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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • Started to redo my book library. I need some order there are so many books but i have found a website that seems to work fairly well and started to put all my books in . The old catalogue was lost with my laptop, the main thing i did lose. It will take some time but is a necessity when you have as many books as i do.
  • .....there are cat ladies, and then there are book boys..... :D
  • Big storm moving through Florida close to Spidey. Be safe!
  • People who will not evacuate after being told to do so in Florida are being told to write identifying information on their bodies. 
  • Checking in....Thankful we are OK. Lots of branches, twigs, leaves  down. Lots of wind and rain squalls.  Places west of Hwy 19 are basically still under water.  Coastguard, local recuse going house to house. Storm surge was massive. Our local weather crew did a fantastic job of path and predictions. 

    Closest was around 10PM at 91 miles due west as a Cat 4 (130+mph)

    For those who follow the FL nest- cams are down, but M and F are safe  as is nest and tree.
  • ....so very glad to hear you're OK Spidey.......this is a scary one.....
  • I just had the Bands and very impressive wind gusts and downpours on the Atlantic side. Glad you're safe Spidey.
  • Thankful yore safe, Spidey. These weathers gets scarier and comes more often recently feels like.....
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