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Bred Any Good Rooks Lately?



  • ...Thanks Maryann!....I was going to nominate The House On Maple Street.....
    Hedda GablerspideymanNotaroFlakeNoircatMarshaNeesy
  • edited August 2021
    Thanks you guys. I’m going to read these today. Sort of freshening my palate for Billy. 
  • spideyman said:
    Can someone tell me the shortest stephen king short story? Not one of his hard to find things — i’m talking readily available shortest story.  Not poetry. 

    The Beggar and the Diamond- 1309 words- Nightmares and Dreamscapes

    Here There Be Tygers- 1506 words-Skeleton Crew
    I an not seeing The Beggar and the Diamond in Nightmares and dreamscapes. 
  • edited August 2021
    Ahhh, i see . It’s at the very end with an author’s note. I wonder why it was not included in table of contents? Why is it hidden away in the back like some deformed child in the attic?
  • Oh wow. What a great little story. I had forgotten it completely . 
  • edited August 2021
    Here there be tygers — it and beggars are stories that 20 people will read and probably have 39 different ideas about what they meant— to them. And no one will be wrong necessarily. 
  • edited August 2021
    Notaro said:
    Morning Deliveries is pretty short, and The Man Who Loved Flowers? 
    Morning deliveries— riddled with adverbs. The writing — every noun accessorized.  You can definitely see stephen’s writing arc with this one. Honing his craft as the years have passed. Another story left to the reader to judge and decipher. 
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...Thanks Maryann!....I was going to nominate The House On Maple Street.....
    House on Maple Street is long. 

    I’m looking for his shortest short stories. Not including poetic type things like Paranoid and For Owen. 
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...Thanks Maryann!....I was going to nominate The House On Maple Street.....
    House on Maple Street is long. 

    I’m looking for his shortest short stories. Not including poetic type things like Paranoid and For Owen. 
    • 12786 - The House on Maple Street

    • 12692 - The Doctor's Case

    • 12647 - Chattery Teeth

    • 11842 - Drunken Fireworks

    • 11811 - Gramma

    • 11773 - The Death of Jack Hamilton

    • 11571 - The Things They Left Behind

    • 11166 - Mrs. Todd's Shortcut

    • 10964 - Children of the Corn

    • 10945 - The Raft

    • 10843 - Fair Extension

    • 10830 - Home Delivery

    • 10574 - Crouch End

    • 10376 - The Man in the Black Suit

    • 10286 - Morality

    • 10259 - My Pretty Pony

    • 9925 - In the Deathroom

    • 9821 - The Jaunt

    • 9792 - Sneakers

    • 9657 - Sometimes They Come Back

    • 9552 - The End of the Whole Mess

    • 9244 - The Road Virus Heads North

    • 9154 - L. T.'s Theory of Pets

    • 8883 - Autopsy Room Four

    • 8703 - The Reach

    • 8520 - Willa

    • 8245 - Mute

    • 8173 - I Know What You Need

    • 8129 - Rainy Season

    • 7831 - Survivor Type

    • 7556 - The Man Who Would Not Shake Hands

    • 7085 - Word Processor Of The Gods

    • 6988 - Uncle Otto's Truck

    • 6945 - The Mangler

    • 6660 - The Ledge

    • 6609 - Quitters, Inc.

    • 6486 - Herman Wouk Is Still Alive

    • 6479 - It Grows on You

    • 6457 - That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French

    • 6412 - Rest Stop

    • 6302 - Beachworld

    • 6257 - One for the Road

    • 6235 - Ayana

    • 6148 - Trucks

    • 6106 - Graveyard Shift

    • 6077 - Under the Weather

    • 5982 - The Wedding Gig

    • 5876 - Mister Yummy

    • 5770 - All That You Love Will Be Carried Away

    • 5717 - The Cat from Hell

    • 5704 - Sorry, Right Number

    • 5674 - The Fifth Quarter

    • 5448 - Summer Thunder

    • 5296 - The Woman in the Room

    • 5124 - Big Wheels

    • 5037 - Heavenly Shades of Night Are Falling

    • 4881 - I Am the Doorway

    • 4869 - The Dune

    • 4804 - The Boogeyman

    • 4789 - Popsy

    • 4784 - Batman and Robin Have an Altercation

    • 4781 - A Death

    • 4768 - The Last Rung on the Ladder

    • 4726 - Gray Matter

    • 4336 - Afterlife

    • 4253 - Luckey Quarter

    • 4227 - Suffer the Little Children

    • 3936 - Harvey's Dream

    • 3833 - Premium Harmony

    • 3704 - Strawberry Spring

    • 3595 - Battleground

    • 3428 - The Lawnmower Man

    • 3249 - Night Surf

    • 3127 - The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates

    • 3023 - That Bus Is Another World

    • 2647 - The Reaper's Image

    • 2406 - Graduation Afternoon

    • 2264 - The Man Who Loved Flowers

    • 2114 - Cain Rose Up

    • 2108 - The Bone Church

    • 1652 - Morning Deliveries

    • 1506 - Here there be Tygers

    • 1309 - The Beggar and the Diamond

    • 855 - Tommy

    • 603 - Paranoid: A Chant

    • 308 - Brooklyn August

    • 250 - For Owen

    ***** you will need to sort out the poems, and ones not available in short story collections. Have fun. 
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatMarsha
  • spideyman said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...Thanks Maryann!....I was going to nominate The House On Maple Street.....
    House on Maple Street is long. 

    I’m looking for his shortest short stories. Not including poetic type things like Paranoid and For Owen. 
    • 12786 - The House on Maple Street

    • 12692 - The Doctor's Case

    • 12647 - Chattery Teeth

    • 11842 - Drunken Fireworks

    • 11811 - Gramma

    • 11773 - The Death of Jack Hamilton

    • 11571 - The Things They Left Behind

    • 11166 - Mrs. Todd's Shortcut

    • 10964 - Children of the Corn

    • 10945 - The Raft

    • 10843 - Fair Extension

    • 10830 - Home Delivery

    • 10574 - Crouch End

    • 10376 - The Man in the Black Suit

    • 10286 - Morality

    • 10259 - My Pretty Pony

    • 9925 - In the Deathroom

    • 9821 - The Jaunt

    • 9792 - Sneakers

    • 9657 - Sometimes They Come Back

    • 9552 - The End of the Whole Mess

    • 9244 - The Road Virus Heads North

    • 9154 - L. T.'s Theory of Pets

    • 8883 - Autopsy Room Four

    • 8703 - The Reach

    • 8520 - Willa

    • 8245 - Mute

    • 8173 - I Know What You Need

    • 8129 - Rainy Season

    • 7831 - Survivor Type

    • 7556 - The Man Who Would Not Shake Hands

    • 7085 - Word Processor Of The Gods

    • 6988 - Uncle Otto's Truck

    • 6945 - The Mangler

    • 6660 - The Ledge

    • 6609 - Quitters, Inc.

    • 6486 - Herman Wouk Is Still Alive

    • 6479 - It Grows on You

    • 6457 - That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French

    • 6412 - Rest Stop

    • 6302 - Beachworld

    • 6257 - One for the Road

    • 6235 - Ayana

    • 6148 - Trucks

    • 6106 - Graveyard Shift

    • 6077 - Under the Weather

    • 5982 - The Wedding Gig

    • 5876 - Mister Yummy

    • 5770 - All That You Love Will Be Carried Away

    • 5717 - The Cat from Hell

    • 5704 - Sorry, Right Number

    • 5674 - The Fifth Quarter

    • 5448 - Summer Thunder

    • 5296 - The Woman in the Room

    • 5124 - Big Wheels

    • 5037 - Heavenly Shades of Night Are Falling

    • 4881 - I Am the Doorway

    • 4869 - The Dune

    • 4804 - The Boogeyman

    • 4789 - Popsy

    • 4784 - Batman and Robin Have an Altercation

    • 4781 - A Death

    • 4768 - The Last Rung on the Ladder

    • 4726 - Gray Matter

    • 4336 - Afterlife

    • 4253 - Luckey Quarter

    • 4227 - Suffer the Little Children

    • 3936 - Harvey's Dream

    • 3833 - Premium Harmony

    • 3704 - Strawberry Spring

    • 3595 - Battleground

    • 3428 - The Lawnmower Man

    • 3249 - Night Surf

    • 3127 - The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates

    • 3023 - That Bus Is Another World

    • 2647 - The Reaper's Image

    • 2406 - Graduation Afternoon

    • 2264 - The Man Who Loved Flowers

    • 2114 - Cain Rose Up

    • 2108 - The Bone Church

    • 1652 - Morning Deliveries

    • 1506 - Here there be Tygers

    • 1309 - The Beggar and the Diamond

    • 855 - Tommy

    • 603 - Paranoid: A Chant

    • 308 - Brooklyn August

    • 250 - For Owen

    ***** you will need to sort out the poems, and ones not available in short story collections. Have fun. 
    Thank you for your time  and leg work!  I’ll be picking and choosing today from your list. 
  • edited August 2021
    Notaro said:
    Morning Deliveries is pretty short, and The Man Who Loved Flowers? 
    Morning deliveries— riddled with adverbs. The writing — every noun accessorized.  You can definitely see stephen’s writing arc with this one. Honing his craft as the years have passed. Another story left to the reader to judge and decipher. 
    Now, i wish i had a class where we could discuss The Man Who Loved Flowers and Morning Deliveries.

    not sure which was written first. That’s always tricky with stephen. Publish date can be very different than the actual writing of said piece. 

    The Man Who also had very accessorized nouns, but it was done with more skill.  There is a difference, noticeable to me anyway, but not quite sure how to express it. 

    Maybe it’s the rhythm of the words, the flow. The cadence. One is smooth in its use of descriptors,  the other is more choppy and staccato. 

    If you know what i mean between these two stories, explain it better. 
  • edited August 2021
    Uh oh. I picked up my copy of The Bizarre of Bad Dreams to continue reading stories — a bookmark fell out.  Did i not completely read this? It fell from Afterlife, right at the beginning of it, title page.  

    Wth. What  bullshittery befell me that i got to that story, and didn’t go on? What Silent Snow, Secret Snow is creeping up on me? and should i just give myself up to it?!!! Embrace it?


    Moving on, I read Tommy.  I really liked this. I don’t know what it is, but stories go to a whole other level now that i’m brittle. I read a story now and have a very different feel and connection to it than i would have when i was young and the tank was full. 

    My focus, opinions, ideas, loves, hates are very different between young me and old me. And i love that. The stories are the same stories, they didn’t change. But i have. I do. I will.  

    It’s fascinating to be a human.  

  • Okay, i’m going to read the poetry too because they are stories more than poems to me.

    The Bone Church — so much there. Enjoyed this one a lot. Except, i wouldn’t want my ass described as an english saddle in any way, shape or form. Wildly unattractive ass.  
  • spideyman said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...Thanks Maryann!....I was going to nominate The House On Maple Street.....
    House on Maple Street is long. 

    I’m looking for his shortest short stories. Not including poetic type things like Paranoid and For Owen. 
    • 12786 - The House on Maple Street

    • 12692 - The Doctor's Case

    • 12647 - Chattery Teeth

    • 11842 - Drunken Fireworks

    • 11811 - Gramma

    • 11773 - The Death of Jack Hamilton

    • 11571 - The Things They Left Behind

    • 11166 - Mrs. Todd's Shortcut

    • 10964 - Children of the Corn

    • 10945 - The Raft

    • 10843 - Fair Extension

    • 10830 - Home Delivery

    • 10574 - Crouch End

    • 10376 - The Man in the Black Suit

    • 10286 - Morality

    • 10259 - My Pretty Pony

    • 9925 - In the Deathroom

    • 9821 - The Jaunt

    • 9792 - Sneakers

    • 9657 - Sometimes They Come Back

    • 9552 - The End of the Whole Mess

    • 9244 - The Road Virus Heads North

    • 9154 - L. T.'s Theory of Pets

    • 8883 - Autopsy Room Four

    • 8703 - The Reach

    • 8520 - Willa

    • 8245 - Mute

    • 8173 - I Know What You Need

    • 8129 - Rainy Season

    • 7831 - Survivor Type

    • 7556 - The Man Who Would Not Shake Hands

    • 7085 - Word Processor Of The Gods

    • 6988 - Uncle Otto's Truck

    • 6945 - The Mangler

    • 6660 - The Ledge

    • 6609 - Quitters, Inc.

    • 6486 - Herman Wouk Is Still Alive

    • 6479 - It Grows on You

    • 6457 - That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French

    • 6412 - Rest Stop

    • 6302 - Beachworld

    • 6257 - One for the Road

    • 6235 - Ayana

    • 6148 - Trucks

    • 6106 - Graveyard Shift

    • 6077 - Under the Weather

    • 5982 - The Wedding Gig

    • 5876 - Mister Yummy

    • 5770 - All That You Love Will Be Carried Away

    • 5717 - The Cat from Hell

    • 5704 - Sorry, Right Number

    • 5674 - The Fifth Quarter

    • 5448 - Summer Thunder

    • 5296 - The Woman in the Room

    • 5124 - Big Wheels

    • 5037 - Heavenly Shades of Night Are Falling

    • 4881 - I Am the Doorway

    • 4869 - The Dune

    • 4804 - The Boogeyman

    • 4789 - Popsy

    • 4784 - Batman and Robin Have an Altercation

    • 4781 - A Death

    • 4768 - The Last Rung on the Ladder

    • 4726 - Gray Matter

    • 4336 - Afterlife

    • 4253 - Luckey Quarter

    • 4227 - Suffer the Little Children

    • 3936 - Harvey's Dream

    • 3833 - Premium Harmony

    • 3704 - Strawberry Spring

    • 3595 - Battleground

    • 3428 - The Lawnmower Man

    • 3249 - Night Surf

    • 3127 - The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates

    • 3023 - That Bus Is Another World

    • 2647 - The Reaper's Image

    • 2406 - Graduation Afternoon

    • 2264 - The Man Who Loved Flowers

    • 2114 - Cain Rose Up

    • 2108 - The Bone Church

    • 1652 - Morning Deliveries

    • 1506 - Here there be Tygers

    • 1309 - The Beggar and the Diamond

    • 855 - Tommy

    • 603 - Paranoid: A Chant

    • 308 - Brooklyn August

    • 250 - For Owen

    ***** you will need to sort out the poems, and ones not available in short story collections. Have fun. 
    Thanks again for this list spidey, it has been extremely helpful. 
  • For Owen — sweet , sad. Life’s mean little truths. 
  • edited August 2021
    Paranoid: A Chant

    Wow. Interesting how art reveals life.  We’ve got a whole segment of Paranoids here and now. 

  • Brooklyn August — struck me as s small homage to Casey at the Bat. 

    It pairs with Head Down, which i don’t remember in the slightest but assume it’s basebally too. 

    The only sport i’ve played where it’s a must to keep your head down is golf, and I suck at that because dammit! I want to see my ball soar through the sky  — which it can’t possibly do because I didn’t keep my damn head down !!   
  • Cain Rose Up

    You eat the world or the world eats you.  

    Is Stephen still allowing this story to be printed? It’s Rage in short form. Same diff.

    I personally don’t  think either should be pulled, but I get why he did it at the time. Doesn’t make much sense to me now.  Much worse out there to read these days to serve as inspiration for the unstable masses. 

  • edited August 2021
    The Reaper’s Image

    ”I think of it as an eye,” Mr. Carlin said. His voice was still drained, perfectly empty. “If it’s left open, perhaps it will go blind.”

    These are the lines that interested me. 
  • That Bus Is Another World

    This was interesting .  Do you get involved or not? Do you talk yourself out of something ? 

    Once upon a time, i would’ve said most people would do the right thing. Now? We see people disbelieving things they see with their own eyes, hear with their own ears. Ignorant bastards. 
  • Night Surf

    we aren’t  there, but who would’ve thunk we could be?
  • The Lawnmower Man 

    i’ve not seen the movie but i know it’s different enough stephen had his name taken off. 

    What was different? Was the movie any good? 
  • Completely different storyline I think. 🤔
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTcatMarsha
  • Suffer The Little Children

    I’ve always said, kids aren’t charming  little idiots. 
  • edited August 2021
    15 short stories — nap time. 

    Looking at schedule, Foo might be in at 8 est. Setting alarm.   Modest Mouse due before them. 
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