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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • Sometimes NB, you just have to fake it till you make it.
  • (((all in need or not)))
    Hedda GablerMarshaFlakeNoircatGNTLGNTNotaroNeesy
  • Feel like I've hit the lottery! Finally got an appointment for both doses of the Moderna vaccine through Walgreen's. First one at 4 PM tomorrow and second on March 24th. Have to say this is probably the first time I've ever looked forward to getting a shot. :)
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirBevVincentcatGNTLGNTNotaroNeesy
  • Marsha said:
    Feel like I've hit the lottery! Finally got an appointment for both doses of the Moderna vaccine through Walgreen's. First one at 4 PM tomorrow and second on March 24th. Have to say this is probably the first time I've ever looked forward to getting a shot. :)
    Lucky you, i'll have to wait until at least maj-june at the earliest. And the way things are going with the vaccine rate here i'm not positive about that.
    Hedda GablerMarshaFlakeNoircatGNTLGNTNotaroNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    Marsha said:
    Feel like I've hit the lottery! Finally got an appointment for both doses of the Moderna vaccine through Walgreen's. First one at 4 PM tomorrow and second on March 24th. Have to say this is probably the first time I've ever looked forward to getting a shot. :)
    Lucky you, i'll have to wait until at least maj-june at the earliest. And the way things are going with the vaccine rate here i'm not positive about that.

    Hope it happens sooner than later for you and you can stay safe in the meantime. <3
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablercatGNTLGNTNotaroNeesy
  • ....I will put it out there again, that with my experience from getting the Moderna vacc-first injection made my arm very sore for approx. 24 hours, second one knocked the hell out of me for a day.....lay in lots of water, Ibuprofen and Tylenol and dose your self on a rotating basis with the analgesics every 4-6 hours.....it made it bearable....
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbenNeesyspideymancatMarsha
  • Not sure if this is the correct thread...... am asking for prayers and positive thoughts for another member who has a relative in the hospital. Not covid related, but covid is preventing family from being in attendance.  The  situation is serious.  I will try to post updates when possible. Thank you. 
    Hedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirMarshaNeesyGNTLGNT
  • I am asking for prayers and good thoughts, whatever positive energy you have. 

    My step mom has been very sick for over a year. Because of $#&*% covid, she had only one dr appt where she learned nothing and then she just kept getting worse and worse. Could not eat. Lost a ton of weight.  

    2 weeks ago she finally got to see a Dr. They scoped her stomach. It was full of lesions and food. She is not digesting food. It just sat in her stomach until she got sick. Did biopsy of lesions, benign. Said they just needed to heal her stomach up, get control of the acid and it was treatable and she would be feeling better in no time. 

    But the meds weren't helping. Yesterday my dad was getting her ready to go to ER because she was really bad and she collapsed in his arms. She came back around but ER said it was a heart attack. They did more tests. Found a mass on her pancreas. And a spot on a kidney. The mass in her pancreas in pushing on her intestine and that is why she is not digesting food. 

    They have already transferred her to Colorado. Going to do a biopsy but the prognosis is very grim. The Dr's there are very concerned now about her heart and so have not done it yet. She has been sick for A YEAR. This infuriates me that she could get NO help and now look where we are. I am scared and extremely worried about her and my dad. 

    Please send up whatever good vibes you have. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaNeesydoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    I am asking for prayers and good thoughts, whatever positive energy you have. 

    My step mom has been very sick for over a year. Because of $#&*% covid, she had only one dr appt where she learned nothing and then she just kept getting worse and worse. Could not eat. Lost a ton of weight.  

    2 weeks ago she finally got to see a Dr. They scoped her stomach. It was full of lesions and food. She is not digesting food. It just sat in her stomach until she got sick. Did biopsy of lesions, benign. Said they just needed to heal her stomach up, get control of the acid and it was treatable and she would be feeling better in no time. 

    But the meds weren't helping. Yesterday my dad was getting her ready to go to ER because she was really bad and she collapsed in his arms. She came back around but ER said it was a heart attack. They did more tests. Found a mass on her pancreas. And a spot on a kidney. The mass in her pancreas in pushing on her intestine and that is why she is not digesting food. 

    They have already transferred her to Colorado. Going to do a biopsy but the prognosis is very grim. The Dr's there are very concerned now about her heart and so have not done it yet. She has been sick for A YEAR. This infuriates me that she could get NO help and now look where we are. I am scared and extremely worried about her and my dad. 

    Please send up whatever good vibes you have. 
    Prayers are being said for all. Candle is lit. Guidance for the medical professional. Please @cat take care of yourself.  
    catFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaNeesyGNTLGNT
  • Good wishes and healing vibes are sent to Spideys and Cats relatives. May everything work out well!!!
    catFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaNeesyGNTLGNT
  • spideyman said:
    Not sure if this is the correct thread...... am asking for prayers and positive thoughts for another member who has a relative in the hospital. Not covid related, but covid is preventing family from being in attendance.  The  situation is serious.  I will try to post updates when possible. Thank you. 
    I did not see your post when I posted mine...thank you, dear Spidey. ❤
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaNeesyGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    I am asking for prayers and good thoughts, whatever positive energy you have. 

    My step mom has been very sick for over a year. Because of $#&*% covid, she had only one dr appt where she learned nothing and then she just kept getting worse and worse. Could not eat. Lost a ton of weight.  

    2 weeks ago she finally got to see a Dr. They scoped her stomach. It was full of lesions and food. She is not digesting food. It just sat in her stomach until she got sick. Did biopsy of lesions, benign. Said they just needed to heal her stomach up, get control of the acid and it was treatable and she would be feeling better in no time. 

    But the meds weren't helping. Yesterday my dad was getting her ready to go to ER because she was really bad and she collapsed in his arms. She came back around but ER said it was a heart attack. They did more tests. Found a mass on her pancreas. And a spot on a kidney. The mass in her pancreas in pushing on her intestine and that is why she is not digesting food. 

    They have already transferred her to Colorado. Going to do a biopsy but the prognosis is very grim. The Dr's there are very concerned now about her heart and so have not done it yet. She has been sick for A YEAR. This infuriates me that she could get NO help and now look where we are. I am scared and extremely worried about her and my dad. 

    Please send up whatever good vibes you have. 
    Oh dear... of course. You have my positive thoughts, prayers and best wishes, I'm so sorry Cat, this is awful. 😔
    It's a terrible time for so many. 🥺
    Hedda GablercatMarshaNeesyKurbenGNTLGNT
  • Prayers for all cat, 
  • Hopeful thoughts Cat. Give her our best wishes.
    MarshaHedda GablercatNeesyFlakeNoirGNTLGNTspideyman
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I will put it out there again, that with my experience from getting the Moderna vacc-first injection made my arm very sore for approx. 24 hours, second one knocked the hell out of me for a day.....lay in lots of water, Ibuprofen and Tylenol and dose your self on a rotating basis with the analgesics every 4-6 hours.....it made it bearable....

    Thanks, Scott! Will be sure to follow your advice and make sure I don't have anything else planned for the day following the shots. I don't get them until late afternoon so expect it will be more the day after that I'll be feeling the effects.
    Hedda GablercatNeesyKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTspideyman
  • cat said:
    I am asking for prayers and good thoughts, whatever positive energy you have. 

    My step mom has been very sick for over a year. Because of $#&*% covid, she had only one dr appt where she learned nothing and then she just kept getting worse and worse. Could not eat. Lost a ton of weight.  

    2 weeks ago she finally got to see a Dr. They scoped her stomach. It was full of lesions and food. She is not digesting food. It just sat in her stomach until she got sick. Did biopsy of lesions, benign. Said they just needed to heal her stomach up, get control of the acid and it was treatable and she would be feeling better in no time. 

    But the meds weren't helping. Yesterday my dad was getting her ready to go to ER because she was really bad and she collapsed in his arms. She came back around but ER said it was a heart attack. They did more tests. Found a mass on her pancreas. And a spot on a kidney. The mass in her pancreas in pushing on her intestine and that is why she is not digesting food. 

    They have already transferred her to Colorado. Going to do a biopsy but the prognosis is very grim. The Dr's there are very concerned now about her heart and so have not done it yet. She has been sick for A YEAR. This infuriates me that she could get NO help and now look where we are. I am scared and extremely worried about her and my dad. 

    Please send up whatever good vibes you have. 

    Oh, my gosh. So sorry this got to this point. Healing vibes and prayers being sent.
    Hedda GablercatNeesyFlakeNoirGNTLGNTspideyman
  • Thank you, everyone. ❤ 

    They are not going to do the biopsy. They want her to get stronger and then go in and remove the part of the tumor that is pressing on her intestine so she can at least eat. She is not strong enough right now. 

    It sounds like they cannot do much other than make her as comfortable as possible. 

    My heart is broken and I feel like I should know what to do. What to say. But the words are just not there. 

    Keep praying for my family please. 
    Hedda GablerNeesyMarshaKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTspideymandoyoulove19
  • So sorry you are hurting right now cat.  Vibes being sent to you and yours.
    Hedda GablerNeesyMarshacatKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTspideyman
  • spideyman said:
    Not sure if this is the correct thread...... am asking for prayers and positive thoughts for another member who has a relative in the hospital. Not covid related, but covid is preventing family from being in attendance.  The  situation is serious.  I will try to post updates when possible. Thank you. 
    🙏 Prayers being sent Spidey - may they get well soon❤️
    Hedda GablerMarshacatKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTspideyman
  • cat said:
    I am asking for prayers and good thoughts, whatever positive energy you have. 

    My step mom has been very sick for over a year. Because of $#&*% covid, she had only one dr appt where she learned nothing and then she just kept getting worse and worse. Could not eat. Lost a ton of weight.  

    2 weeks ago she finally got to see a Dr. They scoped her stomach. It was full of lesions and food. She is not digesting food. It just sat in her stomach until she got sick. Did biopsy of lesions, benign. Said they just needed to heal her stomach up, get control of the acid and it was treatable and she would be feeling better in no time. 

    But the meds weren't helping. Yesterday my dad was getting her ready to go to ER because she was really bad and she collapsed in his arms. She came back around but ER said it was a heart attack. They did more tests. Found a mass on her pancreas. And a spot on a kidney. The mass in her pancreas in pushing on her intestine and that is why she is not digesting food. 

    They have already transferred her to Colorado. Going to do a biopsy but the prognosis is very grim. The Dr's there are very concerned now about her heart and so have not done it yet. She has been sick for A YEAR. This infuriates me that she could get NO help and now look where we are. I am scared and extremely worried about her and my dad. 

    Please send up whatever good vibes you have. 
    Wow cat I am sorry to hear this; saying a prayer for your stepmom ❤️
    Hedda GablerMarshacatKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTspideyman
  • cat said:
    I am asking for prayers and good thoughts, whatever positive energy you have. 

    My step mom has been very sick for over a year. Because of $#&*% covid, she had only one dr appt where she learned nothing and then she just kept getting worse and worse. Could not eat. Lost a ton of weight.  

    2 weeks ago she finally got to see a Dr. They scoped her stomach. It was full of lesions and food. She is not digesting food. It just sat in her stomach until she got sick. Did biopsy of lesions, benign. Said they just needed to heal her stomach up, get control of the acid and it was treatable and she would be feeling better in no time. 

    But the meds weren't helping. Yesterday my dad was getting her ready to go to ER because she was really bad and she collapsed in his arms. She came back around but ER said it was a heart attack. They did more tests. Found a mass on her pancreas. And a spot on a kidney. The mass in her pancreas in pushing on her intestine and that is why she is not digesting food. 

    They have already transferred her to Colorado. Going to do a biopsy but the prognosis is very grim. The Dr's there are very concerned now about her heart and so have not done it yet. She has been sick for A YEAR. This infuriates me that she could get NO help and now look where we are. I am scared and extremely worried about her and my dad. 

    Please send up whatever good vibes you have. 
    So sorry Cat, only just saw this, positive vibes being sent in droves from the Emerald Isle.. ❤️
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshaspideymanNeesy
  • spideyman said:
    Not sure if this is the correct thread...... am asking for prayers and positive thoughts for another member who has a relative in the hospital. Not covid related, but covid is preventing family from being in attendance.  The  situation is serious.  I will try to post updates when possible. Thank you. 
    ....most certainly dear heart.....all the hopes and wishes I can summon!....

    prayer-person-praying-hands - Diocese of Bridgeport
  • cat said:
    I am asking for prayers and good thoughts, whatever positive energy you have. 

    My step mom has been very sick for over a year. Because of $#&*% covid, she had only one dr appt where she learned nothing and then she just kept getting worse and worse. Could not eat. Lost a ton of weight.  

    2 weeks ago she finally got to see a Dr. They scoped her stomach. It was full of lesions and food. She is not digesting food. It just sat in her stomach until she got sick. Did biopsy of lesions, benign. Said they just needed to heal her stomach up, get control of the acid and it was treatable and she would be feeling better in no time. 

    But the meds weren't helping. Yesterday my dad was getting her ready to go to ER because she was really bad and she collapsed in his arms. She came back around but ER said it was a heart attack. They did more tests. Found a mass on her pancreas. And a spot on a kidney. The mass in her pancreas in pushing on her intestine and that is why she is not digesting food. 

    They have already transferred her to Colorado. Going to do a biopsy but the prognosis is very grim. The Dr's there are very concerned now about her heart and so have not done it yet. She has been sick for A YEAR. This infuriates me that she could get NO help and now look where we are. I am scared and extremely worried about her and my dad. 

    Please send up whatever good vibes you have. 
    ....oh honey!.....I feel just awful over this situation and so badly wish I could help....feel my strength and good wishes and know I surround you with love.....

    President Trumps National Day of Prayer Proclamation for all Americans  Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic  CBN News
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoircatKurbenMarshaspideymanNeesy
  • It ended up being the Pfizer, not Moderna, vaccine but so far, so good. Just a sore arm. My daughter agreed with your assessment @GNTLGNT that the second one packs a much bigger punch which is what it's supposed to do and means it's working.
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenNotarospideymanGNTLGNTNeesy
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