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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • Bonjour mes amis!
    @cat ; Oh Girl - hugs and love for you all.  I wish I could bring you a casserole and a hug.  I saw that you and Scott are COVID +, but I haven't seen an update yet.  Imma look about.  In the meantime - I know 4 more people just diagnosed.  It's on the rise again here in Memphis. May your bout with it end swiftly.  ((((cat & family)))  I got my antibodies test back - I am negative.  I'm shocked and pleased. 

    My cholesterol was awful - I'm embarrassed.  They wanted me to give only red blood, not whole blood, so maybe there's more cholesterol in just red blood.  I'm usually very close to normal.  I'll just drink more wine.  

    @Neesy I'm glad you got a second opinion !  It's good to see you being saucy - I think yer feeling bettah.

    @doyoulove19 ; Good to see you - I'll check out the story once it gets going. I bet you all had fun!

    I'm here with my headphones and wine trying to ignore the dogs. I'm such a bad dog momma tonight.  But damn - it was a helluva day.  And I spent the day thinking it was Friday - that's how bad Monday & Tuesday were.  So.  My life would be so much easier if I spoke Spanish. I know how to say give me a kiss and give me a beer. Good enough.

    I'm having a singalong with the Cranberries missing Dolores O'Riodan. 

    FlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesyNotaro
  • Pin on Like (((all in need or not)))
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesyNotaro
  • Bonjour mes amis!
    @cat ; Oh Girl - hugs and love for you all.  I wish I could bring you a casserole and a hug.  I saw that you and Scott are COVID +, but I haven't seen an update yet.  Imma look about.  In the meantime - I know 4 more people just diagnosed.  It's on the rise again here in Memphis. May your bout with it end swiftly.  ((((cat & family)))  I got my antibodies test back - I am negative.  I'm shocked and pleased. 

    My cholesterol was awful - I'm embarrassed.  They wanted me to give only red blood, not whole blood, so maybe there's more cholesterol in just red blood.  I'm usually very close to normal.  I'll just drink more wine.  

    @Neesy I'm glad you got a second opinion !  It's good to see you being saucy - I think yer feeling bettah.

    @doyoulove19 ; Good to see you - I'll check out the story once it gets going. I bet you all had fun!

    I'm here with my headphones and wine trying to ignore the dogs. I'm such a bad dog momma tonight.  But damn - it was a helluva day.  And I spent the day thinking it was Friday - that's how bad Monday & Tuesday were.  So.  My life would be so much easier if I spoke Spanish. I know how to say give me a kiss and give me a beer. Good enough.

    I'm having a singalong with the Cranberries missing Dolores O'Riodan. 

    Watching My Cholesterol  Cholesterol Maxine Humor
    FlakeNoircatHedda GablerNeesyNotaroHollyGolightlySundrop
  • PEANUTS on Twitter Happy Friday  TGIF HappyFriday  httptcok8JZ0iFOxi

    (((all in need or not)))
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesyNotaro
  •   They wanted me to give only red blood, not whole blood,


    @Neesy I'm glad you got a second opinion !  It's good to see you being saucy - I think yer feeling bettah.

    Holly - be like Mr. Spock - just give the green blood

    I'm happy to report that my iron was high enough that I did not get turned down at the Canadian Blood Services recently plus they gave me a snazzy reusable cloth mask as a bonus.

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Happy Friday - Good Shepherd

    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTspideymanHedda Gabler
  • Humorous Saturday Good Morning Wishes And Greetings Nice Wishes(((all in need or not)))
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • Have a Relaxing Sunday(((all in need or not)))
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaroNeesy
  • Turn Those Ugh Its Monday Already Into Yay MY Day Is Here  939  WKYS  (((all in need or not)))
    NotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • Is Tuesday the most terrible day  Conference Call blog

    (((all in need or not)))
    Hedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • Have a Happy October 27 2015  Good morning happy Happy tuesday quotes Happy  tuesday

    Still waiting on the part for the furnace so it's a bit chilly here at the moment - we are using electric heaters for now but the temp is getting lower

    We have snow on the ground and it was quite windy last night

    Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday!

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • Neesy said:
    Have a Happy October 27 2015  Good morning happy Happy tuesday quotes Happy  tuesday

    Still waiting on the part for the furnace so it's a bit chilly here at the moment - we are using electric heaters for now but the temp is getting lower

    We have snow on the ground and it was quite windy last night

    Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday!

    Hope the heat gets going quickly for you!
  • Been an interesting year, not the least of which is the SKMB shutdown.

    In mid-March, I left for Nicaragua, and this "coronavirus" thing was hitting the news. The flight attendants were starting to take things seriously. A few passengers wiped down their area. There was general unease. 

    I was riding business class, lucky me, and was in the little toilet closet longer than usual. I came out, and a pleasant flight attendant was right there. I said, "It's taking me longer to wash my hands now." She said, "That's a good thing." 

    In Nicaragua, there was no pandemic mentality. People sweaty, shaking hands, whatever. And Nicaragua itself was interesting, but that's something for another time. 

    Coming back, the Shutdown had hit. I connected through the Houston airport, and that fantastically busy place was a ghost town. I landed in Denver, picked up my car in the evening, and drove home in eerie unlighted and light-traffic quietude. Weird. 

    So the Shutdown began. I finished up my pending work, then went out to the front yard with the intent to make it more acclimated to our semi-arid climate, tore out the sod, hand-dug a creek bed, lined it with plastic, shoveled in river rock, planted drought-resistant plants, half of which actually survived so far, put a bridge over the creek bed, built hillocks with the dirt that I'd produced, and repurposed a park bench. It doesn't look nice yet, but it's getting there.

    I also wrote. In 2020, I've produced two self-published titles, both of which have gotten rave reviews from both my readers. I love writing.  If I could replace my current income with writing income, I could crank out four books a year. It takes some arrogance to presume that my work is actually good enough for people to buy and enjoy, but that's an arrogance I allow for myself, although the hypothesis remains unproven. I write very occasionally on my blog, but on Facebook a lot, and am trying Twitter but not liking it all that much.

    In May, work began picking up again. In June, it was crazy and resulted in my second-best month, or maybe even best, because I'm not great on money tracking, in my career. It's been pretty busy ever since. 

    I'm also on my national association's governing board, and that has me somewhat busy.

    I drove to Dallas for a professional gathering, but other than that and the off times of travel within an hour of my town, that's pretty much it. Oh, wait, in July Grandma and I did drive out to Illinois to help Grandma's Bro arrange for his first home ownership. That was kind of neat. I don't have paid vacations, so it's why July wasn't as good as June, although even with the week off, it was still not half bad. That's how busy it is. 

    I miss the travel, particularly international travel, some. But there are tradeoffs in the Zoom era. We have a really nice videoconference setup in the office just four blocks from the house, and I've spent at least 90 percent of my assignments there. So that's pretty nice and makes for a more relaxed life.

    There's a lot more going on. My birthday was this last Saturday.  But those are the highlights. This is a Weird Year, is it not? 
    NotaroFlakeNoirspideymanHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNT
  • Thanks for catching us up @Grandpa, you've been very busy and it sounds like the new normal is suiting you quite well for now. I'm glad you and Grandma have been keeping well and got to have a trip also.  
    Happy birthday for Saturday past, did you celebrate at all? 

    NotarospideymanHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNT
  • Always liked reading your experiences and travels,@grandpa.  A belated Happy Birthday. My best to grandma and the furryone. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNT
  • 20 Beautiful Images to Wish Happy Wednesday to Friends and Family  Happy  Birthday to you Dear  (((all in need or not)))
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNT
  • Grandpa said:
    Been an interesting year, not the least of which is the SKMB shutdown.

    In mid-March, I left for Nicaragua, and this "coronavirus" thing was hitting the news. The flight attendants were starting to take things seriously. A few passengers wiped down their area. There was general unease. 

    I was riding business class, lucky me, and was in the little toilet closet longer than usual. I came out, and a pleasant flight attendant was right there. I said, "It's taking me longer to wash my hands now." She said, "That's a good thing." 

    In Nicaragua, there was no pandemic mentality. People sweaty, shaking hands, whatever. And Nicaragua itself was interesting, but that's something for another time. 

    Coming back, the Shutdown had hit. I connected through the Houston airport, and that fantastically busy place was a ghost town. I landed in Denver, picked up my car in the evening, and drove home in eerie unlighted and light-traffic quietude. Weird. 

    So the Shutdown began. I finished up my pending work, then went out to the front yard with the intent to make it more acclimated to our semi-arid climate, tore out the sod, hand-dug a creek bed, lined it with plastic, shoveled in river rock, planted drought-resistant plants, half of which actually survived so far, put a bridge over the creek bed, built hillocks with the dirt that I'd produced, and repurposed a park bench. It doesn't look nice yet, but it's getting there.

    I also wrote. In 2020, I've produced two self-published titles, both of which have gotten rave reviews from both my readers. I love writing.  If I could replace my current income with writing income, I could crank out four books a year. It takes some arrogance to presume that my work is actually good enough for people to buy and enjoy, but that's an arrogance I allow for myself, although the hypothesis remains unproven. I write very occasionally on my blog, but on Facebook a lot, and am trying Twitter but not liking it all that much.

    In May, work began picking up again. In June, it was crazy and resulted in my second-best month, or maybe even best, because I'm not great on money tracking, in my career. It's been pretty busy ever since. 

    I'm also on my national association's governing board, and that has me somewhat busy.

    I drove to Dallas for a professional gathering, but other than that and the off times of travel within an hour of my town, that's pretty much it. Oh, wait, in July Grandma and I did drive out to Illinois to help Grandma's Bro arrange for his first home ownership. That was kind of neat. I don't have paid vacations, so it's why July wasn't as good as June, although even with the week off, it was still not half bad. That's how busy it is. 

    I miss the travel, particularly international travel, some. But there are tradeoffs in the Zoom era. We have a really nice videoconference setup in the office just four blocks from the house, and I've spent at least 90 percent of my assignments there. So that's pretty nice and makes for a more relaxed life.

    There's a lot more going on. My birthday was this last Saturday.  But those are the highlights. This is a Weird Year, is it not? 
    I hope you come back to tell us about Nicaragua.

    It's all been a bit unsettling and unnerving, hasn't it?  Glad to know you are finding a normal in all this.

    And one of these days, I'm going to order one of your books.  I am making myself read what I have in my TBR pile before I purchase anything new -- okay, so I have purchased a few books, but not like I want to.  For every 6 or 7 I read that I already own,  I might allow myself a purchase.  

    Stay safe out there.
  • Grandpa said:
    Been an interesting year, not the least of which is the SKMB shutdown.

    In mid-March, I left for Nicaragua, and this "coronavirus" thing was hitting the news. The flight attendants were starting to take things seriously. A few passengers wiped down their area. There was general unease. 

    I was riding business class, lucky me, and was in the little toilet closet longer than usual. I came out, and a pleasant flight attendant was right there. I said, "It's taking me longer to wash my hands now." She said, "That's a good thing." 

    In Nicaragua, there was no pandemic mentality. People sweaty, shaking hands, whatever. And Nicaragua itself was interesting, but that's something for another time. 

    Coming back, the Shutdown had hit. I connected through the Houston airport, and that fantastically busy place was a ghost town. I landed in Denver, picked up my car in the evening, and drove home in eerie unlighted and light-traffic quietude. Weird. 

    So the Shutdown began. I finished up my pending work, then went out to the front yard with the intent to make it more acclimated to our semi-arid climate, tore out the sod, hand-dug a creek bed, lined it with plastic, shoveled in river rock, planted drought-resistant plants, half of which actually survived so far, put a bridge over the creek bed, built hillocks with the dirt that I'd produced, and repurposed a park bench. It doesn't look nice yet, but it's getting there.

    I also wrote. In 2020, I've produced two self-published titles, both of which have gotten rave reviews from both my readers. I love writing.  If I could replace my current income with writing income, I could crank out four books a year. It takes some arrogance to presume that my work is actually good enough for people to buy and enjoy, but that's an arrogance I allow for myself, although the hypothesis remains unproven. I write very occasionally on my blog, but on Facebook a lot, and am trying Twitter but not liking it all that much.

    In May, work began picking up again. In June, it was crazy and resulted in my second-best month, or maybe even best, because I'm not great on money tracking, in my career. It's been pretty busy ever since. 

    I'm also on my national association's governing board, and that has me somewhat busy.

    I drove to Dallas for a professional gathering, but other than that and the off times of travel within an hour of my town, that's pretty much it. Oh, wait, in July Grandma and I did drive out to Illinois to help Grandma's Bro arrange for his first home ownership. That was kind of neat. I don't have paid vacations, so it's why July wasn't as good as June, although even with the week off, it was still not half bad. That's how busy it is. 

    I miss the travel, particularly international travel, some. But there are tradeoffs in the Zoom era. We have a really nice videoconference setup in the office just four blocks from the house, and I've spent at least 90 percent of my assignments there. So that's pretty nice and makes for a more relaxed life.

    There's a lot more going on. My birthday was this last Saturday.  But those are the highlights. This is a Weird Year, is it not? 

    Yikes! Did we miss posting on your birthday? Thanks for the newsy little ditty - it's great to hear from you again.

    Happy Birthday Wishes for Grandfather from Grandson

  • See birthday thread, grandpa. 😜
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