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Random Thoughts



  • Scott's synopsis is most likely the right one.  I do have an IG account and in the past, when going to a link like you mentioned, it would show me the IG post.  With new work security, I can no longer access IG when I am signed into our VPN, but I can when I am not.  So, your issue may also be firewall related.   But agree with you, it's irritating!
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaro
  • @GNTLGNT - so my mom stopped by this weekend to visit.  She said hello to you and Tracy.  And here is the book she was reading...  I said, being the good friend I am, I had to share it with you...   o:)

    not_nadineHedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNotarocatNeesy
  • Funny Pictures 17 Crazy People and Stuff  Team Jimmy Joe  Funny baby  pictures Angry baby Funny babies....love ya mom.... <3
    FlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19Hedda GablercatNeesy
  • Is that @Marsha in Paris that I spy?  

    May be an image of 2 people people standing and indoor

    GNTLGNTNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Hedda GablerMarshacatNeesy
  • Is that @Marsha in Paris that I spy?  

    May be an image of 2 people people standing and indoor

    It is. I don't remember seeing this pic before. :)
    doyoulove19KurbenNotaronot_nadineGNTLGNTcatBevVincentHedda GablerNeesy
  • Marsha said:
    Is that @Marsha in Paris that I spy?  

    May be an image of 2 people people standing and indoor

    It is. I don't remember seeing this pic before. :)

    I want to believe Meet the hair guy from Ancient Aliens
    doyoulove19NotaroMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • @Hedda Gabler - Heddeej - I was looking for some additonal transcription work since my cemetary gig ended and stumbled across this wonderful site - https://transcription.si.edu/  (Yes, transcribing for the Smithsonian!)  As my work life is starting to get back to normal, I plan to dig into some of these projects, and with your curious nature and desire for continual learning, I thought it might interest you as well.  Let me know what you think! :)
    catKurbenGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • @Hedda Gabler - Heddeej - I was looking for some additonal transcription work since my cemetary gig ended and stumbled across this wonderful site - https://transcription.si.edu/  (Yes, transcribing for the Smithsonian!)  As my work life is starting to get back to normal, I plan to dig into some of these projects, and with your curious nature and desire for continual learning, I thought it might interest you as well.  Let me know what you think! :)
    This looks interesting as heck. If you do some, let me know your thoughts. 

    My life is not my own at the moment.  
  • edited May 2021
    Prince Harry and The Meg are irritating.

    i am so happy for Harry to get out of that Royal machine, but i don’t  believe two people could be more obtuse.

    Good on you for being a voice for Mental Health. Brilliant you are restoring your self-worth while tearing apart the mental health of those that love you. What big vindictive and self-serving egos you have, dears. 

    If they cared about others, they would have made the Me You Don’t See available to all.  But alas, the message is only for those with the dosh to subscribe to it. Way to reach the masses with your message Scrooge McDucks.  

    And boy oh boy, they are working it hard on this racism stuff.   Harry said recently that his mother died for dating a man of color.  Wth.  She died because her driver was drunk and speeding. She died because the man she was with wanted to swing a big dick by being Steve McQueen from the back seat. She died because she was princess Diana who was forever chased like an animal.  She could’ve been dating a head of lettuce and she’d still be just as dead .
  • And on that note, have a super happy day everyone!!!!😳😂
  • Prince Harry and The Meg are irritating.

    i am so happy for Harry to get out of that Royal machine, but i don’t  believe two people could be more obtuse.

    Good on you for being a voice for Mental Health. Brilliant you are restoring your self worth while tearing apart the mental health of those that love you. What big Vindictive and self serving egos you have, dears. 

    And Boy oh boy, they are working it hard on this racism stuff.   Harry said recently that his mother died for dating a man of color.  Wth.  She died because her driver was drunk and speeding. She died because the man she was with wanted to swing a big dick and be steve mcqueen in bullitt. She died because she was princess diana who was forever chased like an animal.  She could’ve been dating a head of lettuce and she’d still be just as dead .
    Yeah, i have grown from being indifferent to them to disliking them. I can also understand wanting to get out but whats the point of spitting poison in every direction like a demented cobra if you as he regularly says hope the breach can now heal. If he really thinks what he says and does makes a healing process easier he is just plain stupid. If he is not then he is mean.
    Hedda Gablerdoyoulove19FlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshacat
  • ...Royals.....meh......
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbenMarshacat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    I think ours are OK as far as royals go. They have heirs but no airs if you see what i mean. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNotaroMarshacat
  • edited May 2021
    I have very vivid dreams most nights. Last week for two nights in a row, i was involved in an epic Race the Clock to save lives. It was my two little boys i babysit and it was horrifying. I woke up very upset and unsettled

    last night, this guy was dating my daughter. I don’t have a daughter. Before he left, he walked over to a very colorful boxed set of Naruto books and dumped them out of the box into a duffel bag.  I made him put them back and allowed him to take the first to read. Which is a nightmare itself because i don’t lend books. Ever. Don’t ask. If you can’t handle “No”, walk away.  Why i had a Naruto box set is beyond me. There are books based on some guy named Naruto, right? I think my kids read them.  Anyway….

    I woke up with a name — Corcagysist.  That’s either the guy’s last name or it was Cory Cagysist. 

    If you know this person, deets. I need deets. 
  • ...maybe it was Craig...Craig List.....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...maybe it was Craig...Craig List.....
    I googled the name and yes, it was pulling up craigs list.  I have never used it. Never even looked at it. Never bought, sold or bartered there.  But i know people who have and do.  Maybe it was some warning about them?

    dreams are so odd . 
  • ....your subconscious has been stirring a strange brew....
    Hedda GablercatKurbenFlakeNoir
  • edited June 2021

    No wonder I'm a little sleepy. 🥱
    NotaroKurbendoyoulove19catHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyMarsha
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