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Random Thoughts



  • edited July 2020
    And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    You do realize, doyou, that I am now going to WTF every single thing you say for a great period of time.  No matter what it is.   I am going to do my part to make you the most WTF'd board member in the history of Bev's message board.  What year did this place open?

  • How much more do I have to yabba dabba do to earn the month-long editing God badge? 
    There is a post that is irritating the holy grail right out of me. I have until August 6th, or it'll be live with it.... forever. (<<<hear this in David Bowie's Jareth voice, when he was talking about tossing Hoggle into the bog of eternal stench)
    catHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NotaroGNTLGNTspideyman
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    I liked this comment instead of doing a WTF ... I am EVIL ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 
  • I’d like to get in the line to WTF do1you9?🤗
    "Well ... that escalated ... and I mean quickly.
    Ron Burgandy :)
    Hedda Gablerdoyoulove19catGNTLGNTFlakeNoirspideyman
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    You do realize, doyou, that I am now going to WTF every single thing you say for a great period of time.  No matter what it is.   I am going to do my part to make you the most WTF'd board member in the history of Bev's message board.  What year did this place open?

    If there was a WTF feature on the SKMB ... :)
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    You do realize, doyou, that I am now going to WTF every single thing you say for a great period of time.  No matter what it is.   I am going to do my part to make you the most WTF'd board member in the history of Bev's message board.  What year did this place open?

    I’d like to get in the line to WTF do1you9?🤗

     :D  :D :D    You guys are tooo funny!  Thanks everyone!  I am well on my way now!
    Hedda GablercatEdwardJohnNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirspideymanOut of Order
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    You do realize, doyou, that I am now going to WTF every single thing you say for a great period of time.  No matter what it is.   I am going to do my part to make you the most WTF'd board member in the history of Bev's message board.  What year did this place open?

    I’d like to get in the line to WTF do1you9?🤗

     :D  :D :D    You guys are tooo funny!  Thanks everyone!  I am well on my way now!
    I had to give you a "wise" click for this post, so that you'd have one of each! 
    spideymandoyoulove19GNTLGNTcatHedda GablerOut of Order
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    You do realize, doyou, that I am now going to WTF every single thing you say for a great period of time.  No matter what it is.   I am going to do my part to make you the most WTF'd board member in the history of Bev's message board.  What year did this place open?

    June 2004, but the WTF feature and badges are a 2020 addition to it.
    FlakeNoirNotarospideymandoyoulove19GNTLGNTcatHedda GablerEdwardJohnOut of Order
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    You do realize, doyou, that I am now going to WTF every single thing you say for a great period of time.  No matter what it is.   I am going to do my part to make you the most WTF'd board member in the history of Bev's message board.  What year did this place open?

    June 2004, but the WTF feature and badges are a 2020 addition to it.
    Very appropriate that you added the WTF feature in the year 2020, Bev. You must be writer of something, right? :)
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    You do realize, doyou, that I am now going to WTF every single thing you say for a great period of time.  No matter what it is.   I am going to do my part to make you the most WTF'd board member in the history of Bev's message board.  What year did this place open?

    June 2004, but the WTF feature and badges are a 2020 addition to it.
    Very appropriate that you added the WTF feature in the year 2020, Bev. You must be writer of something, right? :)
    Or, he just read the room and knows we are a bunch of neanderthals with a limited vocabulary. 
  • And just for fun, check out the "Activity" label under your name.  You can see when new members register, what badges everyone is getting and Sunny just earned 5 WTF's.  

    It's a proud, proud day.
    I think I need a few more......
    catOut of OrderFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda Gablerspideyman
  • 🤣🤣
    Out of OrderFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerspideymanSundrop
  • I have absolutely [i]no[/i] idea what I've just walked into...!   :o  :lol:
    FlakeNoirOut of OrdercatGNTLGNTHedda GablerspideymanSundrop

  • I've got to Level 2 and I don't even know what I did...!
    FlakeNoirOut of OrdercatGNTLGNTHedda GablerspideymanSundrop
  • How do I edit a post?
    FlakeNoirOut of OrdercatGNTLGNTHedda GablerspideymanSundrop
  • Ceefor said:
    How do I edit a post?
    Welcome Ceefor, good to see you! You'll have to get a bit more chatty throughout the threads to get the 'badge' that allows you to edit. (for up to a week)
    Out of OrdercatGNTLGNTCeeforHedda GablerspideymanSundrop
  • C for cat is here!!!🤗
    catGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanSundropCeefor
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    You do realize, doyou, that I am now going to WTF every single thing you say for a great period of time.  No matter what it is.   I am going to do my part to make you the most WTF'd board member in the history of Bev's message board.  What year did this place open?

    June 2004, but the WTF feature and badges are a 2020 addition to it.
    Very appropriate that you added the WTF feature in the year 2020, Bev. You must be writer of something, right? :)
    Or, he just read the room and knows we are a bunch of neanderthals with a limited vocabulary. 
    ....yep, and he didn't even need his glasses....*lifts self onto knuckles and crab walks away*.....
    Out of OrderHedda GablercatFlakeNoirspideymanSundrop
  • Ceefor said:

    I've got to Level 2 and I don't even know what I did...!
    .....Hi kiddo!.....none of us know what in the hell we're doing......
    Out of OrderHedda GablercatFlakeNoirspideymanSundropdoyoulove19Ceefor
  • I got 5 lols!
    Hedda GablercatOut of OrderFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • Ceefor said:
    How do I edit a post?
    FlakeNoir said:
    Ceefor said:
    How do I edit a post?
    Welcome Ceefor, good to see you! You'll have to get a bit more chatty throughout the threads to get the 'badge' that allows you to edit. (for up to a week)
    Okey dokes..! Just discovered the quoting thingy!   B)
    Hedda GablercatOut of OrderFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNT
  • I learned something new today:

    Theft by Finding -- a law in the U.K.

    "Technically, the crime is known as 'theft by finding'. This means that if you find a wad of cash on the street and don't try to return it to its owner – by handing it into the shop, for example, or the police – you're guilty of theft."
    Out of OrderFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTSundropcatCeefor
  • I learned something new today:

    Theft by Finding -- a law in the U.K.

    "Technically, the crime is known as 'theft by finding'. This means that if you find a wad of cash on the street and don't try to return it to its owner – by handing it into the shop, for example, or the police – you're guilty of theft."
    Yes, that's right, and a correct law as well. 
  • Finders Keepers. Crying out loud...I find a wad  of cash it’s mine. Unless Holly wants some!!🤗
    FlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTHedda GablerSundropcat
  • edited July 2020
    "Possession is 9/10th's of the law"? :D 

    If it's anything over a couple of bucks, I'm handing it in. 
    Out of OrderspideymanGNTLGNTHedda GablerSundropcat
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