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Bred Any Good Rooks Lately?



  • ...I cleared my TBR pile, and now I continue to wait for Billy to show up in my mailbox....

    catFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • ...sent a note to CD regarding my novel....here is the reply....

    Scott, ... we don't get the books pre-publication date like large retailers out there but we are expecting to get our BILLY SUMMER sometime next week and start shipping them then!  Thank you for your patience in advance.
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...sent a note to CD regarding my novel....here is the reply....

    Scott, ... we don't get the books pre-publication date like large retailers out there but we are expecting to get our BILLY SUMMER sometime next week and start shipping them then!  Thank you for your patience in advance.
    I could never store that much patience when it comes to a new King if it was life or death! You are remarkable, Scott. I got mine in the mail on the third.
    catFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • ...ooohhh I'm not remarkable old friend...I've been uttering curses ever since y'all got yours....sure, I could have bought a copy locally-but don't need two.....
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirKurbenMarsha
  • Tried going back to Dragonfly in Amber, Outlander #2, but it just is not holding my interest. Started an older Harlan Coben book, Six Years, on my kindle, but it is not really holding my interest either. I have a serious book hangover from Billy Summers!! 

    Might have to pick an older SK to reread but will that make the book hangover better or worse??? No one tells a story like SK! 

    I do have Richard Chizmar's new book coming Tuesday. If all else fails. Looking forward to it. 
    FlakeNoirMarshaKurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    Tried going back to Dragonfly in Amber, Outlander #2, but it just is not holding my interest. Started an older Harlan Coben book, Six Years, on my kindle, but it is not really holding my interest either. I have a serious book hangover from Billy Summers!! 

    Might have to pick an older SK to reread but will that make the book hangover better or worse??? No one tells a story like SK! 

    I do have Richard Chizmar's new book coming Tuesday. If all else fails. Looking forward to it. 
    ....hold out for Rich's....he'll be like the hair of the dog......
    KurbenHedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarsha
  • Started to read a new book. Sam Houston and The Alamo Avengers. Its more or less a biography of Houston. From his days as young soldier to his political career as Andrew Jacksons favorite to his downfall when he lost his temper and attacked a political opponent with his cane which lead to him going to live with the Cherokees for several years until he with the economical support of Jackson went to Texas, that was Mexican territory at this time, to make his fortune. Texas at this time was a place you went to to get a second chance in life. Although he wasn't involved in the Alamo he tells that tale too since it afterwards fell to Houston to take revenge. The author is Brian Kilmeade and theres a lot i did not know like his close association with Jackson, his life with the Cherokees that trusted him enough to act as negotiator with the whites.
    FlakeNoirHedda GablercatGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • Just finished reading the book Later - it was pretty good - now I will look into getting a copy of Billy Summers

    FlakeNoircatHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • No, Dammit! 
    I have readers block! I've been working on the same book for over a year!
     I'll be back soon... I finally got my library put together after about five years...I assume this will help!
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNeesycat
  • Zombology A Zombie Anthology Rebecca E May 9781442125445 Amazoncom  Books...yep, back to my go-to reading while I wait for the tortoise to deliver Billy....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacat
  • edited August 2021
    I just finished David Sedaris' The Best of Me.

    Now reading his Calypso.

    David and I have an easy/uneasy relationship.  He doesn't know that of course, but I do and that's what counts when reading his work.  I love an essayist who plays with humor.  Erma Bombeck was that.  Dave Barry is that.  David Sedaris is that -- only there is a little more edge and meanness to him at times.  A little too forthcoming, too revealing to the point of uncomfortable.

    He totally pushes my boundaries.  Points a finger at my judgements and says, "think."

    And while we are close in age, I feel motherly towards him because there are two David Sedaris.  There is the David Sedaris I read, and there is the David Sedaris that reads to me.

    Why that's important is the David I read scares the shit out of me.  When I read his work, I worry about him.  He makes me sad a lot. But I also laugh out loud too.  I love his writing. I love the way he words things.

    But, I question his lack of boundaries, his balls to the wall way he deals with life.  He had a perfect mother for him because I would've squashed him down so flat he wouldn't have been able to breathe.  I am not proud of that.  But, I'm a timid girl, and I would have unknowingly, not on purpose, made him afraid of his own shadow.  Thank God my kids rose above their raisin', because they both get out there.  They will try, they do take chances.  But intelligent ones. 

    David is very observant, but he leaps before he looks sometimes and I want to dive in after him and say, "that's enough for today."

    Amanda Palmer is another one of these rare unicorns.  Balls to the wall.  The timid part of me loves this quality in both of them, but it doesn't keep me from talking to them, begging them to please come put on their floaties, don't accept rides from strangers, don't open the door to that person, please don't feed tumors to turtles (David did this)! etc....etc...

    The David Sedaris who reads to me (audiobook, youtube event) is so funny.  I can read an essay and be sad, worry, but the writing is so good, and I think to myself-- David, please let me protect you!  Come talk to me first before you do that.

     When David reads the exact same essay, the humor comes out.  The absurdity he is writing about comes through and I laugh and I feel better.  He's going to be okay.  This is exactly why I love authors who read their own work.  They know how it sounded in their head and they project that to you. The tone, the tempo, the quirky phrase, the pauses, the highs and the lows.  It's really music the way they read their own work.  I want to hear the music they intended, not the perceived tune I think in my head.  

    His Masterclass is terrific.  I enjoyed it so much, I think I'm going to watch it again.

  • Brilliant, what a picture. I bet he would be pleased to read this.
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTcat
  • edited August 2021
    FlakeNoir said:
    Brilliant, what a picture. I bet he would be pleased to read this.
    Aww you are too supportive of my drivel. But i love you for it. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Brilliant, what a picture. I bet he would be pleased to read this.
    Aww you are too supportive of my drivel. But i love you for it. 
    I sh*t you not. Your writing voice has come a long way over the years and you have great insight.
    KurbenHedda GablerMarshaNotaroGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • What Flakes said!
    NotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNeesycat
  • ...nary a bit of that lower-class drivel-basted in sycophantly.... :D
    KurbenHedda GablerMarshaNotarocat
  • Read Later (finally)

    It's good - weird that he talks about
    the telefungus

    Will someone tell me how to use a spoiler here - sorry - I wanted to put that in a spoiler
    Good story

  • edited August 2021
    Neesy said:
    Read Later (finally)

    It's good - weird that he talks about
    the telefungus

    Will someone tell me how to use a spoiler here - sorry - I wanted to put that in a spoiler
    Good story

    6th symbol over from Bold -- sort of looks like a musical note, right before smiley face.  There is an arrow pointing down.  Click it.  At the bottom of the list is spoilers.  Click it and then click inside that box and that will spoiler for you.
  • edited August 2021
    Waiting for my copy of Chasing the Boogeyman.  Don't have any shipping notice yet.  Oh wait, I do have a shipping notice.  Does Amazon deliver on Sundays?

    Also, I ordered Peter Crowther's Things I Didn't Know My Father Knew.  That should be coming along shortly.
  • Waiting for my copy of Chasing the Boogeyman.  Don't have any shipping notice yet.  Oh wait, I do have a shipping notice.  Does Amazon deliver on Sundays?

    Also, I ordered Peter Crowther's Things I Didn't Know My Father Knew.  That should be coming along shortly.
    ...received my copy two days ago....it's in the on-deck circle of reading....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroMarshacat
  • Listened to David Sedaris’s Masterclass again. He is so damn interesting. I love his class. I love his attitude and he knows how to treat fans.  And his book signing lines are huge, but he remembers  what it was like to meet a favorite author, to get a book signed. And he makes sure he sees these people. 

    He always has a theme at his readings/book signings.  He leaves the stage with some odd question or thought so when they approach the table to get a book signed, those with a story share their answer and he engages with each person. Or, he will say some random thing to them as they approach— he loves his fans and loves to do book tours. He is an observer and listener, you may end up in an essay. 

    I renewed my masterclass membership — i love the classes. 

    Currently listening to David Mamet. 
  • On page 225 of Finders Keepers.  Why is this thing making me nervous as a cat?  Hoping to get 100 pages more by the end of day. I would easily do it if i’d quit being distracted chasing cars. 

  • Neesy said:
    Read Later (finally)

    It's good - weird that he talks about
    the telefungus

    Will someone tell me how to use a spoiler here - sorry - I wanted to put that in a spoiler
    Good story

    6th symbol over from Bold -- sort of looks like a musical note, right before smiley face.  There is an arrow pointing down.  Click it.  At the bottom of the list is spoilers.  Click it and then click inside that box and that will spoiler for you.

    KurbenFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTHedda Gablercat
  • On page 225 of Finders Keepers.  Why is this thing making me nervous as a cat?  Hoping to get 100 pages more by the end of day. I would easily do it if i’d quit being distracted chasing cars. 

    Emotional Rollercoaster Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from  CartoonStock
  • ...I think it's been at least mentioned previously, but if so I can't recall the answer...Bev?...you have quite the collection of short works, why not publish them as such?...that way, those of us that enjoy your writing can have a volume or volumes of just your material, instead of speckled in amongst dozens of anthologies....
    Hedda GablerNotaronot_nadineKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacatNeesy
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