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What T.V. Shows Have Your Attention?



  • Peaky Blinders...
    I tried to watch this.  For some reason, I just couldn't get past that first episode and everyone loves this.  

    ... ahem ... :)
  • I'm halfway through the first season of DEADWIND.  Interesting enough.
    I watched that--I see season 2 just showed up on Netflix. In my queue.
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTspideyman
  • edited July 2020
    Well, I just finished the first season of Penny Dreadful:  City of Angels.

    Like I said, Nathan Lane was the one to watch in this. But overall, I felt it was just too disjointed and lackluster.  Every single episode had a piece of business that kept me on the line to watch the next installment, but not one story thread was powerful enough or cohesive enough to carry this alone in this particular presentation.

    I absolutely loved that Nathan Lane had a look-at-the-pretty-flowers moment, that was priceless.  But the heavy handed final words were cheap I thought.  True.  But cheap.  It was like I watched this whole thing play out just to be woke.  It was a mediocre after school special.   The final look into the camera with accompanying declaration came off as gimicky to me.

    But, having said all that, if they come back with a season 2 of City of Angels, I will watch it just to be a visual completist.  

  • Well, I just finished the first season of Penny Dreadful:  City of Angels.

    Like I said, Nathan Lane was the one to watch in this. But overall, I felt it was just too disjointed and lackluster.  Every single episode had a piece of business that kept me on the line to watch the next installment, but not one story thread was powerful enough or cohesive enough to carry this alone in this particular presentation.

    I absolutely loved that Nathan Lane had a look-at-the-pretty-flowers moment, that was priceless.  But the heavy handed final words were cheap I thought.  True.  But cheap.  It was like I watched this whole thing play out just to be schooled.   Came off as gimicky to me.

    But, having said all that, if they come back with a season 2 of City of Angels, I will watch it just to be a visual completist.  

    We got three episodes in and stopped watching, I did want to finish it but other programs distracted us, I'll try to get back to it.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gablerspideyman
  • edited July 2020
    Got season 3 of Boston Legal going.  




    I keep doing a drive-by on a new one, Curon.  
  • edited July 2020
    I watched the first episode of NOS4A2 season 2 and I just have to say, this girl playing Vic drives me nuts.  I do not like her acting.  Something about her just doesn't fit this character -- to me.

    I stayed with Season 1 because of Christmasland, the kids and Zachary Quinto.  They have been fantastic. But I could not care less about Vic McQueen.  She's the very bottom of care less.  

    I have not read the book so maybe if I had, I would appreciate this person's portrayal of the character.  My focus wanders everytime I have to listen and watch her dysfunction that just never rings genuine for me.  I don't feel her fear, dread, insecurities or determination.  They want me to feel all those things and I don't.  

    Hopefully Charlie Manx eats her bloody eyeball with some fava beans and good Chianti, ppffffttt ppfffftttt ppfffftttttt.

  • Has anyone checked out the recent season of The Sinner? Horrible ... 
  • NBC's Peacock service launched today -- and much of it is free. You don't even have to give 'em a credit card. Just download the app. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoircatspideymanGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Sundrop
  • edited July 2020
    The Sundance Channel has acquired Columbo.  I am now watching every Columbo that I have watched 221 other times.   

    And I own every season, but recording them makes it a button away from, "just one more thing."
  • NBC's Peacock service launched today -- and much of it is free. You don't even have to give 'em a credit card. Just download the app. 
    Thanks for the heads up on this.  
  • We have started watching Ozark. Love it. We are only up to ep 5 I think, season 1. 

    I still have all of seas 3 of Killing Eve to watch, all the new Penny Dreadful, Snowpiercer, Perry Mason and Hightown and NOS4A2 to check out too. Have only been recording, not much watching! 

    The only thing we are staying up to date with is Yellowstone. Still have this week's episode to watch, but night shifts right now, so maybe Friday night. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerspideymanNotaroGNTLGNTSundrop
  • edited July 2020
    cat said:
    We have started watching Ozark. Love it. We are only up to ep 5 I think, season 1. 

    I still have all of seas 3 of Killing Eve to watch, all the new Penny Dreadful, Snowpiercer, Perry Mason and Hightown and NOS4A2 to check out too. Have only been recording, not much watching! 

    The only thing we are staying up to date with is Yellowstone. Still have this week's episode to watch, but night shifts right now, so maybe Friday night. 
    Love this show (Ozark) too,  I've seen all of season 1. Throughout every episode I just felt such anxiety though, felt like it could just go anywhere! 
    catHedda GablerspideymanNotaroGNTLGNT
  • cat said:
    We have started watching Ozark. Love it. We are only up to ep 5 I think, season 1. 

    I still have all of seas 3 of Killing Eve to watch, all the new Penny Dreadful, Snowpiercer, Perry Mason and Hightown and NOS4A2 to check out too. Have only been recording, not much watching! 

    The only thing we are staying up to date with is Yellowstone. Still have this week's episode to watch, but night shifts right now, so maybe Friday night. 
    I did not like the Snopiercer series AT ALL, I encourage you to check out the film with Chris Evans, a far more faithful adaption. 
  • cat said:
    We have started watching Ozark. Love it. We are only up to ep 5 I think, season 1. 

    I still have all of seas 3 of Killing Eve to watch, all the new Penny Dreadful, Snowpiercer, Perry Mason and Hightown and NOS4A2 to check out too. Have only been recording, not much watching! 

    The only thing we are staying up to date with is Yellowstone. Still have this week's episode to watch, but night shifts right now, so maybe Friday night. 
    I did not like the Snopiercer series AT ALL, I encourage you to check out the film with Chris Evans, a far more faithful adaption. 
  • cat said:
    We have started watching Ozark. Love it. We are only up to ep 5 I think, season 1. 

    I still have all of seas 3 of Killing Eve to watch, all the new Penny Dreadful, Snowpiercer, Perry Mason and Hightown and NOS4A2 to check out too. Have only been recording, not much watching! 

    The only thing we are staying up to date with is Yellowstone. Still have this week's episode to watch, but night shifts right now, so maybe Friday night. 
    I did not like the Snopiercer series AT ALL, I encourage you to check out the film with Chris Evans, a far more faithful adaption. 
    I have seen it. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaro
  • cat said:
    cat said:
    We have started watching Ozark. Love it. We are only up to ep 5 I think, season 1. 

    I still have all of seas 3 of Killing Eve to watch, all the new Penny Dreadful, Snowpiercer, Perry Mason and Hightown and NOS4A2 to check out too. Have only been recording, not much watching! 

    The only thing we are staying up to date with is Yellowstone. Still have this week's episode to watch, but night shifts right now, so maybe Friday night. 
    I did not like the Snopiercer series AT ALL, I encourage you to check out the film with Chris Evans, a far more faithful adaption. 
    I have seen it. 
    The film is excellent. 
  • edited July 2020
    I finished up Snowpiercer last night and really liked it.  Once I was able to get past my own hang ups about the future of a train and the people on board and how that would work, I just jumped right in.  Looking forward to Season 2.

    @cat -- I haven't seen the movie and you have, so when you watch the series, let me know what you think about the differences and similarities and which you liked better.  Or the strengthens and weaknesses between the two as you see them.

     I may need to watch the movie.
  • I finished up Snowpiercer last night and really liked it.  Once I was able to get past my own hang ups about the future of a train and the people on board and how that would work, I just jumped right in.  Looking forward to Season 2.

    @cat -- I haven't seen the movie and you have, so when you watch the series, let me know what you think about the differences and similarities and which you liked better.  Or the strengthens and weaknesses between the two as you see them.

     I may need to watch the movie.
    I'm shocked that they can turn the book into a multiple season TV series. 
  • Did anyone watch the first season of The Alienist?  If so, what did you think? 

     I'm recording season 2 and hopefully it is a standalone that doesn't rely too much on backstory (that they might not give in the new season)  so I can enjoy it without being out of the loop on the characters.  
  • We finally finished all seven seasons of The Good Wife, which we started back in March. Now we're going to re-watch at least the first season of The Good Fight to see all the back-references we missed the first time around.
    GNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaro
  • Watchmen (TV) is so bad that it is actually hilarious. 
  • Hotel Paranormal  Travel Channel...narrated by Dan Aykroyd....
    NotaroHedda GablerspideymanFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Sundrop
  • Lovecraft Country coming August 16 HBO has my interest.
  • edited July 2020
    Lovecraft Country coming August 16 HBO has my interest.
    Really HBO? Yep, this is a pass. 
  • edited July 2020
    Netflix has The Twelve a Belgian entry and Signs, a Polish series.  Has anyone watched these? Thoughts?

    I've started the Polish one.
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