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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • Free Monday Animated Cliparts Download Free Clip Art Free Clip Art on  Clipart Library (((all in need or not)))
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • Oh, NOO! I just got to know that a dear friend of mine, Lena, has got Covid and is in a Coma. I have known her and her boyfriend Kenneth since my university days in the middle 80,s. We have had so much fun together since then and never lost touch. Kenneth got it to but a much milder attack and he is out of the woods now. Can you all please send her some healing thoughts? This is the first close friend/relative of mine that has got a serious attack of the darn thing. 
  • edited January 2021
    Kurben said:
    Oh, NOO! I just got to know that a dear friend of mine, Lena, has got Covid and is in a Coma. I have known her and her boyfriend Kenneth since my university days in the middle 80,s. We have had so much fun together since then and never lost touch. Kenneth got it to but a much milder attack and he is out of the woods now. Can you all please send her some healing thoughts? This is the first close friend/relative of mine that has got a serious attack of the darn thing. 
    I will pray for her, send her healing strength vibes.  For you too kurben and her friends, family , coworkers.

    This damn thing!!!
  • @Kurben I'm so sorry this is happening, I'm keeping you and Lena in my thoughts and even though it's not my go-to.. I will definitely pray for her too.
    I hope she recovers fully.... and quickly. Please let us know how she's doing when you get more news?

    I used to say f'k you cancer, now it's f'k you cancer and covid. 
    NotarospideymanNeesyGNTLGNTcatHedda Gabler
  • Kurben said:
    Oh, NOO! I just got to know that a dear friend of mine, Lena, has got Covid and is in a Coma. I have known her and her boyfriend Kenneth since my university days in the middle 80,s. We have had so much fun together since then and never lost touch. Kenneth got it to but a much milder attack and he is out of the woods now. Can you all please send her some healing thoughts? This is the first close friend/relative of mine that has got a serious attack of the darn thing. 
    So sorry to hear this news. Prayers are being said, healing vibes being sent.
    FlakeNoirNotaroNeesycatKurbenHedda Gabler
  • Healing vibes for your friend Lena @Kurben

    Saying a prayer for her and her boyfriend Kenneth

    NotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatKurbenHedda Gabler
  • ....Kurb old buddy, you know you have them and I keep them in my prayers.....
    catKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerNeesy
  • ((((Kurben's friend Lena))))
    GNTLGNTKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    ((((Kurben's friend Lena))))
    Nice to see you, Cat... hope you're all doing well. 💜
    NotarocatHedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    One night only at the Mos Eisley Cantina that flute shredding Captain from  the Federation of Planets - Imgflip

    "Seedy Space Station Bar Music....ENGAGE!"
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTNeesy
  • I had a minor disaster today. Was doing the bed when i somehow managed to rip open a seam in a pillow and a whole ocean of feathers spilt out and soon were to be found in every nook of the bed. Will have to throw the faithful pillow away tomorrow (it was one of my favourite pillows). It is a sad day in pillowland, we have seen the brutal death of a pillow. Sigh. How will i be able to fall asleep without him??
  • You don’t have to throw it away. Put it inside a pillowcase and fold top over for good  closure,  sew it shut along the top   .  Simple in and out stitch across the opening.   
  • Kurben said:
    I had a minor disaster today. Was doing the bed when i somehow managed to rip open a seam in a pillow and a whole ocean of feathers spilt out and soon were to be found in every nook of the bed. Will have to throw the faithful pillow away tomorrow (it was one of my favourite pillows). It is a sad day in pillowland, we have seen the brutal death of a pillow. Sigh. How will i be able to fall asleep without him??
    ....I managed to catch a bit of video of Kurb......

    Feathers GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirSundropNotaroNeesycat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    I had a minor disaster today. Was doing the bed when i somehow managed to rip open a seam in a pillow and a whole ocean of feathers spilt out and soon were to be found in every nook of the bed. Will have to throw the faithful pillow away tomorrow (it was one of my favourite pillows). It is a sad day in pillowland, we have seen the brutal death of a pillow. Sigh. How will i be able to fall asleep without him??
    ....I managed to catch a bit of video of Kurb......

    Feathers GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
    Thats me and thats my bedroom!! Where have you hidden the camera???
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • Extremely sad news.... After more than three weeks fight in the intensive care unit Lenas body gave up on her yesterday. She passed away due to Covid and i have one good friend less. Thanks to you all for  all the healthy vibes you sent. I'm in a bit of a shock right now, i had actually expected her to win through in the end. 
  • Kurben said:
    Extremely sad news.... After more than three weeks fight in the intensive care unit Lenas body gave up on her yesterday. She passed away due to Covid and i have one good friend less. Thanks to you all for  all the healthy vibes you sent. I'm in a bit of a shock right now, i had actually expected her to win through in the end. 
    I am so sorry to hear this kurben. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone for the long, difficult days ahead.
  • Kurben said:
    Extremely sad news.... After more than three weeks fight in the intensive care unit Lenas body gave up on her yesterday. She passed away due to Covid and i have one good friend less. Thanks to you all for  all the healthy vibes you sent. I'm in a bit of a shock right now, i had actually expected her to win through in the end. 
    Oh no... (((Kurben,))) I am so sorry my friend. 🥺 Sending you love and hugs from afar. Please take care of yourself and if you want to talk, come find us here. 💚
  • I am very sorry for your loss, Kurben
  • Kurben said:
    Extremely sad news.... After more than three weeks fight in the intensive care unit Lenas body gave up on her yesterday. She passed away due to Covid and i have one good friend less. Thanks to you all for  all the healthy vibes you sent. I'm in a bit of a shock right now, i had actually expected her to win through in the end. 
    ....I am so sorry brother, and I share your grief.....this virus is insidious.....may she be at peace, and whole and healthy again in the clearing.....

    Weeping Angel Photograph by Dark Whimsy
  • Kurben said:
    Extremely sad news.... After more than three weeks fight in the intensive care unit Lenas body gave up on her yesterday. She passed away due to Covid and i have one good friend less. Thanks to you all for  all the healthy vibes you sent. I'm in a bit of a shock right now, i had actually expected her to win through in the end. 
    So sorry for your loss, Kurben. ♥
  • Sorry to hear about your friend Kurban.😔
  • Kurben said:
    Extremely sad news.... After more than three weeks fight in the intensive care unit Lenas body gave up on her yesterday. She passed away due to Covid and i have one good friend less. Thanks to you all for  all the healthy vibes you sent. I'm in a bit of a shock right now, i had actually expected her to win through in the end. 

    This is so sad - her partner must be devastated; sending you a prayer and some healing vibes - sincere condolences Kurben

  • ....and I mean this in good fun to make Kurb smile.....
    Meanwhile on a Lighter Note  Meme on MEME

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