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  • edited May 2022
    I get it. And your examples were good.  I agree with that. 

    There are docs that will do reenactments with actors, but they stay faithful to court testimony, police reports, victim statements as well as the perpetrator(s) and  eyewitnesses. ( the last two especially, you do have to take as perhaps not reliable.) 

    but editing to make the story better or for your own opinion is not good. But, I can still accept it based on a true story as long as you tell me you are putting a spin on it— so yes. Label it differently. 

     People change facts everyday now to fit their agendas.  Narcissistic and stupid. 
  • I get it. And your examples were good.  I agree with that. 

    There are docs that will do reenactments with actors, but they stay faithful to court testimony, police reports, victim statements as well as the perpetrator(s) and  eyewitnesses. ( the last two especially, you do have to take as perhaps not reliable.) 

    but editing to make the story better or for your own opinion is not good. But, I can still accept it based on a true story as long as you tell me you are putting a spin on it— so yes. Label it differently. 

     People change facts everyday now to fit their agendas.  Narcissistic and stupid. 
    I dont mind reenactminds when they reenact a clear cut fact like a police report or a witness testimony as long as its stated. What is usual that i dont like is when they do reenactment of a certain theory in a historical context (say for example how Homo sapiens met the Neanderthal or events in the so called dark ages. They are just speculation based on one of many theories of the event and to call it a documentary then irritates me. And often they dont even mention that there are other scenarios that might be just as "true". Might be correct, might just as well not be. Do your reenactment if you feel like it but make clear for the viewer that it is one of many possibilities of what occurred. Do not paint it as historical truth.

    And i agree with you: I can accept the things you mention above but say what you're doing. If you are not you are with intent misleading the viewer of your story. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • ...agreed & agreed.....can't stand it when it when it becomes "based on actual events that we've twisted beyond recognition"....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • edited May 2022
    Okay, I’m going to put this in documentary because it is kind of in hindsight. 

    Norm MacDonald — Nothing Special

    After his comedy set, we then listened to a group of his friends talk about him. That was enlightening.  He told very few people what was going on. 

    This was tough to watch for me. For a number of reasons.  I wouldn’t call myself a huge fan of his comedy. He was hit or miss for me. But, i appreciate his cheekiness. 

    Pretty bittersweet, knowing now what we didn’t know then. 

    Just remember— everyone pockets a puzzle piece or two. And it’s probably an edge, most likely some sky. 
  • edited July 2022
    Girl in the Picture 

    what a story.   Netflix
  • Girl in the Picture 

    what a story.   Netflix
    Watching this now.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Girl in the Picture 

    what a story.   Netflix
    Watching this now.
    It’s so sad. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Girl in the Picture 

    what a story.   Netflix
    Watching this now.
    It’s so sad. 
    It was awful, start to finish. Some human beings are the scum of the earth.
    GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • H.R.Giger Revealed 

  • Notaro said:
    H.R.Giger Revealed 

    Son of a — it won’t  let me watch on phone. Will check out later on laptop. 
  • Robert Shaw - Jaws, Deoch & Deora  (Jaws, Drink & Tears)

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • My Daughter’s Killer — Netflix
  • edited July 2022
    DB Cooper Where Are You?! — Netflix
  • edited July 2022
    DB Cooper Where Are You?! — Netflix

    episode 4 of this doc links DB Cooper to Canada and a Canadian comic book series Dan Cooper. 

    As a kid, were you a Dan Cooper comic reader?

    i am not a  DB Cooperite, but it is interesting.  I  had never heard the Canadian connection before. 

    Very interesting documentary on this case. It gets very sciency in that 4th episode. Titanium and Boeing from Montreal. 
  • We enjoyed The Day the Music Died on Paramount+ -- the history of Don McLean's iconic song.
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • We watched the first two episodes of The Last Movie Stars on HBO Max. If anything, it made us less interested in the Newmans. I don't think we'll watch the rest.
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • We watched the first two episodes of The Last Movie Stars on HBO Max. If anything, it made us less interested in the Newmans. I don't think we'll watch the rest.
    I have watched the first two also. I would be interested in your thoughts on why you are less interested. 

    Me personally, i’m not sure I’m liking them as people all that much, especially Joanne. And the people reading the transcripts — thank goodness for subtitles. It gets a bit jumbly. The format of this is tedious.

    But, i won’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. I love the photos , the film clips, the history. So I’ll stay the course.  Hopefully the Newmans redeem themselves in my eyes by the end. 
  • The Last Movie Stars — came full circle. It was interesting. I enjoyed it. 
  • We had this romantic vision of what they were like...and ended up not liking them very much at all.
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • We had this romantic vision of what they were like...and ended up not liking them very much at all.
    You may still not like them very much. I didn’t realize Paul was an alcoholic which was sad. I think he tried to be better person as he aged. 

    Joanne? Not so much. It was all about her from the get-go.  A grandson comments that (paraphrasing) he lost his grandma long ago due to Alzheimers. So, physically still here but sounds like gone. 

  • Ep 2 ends with her saying that, knowing what she did later, she probably wouldn't have had kids. That pretty much did it for us.
  • Ep 2 ends with her saying that, knowing what she did later, she probably wouldn't have had kids. That pretty much did it for us.
    But… she prefaced that comment with something about although each and everyone of them was adored…. Makes it all so much better. Not. 

    And throughout the documentary, every episode onward, she continues to make comments about kids, being a parent and how it was their fault she couldn’t continue her career. You feel her resentment. 

    It takes two tango, and Paul was just as disappointing, but I’m falling in the trap of blaming. But damn! I’m not a Joanne fan. 

  • What's ironic is that it was the kids that asked Hawke to make the documentary. It's like they wanted to demystify their parents.
    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • Pennywise: The Story of It is really worthwhile. You can rent it for $5 on Amazon Prime. Excellent interviews with the surviving cast and the crew, plus terrific making-of / behind-the-scenes footage.
  • Tempting. 
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