. Great adventure story.
    ....it's a great read and the "Nemo" tie-in makes for an interesting twist....
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirMarsha
  • Finished Needful Things yesterday. Starting Chasing the Boogeyman today.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    I found me an unabridged translation of Jules Vernes The Mysterious Island. His books has so often been butchered in translation but this is a complete one. Great adventure story.
    ....it's a great read and the "Nemo" tie-in makes for an interesting twist....
    Its interesting that in the beginning Verne had planned to let Nemo be of Polish origin and have an antipathy towards russian boats because of things in his childhoodbut his publisher did not like this so it was changed at the last moment to of Indian origin and an antipathy towards things british. Most english translations has dismissed or toned down Nemos big dislike of everything british. Its a big part of his personality which is just gone.
    Hedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarsha
  • edited September 2021
    I am watching poet Billy Collins's Masterclass.  He reads this poem.  This isn't the Masterclass reading which I wish you could hear. The sound quality is so much better than this youtube I found but the nostaligia isn't lost.  It's very short.  Just give it a listen.

    It is so charming.  I laughed, I wanted to cry.  It made me wistful and thankful and grateful.  

    For My Mom.  For YOUR Mom.  For Me as a Mom and anyone who has stepped into those mom shoes --  Listen to Billy read his poem, The Lanyard.

  • Cole C. Kingseed

    Conversations with Major Dick Winters : Life Lessons from the Commander of the Band of Brothers

    Fascinating book about a truly remarkable man. Well worth a read. 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarsha
  • Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    I found me an unabridged translation of Jules Vernes The Mysterious Island. His books has so often been butchered in translation but this is a complete one. Great adventure story.
    ....it's a great read and the "Nemo" tie-in makes for an interesting twist....
    Its interesting that in the beginning Verne had planned to let Nemo be of Polish origin and have an antipathy towards russian boats because of things in his childhoodbut his publisher did not like this so it was changed at the last moment to of Indian origin and an antipathy towards things british. Most english translations has dismissed or toned down Nemos big dislike of everything british. Its a big part of his personality which is just gone.
    ....I was aware of this nationalistic shuffling, never stops does it?.....
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • Notaro said:

    Cole C. Kingseed

    Conversations with Major Dick Winters : Life Lessons from the Commander of the Band of Brothers

    Fascinating book about a truly remarkable man. Well worth a read. 
    I'm going to look for this at the library, I loved Band of Brothers, this guy was incredible. 
    Hedda GablerKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTNotaro
  • ....finished "Boogeyman".....Chizmar wowed me with this one....the potpourri of "true life" and "imagination" was intoxicating.....
    Hedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirGrant87MarshaNotaro
  • Starting Captain Hatteras travels to the Northpole by Jules Verne. One of his slightly forgotten novels but its an hell of adventure ride. Its written decades before anyone ever actually reached the northpole but Vernes fertile imagination carries him and he's wellresearched about the problems such a travel has. It should take almost 40 years before Amundsen actually reached the Pole.
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