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First generation with a BS Digital Media Broadcasting
She received a score of 100 on her capstone project!!
For 38 years, my mother-in-law would ask me what I wanted for xmas. And, not one for playing the tedious don’t-get-me-anything game, for 38 years I would tell her. “Get me a B & N gift card.” And for 38 years, she would buy me some random gift that was so “not-me.”
And, right about now some wise sage out there is saying, “It’s the thought that counts,” and I will say back, “Yes, it is, when the thought is thoughtful.” When you get a Walmart, dollar-bin Genesis cassette of songs you have never heard of, ever, (as a joint gift no less with your husband), you either look at that as a shit gift or a strategic business move. Fifty cents apiece — score! That’s the thought that went into that.
Come on. It’s a shit gift, people. Why bother at all? But, she could’ve taken my fifty cents and bought me a candy bar and I would have been pleased. Honest.
So, if you are spending fifty cents or hundreds on a gift, really think about the recipient — who they are. If you don’t care, why are you buying them a gift? Start adulting, okay? Have the balls to tell people, we are not exchanging gifts and stick to it! Don’t let them guilt you when they show up with presents. Say thank you and have a happy day. And the ones you do buy for? Make it fun. No matter your budget, get creative in the giving. Package it unexpectedly.
Please don’t say, “it’s not much”… as you sad-face hand them the present. Please don’t just throw an envelope in their lap. The smallest effort makes it memorable.
My love and playfulness for Christmas came from my dad. The biggest kid of us all. I miss him. I had to teach my husband how to properly Christmas because he came from a family that was sour and bitter and hateful. And I safe-guarded my children from that bah humbag nonsense and passed on the joy of being silly.
My best gift every year? It isn’t the thing. It’s the creative, gleeful effort I see in the faces of the givers.
Be. Playful.
Merry Christmas or Happy Wednesday!