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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • FlakeNoir said:

    Scott, that is a great bit of saving your boy did there, wonderful kiddo! Learned well from his dad, you guys must be so proud of him.❤️ Emergency care is scary, he did such a good job.
    ...we are extremely proud....he doesn't get all the fuss really, but that's what makes it even more laudable....I can say without a shadow of a doubt, he saved that young fella's life....while the great unwashed stood about with their cell phone out taking pictures and doing nothing, other than planting their thumbs firmly up their asses...best part?....one woman asked Harrison if he was "trained" and Scooter yelled at her-"Fcuk no!! Not for this, but ain't nobody else doing a damn thing!!!"....that woman then told him she was an EMT.....WHAT??????....and you just stood there...should lose her license for that....it's called deliberate indifference....
    not_nadineKurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • edited November 2023
    The hells Scott.      Again, yay  for your hero boy.   
    KurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:

    Scott, that is a great bit of saving your boy did there, wonderful kiddo! Learned well from his dad, you guys must be so proud of him.❤️ Emergency care is scary, he did such a good job.
    ...we are extremely proud....he doesn't get all the fuss really, but that's what makes it even more laudable....I can say without a shadow of a doubt, he saved that young fella's life....while the great unwashed stood about with their cell phone out taking pictures and doing nothing, other than planting their thumbs firmly up their asses...best part?....one woman asked Harrison if he was "trained" and Scooter yelled at her-"Fcuk no!! Not for this, but ain't nobody else doing a damn thing!!!"....that woman then told him she was an EMT.....WHAT??????....and you just stood there...should lose her license for that....it's called deliberate indifference....
    Bloody hell (EMT) that's disgusting.🙄

    Again, so well done Harrison.  ❤️
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:

    Scott, that is a great bit of saving your boy did there, wonderful kiddo! Learned well from his dad, you guys must be so proud of him.❤️ Emergency care is scary, he did such a good job.
    ...we are extremely proud....he doesn't get all the fuss really, but that's what makes it even more laudable....I can say without a shadow of a doubt, he saved that young fella's life....while the great unwashed stood about with their cell phone out taking pictures and doing nothing, other than planting their thumbs firmly up their asses...best part?....one woman asked Harrison if he was "trained" and Scooter yelled at her-"Fcuk no!! Not for this, but ain't nobody else doing a damn thing!!!"....that woman then told him she was an EMT.....WHAT??????....and you just stood there...should lose her license for that....it's called deliberate indifference....
    Bloody hell (EMT) that's disgusting.🙄

    Again, so well done Harrison.  ❤️
    Absolutely. I can understand people that, like me, has no clue of what to do doing not much in fear of making it worse but an EMT just watching..... And that phone thing is pretty disgusting too i think. I see it as disrespectful in this context. If you can help, help and if not at least dont disrespect the victim of the accident for a few likes on internet or wherever it ends up.

    BTW i once saw an episode of NCIS where an untrained bystander helped a carcrash victim so he survived but the cops had to arrest her because it was against the law to help if you werent trained and had some kind of education. Is that still a thing? Or just in some states? If it still is a thing i can understand the reluctance to help. Who wants to be arrested for doing a good deed? Felt very strange to me when i watched that episode and probably why i remember it.

    Either way, your Harrison is a hero, Scott!!
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNotaroNeesy
  • ...thank you, despite all the woes...Mom and I did something right....and yes Kurb, there is a edict on the books in Ohio called the Good Samaritan Law....

    No person shall be liable in civil damages for administering emergency care or treatment at the scene of an emergency outside of a hospital, doctor's office, or other place having proper medical equipment, for acts performed at the scene of such emergency, unless such acts constitute willful or wanton misconduct.
    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • How is tracy’s mom doing? 
  • How is tracy’s mom doing? 
    ...appreciate you asking.....she has tolerated chemo well, and last check it appeared that the area of cancer had disappeared-but she has elected to take not further chances and is scheduled for a double mastectomy in the morning with lymph node removal from the affected side....all good thoughts are welcome for sure...she has battled back at the beast and is weary and sometimes ill-but her spirit is untouched.....I believe she will also have regular radiation treatments for a time after the incisions heal, just to ensure that she is in remission....Nancy further made the choice to not put herself through reconstructive surgery....as she said, "I'm 79 years old!  What the hell do I need fake boobs for?".....
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirNeesy
  • edited November 2023
    All sounds good. And I agree on the boob thing. Absolutely. Boobs get in the way. Clothes are hard to fit. She’ll do great!
  • ...surgery took just a couple of hours, Doc said all went well and he could find no evidence of her mass!!....pathology results to come, but it's looking so great for her...thanks to whatever power is out there and all the hopes and prayers.....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...surgery took just a couple of hours, Doc said all went well and he could find no evidence of her mass!!....pathology results to come, but it's looking so great for her...thanks to whatever power is out there and all the hopes and prayers.....
    That’s great news. Fuck cancer. 
  • edited December 2023
    I've been very very sick these past few days.   I won't go into details.  But gods.  I had no idea that grief can can be so hard.   Just sleep for a few hours at a time.   Wake at odd hours.   No eating.  Can't even look at food.   soup soup is all I had like last week.

     Bodily functions just go before you can do anything.   Think I gave myself ecoli.  Wash Wash clean myself up.    Fucking horrible.  I have to get all of his medical stuff from around me.

    While his family and friends are  celebrating his life up in Lake Placid.  Could not even try to make it.  Now I have to see pictures of them all.

       Helen Keller it to bathroom and it's already too late.    Wtf.      Guess I went into details.  Found some alka selzer to calm stomach, only to find out it was night time tabs.  So sleep sleep.  Will find doctor and grief places.

    His cat still walks by.  medicated with droplets of the herbal meds.  No more climbing walls and looking all over for him.   And no more attacks on me  so far

    KurbenNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • Sorry I should no have posted that.
  • Sorry I should no have posted that.
    why not? You are among friends. I only hope you get better soon and that you and Killercat will comfort eachother.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...surgery took just a couple of hours, Doc said all went well and he could find no evidence of her mass!!....pathology results to come, but it's looking so great for her...thanks to whatever power is out there and all the hopes and prayers.....
    Such great news, wonderful to hear.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...surgery took just a couple of hours, Doc said all went well and he could find no evidence of her mass!!....pathology results to come, but it's looking so great for her...thanks to whatever power is out there and all the hopes and prayers.....
    That’s great news. Fuck cancer. 
    ...Tracy just left to pick her up and take her home.....the Warrior has won another round.... <3
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...surgery took just a couple of hours, Doc said all went well and he could find no evidence of her mass!!....pathology results to come, but it's looking so great for her...thanks to whatever power is out there and all the hopes and prayers.....
    That’s great news. Fuck cancer. 
    ...Tracy just left to pick her up and take her home.....the Warrior has won another round.... <3
    Brilliant!! Happy holidays to all of you!
  • Swear I am not sleeping today.  Nightmares Nightmares.   Worst one was (in a dream) I said 'omg you are not breathing, calling your sister.    He pops up,  says " look!  Pats himself and says "I'm not dead!   Put the phone down darlin
     Everything is fine.  It is okay.  " 

    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • .....so as you know, we've been keeping the mood light over Mom Nancy's cancer and subsequent double mastectomy....humor is a perfect RX...went over last night to visit and she requested I take a look at the incision site because it felt wet and she was very uncomfortable....normally, dressings aren't to be disturbed until follow-up with the surgeon, but this sawbones won't care-has worked on my whole family for over 30 plus years...anyway, had to run to the pharmacy and get supplies, then I started to remove the bundles of gauze, pads and other medical ephemera until I was down to bare skin...I kinda chuckled and told her this was a whole view I'd never dreamed of having and she chimed right back, "ain't nothing' to look at now!"....for what she had done, the area was amazingly beautiful...I know that sounds twisted, but the work was top shelf....checked her drain sites and lost count of the staples....damn, made me itch just looking....she goes back to the surgeon Tuesday for another look and should get an idea when those drains and staples can be pulled.  the nurse in me wants to yank them suckers....sidebar here that cracked us ALL up, Doc proudly told Mom that hers was the largest pair of breasts he's ever taken..... :D :D :D :D
    KurbenFlakeNoirnot_nadineHedda GablerNeesy
  • You are doing a great job, GNT.   
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • I have started to put everything back where it should be. But i take my timem i dont want a repeat of what happened last time. First of my agenda was, of course, my books. First i was very happy to see that i still could fit the cupboard and the bookcase in the place as earlier. Because of a new arrangement of the pipes from the heater the space was about 5-10 cm smaller than earlier but it just made it in so yay!! I had been worried that i would have to find some kind of ingenious solution in another way but no need. Also the bookcases that was attached to the wall in my bedroom is up again. Most of the books are in but not all. Next step is mats and carpets that i took the oppurtunity to clean properly while all the work was going on. I have also put up some hooks in the bathroom to put towels and things on. All this has taken several days as i didn't want to stress it. But today the last bookcases are up and most of the books were they should be. Feel so much better just looking at it!!
    not_nadineGNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • ...books and towels.....you're all set buddy.....
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I have started to put everything back where it should be. But i take my timem i dont want a repeat of what happened last time. First of my agenda was, of course, my books. First i was very happy to see that i still could fit the cupboard and the bookcase in the place as earlier. Because of a new arrangement of the pipes from the heater the space was about 5-10 cm smaller than earlier but it just made it in so yay!! I had been worried that i would have to find some kind of ingenious solution in another way but no need. Also the bookcases that was attached to the wall in my bedroom is up again. Most of the books are in but not all. Next step is mats and carpets that i took the oppurtunity to clean properly while all the work was going on. I have also put up some hooks in the bathroom to put towels and things on. All this has taken several days as i didn't want to stress it. But today the last bookcases are up and most of the books were they should be. Feel so much better just looking at it!!
    Lovely, I'm so glad things are getting back to normal now.
    I saw this chair and thought you might like it. 

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Kurben said:
    I have started to put everything back where it should be. But i take my timem i dont want a repeat of what happened last time. First of my agenda was, of course, my books. First i was very happy to see that i still could fit the cupboard and the bookcase in the place as earlier. Because of a new arrangement of the pipes from the heater the space was about 5-10 cm smaller than earlier but it just made it in so yay!! I had been worried that i would have to find some kind of ingenious solution in another way but no need. Also the bookcases that was attached to the wall in my bedroom is up again. Most of the books are in but not all. Next step is mats and carpets that i took the oppurtunity to clean properly while all the work was going on. I have also put up some hooks in the bathroom to put towels and things on. All this has taken several days as i didn't want to stress it. But today the last bookcases are up and most of the books were they should be. Feel so much better just looking at it!!
    Lovely, I'm so glad things are getting back to normal now.
    I saw this chair and thought you might like it. 

    When did you learn to read my mind?? I like it!!
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • ....I looked into these Kurb, and they are available for purchase-but at a hefty price....maybe if you know a carpenter(not Karen or Richard), you could have one built for much less and just grab a couple of cushions at your favorite store....
    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • My getting my home in order again project is slowly progressing. Mats and carpets are mostly in their places now. Books are up, some light furniture shuffled back. Perhaps there will be christmas after all here?
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
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