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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • I actually had tacos yesterday and didn't realize it was Tuesday but I was in a close town with a super taco joint and couldn't pass it up.  They actually give you cheese on the taco.  And when you ask for extra sour cream, there's extra sour cream.  And the shells are warm and fresh.  And this is a chain taco place.  You would think that they would all taste the same.  But they don't.  

      The one in my town absolutely friggin' sucks.  There's one of them in a town near me that's better, but still low on the Sensory Scales of Taste, but this particular one I was near yesterday is the best. 

    I wolfed down my 2 taco supremes and wished I had a back-up stomach for storage.

    Sounds yummy! Since being here, I've discovered the wonders of Indian Fry Bread and Navajo Tacos. Basically, the usual taco fillings but instead of a tortilla, the shell is fry bread. My cousin from Maine wanted to try local dishes and this fit right in. Not sure if it's fortunately or unfortunately, I found a stand just a couple miles from me located on the Pima Reservation and most of the clientele was Native Americans so I'm guessing must be fairly authentic. We both got a Navajo Taco and plain fry bread for dessert that we put mesquite honey on when we got home but easily could have shared them and still been full. My WW daily points allowance took a hit that day--and the next!!  :)
    catHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Neesy
  • Good morning!

    @doyoulove19 So good to see you and thank you. 😍

    Was a super busy weekend. Ty's play was Friday night and Sat afternoon. They did great! The version they performed, called for little to no set pieces, to let the audience concentrate on the kids, the costumes and the acting. It was funny and super cute. Will try to get a few pics up. 

    We only went to Friday's performance, as Ali had a track meet Sat. So we got Ty to the school and headed over to the other HS to watch Ali. It was sunny but windy and the wind had a bite. Sunday we mostly rested. 

    Finished packing up china and bear figurines, movies and games so we can move furniture out of living room. Have moved a few things already. Flooring was supposed to go in tomorrow but the crew that was going to do it got hurt. So it was pushed to Monday with a different crew. I have everything done that I can do alone, we'll spend Sunday moving stuff out of the room. 

    The surgeon Scott saw for his gall bladder wants him to do another test. They will inject him with a hormone to make his gall bladder dump everything its got and (hopefully 😳) induce an attack. If it does, surgery will be next. If it does not, then something else is causing the problem. We don't know when he is doing it yet, radiology has to order the stuff in, there is a shortage. He is glad for the pills they gave him, he is still having attacks off and on. Surgeon said he is pretty sure the gall bladder is the culprit but has to make sure as he apparently does not have any stones or inflammation showing on ultrasound.

    Ali has a track meet tomorrow, I might go since the floor is not being done now. And another on Friday. Has a band solo and ensemble competition today. 

    I'm looking at a fairly easy day today. Just a few chores and laundry. 

    Have a great day! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    MarshaNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NeesyHedda Gabler
  • cat said:
    Good morning!

    @doyoulove19 So good to see you and thank you. 😍

    Was a super busy weekend. Ty's play was Friday night and Sat afternoon. They did great! The version they performed, called for little to no set pieces, to let the audience concentrate on the kids, the costumes and the acting. It was funny and super cute. Will try to get a few pics up. 

    We only went to Friday's performance, as Ali had a track meet Sat. So we got Ty to the school and headed over to the other HS to watch Ali. It was sunny but windy and the wind had a bite. Sunday we mostly rested. 

    Finished packing up china and bear figurines, movies and games so we can move furniture out of living room. Have moved a few things already. Flooring was supposed to go in tomorrow but the crew that was going to do it got hurt. So it was pushed to Monday with a different crew. I have everything done that I can do alone, we'll spend Sunday moving stuff out of the room. 

    The surgeon Scott saw for his gall bladder wants him to do another test. They will inject him with a hormone to make his gall bladder dump everything its got and (hopefully 😳) induce an attack. If it does, surgery will be next. If it does not, then something else is causing the problem. We don't know when he is doing it yet, radiology has to order the stuff in, there is a shortage. He is glad for the pills they gave him, he is still having attacks off and on. Surgeon said he is pretty sure the gall bladder is the culprit but has to make sure as he apparently does not have any stones or inflammation showing on ultrasound.

    Ali has a track meet tomorrow, I might go since the floor is not being done now. And another on Friday. Has a band solo and ensemble competition today. 

    I'm looking at a fairly easy day today. Just a few chores and laundry. 

    Have a great day! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    Your fairly easy day is an exhausting one to me. You should be applauded for getting everything done and in the right order too...!!!  
    MarshacatNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NeesyHedda Gabler
  • I've been reading a bit about Swedens first serial Killer. He was a vicar by occupation. He had the idea that poor and ill are too costly for society. Also by doing away with a few of them the society would be helped. In his mind it was mercy killings. With that thought he started to go on his rounds in his parish to the sick and poor and while there poison them. He managed to kill 3 and make several more very sick indeed before he was caught. He was sentenced to death but hanged himself to death in his cell. At the trial he was surprised that the jury did not think that the reason he gave justified the murders. He held a long defense speech that, he was convinced, must make anyone see that he was on the right side here.
    catNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19NeesyHedda Gabler
  • I actually had tacos yesterday and didn't realize it was Tuesday but I was in a close town with a super taco joint and couldn't pass it up.  They actually give you cheese on the taco.  And when you ask for extra sour cream, there's extra sour cream.  And the shells are warm and fresh.  And this is a chain taco place.  You would think that they would all taste the same.  But they don't.  

      The one in my town absolutely friggin' sucks.  There's one of them in a town near me that's better, but still low on the Sensory Scales of Taste, but this particular one I was near yesterday is the best. 

    I wolfed down my 2 taco supremes and wished I had a back-up stomach for storage.
    ....I'll rent you my hollow leg by the hour....
    NotaroFlakeNoircatMarshaKurbendoyoulove19NeesyHedda Gabler
  • ....not the first time death has come to those associated with religion....not trying to push hot keys here, just stating historical fact....
    FlakeNoircatMarshaKurbendoyoulove19NeesyHedda Gabler
  • ...Cat/...did they do a Hida scan on Scott to see how much sludge there was and if the gall bladder showed slowed emptying?....I may have missed that in an earlier post.....
    FlakeNoirMarshaKurbendoyoulove19NeesyHedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...Cat/...did they do a Hida scan on Scott to see how much sludge there was and if the gall bladder showed slowed emptying?....I may have missed that in an earlier post.....
    They did an ultrasound, that is the only test he has had so far. Is that something we should request? 
    GNTLGNTMarshaFlakeNoirKurbenNeesyHedda Gabler
  • cat said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...Cat/...did they do a Hida scan on Scott to see how much sludge there was and if the gall bladder showed slowed emptying?....I may have missed that in an earlier post.....
    They did an ultrasound, that is the only test he has had so far. Is that something we should request? 
    ...I would ask your Doc about it for sure....
    MarshacatKurbenFlakeNoirNeesyHedda Gabler
  • cat said:
    Good morning!

    The surgeon Scott saw for his gall bladder wants him to do another test. They will inject him with a hormone to make his gall bladder dump everything its got and (hopefully 😳) induce an attack. If it does, surgery will be next.
    Hi Cat (I did read the rest of your post but the portion above intrigued me). I wonder what this hormone is?

    FlakeNoirNotaroMarshaHedda Gablercat
  • Neesy said:
    cat said:
    Good morning!

    The surgeon Scott saw for his gall bladder wants him to do another test. They will inject him with a hormone to make his gall bladder dump everything its got and (hopefully 😳) induce an attack. If it does, surgery will be next.
    Hi Cat (I did read the rest of your post but the portion above intrigued me). I wonder what this hormone is?

    ....Kinevac maybe?....
    NotaroFlakeNoirMarshaKurbenHedda GablerNeesycat
  • Good morning and happy Friday!  @cat - sending good vibes for Scott!  And to all who need them!

    Got my 2nd shot on Tuesday and have done pretty well.  Arm was very sore for the first couple days, so that I had a hard time sleeping on my left side, which is my preferred way.  But it's mostly eased up, just still have a red area about the size of my palm around the injection site.  All in all, not too bad!  I did drink tons of water leading up to and after getting my shot.  Not sure if that did anything except psychological, but whatever works, right?  

    Anyway, wishing you all a wonderful day!  Can't believe tomorrow is the 1st of May!   B)
    KurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesycat
  • Good morning and happy Friday!  @cat - sending good vibes for Scott!  And to all who need them!

    Got my 2nd shot on Tuesday and have done pretty well.  Arm was very sore for the first couple days, so that I had a hard time sleeping on my left side, which is my preferred way.  But it's mostly eased up, just still have a red area about the size of my palm around the injection site.  All in all, not too bad!  I did drink tons of water leading up to and after getting my shot.  Not sure if that did anything except psychological, but whatever works, right?  

    Anyway, wishing you all a wonderful day!  Can't believe tomorrow is the 1st of May!   B)
    .....hydration is supposed to help, but then again, there are only a few exceptions when hydrating DOESN'T  help :)....keep an eye on the red area.....sounds like a typical injection site reaction, but if it stays warm/hot or becomes increasingly painful-call your Doc......or have Csonka lick it.....either way..... <3
    FlakeNoirdoyoulove19MarshaHedda GablerKurbenNeesycat
  • cat said:
    Good morning!

    @doyoulove19 So good to see you and thank you. 😍

    Was a super busy weekend. Ty's play was Friday night and Sat afternoon. They did great! The version they performed, called for little to no set pieces, to let the audience concentrate on the kids, the costumes and the acting. It was funny and super cute. Will try to get a few pics up. 

    We only went to Friday's performance, as Ali had a track meet Sat. So we got Ty to the school and headed over to the other HS to watch Ali. It was sunny but windy and the wind had a bite. Sunday we mostly rested. 

    Finished packing up china and bear figurines, movies and games so we can move furniture out of living room. Have moved a few things already. Flooring was supposed to go in tomorrow but the crew that was going to do it got hurt. So it was pushed to Monday with a different crew. I have everything done that I can do alone, we'll spend Sunday moving stuff out of the room. 

    The surgeon Scott saw for his gall bladder wants him to do another test. They will inject him with a hormone to make his gall bladder dump everything its got and (hopefully 😳) induce an attack. If it does, surgery will be next. If it does not, then something else is causing the problem. We don't know when he is doing it yet, radiology has to order the stuff in, there is a shortage. He is glad for the pills they gave him, he is still having attacks off and on. Surgeon said he is pretty sure the gall bladder is the culprit but has to make sure as he apparently does not have any stones or inflammation showing on ultrasound.

    Ali has a track meet tomorrow, I might go since the floor is not being done now. And another on Friday. Has a band solo and ensemble competition today. 

    I'm looking at a fairly easy day today. Just a few chores and laundry. 

    Have a great day! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    By the way - bug hugs to you too! ♥
    GNTLGNT said:
    Neesy said:
    cat said:
    Good morning!

    The surgeon Scott saw for his gall bladder wants him to do another test. They will inject him with a hormone to make his gall bladder dump everything its got and (hopefully 😳) induce an attack. If it does, surgery will be next.
    Hi Cat (I did read the rest of your post but the portion above intrigued me). I wonder what this hormone is?

    ....Kinevac maybe?....
    Thanks (just wondered) - it's been a long time since I retired from medical transcription

    FlakeNoirNotaroMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTcat
  • Good morning,

    My floor is finally going in! Was supposed to be last Thurs, they rescheduled for yesterday and no one showed up. 🤔🙄 Called and was told they would be here first thing this morning. They showed up at 9. So excited to see when it's done. And excited to get stuff put back, all the furniture is piled up in the kitchen and a little in the kids' bedrooms. Have not been able to get to my sink or stove since Sunday night. But we did leave a path to the fridge. 😆 

    Bad thing about it being today is Ali's last track meet is today and have to be here so will miss it. Unless she gets picked to go to regionals but as a freshman that is unlikely. 

    Scott goes in for that test on Thursday morning. Will let you guys know! My dad is still being fairly uncommunicative...but he is busy getting corn planted, too. I just worry. 

    Hope everyone has a good day. Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    KurbenFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NotaroGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • Hope the new floor install is going well!  Good luck to Ali on her track meet and hugs to your dad and step mom.  

    Big hugs to you, cat!!
    catNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • Floor is about half done. 

    They got here at 9, had carpet ripped out by 10. Then there was an "issue" with a small 3" long spot they said the moisture content was too high. That took an hour to sort out, then they took an hour lunch. Then did half the floor and left again, without saying a word...it is creeping up on them being gone an hour again. 

    What they have done looks good, but with all the scheduling bs and no shows, and now disappearing...not very impressed. Their tools are still here, otherwise I'd be wondering if they were coming back. 🙄🙄🙄
    FlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • I have messed up again. My sleeping is so out of sync i might as well live on another continent. I fell asleep at 9 am today and woke up at 7 pm. Good hours but i has to get this right. My plan is not to give in to getting sleepy this morning around 6 am but firmly, in spite of drooping eyelids, staying up till at least 9 pm and then sleep the sleep of the exhausted. Hopefully that will set me straight. I totally missed this fine day and couldn't do the shopping i had planned. I might not look so alert and chipper tomorrow morning but if i manage to get in sync again it has been worth it. Am i the only one that constantly turn the day upside down like this? Seems like friends i have dont have this kind of problem. Wish me luck.
    FlakeNoircatGNTLGNTMarshaHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
  • Kurben said:
    I have messed up again. My sleeping is so out of sync i might as well live on another continent. I fell asleep at 9 am today and woke up at 7 pm. Good hours but i has to get this right. My plan is not to give in to getting sleepy this morning around 6 am but firmly, in spite of drooping eyelids, staying up till at least 9 pm and then sleep the sleep of the exhausted. Hopefully that will set me straight. I totally missed this fine day and couldn't do the shopping i had planned. I might not look so alert and chipper tomorrow morning but if i manage to get in sync again it has been worth it. Am i the only one that constantly turn the day upside down like this? Seems like friends i have dont have this kind of problem. Wish me luck.
    Wishing you luck for turning around your day and night Kurben. I have a box of match sticks should you need them later in the day. ☺
    Be sure to eat and drink so that you don't get woozy trying to stay awake, also I worry that you might bring on a seizure if you get too over-tired, so please be mindful of that?
    (I should let you borrow Mac, he'd be a great alert/therapy dog.) 
    catKurbenGNTLGNTMarshaHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
  • cat said:
    Good morning,

    My floor is finally going in! Was supposed to be last Thurs, they rescheduled for yesterday and no one showed up. 🤔🙄 Called and was told they would be here first thing this morning. They showed up at 9. So excited to see when it's done. And excited to get stuff put back, all the furniture is piled up in the kitchen and a little in the kids' bedrooms. Have not been able to get to my sink or stove since Sunday night. But we did leave a path to the fridge. 😆 

    Bad thing about it being today is Ali's last track meet is today and have to be here so will miss it. Unless she gets picked to go to regionals but as a freshman that is unlikely. 

    Scott goes in for that test on Thursday morning. Will let you guys know! My dad is still being fairly uncommunicative...but he is busy getting corn planted, too. I just worry. 

    Hope everyone has a good day. Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    ....keep me posted on testing Cat.....hopes & hugs.... <3
    FlakeNoircatMarshaHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
  • cat said:
    Floor is about half done. 

    They got here at 9, had carpet ripped out by 10. Then there was an "issue" with a small 3" long spot they said the moisture content was too high. That took an hour to sort out, then they took an hour lunch. Then did half the floor and left again, without saying a word...it is creeping up on them being gone an hour again. 

    What they have done looks good, but with all the scheduling bs and no shows, and now disappearing...not very impressed. Their tools are still here, otherwise I'd be wondering if they were coming back. 🙄🙄🙄
    .....be vigilant on the billing.....I would raise particular hell myself for that kind of sloppy ass work ethic.....
    FlakeNoircatMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I have messed up again. My sleeping is so out of sync i might as well live on another continent. I fell asleep at 9 am today and woke up at 7 pm. Good hours but i has to get this right. My plan is not to give in to getting sleepy this morning around 6 am but firmly, in spite of drooping eyelids, staying up till at least 9 pm and then sleep the sleep of the exhausted. Hopefully that will set me straight. I totally missed this fine day and couldn't do the shopping i had planned. I might not look so alert and chipper tomorrow morning but if i manage to get in sync again it has been worth it. Am i the only one that constantly turn the day upside down like this? Seems like friends i have dont have this kind of problem. Wish me luck.
    8 Sleepy Quotes ideas  sleepy quotes quotes tired quotes
    FlakeNoircatMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Kurben said:
    I have messed up again. My sleeping is so out of sync i might as well live on another continent. I fell asleep at 9 am today and woke up at 7 pm. Good hours but i has to get this right. My plan is not to give in to getting sleepy this morning around 6 am but firmly, in spite of drooping eyelids, staying up till at least 9 pm and then sleep the sleep of the exhausted. Hopefully that will set me straight. I totally missed this fine day and couldn't do the shopping i had planned. I might not look so alert and chipper tomorrow morning but if i manage to get in sync again it has been worth it. Am i the only one that constantly turn the day upside down like this? Seems like friends i have dont have this kind of problem. Wish me luck.
    Wishing you luck for turning around your day and night Kurben. I have a box of match sticks should you need them later in the day. ☺
    Be sure to eat and drink so that you don't get woozy trying to stay awake, also I worry that you might bring on a seizure if you get too over-tired, so please be mindful of that?
    (I should let you borrow Mac, he'd be a great alert/therapy dog.) 
    I take care. Mac sounds like a brilliant idea! Is he the kind of dog thats kind to everyone? I plan on eating a big meal around lunch time. Right now i'm wide awake (its 20 to 1 am here) but i'll be watching movies and tv-series to keep me interested when the lazy feelings start to arrive at about 5-6 am. 
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoircatMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Kurben said:
    I have messed up again. My sleeping is so out of sync i might as well live on another continent. I fell asleep at 9 am today and woke up at 7 pm. Good hours but i has to get this right. My plan is not to give in to getting sleepy this morning around 6 am but firmly, in spite of drooping eyelids, staying up till at least 9 pm and then sleep the sleep of the exhausted. Hopefully that will set me straight. I totally missed this fine day and couldn't do the shopping i had planned. I might not look so alert and chipper tomorrow morning but if i manage to get in sync again it has been worth it. Am i the only one that constantly turn the day upside down like this? Seems like friends i have dont have this kind of problem. Wish me luck.
    Wishing you luck for turning around your day and night Kurben. I have a box of match sticks should you need them later in the day. ☺
    Be sure to eat and drink so that you don't get woozy trying to stay awake, also I worry that you might bring on a seizure if you get too over-tired, so please be mindful of that?
    (I should let you borrow Mac, he'd be a great alert/therapy dog.) 
    I take care. Mac sounds like a brilliant idea! Is he the kind of dog thats kind to everyone? I plan on eating a big meal around lunch time. Right now i'm wide awake (its 20 to 1 am here) but i'll be watching movies and tv-series to keep me interested when the lazy feelings start to arrive at about 5-6 am. 
    He's kind to everyone that is kind to me. 😁

    Good luck Kurben! 😊
    catGNTLGNTMarshaHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Good morning,

    My floor is finally going in! Was supposed to be last Thurs, they rescheduled for yesterday and no one showed up. 🤔🙄 Called and was told they would be here first thing this morning. They showed up at 9. So excited to see when it's done. And excited to get stuff put back, all the furniture is piled up in the kitchen and a little in the kids' bedrooms. Have not been able to get to my sink or stove since Sunday night. But we did leave a path to the fridge. 😆 

    Bad thing about it being today is Ali's last track meet is today and have to be here so will miss it. Unless she gets picked to go to regionals but as a freshman that is unlikely. 

    Scott goes in for that test on Thursday morning. Will let you guys know! My dad is still being fairly uncommunicative...but he is busy getting corn planted, too. I just worry. 

    Hope everyone has a good day. Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    ....keep me posted on testing Cat.....hopes & hugs.... <3
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Floor is about half done. 

    They got here at 9, had carpet ripped out by 10. Then there was an "issue" with a small 3" long spot they said the moisture content was too high. That took an hour to sort out, then they took an hour lunch. Then did half the floor and left again, without saying a word...it is creeping up on them being gone an hour again. 

    What they have done looks good, but with all the scheduling bs and no shows, and now disappearing...not very impressed. Their tools are still here, otherwise I'd be wondering if they were coming back. 🙄🙄🙄
    .....be vigilant on the billing.....I would raise particular hell myself for that kind of sloppy ass work ethic.....
    Will do on the testing. 🙂❤ 

    And yeah, we paid for installation with the materials through Home Depot, so we really have no say in their work ethic at this point...but, lesson learned. Next time, we will buy materials only and find our own independent contractor to do installation. 

    They are still here, it is 5:06 pm my time. I have a 308 Sq ft living room. It is not big and not many weird corners/cuts. They told Scott this morning 4 hours. Am I wrong to be having The Money Pit flashes??? "2 weeks!" "2 weeks!" 


    They should be about done...
    GNTLGNTKurbenMarshaFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
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