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Bred Any Good Rooks Lately?



  • edited March 2021
    spideyman said:
    Finished Later.  One question asked, one answer given----wow!  SK does it again.
    I'll read my last 28 pages today.  I'm stalling.  I'm self sabotaging.  I don't want it to end.   Not now.  Not when we just started to have something together, Stephen.

    Call me.

     :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D  

  • edited March 2021
    Okay, I finished it.  I really liked this.  A lot.  I'm sorry I'm done, but I'm glad it wasn't any longer.  It would've ruined it.  It's just practically perfect in every way just the way it is.

    There were so many wonderful writing moments in this, but I'm going to single out this one. Something about this passage....



    "If you really want to get rid of me for good, take hold.  We'll do the ritual again, and it will be fairer, because this time I'm ready for you."

    I was weirdly tempted, don't ask me why, but a part of me that was far beyond ego and deeper than instinct prevailed.  You may beat the devil once--through providence, bravery, dumbass luck or a combination of all --but not twice.  I don't think anyone but saints beat the devil twice, and maybe not even them.

  • And I loved how Stephen used those familiar threads to tie moments together, repetitive things that were anchors from front to back.  Such a great piece of writing.

     I am so proud of you Stephen King.
  • edited March 2021
    I didn't read your spoiler...
    Just couldn't not he❤rt that post.

    Hedda GablerNotarocatGNTLGNTMarsha
  • I can't wait for you to read it.
  • edited March 2021
    I think I'm going to have to read Later again.  sooner.

    I can't even explain why this one was so powerful to me, but it was.  And after I was done, I was so friggin' jealous of the kids who got to sit in those desks with Mr. King at the blackboard.  I'm just oozing envy.  I loved my teachers.  I wanted to make them happy.  I would have been so present in that classroom learning from him.   Even without knowing what he was to become.  I hope those kids are some damn good writers out there, here and now.  Lucky little shits.
  • I can't wait for you to read it.
    My partner has taken the kiddo into the city, I just sent him a txt and asked him to pick it up if he's near a bookstore... he said "ok"! 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I can't wait for you to read it.
    My partner has taken the kiddo into the city, I just sent him a txt and asked him to pick it up if he's near a bookstore... he said "ok"! 
     :) <3  
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Let me know when you have it. 
  • When i ordered Later i took the oppurtunity and ordered Gwendys magic feather at the same time. I liked the earlier Gwendy book and even if SK isn't a part of this one i like to read it. They both ought to came about the middle of next week at the latest.
  • Kurben said:
    When i ordered Later i took the oppurtunity and ordered Gwendys magic feather at the same time. I liked the earlier Gwendy book and even if SK isn't a part of this one i like to read it. They both ought to came about the middle of next week at the latest.
    I personally liked GMF better than the first one. The story was better in my opinion. And as scott mentions — richard does a very nice job, subtle, in dropping nuggets of info from GBB to refresh your memory. 
  • Finished Never Far Away. Loved it. Also read The Poet by Michael Connelly. Has been many years since I read any Connelly and I enjoyed it so much, I started the next one featuring the Jack McAvoy character. 

    And I started Later, yesterday. It has been gorgeous here this week, I sat out in my swing for a while and read. Absolute bliss. Am really enjoying it so far, hope to find some quiet reading time again this weekend. 🙂
  • Sounds great cat. You take that time for you, too. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I didn't read your spoiler...
    Just couldn't not he❤rt that post.

  • Let me know when you have it. 
    I have it in my hands now! I'm sipping a hot cup of lady grey tea, it's just begun raining outside and it's Saturday afternoon, oh boy... I am one lucky duck! 
    Hedda GablercatKurbenNotaroGNTLGNTMarsha
  • I got 45 pages in to Later before the new(ish) but very annoying hey-Flakes-you're-old-now-oh-you're-reading?-good-night-then fairy came down and blasted me with her anti-reading wand, putting me into an hour-and-a-bit coma.🙄
    I'm starting to really dislike that b1tch. 

    I'm enjoying it very much so far. Beautiful mother/child relationship. 
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatMarshaKurben
  • "Later" thoughts.. (mother/child relationship I was just speaking about)

    The beautiful mother/child relationship hits a rough patch literally in the very next chapter.  

    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • After 30+ years of getting free Stephen King books, it felt strange to have to actually buy one but seeing all the great comments, decided to suck it up and hit the Buy Now button for Later. Yesterday I got my library card at the Scottsdale Public Library and have 2 Michael Koryta books in the TBR pile as well so no lack of reading material for a while.
    catGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirNeesy
  • ....seriously?....I would have thought it would be a given....that long in employment should at least keep you receiving books.....I just don't understand....not like he's hurting for spare change....
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirMarsha
  • edited March 2021
    After reading later, it makes me want to read the Stephen king’s i haven’t read. 

    The dark half
    Finders keepers
    end of watch
    the outsider
    sleeping beauties
    hearts in suspension (a book i begged marsha to get him to write for over 20 years and then i get it and it’s mostly other people.)
    The institute
  • From my list above — anyone and  everyone — which should i read next? 
  • Personally i liked The Outsider most of the ones you mention. But perhaps, since Holly Gibney plays a role there, you must know that she also has a part in Finders Keepers and End Of Watch. Holly grows as a character through these books until she is the person we meet in If It Bleeds. It isn't necessary to read those two to follow the action in the outsider just thought it worth mentioning. Otherwise The Institute. Re Hearts in suspension what i thought would have been great was, since so many old friends writes about king in that book, how fun it would have been if Tabby had written a piece about the young King. It would have fitted so good with the other pieces.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoircatMarshaNeesy
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