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Random Thoughts



  • edited August 2020
    What are the characteristics of Dada art?

    Regardless of medium, each representation of Dadaism was rife with mild obscenities, humor, and nonsensical displays and other characteristics outlined below.
    • Humor. Laughter is often one of the first reactions to Dada art and literature. ...
    • Whimsy and Nonsense. ...
    • Artistic Freedom. ...
    • Emotional Reaction. ...
    • Irrationalism. ...
    • Spontaneity.
    Sounds like the crap I throw together.  Now I know how to label it.  

    "I'm a Dada artist, dahlink. Give me a cigarette and go stand over there."
  • ....I knew what you meant, I work in a prison ya know.... :)....better than batteries is a lock in a sock.....big old Master padlock.....
    Lock in a Sock Newspaper Club How to survive the ZOMBIE
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I knew what you meant, I work in a prison ya know.... :)....better than batteries is a lock in a sock.....big old Master padlock.....
    Lock in a Sock Newspaper Club How to survive the ZOMBIE
    and I knew you knew what I meant!  silly boy!  But, those socks above could still cut a b****.
  • ....and I knew that you knew that I knew....ya know?.....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....and I knew that you knew that I knew....ya know?.....
    We seem to have this conversation a lot.   :D

    Sigh, I laugh every time.
  • edited August 2020
    Random thought:

    I am the queen of exclamation points.  I just love them.  But, I am going to limit myself from now on.

    If I don't show great enthusiasm for something you guys post with an exclamation point, do not think I'm not feeling great enthusiasm. 

    Just because you can't see me doesn't me I'm not enthusiastically engaged with you.

    As you were.

  • Random thought:

    I am the queen of exclamation points.  I just love them.  But, I am going to limit myself from now on.

    If I don't show great enthusiasm for something you guys post with an exclamation point, do not think I'm not feeling great enthusiasm. 

    Just because you can't see me doesn't me I'm not enthusiastically engaged with you.

    As you were.

    Hedda GablerNotaroSundropGNTLGNTFlakeNoircat
  • Random thought:

    I am the queen of exclamation points.  I just love them.  But, I am going to limit myself from now on.

    If I don't show great enthusiasm for something you guys post with an exclamation point, do not think I'm not feeling great enthusiasm. 

    Just because you can't see me doesn't me I'm not enthusiastically engaged with you.

    As you were.

     :D  :D
  • ....that’s Sir Ellipses to you!!!....
    doyoulove19Hedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymancatNotaroSundrop
  • Hi there everybody - just thought I would come over here to say hello - Notaro mentions that he posts on both Boards so I thought I would do the same.

    Not much new going on around here - we did have a recent increase in our Covid numbers so we are sticking pretty close to home

    Happy Monday to all!


    NotaroFlakeNoirspideymanHedda GablerGNTLGNTOut of Orderdoyoulove19catSundrop
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Le Sigh - Cheezburger - Funny Memes  Funny Pictures

    This reminds me of Hollygolightly!

    NotaroFlakeNoirspideymanHedda GablerGNTLGNTOut of Orderdoyoulove19cat
  • Hi Neesy, good to see you again... :) 
    spideymanNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyOut of Orderdoyoulove19cat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Hi Neesy, good to see you again... :) 

    Hi Flakers!

    Guess as time goes on the shock of not having SKMB lessens - was talking with Notaro who is a good friend, so I thought I would pop over here to do some more interactions with old friends.

    (There is a slight shortage of emojis, but I will get over that!)

    Notarodoyoulove19FlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatspideymanHedda Gabler
  • Did you know that if you take a reduced fat turkey bacon and egg white sandwich from Starbucks, bring it home and then put butter on the English muffin plus a dab of mayo that it tastes MUCH better?

    NotaroOut of Orderdoyoulove19GNTLGNTcatspideymanHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Neesy said:
    Did you know that if you take a reduced fat turkey bacon and egg white sandwich from Starbucks, bring it home and then put butter on the English muffin plus a dab of mayo that it tastes MUCH better?

    Brilliant 😀
    NeesyOut of Orderdoyoulove19GNTLGNTcatspideymanFlakeNoir
  • Notaro said:
    Neesy said:
    Did you know that if you take a reduced fat turkey bacon and egg white sandwich from Starbucks, bring it home and then put butter on the English muffin plus a dab of mayo that it tastes MUCH better?

    Brilliant 😀
    LOL - I haven't given up on my diet yet! I just like butter

    Out of Orderdoyoulove19GNTLGNTcatspideymanHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Neesy said:
    Notaro said:
    Neesy said:
    Did you know that if you take a reduced fat turkey bacon and egg white sandwich from Starbucks, bring it home and then put butter on the English muffin plus a dab of mayo that it tastes MUCH better?

    Brilliant 😀
    LOL - I haven't given up on my diet yet! I just like butter

    funny cooking with butter - Dump A Day
    doyoulove19Out of OrdercatNeesyspideymanHedda GablerFlakeNoir

  • I like his uniform.
    spideymanHedda GablerNeesydoyoulove19FlakeNoircatGNTLGNT
  • Neesy said:
    Did you know that if you take a reduced fat turkey bacon and egg white sandwich from Starbucks, bring it home and then put butter on the English muffin plus a dab of mayo that it tastes MUCH better?

    bwhaoheohaohaaa! this is great!
  • You know what I miss? I miss the era of movie soundtracks. Some really cool songs are on soundtracks! 
    FlakeNoirdoyoulove19spideymanGNTLGNTOut of OrderNeesy
  • edited August 2020
    cat said:
    You know what I miss? I miss the era of movie soundtracks. Some really cool songs are on soundtracks! 
    So many great movie soundtracks.  The one of many that springs to my mind is Goodfellas.  That movie had a fantastic soundtrack.  Someone could ask me during such and such a scene, what song was playing, and I could tell them.  So iconic and such an important part of the storytelling.
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