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Tut, tut, looks like rain -- or sunshine or storms.....



  • OK here. Will have some rain from feeder bands during the day. Have not heard for Fljoe.  
    cone graphic
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTSundropdoyoulove19
  • spideyman said:
    OK here. Will have some rain from feeder bands during the day. Have not heard for Fljoe.  
    cone graphic
    Thanks for the update Spidey, please let us know if you do hear from him. (& Hoss is on your coast too, isn't he? So he should be okay as well?)
    spideymanHedda GablerGNTLGNTSundropdoyoulove19
  • Hoss should be ok, just south of me. FLjoe may have lost power, as had advisory
     from his electric co. that might happen. I'll shout out as soon as I hear. 
    OoO , as well as Marsha might feel it too later this week. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaroSundropdoyoulove19
  • This storm looks like it may pay @Sundrop a visit?  I'm not quite sure where she is, but it's definitely hitting her coast.
    I'm in the NC mountains, really close to the TN state line.
    We'll most likely see some rain, maybe flash flooding in some areas.  
    Ex is in Wilmington, and they'll have it pretty bad.  I hope they'll be okay.  I also hope that if he brings a girl home that the dog bites her........ 
    GNTLGNTspideymanNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirdoyoulove19
  • Sundrop said:
    This storm looks like it may pay @Sundrop a visit?  I'm not quite sure where she is, but it's definitely hitting her coast.
    I'm in the NC mountains, really close to the TN state line.
    We'll most likely see some rain, maybe flash flooding in some areas.  
    Ex is in Wilmington, and they'll have it pretty bad.  I hope they'll be okay.  I also hope that if he brings a girl home that the dog bites her........ 
    .....look at it dis way.....at least the stump water gets renewed.....
    SundropspideymanNotaroHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • Heard from Fljoe.  He's ok so far. Just been wind, no real rain yet. Worse should come in this afternoon. 
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerSundropFlakeNoirdoyoulove19
  • ....send him our best....miss him a lot.....
    NotarospideymanHedda GablerSundropFlakeNoirdoyoulove19
  • Looks like the storm has been downgraded a bit as far as the winds are concerned as it moves up the coast. Sunny might be far enough to the west to be spared the worst of the rain, but even so 3,4 or 5 inches in a day in mountainous terrain can be big trouble. That’s what they are saying for us. Possible 6 inches from Tuesday afternoon until Wed. morning. for us which is a lot for NH in such a short time. It has been very dry here so that might work in our favor as the rivers and streams are abnormally low.
    spideymanNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTSundropFlakeNoirdoyoulove19
  • .....a possible six inches?.....
    Thats what she said  BustedTeescom
    Hedda GablerSundropNotarodoyoulove19Out of OrderFlakeNoir
  • Here's a visual of where we are in reference to the cone. 

    Sunny is on the good side.  We are just in the path on the far Westside.  Beach cottage should be ok.  They may have soundside storm surge. OoO, I'm not sure what part of New Hampster you are in, but since it's a skinny state, I'm guessing you'll get wet.  :p Ms. Mod is to the east but will still likely see some weather.  Best news is, it's supposed to be moving fast!!

    We had a non-Isaias related storm yesterday that knocked down a tree limb which took out my habanero plant!  At least it missed my tomatoes! 

    Stay safe everyone!
    NotaroHedda GablerSundropGNTLGNTspideymanOut of OrderFlakeNoir
  • Everyone in the path, stay safe.
    doyoulove19Out of OrderSundropGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Here's a visual of where we are in reference to the cone. 

    Sunny is on the good side.  We are just in the path on the far Westside.  Beach cottage should be ok.  They may have soundside storm surge. OoO, I'm not sure what part of New Hampster you are in, but since it's a skinny state, I'm guessing you'll get wet.  :p Ms. Mod is to the east but will still likely see some weather.  Best news is, it's supposed to be moving fast!!

    We had a non-Isaias related storm yesterday that knocked down a tree limb which took out my habanero plant!  At least it missed my tomatoes! 

    Stay safe everyone!
    Woke up this morning with an arrow across my forehead, this explains it....

    Actually I’m a little further west and then down a bit toward Keene...

    Still saying up to 55 mph gusts and perhaps 2-4 inches of rain with up to 6 possible. That should make Giant happy...🤣
    spideymanSundropGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirdoyoulove19
  • Here's a visual of where we are in reference to the cone. 

    Sunny is on the good side.  We are just in the path on the far Westside.  Beach cottage should be ok.  They may have soundside storm surge. OoO, I'm not sure what part of New Hampster you are in, but since it's a skinny state, I'm guessing you'll get wet.  :p Ms. Mod is to the east but will still likely see some weather.  Best news is, it's supposed to be moving fast!!

    We had a non-Isaias related storm yesterday that knocked down a tree limb which took out my habanero plant!  At least it missed my tomatoes! 

    Stay safe everyone!
    Woke up this morning with an arrow across my forehead, this explains it....

    Actually I’m a little further west and then down a bit toward Keene...

    Still saying up to 55 mph gusts and perhaps 2-4 inches of rain with up to 6 possible. That should make Giant happy...🤣
    ....as a fat kid at an ice cream buffet....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirSundropdoyoulove19spideyman
  • Drizzling rain.... Bah humbug....

    FlakeNoirdoyoulove19Hedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNT
  • Turned out nice....

    FlakeNoirSundropdoyoulove19Hedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNT
  • Apropos to the title of this thread

    My weather app shows a red triangle warning: strong chance of thunderstorms in the next 3 hours

    The daily summary says: 40% chance of rain

    The weekly summary says: 0% chance of rain for today

    The hourly summary shows a big sun for every hour throughout the day

    It's like they have several different people working off different information putting data into this app!
    doyoulove19Hedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNTSundropFlakeNoir
  • Here's a visual of where we are in reference to the cone. 

    Sunny is on the good side.  We are just in the path on the far Westside.  Beach cottage should be ok.  They may have soundside storm surge. OoO, I'm not sure what part of New Hampster you are in, but since it's a skinny state, I'm guessing you'll get wet.  :p Ms. Mod is to the east but will still likely see some weather.  Best news is, it's supposed to be moving fast!!

    We had a non-Isaias related storm yesterday that knocked down a tree limb which took out my habanero plant!  At least it missed my tomatoes! 

    Stay safe everyone!
    Woke up this morning with an arrow across my forehead, this explains it....

    Actually I’m a little further west and then down a bit toward Keene...

    Still saying up to 55 mph gusts and perhaps 2-4 inches of rain with up to 6 possible. That should make Giant happy...🤣
    At least I didn't poke you in the eye! :D  

    We are done with the storm at this point.  Had a lot of rain overnight and heavier rain and wind gusts this morning, but by 9am the sun was out.  

    Continued good wishes for all still in the path!
    Hedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNTSundropFlakeNoir
  • Apropos to the title of this thread

    My weather app shows a red triangle warning: strong chance of thunderstorms in the next 3 hours

    The daily summary says: 40% chance of rain

    The weekly summary says: 0% chance of rain for today

    The hourly summary shows a big sun for every hour throughout the day

    It's like they have several different people working off different information putting data into this app!
    Maybe you should get one of these! :D

    BevVincentHedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNTSundropFlakeNoir
  • Hope everyone keeps checking in as the storm swings by.
  • Apropos to the title of this thread

    My weather app shows a red triangle warning: strong chance of thunderstorms in the next 3 hours

    The daily summary says: 40% chance of rain

    The weekly summary says: 0% chance of rain for today

    The hourly summary shows a big sun for every hour throughout the day

    It's like they have several different people working off different information putting data into this app!
    .....as I've said on many occasions, weather forecasting is the only job you can be wrong 90% of the time and maintain employment.....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Apropos to the title of this thread

    My weather app shows a red triangle warning: strong chance of thunderstorms in the next 3 hours

    The daily summary says: 40% chance of rain

    The weekly summary says: 0% chance of rain for today

    The hourly summary shows a big sun for every hour throughout the day

    It's like they have several different people working off different information putting data into this app!
    .....as I've said on many occasions, weather forecasting is the only job you can be wrong 90% of the time and maintain employment.....
    I've always said that when I die, I want to come back as a weather person because they can be wrong all of the time and still get paid.
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