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  • edited November 2022
    Really interesting  discussion between Quentin and Roger on new episode of Video Archives. 

    Movie this week was Star 80 starring Mariel Hemingway and Eric Roberts. 
  • The Movies That Made Me podcast hosted by Joe Dante & Josh Olson


    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • Notaro said:
    The Movies That Made Me podcast hosted by Joe Dante & Josh Olson


    Good one. Mick G. And Quentin T. Talk about Dante a lot. Especially QT. 

    Got the mick garris interview going. 
  • edited December 2022
    Starting today, Aaron Mahnke’s 12 Ghosts podcast is doing a radio drama/story a everyday until xmas.  Starring Malcolm Mcdowell —

    “A deep, dark forest; a strange old man in a strange old inn; a traveler besieged by a ravenous spirit. Featuring the voices of Malcolm McDowell, Gina Rickicki, and Robin Bloodworth. Written by Rob Mosca.”

    i think it is 12 stories that are linked by the strange old man (MM)

  • The Stephen Kingdom podcast with David McCracken is starting to post. I enjoy his youtube stuff so hope this podcast is just as entertaining. 
  • edited January 2023
    I’m listening and watching so many interesting things.  

    Just finished Shonda Rhimes masterclass on the Art of Writing for TV (Scandal. Greys Anatomy.). I loved her. She’s smart and very giving. Informative as hell. One thing of many she talked about was giving new people a chance. An “in”.   

    We’re hearing about nepo babies and while she doesn’t use that term, she talks about how hard it can be to get a job in the business because they are given to friends and family. She is big on giving jobs to complete unknowns. Whether it’s a writer or grip or wardrobe, kraft service table — all areas.

     It was a great class. 

    Watching Niki Nakayama Masterclass— Modern Japanese Cooking.  It’s also very interesting. 

    I have Lots of podcasts going on so many topics. 

    Keep learning people.  Step out of your box. 
  • Started Ken Burns Masterclass. This is full of great information and his passion and commitment to telling both sides of anything — just an upstanding admirable man in regards to documentary filmmaking. 
  • edited February 2023
    I will be tuning into Brian Keene’s youtube tonight. They will be addressing the latest controversy surrounding a horror writer. 

    Want to hear the deets? Watch. 

  • edited February 2023
    Just finished Ken Burns's Masterclass.  Terrific!  I just recommend the shit out of Masterclass.  So much to learn that can translate to all endeavors of your life.  So many tips.  Good information.  

    Is anyone familiar with the show MINDHUNTER? It seems like someone mentioned that. It was on Netflix.  Anyway,  I have now started John Douglas's Masterclass.  The man behind profiling and expert for the show.

    His class is titled:  How to Think like an FBI Profiler. 

     Just watched his introduction episode and I can tell this one is going to be really good.  They even had a warning before this one that it would be disturbing.

    How he developed profiling:

    He was in a car with a gangster he had picked up for betting on the Super Bowl (which was illegal at the time and run by the gangsters.)  It was raining. 

    They are driving along and just chit chatting. And John wonders why this good looking guy was involved in this line of work.  He asked him, "Why? Why Frank do you do this?"

    The gangster directed John's attention to two drops of rain on the window.  He said, "I bet the drop of rain on the right makes it to the bottom of the window first."  John thinks, okay, we aren't betting any money so he says, you're on.  Well, the gangster's drop of water made it down the window first.  He looks at John and says, " See what I mean? It can be anything. All we need is two raindrops. Crime is in our hearts and souls.  It doesn't have to be the superbowl.  It's just our nature.  It's who we are.  We will do what we do." 
    This.  This right there is the lesson.  

    John thinks about this and realizes, if they are what they are and they aren't going to change, it's predictable.  

    I'm sure John's told this story in interviews, but he will get into a lot more in the class.  

    Two drops of rain.  He had me.  That is just simple and fascinating.

  • Finished the FBI masterclass. Not as good as I had anticipated but still interesting. It was still worth my time. 

    Most of what he talked about was information about specific cases— all of which i was familiar with and watched or read many things about already. His tips to think like an FBI profiler weren’t new. Mostly common sense things. 

    Something he did that was simple and classy, once you finished the class, you got a handwritten message from him thanking you for watching his class. Yes. That is just a copy of a note sent to thousands, but it was still classy. I have taken 50 classes and he is the first to even give a thought to “personalizing” it. 

    All instructors thank you for taking the class, he went a little further. It was a nice touch. 
  • edited February 2023
    Just finished Es Devlin’s Masterclass, Turning Ideas Into Art.

    Super creative, intelligent. She was vibrating with information, talent, ambition, drive, creativity, knowledge — all those magical things that I  could never hope to possess. I enjoyed a look at her process of making something grand out of a spark of an idea. 

    She’s built huge art installations all over the world. She’s done theater design. She’s worked with Beyonce, the Royal Opera, Adele. 

    I did not know her. Her name meant nothing to me. But, I took a chance with her class and I improved myself. 
  • edited February 2023
    I listened to an interview last night with 3 published writers. I was so disappointed in an answer they gave to an audience question. 

    Paraphrasing: the question related to a college creative writing professor not understanding someone’s horror writing. Giving feedback they didn’t like or accept. 

    Okay. That’s fine. I get that. You’re the author, you choose what information is important to you and your story. 

    Where my disappointment came in, two of three published authors said to ignore someone who doesn’t write in the genre. Just blow off their advice. Only One said that if you are asking for specific horror info, find a good horror teacher. 

    I agree with the third author but felt the other two writers were short sighted — completely.  YA authors, romance , historical, sci fi, memoir and on and on can and do give great information, new ways to approach and think about your creative story telling. 

    Look at Stephen King — he throws every genre out there in his work.  Every one. It makes his stories fuller and richer.  He doesn’t discount any genre. 

    I was just disappointed that they snickered and dismissed avenues of learning. Don’t be that guy. 

  • WTF Podcast...episode with director Scott Cooper

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Lux Radio Theatre - Rebacca w/Vivian Leigh & Laurence Olivier

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • Lux Radio Theatre  -  The Buccaneer w/Clark Gable

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • BBC Radio 4  - Atomic Tales (A collection of sci-fi spoofs)

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • BBC Radio - Fear On Four

    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • Notaro said:
    BBC Radio - Fear On Four

    I enjoyed these. 
  • edited April 2023
    Notaro said:
    BBC Radio 4  - Atomic Tales (A collection of sci-fi spoofs)

    These are hilarious but at the same time, terrifying. 
  • BBC Radio - The Kubrick Test

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Notaro said:
    BBC Radio - The Kubrick Test

    Very interesting. 
  • BBC Radio - Happiness 

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • edited May 2023
    Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avery dedicate an episode of Video Archives to Rick Dalton, his fictional character, after his death in Hawaii. They did a terrific job and the conversation was so free flowing and believable. 
    In this day and age, you can make certain people believe anything.  

  • A Capitol Case: Karl Marx meets Sherlock Holmes

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • BBC Radio 4  - The Fall And Rise Of Reginald Perrin

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
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