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Random Thoughts



  • ...I just read this last night....fascinating.......eternal sleep in a water hazard......
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroMarsha
  • Attention Fiction Authors:

    Do you need a Beta reader for your book?

    Are your current Beta readers taking you for granted, not giving your story the focus it deserves?
    Do you anxiously await feedback, only to get the bare minimum weeks later?

    Would you like a fresh, wildcard set of eyes from an average reader?
    Are you ready to take a chance with someone new? A person with Beta reading experience?

    Well come on down! to Dana Jean’s House O’ Beta where I will give your work the respect it deserves. 

    I will commit to your writing, story and characters to the best of my abilities. My focus and goal will be on your success. 
    I will be professional and discreet. 
    I know the meaning of confidentiality. 

    I will not be dazzled by your celebrity. (Okay, I might be dazzled by your celebrity a tiny bit) but it will not sway my opinion or my work ethic. 

    And what do i get out of this?  — Purpose.   And i get to read some really fantastic stories. 

    Contact me through pm’s at Hedda Gabler.  I’m there for YOU!  

    That’s Hedda Gabler for all your Beta needs. 

    (No animal testing, no BPAs, no fructose corn syrup were added to this. This was not a paid-for advertisement.)

    Seriously. Anyone need a beta reader? 

    This still stands.  

    Only serious inquiries need apply.
  • ....beta reader eh?....
    Do Betta Fish Need Light  LoveToKnow

    catHedda GablerMarshaNotarospideymanFlakeNoir
  • Attention Fiction Authors:

    Do you need a Beta reader for your book?

    Are your current Beta readers taking you for granted, not giving your story the focus it deserves?
    Do you anxiously await feedback, only to get the bare minimum weeks later?

    Would you like a fresh, wildcard set of eyes from an average reader?
    Are you ready to take a chance with someone new? A person with Beta reading experience?

    Well come on down! to Dana Jean’s House O’ Beta where I will give your work the respect it deserves. 

    I will commit to your writing, story and characters to the best of my abilities. My focus and goal will be on your success. 
    I will be professional and discreet. 
    I know the meaning of confidentiality. 

    I will not be dazzled by your celebrity. (Okay, I might be dazzled by your celebrity a tiny bit) but it will not sway my opinion or my work ethic. 

    And what do i get out of this?  — Purpose.   And i get to read some really fantastic stories. 

    Contact me through pm’s at Hedda Gabler.  I’m there for YOU!  

    That’s Hedda Gabler for all your Beta needs. 

    (No animal testing, no BPAs, no fructose corn syrup were added to this. This was not a paid-for advertisement.)

    Seriously. Anyone need a beta reader? 

    This still stands.  

    Only serious inquiries need apply.

    That's my five-star rating for Ms. Gabler's beta reader skills. :)

    Are you a Goodreads member? Within their Community section they have groups that solicit readers there; might be worth looking into. Just found one that sounds like it might work but you would have to request to join titled Writer, Reader Resource Group. I'm not a member yet but the description for the group is:

    A group for writers, readers, beta readers, reviewers, proofreaders, copy editors, editors, and graphic artists for book covers.

    Post a request or offer your services.

    NotarocatFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesy
  • ....soliciting readers?....where does one sign up to become a literary pimp??.... :D :D :D
    Hedda GablercatspideymanKurbenMarshaFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Marsha said:
    Attention Fiction Authors:

    Do you need a Beta reader for your book?

    Are your current Beta readers taking you for granted, not giving your story the focus it deserves?
    Do you anxiously await feedback, only to get the bare minimum weeks later?

    Would you like a fresh, wildcard set of eyes from an average reader?
    Are you ready to take a chance with someone new? A person with Beta reading experience?

    Well come on down! to Dana Jean’s House O’ Beta where I will give your work the respect it deserves. 

    I will commit to your writing, story and characters to the best of my abilities. My focus and goal will be on your success. 
    I will be professional and discreet. 
    I know the meaning of confidentiality. 

    I will not be dazzled by your celebrity. (Okay, I might be dazzled by your celebrity a tiny bit) but it will not sway my opinion or my work ethic. 

    And what do i get out of this?  — Purpose.   And i get to read some really fantastic stories. 

    Contact me through pm’s at Hedda Gabler.  I’m there for YOU!  

    That’s Hedda Gabler for all your Beta needs. 

    (No animal testing, no BPAs, no fructose corn syrup were added to this. This was not a paid-for advertisement.)

    Seriously. Anyone need a beta reader? 

    This still stands.  

    Only serious inquiries need apply.

    That's my five-star rating for Ms. Gabler's beta reader skills. :)

    Are you a Goodreads member? Within their Community section they have groups that solicit readers there; might be worth looking into. Just found one that sounds like it might work but you would have to request to join titled Writer, Reader Resource Group. I'm not a member yet but the description for the group is:

    A group for writers, readers, beta readers, reviewers, proofreaders, copy editors, editors, and graphic artists for book covers.

    Post a request or offer your services.

    Hmmm, i was not aware. 
  • edited September 2021
    Did joe hill shave off his beard? Is that him? Or one of his kids? Am i looking at an alternate reality? 

    He looks 20 years younger! I want full frontal face shot.  I think i need to do my doctoral dissertation on what this means for global warming and the shadows on the cave wall. 
  • Did joe hill shave off his beard? Is that him? Or one of his kids? Am i looking at an alternate reality? 

    He looks 20 years younger! I want full frontal face shot.  I think i need to do my doctoral dissertation on what this means for global warming and the shadows on the cave wall. 
    ....to what image are you referring Doctor?......
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Did joe hill shave off his beard? Is that him? Or one of his kids? Am i looking at an alternate reality? 

    He looks 20 years younger! I want full frontal face shot.  I think i need to do my doctoral dissertation on what this means for global warming and the shadows on the cave wall. 
    ....to what image are you referring Doctor?......
    His twitter picture
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Did joe hill shave off his beard? Is that him? Or one of his kids? Am i looking at an alternate reality? 

    He looks 20 years younger! I want full frontal face shot.  I think i need to do my doctoral dissertation on what this means for global warming and the shadows on the cave wall. 
    ....to what image are you referring Doctor?......
    His twitter picture
    ....yep it's him....the dad look in him is strong.....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarsha
  • ....and the beard "shaved" off(yuk, yuk, yuk)years.....I only look 80 when I shave mine....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Did joe hill shave off his beard? Is that him? Or one of his kids? Am i looking at an alternate reality? 

    He looks 20 years younger! I want full frontal face shot.  I think i need to do my doctoral dissertation on what this means for global warming and the shadows on the cave wall. 
    ....to what image are you referring Doctor?......
    His twitter picture
    ....yep it's him....the dad look in him is strong.....
    I don’t know if this is current or a throwback midlife crisis I just realized i’m old photo and have to remind myself i wasn’t always this way. 

    Believe me, i understand that.  

  • ...I've had various iterations of facial hair for years....people don't even notice anymore when I switch out.....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...I've had various iterations of facial hair for years....people don't even notice anymore when I switch out.....
    Yeah, me too. 
  • ...somehow, I knew that was coming.....
    New Bearded Lady Meme Memes  Eurovision Memes Greatest Showman Memes Men  Memes
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...somehow, I knew that was coming.....
    New Bearded Lady Meme Memes  Eurovision Memes Greatest Showman Memes Men  Memes
    Not hatin’ dude. Solidarity. 
  • edited September 2021
    Did joe hill shave off his beard? Is that him? Or one of his kids? Am i looking at an alternate reality? 

    He looks 20 years younger! I want full frontal face shot.  I think i need to do my doctoral dissertation on what this means for global warming and the shadows on the cave wall. 
    Joe posts a nice face shot, beardless. Very cute.  He has a small window of time where he could go somewhere and not be recognized.  

    Shine on you magnificent beast!  😄❤️
  • Did joe hill shave off his beard? Is that him? Or one of his kids? Am i looking at an alternate reality? 

    He looks 20 years younger! I want full frontal face shot.  I think i need to do my doctoral dissertation on what this means for global warming and the shadows on the cave wall. 
    Joe posts a nice face shot, beardless. Very cute.  He has a small window of time where he could go somewhere and not be recognized.  

    Shine on you magnificent beast!  😄❤️
    Oh wow, he's a completely different person! 
    KurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • edited September 2021
    FlakeNoir said:
    Did joe hill shave off his beard? Is that him? Or one of his kids? Am i looking at an alternate reality? 

    He looks 20 years younger! I want full frontal face shot.  I think i need to do my doctoral dissertation on what this means for global warming and the shadows on the cave wall. 
    Joe posts a nice face shot, beardless. Very cute.  He has a small window of time where he could go somewhere and not be recognized.  

    Shine on you magnificent beast!  😄❤️
    Oh wow, he's a completely different person! 
    Seriously. And he looks waaaay younger! Why is it when i shave my whiskers off, i still look like like a haggard fishwife?  It’s not fair. 
  • Why is it every single time i submit a story —no kidding, every time — something goes wrong where they are delayed in choosing? Every time. These places run like clock work and then boom! they are sorry for the delays?

    When this happens, my teeny tiny brain thinks, oh crap. I’m the only person who submitted anything and it is so bad, they are begging writer friends to save them. 

    Which isn’t true. 


    No. It can’t be true, can it?

    Oh f**k. It’s true. Who am I kidding? 

    Oh the humanity of it all…..

  • Why is it every single time i submit a story —no kidding, every time — something goes wrong where they are delayed in choosing? Every time. These places run like clock work and then boom! they are sorry for the delays?

    When this happens, my teeny tiny brain thinks, oh crap. I’m the only person who submitted anything and it is so bad, they are begging writer friends to save them. 

    Which isn’t true. 


    No. It can’t be true, can it?

    Oh f**k. It’s true. Who am I kidding? 

    Oh the humanity of it all…..

    ...OR, they're gobsmacked by it's greatness....
    Hedda GablerMarshaKurbenNotaroFlakeNoir
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Why is it every single time i submit a story —no kidding, every time — something goes wrong where they are delayed in choosing? Every time. These places run like clock work and then boom! they are sorry for the delays?

    When this happens, my teeny tiny brain thinks, oh crap. I’m the only person who submitted anything and it is so bad, they are begging writer friends to save them. 

    Which isn’t true. 


    No. It can’t be true, can it?

    Oh f**k. It’s true. Who am I kidding? 

    Oh the humanity of it all…..

    ...OR, they're gobsmacked by it's greatness....
    We’ll go with that. 
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