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Random Thoughts



  • edited July 2021
    Why is this word not one of today’s NYT spelling bee words?

  • I know i know— it’s two words but dammit! It should still be there. 
  • I wish you hadn't posted that image, I'm going to be looking for words all day now and with no satisfaction of scoring! 😄
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshacatNotaro
  • edited August 2021
    Just a toe tappin’ ditty I wrote with the help of Willie. 

    Come with me
    and you’ll be
    in a world of pure
    take a look
    And you will see
    If you want to view paradise
    simply get the ‘vid and view it
    don’t mask or vax through it
    you’ll see jesus soon enough
    there’s nothing to it….

  • Willy. Willy. Willy. Damn phone. 
  • Just a toe tappin’ ditty I wrote with the help of Willie. 

    Come with me
    and you’ll be
    in a world of pure
    take a look
    And you will see
    If you want to view paradise
    simply get the ‘vid and view it
    don’t mask or vax through it
    you’ll see jesus soon enough
    there’s nothing to it….

    Its So Beautiful GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshacatNeesyNotarodoyoulove19
  • edited August 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    Just a toe tappin’ ditty I wrote with the help of Willie. 

    Come with me
    and you’ll be
    in a world of pure
    take a look
    And you will see
    If you want to view paradise
    simply get the ‘vid and view it
    don’t mask or vax through it
    you’ll see jesus soon enough
    there’s nothing to it….

    Its So Beautiful GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
    You crack me up. Oh please keep me laughing. 

    How’d the long shift go?
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Just a toe tappin’ ditty I wrote with the help of Willie. 

    Come with me
    and you’ll be
    in a world of pure
    take a look
    And you will see
    If you want to view paradise
    simply get the ‘vid and view it
    don’t mask or vax through it
    you’ll see jesus soon enough
    there’s nothing to it….

    Its So Beautiful GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
    You crack me up. Oh please keep me laughing. 

    How’d the long shift go?
    ...well, I got out of that one because someone had the schedule messed up...the girl that was marked out actually was working-so I'm still on the precipice....anytime in the next few days....that's what bites, not being able to plan my life around it....little sleep afterward, because I have to then report back for my regular shift the next afternoon....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacatNeesyNotarodoyoulove19
  • It’ll smooth out. You’ll get settled right in. Still in your early days. 
  • ....A study reveals that humans eat more bananas than monkeys....I concur, because I can't remember the last time I ate a monkey....
    Hedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirNeesyDebbie913MarshaNotarodoyoulove19
  • @BevVincent

    so, have you or your family been on the roller coaster in Japan that snaps spines?
  • ...just another reason to avoid the inventions of the devil....
    Hedda GablercatKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroMarsha
  • Joshua fit the battle of Jericho 
    Jericho Jericho 
    Joshua fit the battle of Jericho 
    And the walls came tumbling down…

  • Joshua fit the battle of Jericho 
    Jericho Jericho 
    Joshua fit the battle of Jericho 
    And the walls came tumbling down…

    Nope, ya lost me. 😁 
  • edited August 2021
    I will gmail— sent
  • Mother Earth just said, "nup, f'k that". And pooooof, it was gone. 
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenMarshaGNTLGNT
  • Yep. Or maybe it was God. 
  • Yep. Or maybe it was God. 
    Same thing. 😉
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenMarshaGNTLGNT
  • ""Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

  • ...who decided to put the "S" in lisp?......
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • edited August 2021
    I’m listening to David Mamet on Masterclass. The guy is very interesting but he and i would not be friends. Toxic masculinity circles his name and that makes him a certain kind of thinker.

    i absolutely love these masterclasses. They aren’t watching an interview — they are really telling you things. Some things you might know, some things you won’t. And i am making my way through all the writing ones, even the genres I don’t particularly read or care to write. I can learn all sorts of things that help me in what I want to do from a wide range of writers. 

    One of the new things I learned about is Jailhouse Toast.  It’s an African -American tradition of story telling. Not rap but rap more than likely evolved from it. Not poetry, but it is. 

    Mametsaid that toasts could be like challenges, back and forth between men adding to the toast. Interesting, to me anyway. 

    Here’s a little article if you are interested.


    @gntlgnt,  scott, being in the jailhouse  system, were you aware of the Jailhouse Toast oral tadition?
  • edited August 2021
    I could hug your kid for gifting you this new world.... he's a bloody star, you know?
    Tell him Flakes said, "good on ya mate!"
    But he'd better not hear that in an Aussie accent, he'll lose points with me if he does. 😄😍

    @Hedda Gabler
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
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