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Random Thoughts



  • I have baked hundreds--if not thousands--of potatoes in my lifetime and never had one explode in a conventional oven before...until last night. I ALWAYS poke the potatoes all over with a fork before I put them in the oven, just like my mother taught me, but I guess I didn't do a good enough job this time.

    After an hour, I opened the door to see if they were done. The fork tines barely touched the surface of one when--ka-pow!--one end of it blew up all over the inside of the oven. It was startling but impressive!

    We left the mess untouched overnight (it was too hot to clean at the time) and the debris turned into dried potato flakes, which we were able to brush out easily with a whisk. I thought it was going to be a bigger job than it was.
    That could have been painful if it exploded on you!
  • Indeed. It all went sideways and downward, fortunately. The coverage was impressive.
  • edited May 2022
    Indeed. It all went sideways and downward, fortunately. The coverage was impressive.
    Like you said, you poked with fork so was it a moisture content thing that made it explode? I’ve not had that happen. 
  • Yes, presumably there was a compartment where the steam pressure built up. I guess I have to be more thorough from now on.
  • edited May 2022
    Stabbed that mofo like a boss. 

    And knowing you, you will turn that into a terrific story and sell it in 2 hours and 13 minutes after submitting it. 

  • That has been suggested to me!
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTcatKurbenFlakeNoir
  • edited May 2022

    bev, this was recommended to me today on my feed. An old interview from 2006 livejournal.  Please move to appropriate place. 

    It’s really interesting. More details about stuff you have mentioned but didn’t really go into. 

    I like that your office calls you the writer.  Have you had a critic from your co workers when it comes to your stories?  Do you give them sneak peaks at things? 

    Also — how did you find out about Six Stories? Did you rat out your contact? Your informer? Your back alley snitch?  If not, what did you tell them to stay in their good graces? 

  • @BevVincent

    bev, this was recommended to me today on my feed. An old interview from 2006 livejournal.  Please move to appropriate place. 

    It’s really interesting. More details about stuff you have mentioned but didn’t really go into. 

    I like that your office calls you the writer.  Have you had a critic from your co workers when it comes to your stories?  Do you give them sneak peaks at things? 

    Also — how did you find out about Six Stories? Did you rat out your contact? Your informer? Your back alley snitch?  If not, what did you tell them to stay in their good graces? 


    it’s fun to see that music question from way back then and where that has taken you today. 

    And one last thing — where is this story of the guy traveling  to Texas to find where his wife buried his kids.  I want to read that. 🙂
  • @BevVincent

    bev, this was recommended to me today on my feed. An old interview from 2006 livejournal.  Please move to appropriate place. 

    It’s really interesting. More details about stuff you have mentioned but didn’t really go into. 

    I like that your office calls you the writer.  Have you had a critic from your co workers when it comes to your stories?  Do you give them sneak peaks at things? 

    Also — how did you find out about Six Stories? Did you rat out your contact? Your informer? Your back alley snitch?  If not, what did you tell them to stay in their good graces? 

    Since I don't go into the office any more (I've been working from home since March 2020), I don't have those discussions any more. I've got one friend at work who reads my books about King's work, but as a rule I don't talk about my writing much with my co-workers any more.

    I was able to show the people from King's office where my information came from--point them at a website. So, yeah, I kinda snitched! Back then I think it was called Five Stories.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gablerspideyman

  • And one last thing — where is this story of the guy traveling  to Texas to find where his wife buried his kids.  I want to read that. 🙂
    It's not a story--it's a novel. My agent didn't show much interest in it.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerspideymanKurben

  • And one last thing — where is this story of the guy traveling  to Texas to find where his wife buried his kids.  I want to read that. 🙂
    It's not a story--it's a novel. My agent didn't show much interest in it.
    I think it’s time to revisit that. Piqued my interest anyway. 
  • If aliens come to earth, we have to explain why we made dozens of movies in which we fight and kill them.
    Hedda GablerspideymanFlakeNoir
  • GNTLGNT said:
    If aliens come to earth, we have to explain why we made dozens of movies in which we fight and kill them.
    No need to explain... We'll be history before we exchanged a word.
    Hedda GablerspideymanFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • Your stomach thinks that all potatoes are mashed.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Thats great!! That means that i can go around saying, without any lies or something like that, that i am perfectly genetically built! As long as someone does not ask the follow up question For What? i should be OK! And people so seldom ask follow up questions nowadays. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • edited May 2022
    Attention Countries Around the World:

    Sanction the United States. Quit buying our crap. Put the holy fucking squeeze on us until we take care of business.  

    Join forces. Get together, all of you. Cooperate with each other.  Start small and build.  We worship the dollar.  Take away its worth. 

    And before some brilliant facebook guru weighs in, yep, affects me too. But i don’t think it would take long before shit started getting done. 
  • Somebody is making a Winnie the Pooh horror movie.

    There isn’t too much information about the film yet, but according to IMDb, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey “follows Pooh and Piglet as they go on a rampage after Christopher Robin abandons them.” 

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Somebody is making a Winnie the Pooh horror movie.

    There isn’t too much information about the film yet, but according to IMDb, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey “follows Pooh and Piglet as they go on a rampage after Christopher Robin abandons them.” 

    Wow... this is one of those posts that you just want to double emoji. 
    EG: 😳 and 😂
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • ....yep that us just pure distilled dumb right there....I like a bad/good horror/slasher flick as much as anyone-but this just screams "moron" at the top of it's celluloid lungs....
    KurbenHedda Gablernot_nadineFlakeNoir
  • Has anyone ever told you that you look like a famous person?
    I have been getting this since I was about 13.   Got my eye on her to see how she ages. B)
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • @Grant87 Wordle-fore-art-thou? 🤔
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