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Random Thoughts



  • edited May 2022
    I am down to one feral kitten. Slowly but surely the other 8 have disappeared.  I hope it is a boy — please no more kittens .  I feed it every day. Give him water. Talk to him because it’s the law. 

    It’s a beautiful little thing. I call it fuzzy butt because it is fluffy. Odd mix of colors and here’s the interesting part— it’s a dwarf. So I think I’m renaming it Peter, or Dinklage. The Dink. The Big D. Which sounds rather rude but i think  it’s better than The Big Peter. 

     It has the stubbiest little legs, it’s got to be a year old and it is tiny. Heathy looking. Eyes bright, coat clean.  

    And the Paul Harvey rest of the story here is — I have 2 big hawks circling every damn day.  I swear to God, i will take a tennis racket to these assholes if they touch this cat. I will be the maniac going Kill Bill bat shit crazy. 

     And I will hurt myself doing it.  And I will receive some outrageous fine for killing protected birds of prey.

    But, veni, vidi, vici — I will kill them, load them in my little car and drive them out into the desert where I will bury them near a cow skull and a mysterious Dana shaped skeleton. 
  • Is there still a "precious pets" thread? Just thought I would post some pics once I resize them

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablercatFlakeNoirNotaro
  • I am down to one feral kitten. Slowly but surely the other 8 have disappeared.  I hope it is a boy — please no more kittens .  I feed it every day. Give him water. Talk to him because it’s the law. 

    It’s a beautiful little thing. I call it fuzzy butt because it is fluffy. Odd mix of colors and here’s the interesting part— it’s a dwarf. So I think I’m renaming it Peter, or Dinklage. The Dink. The Big D. Which sounds rather rude but i think  it’s better than The Big Peter. 

     It has the stubbiest little legs, it’s got to be a year old and it is tiny. Heathy looking. Eyes bright, coat clean.  

    And the Paul Harvey rest of the story here is — I have 2 big hawks circling every damn day.  I swear to God, i will take a tennis racket to these assholes if they touch this cat. I will be the maniac going Kill Bill bat shit crazy. 

     And I will hurt myself doing it.  And I will receive some outrageous fine for killing protected birds of prey.

    But, veni, vidi, vici — I will kill them, load them in my little car and drive them out into the desert where I will bury them near a cow skull and a mysterious Dana shaped skeleton. 
    ....wash yer crotch first......
    KurbenHedda GablercatFlakeNoirNotaro
  • GNTLGNT said:
    I am down to one feral kitten. Slowly but surely the other 8 have disappeared.  I hope it is a boy — please no more kittens .  I feed it every day. Give him water. Talk to him because it’s the law. 

    It’s a beautiful little thing. I call it fuzzy butt because it is fluffy. Odd mix of colors and here’s the interesting part— it’s a dwarf. So I think I’m renaming it Peter, or Dinklage. The Dink. The Big D. Which sounds rather rude but i think  it’s better than The Big Peter. 

     It has the stubbiest little legs, it’s got to be a year old and it is tiny. Heathy looking. Eyes bright, coat clean.  

    And the Paul Harvey rest of the story here is — I have 2 big hawks circling every damn day.  I swear to God, i will take a tennis racket to these assholes if they touch this cat. I will be the maniac going Kill Bill bat shit crazy. 

     And I will hurt myself doing it.  And I will receive some outrageous fine for killing protected birds of prey.

    But, veni, vidi, vici — I will kill them, load them in my little car and drive them out into the desert where I will bury them near a cow skull and a mysterious Dana shaped skeleton. 
    ....wash yer crotch first......
    Eegads. 😂🤣😂🤣
  • edited May 2022
    Just of Fitbit interest to me: (this is something I’ve watched for months, has nothing to do with new Fitbit.  These observations are for old and new Fitbit.)

    the more exercise I log, the higher my resting heart rate.  Exercise is supposed to lower that.  I quit exercising, resting heart rate goes down. 

    I consistently log better sleep scores on the nights I fall asleep with radio dramas or books being fed into my brain all night. 

    The nights I go to sleep with no background noise, my sleep scores drastically fall. The slightest noise will wake me and that’s it. Awake, bad sleep. 

    The lack of noise and then sound disturbs my sleep. 

    But The constant sound keeps me asleep and I sleep deeper. So “ white noise ” in the form of reading works for me.  Oceans, rain, fireplaces — don’t work.  Someone telling me a story does.

    something very soothing about that. Maybe a childhood thing? . 

  • Neesy said:
    Is there still a "precious pets" thread? Just thought I would post some pics once I resize them

    There is, it's probably a page or two back now Neesy.
  • ....were you taking the resting heart rate right after you had exercised?.....if so, the heart would have still been compensating for the exertion and wouldn't have dropped back to the pre-workout rate or lower....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaro
  • Lawyers hope you get sued, doctors hope you get sick, cops hope you're criminal, mechanics hope you have car trouble, but only a thief wishes prosperity for you.
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNotaro
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....were you taking the resting heart rate right after you had exercised?.....if so, the heart would have still been compensating for the exertion and wouldn't have dropped back to the pre-workout rate or lower....
    No. Duh. 😂🤣😂🤣Resting heart rate logs while you are asleep.  Although, I am a very busy dreamer. 
  • Wordle 333 3/6

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNotaro
  • The banana used to be the food that most looked like a phone. Now it’s the pop tart.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroKurben
  • “Your success in life will be determined largely by your ability to speak, your ability to write, and the quality of your ideas, in that order."

    The ability to speak.

    The ability to write.

    The quality of your ideas.”  Patrick Wilson

  • Has the Palace or the Queen issued an apology to Fergie over the topless, toe sucking incident yet? Will this happen during the Queen’s Jubilee speech?  Perhaps a mention when she addresses the nation.  Let me help you out Elizabeth:

    Dearest Countrymen:

    At a time when we need to address and understand the complex issues of …aw fuck it.  My disgusting son is way worse than Fergie. Sorry Fergie.  

    Someone on social media needs to start a #FergieWins. 

    Yeah. I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning. 
    Helllooooo Bets. Just reminding you of some unfinished business. 

    #FergieDidAdults #AndrewIsaWeirdo
  • I am logging in just to point out as a Public Service Announcement:

    Princess Beatrice, Fergie’s kid,  looks like a lemur. 

    Prove me wrong. 
  • Princess Beatrice wears flirty summer dress for special outing ahead of  Platinum Jubilee  HELLO
    Lemur Extinctions Are Harmful to Madagascars Plant Life Too  Science  Smithsonian Magazine
    ....apt descriptive.....though I think the true lemur has a better stylist.....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroKurbenNeesy
  • Oh good God.  😆
    NotaroKurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • My diswasher does such a wonderful job
    KurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablercatNeesy
  • My diswasher does such a wonderful job
    Mine have always been less reliable. 
    (I've never had a dishwasher)
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencat
  • My diswasher does such a wonderful job
    I Has A Hotdog - dishwasher - Funny Dog Pictures  Dog Memes  Puppy  Pictures  Pictures of dogs - Dog Pictures - Funny pictures of dogs - Dog  Memes - Puppy pictures - doge - Cheezburger
    Hedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirNeesy
  • I like this time of year when the sun don't go down until about 10 pm or so and rise again at about 3.30 am. 
    Hedda GablercatGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesy
  • I like the late sun going down but not the early sun up. 
  • I got a dishwasher for Mother's Day. I love it so so so SO much. 😃 There was one here when we bought the house, but all the appliances were the very cheapest quality and it only lasted a year. We talked about replacing it from time to time but with a growing family it just never happened. Always other things that were needed. 

    It was a total surprise and has made my kitchen chores go so much faster. I love it. 
    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Wordle in 6 and i damn near blew it.  
  • I have baked hundreds--if not thousands--of potatoes in my lifetime and never had one explode in a conventional oven before...until last night. I ALWAYS poke the potatoes all over with a fork before I put them in the oven, just like my mother taught me, but I guess I didn't do a good enough job this time.

    After an hour, I opened the door to see if they were done. The fork tines barely touched the surface of one when--ka-pow!--one end of it blew up all over the inside of the oven. It was startling but impressive!

    We left the mess untouched overnight (it was too hot to clean at the time) and the debris turned into dried potato flakes, which we were able to brush out easily with a whisk. I thought it was going to be a bigger job than it was.
    catGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbennot_nadineFlakeNoirNeesy
  • I have baked hundreds--if not thousands--of potatoes in my lifetime and never had one explode in a conventional oven before...until last night. I ALWAYS poke the potatoes all over with a fork before I put them in the oven, just like my mother taught me, but I guess I didn't do a good enough job this time.

    After an hour, I opened the door to see if they were done. The fork tines barely touched the surface of one when--ka-pow!--one end of it blew up all over the inside of the oven. It was startling but impressive!

    We left the mess untouched overnight (it was too hot to clean at the time) and the debris turned into dried potato flakes, which we were able to brush out easily with a whisk. I thought it was going to be a bigger job than it was.
    ...got to be a story in that......
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesy
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