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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • Its amazing what a few paintings and pictures on the walls can do for a sense of home again! First of these a very nice framed photo of my now dead wife who, once again, watches over my from my walls. Sometimes i can almost hear her make one of her trademark sarcastic remarks when i do something stupid. I miss her.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    Its amazing what a few paintings and pictures on the walls can do for a sense of home again! First of these a very nice framed photo of my now dead wife who, once again, watches over my from my walls. Sometimes i can almost hear her make one of her trademark sarcastic remarks when i do something stupid. I miss her.
    I’m so sorry for your longing. You aren’t alone Kurben. It’s not the same, but we value you. 
  • Kurben said:
    Its amazing what a few paintings and pictures on the walls can do for a sense of home again! First of these a very nice framed photo of my now dead wife who, once again, watches over my from my walls. Sometimes i can almost hear her make one of her trademark sarcastic remarks when i do something stupid. I miss her.
    I'm sending you a big friendly bear hug 🤗 Kurben. We'll always be here for you if you're lonely. ❤️
    I'm so glad your place is feeling like home again. 
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • I'm in the process of picking up smaller things now. Some strange things...  There are some things i just cant find, my detergent seems to have vanished which is strange since the rest that belongs in the bathroom is found. Also i have a lot of boxes and paperbags filled with clothes that i dont recall having before.... It is as if the clothes procreated while packed close together..... Thinking now of where to put them. Logically they cant really have procreated so i must have put them somewhere, right?
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • ....things like that are overwhelming evidence of "there are other worlds than this"....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I'm in the process of picking up smaller things now. Some strange things...  There are some things i just cant find, my detergent seems to have vanished which is strange since the rest that belongs in the bathroom is found. Also i have a lot of boxes and paperbags filled with clothes that i dont recall having before.... It is as if the clothes procreated while packed close together..... Thinking now of where to put them. Logically they cant really have procreated so i must have put them somewhere, right?
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....things like that are overwhelming evidence of "there are other worlds than this"....
    I just wish they'd procreate all of the lost socks back into existence. 
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Kurben said:
    I'm in the process of picking up smaller things now. Some strange things...  There are some things i just cant find, my detergent seems to have vanished which is strange since the rest that belongs in the bathroom is found. Also i have a lot of boxes and paperbags filled with clothes that i dont recall having before.... It is as if the clothes procreated while packed close together..... Thinking now of where to put them. Logically they cant really have procreated so i must have put them somewhere, right?
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....things like that are overwhelming evidence of "there are other worlds than this"....
    I just wish they'd procreate all of the lost socks back into existence. 
    I've learn to accept the undisputable fact that socks do disappear in some kind of parallell universe now and then. Here it was T-shirts that i suddenly had an abundance of (probably came from some other kind of universe too).
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • ....does anyone else get hit with occasional flickers of their own mortality, or is just me since I've passed the 60 sign?....weirdest crap can trigger it, and it's been worse since most of my relatives have passed into the clearing at the end of the path and my children are having their own....I don't dwell on it, nor am I getting maudlin-but damn!....when it hits, it hits hard...makes me appreciate what goes on about me a little bit more....I don't fear death, I know the Reaper is the undisputed champ-just wondered if I'm barmier than I thought....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • All the time. Some days, i’m ready to go. 
  • ....somedays I consider smothering MYSELF with a pillow....just don't care for the taste of Memory Foam...
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • cat said:
    Scott still is at home on short term disability due to his shoulder surgery in January. But should be taking his back to work test in about a week. It has been harder this time, compared to the last shoulder surgery. 

    Ali is taking her 2 first college courses, summer between junior/senior years. She is excelling. Just got her first job at Wendy's. I am so very proud of her but it has sent me into a worrisome, empty nest mindset. I only have a year left with her and two with Ty. I was advised by a very dear friend to live in the now and I'm trying. But I have been a blubbering, sobbing mess. All I have done is be a mom, since I was 18 years old. I worked when it was just me and Brandon but have done nothing BUT be a mom and wife since Scott and I got married. It is a very scary time for me. 

    The rest of the kids all doing well. Grandkids are growing so fast. 

    I have many things to be grateful for. But still find myself having a hard time. Don't mean to complain, rather just to explain my absence a little bit. I have withdrawn. Still having a hard time with my stepmom's passing and everything that encompasses as well. She is always on my mind. The unfairness of it all. 

    Dealing with new health issues of my own too. Was officially diagnosed with "TED" but the only treatment is gawdawful expensive and up to insurance to approve/disapprove. And diagnosed pre-diabetic. I already did not consume many sweets bc of my thyroid issues. Have cut out carbs now. But it's HARD. I love potatoes. In all forms. Have gotten my sugar levels down but I just have to be careful. It is not easy when cooking for a family. 

    Again. Not bi*&#ing. Just trying to offer an explanation for my distance. Love you all. ❤️

    Hi Cat - I am so far behind on this message board - not sure what's wrong with me either (probably just a severe case of procrastination) :|

    Here's a gif for you (maybe it will make you smile I hope)

    This is what I thought of when you said you had "TED" (and then I had to go look it up!)

    Sending you lots of love and green lights - hope you have a great holiday season ♥

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Smoke from Canada.  took me down

    Sorry (of course I have to say that - it's the law up in Canada)

    But seriously - the post was from July so I am hoping all is well with you now?? :o:smile:
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Kurben said:
    Back from my little trip. Been down mines, saw a wolfpit. It was part of the first law that all of sweden fell under written in 1350 that every farm must have a wolfpit close to the house. It was deemed necessary as a protection for a farms animals. It was a 4 meter deep and 4 meter wide stonewalled pit in the ground that you covered with branches and put a bloody animal on top to lure the wolf there. It worked often enough. And it rained!!! The Storm Hans swept over sweden during the days we drove around. But we survived even if we saw many roads that were submerged in water. Also we far north up to the alps over the treeline. Just mosses, lichen and rocks up there. If not for the weather it would have been a beautiful view. But the clouds were so low i actually walked through some of them. Limited the view but a really cool experience.

    Poor wolves - while I sympathize with the farmers, after reading "Never Cry Wolf" by Farley Mowat I feel bad for the wolves as well.

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Kris has passed away.  I really can't say anything more right now

    RIP - sorry I am so late in seeing this - I've been away from the internet intermittently and definitely away from Bev Vincent's Board

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • sorry chicken that I ate.  felt really bad about eating you :o  but with enough hot sauce. tasty
    I tried mixed vegs.   Then eggs, - liquid chicken.

    I think that I need a cow now, but I would name him, love him and then eat him.

    Thank god I found pot tarts

    You found pot tarts? I don't think we have these up in Canada even though cannabis is legal everywhere ☺

    Okay - never mind - found some lol

    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    I've been able to take down the plastic that cover my bookshelves (well most of them, some i cant reach because there are boxes and stuff in front of them) but i have found that to be able to reach my books again has made my much calmer. Is that strange? For 7 weeks i havent been able to reach them because of fear of the building dust (and it was wise to cover them) but is it normal to feel such relief in knowing that i have access again?
    ....no sir!!.....mine have been stored since we moved and I'm jonesing hard.....paper and glue pacifier.....

    Did you move back to your old place? I'm so out of the loop here - thought you inherited the parents' old house and were renovating it.

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...not to disrupt the flow of love and support for the Dubliners so savagely treated, but may I interrupt for a moment and let you all know how proud I am of my youngest son this evening?...this tale also involves sadness and pain, but also the strength of love and compassion, and a young man rising to heroism without a thought for anyone but the victim he encountered....Harrison, my street wise and tough as nails boyo was running an errand for a couple of friends when he heard the sickening sound of a crash at one of the busiest intersections in our town....he saw a young man that had been thrown from a motorcycle after slamming into the side of an SUV that had cut him off....without a thought for himself, he whipped into a nearby parking lot and grabbed his first aid kit and ran to the victim's side.....he took control of a horrible scene and rendered aid to another young man-even younger than himself....injuries were grievous....skull fracture, compound fracture-with kneecap dismembered and on the asphalt and he was choking on his own blood....my son, with just basic first-aid background from working the oilfields, stabilized the injured man's head and neck, got him on his side to prevent aspiration and closed the head wound as much as possible, all the while shouting orders to generally useless bystanders, but most importantly-encouragement to the young fella who's life was literally hanging by the proverbial thread.....I cannot begin to tell you the depth of respect, love and admiration I have for Harrison and his poise under such stress....I've been there multiple times....he hasn't, but carried himself like a true trauma veteran....he kept this boy alive until the squad got there....he was then transported to our local hospital and airlifted to a Level 1 Trauma Center in Columbus....preliminary reports indicate multiple spinal fractures, brain bleed and loss of kneecap....he is currently in a medically induced coma and not breathing on his own with surgery to come....please, if you can find it in your hearts, pray for this young man to live and also, a thought to my son who is struggling with a myriad of emotions.... you done good Scooter, you done good....

    Your son is a true hero Scott
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Neesy said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    I've been able to take down the plastic that cover my bookshelves (well most of them, some i cant reach because there are boxes and stuff in front of them) but i have found that to be able to reach my books again has made my much calmer. Is that strange? For 7 weeks i havent been able to reach them because of fear of the building dust (and it was wise to cover them) but is it normal to feel such relief in knowing that i have access again?
    ....no sir!!.....mine have been stored since we moved and I'm jonesing hard.....paper and glue pacifier.....

    Did you move back to your old place? I'm so out of the loop here - thought you inherited the parents' old house and were renovating it.

    ....we moved again....wasn't enamored with living in the family home...to many psychological scars from an over-protective mother.....
    Hedda GablerNeesyKurbenFlakeNoir
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Neesy said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    I've been able to take down the plastic that cover my bookshelves (well most of them, some i cant reach because there are boxes and stuff in front of them) but i have found that to be able to reach my books again has made my much calmer. Is that strange? For 7 weeks i havent been able to reach them because of fear of the building dust (and it was wise to cover them) but is it normal to feel such relief in knowing that i have access again?
    ....no sir!!.....mine have been stored since we moved and I'm jonesing hard.....paper and glue pacifier.....

    Did you move back to your old place? I'm so out of the loop here - thought you inherited the parents' old house and were renovating it.

    ....we moved again....wasn't enamored with living in the family home...to many psychological scars from an over-protective mother.....

    I'm sorry to hear this Scott - she probably thought she was helping you. I hope you can get over it eventually. I know I am overprotective with Josh but he is cognitively challenged and vulnerable. You seemed more than perfectly normal ☺ when I met you, so I am not sure why she acted as she did.
    It's good that you had your old house to go back to.

    We've been here over 20 years and I sometimes think it would do us good to move and make a fresh start (Anyway - I am rambling...)

    KurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • ....Kurben, given your education, I was curious if you had ever viewed Destination Unknown with Josh Gates and what your thoughts were....
    NeesyFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....Kurben, given your education, I was curious if you had ever viewed Destination Unknown with Josh Gates and what your thoughts were....
    I've only watched a few episodes here and there and i am a bit mixed. Saw the one on Amelia Earhart and it was OK if too unfocused. Far to long. Then i saw one on Robin Hood which i thought was more about the legend than about the possible origin and when/if he lived. Not very good. But the one of the newly diiscovered temple in Cambodja was good though it was totally unnecessary to speculate on mystical powers that a stone would have. I see he has made one on King Arthur too..... I think he should mention the sources more, Like Gildas that actually a contemporary of when a real arthur would have lived.. Writing in about 550 he mention the Battle Of Badon Hill in 500 AD where the britons won a decisive victory over the Saxon invaders. Arthur is supposed to have taken part in that battle but Gildas never mention him by name. First mentioned by name in the Historia Brittonum (ca 850, that is 350 year after he should have lived) where he is claimed as a warleader under the brittonic kings that won the battle of Badon. First called a king in ca 1136 by geoffrey of Monmouth and practically everything he wrote was made up. There was the round table Guinevere, Lancelot and so on. All total fiction. So i have found it rather uneven. Some OK, if too long and some mostly a waste of time.
    NeesyFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • ...I thought probably, but I think he does well mixing entertainment with some education...it has taught me some things without all of it being hard fact....appreciate your insight.....
    KurbenNeesyFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • The last days has been christmas pressure. All done now. Presents fixed (even bought a few books for myself in christmas gift spirit), cheese and meat fixed, candy and chocolate and nuts fixed! I am ready for christmas!!!!!!!! Bring it on.
    NeesyFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Kurben said:
    The last days has been christmas pressure. All done now. Presents fixed (even bought a few books for myself in christmas gift spirit), cheese and meat fixed, candy and chocolate and nuts fixed! I am ready for christmas!!!!!!!! Bring it on.

    You are way ahead of me - I made Christmas cookies and put up the Charlie Brown Christmas tree but I am not ready for Christmas yet - you're doing very well Kurben!

    FlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
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