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Live Eagle Cam — Big Bear, California



  • And the work goes on...
    Jackie and Shadow have continued to visit the nest every day…bringing sticks and then bringing more sticks and then bringing fluff. They usually visit together even though one sometimes hangs around much longer than the other.
    Two days ago, they spent a lot of nest time working on sticks, rearranging tiny bits of fluff and each trying out the nest bowl. After a hard day of work, it was time for some snuggling in the roost tree. And while they snuggled together off-site, Fiona, the San Bernardino flying squirrel that lives somewhere below their nest, visited the nest several times, checking for bits of food and anything else of interest that she can carry off.
    One evening after some productive nest work, Jackie completely surprised Shadow when she left the nest to head off to roost while he was still in the middle of working…oh, well. He overcame his shock and soon followed after her to the roost tree for their togetherness time.
    Jackie and Shadow have also continued to meet on their lookout snag in the early morning or late afternoon for a little go at mating. And they have been spotted hanging around other parts of the lake in the afternoons—yesterday, I watched one of them soaring over the east end of the lake, circling higher and higher on the breeze until they disappeared from view into the blue sky.
    Yesterday morning, Jackie and Shadow were in the nest doing stick work together…and Jackie stayed for a long time after Shadow left, just watching out across the neighborhood. Then in the evening, it was time to bring more sticks and make sure everything was in order. Jackie had to try again on that stubborn stick that keeps sticking straight up instead of laying down. It remained stubborn…but while she was there, Shadow took the chance to play his little teasy game of nibbling on her wing…which turned into a bit of beaky kissy before bedtime.
    There has also been a visitor, a sub-adult bald eagle, spotted around the lake, and one night roosted in view of our cam2—though not near Jackie and Shadow’s roost tree. It headed out when Jackie and Shadow made a loud fuss in the morning about it being there.
    Thank you, as always, for keeping up with Jackie and Shadow as they continue to show us what might be next.

    May be an image of eagle falcon and nest

    May be an image of eagle falcon and nest

    May be an image of eagle and nest

    May be an image of eagle falcon nest and text that says Presented by FOBBV FriendsofBigBearValleyo org 2023 2023-04-20 20 192615
    May be an image of chipmunk meerkat rodent squirrel and text that says Presented by FOBBV FriendsofBigBearValleyo org 2023 2023-04-20 20 203207
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Jackie’s fast-moving friends…
    Who comes out at night to raid Shadow’s pantry and loves Jackie’s wing slaps? Fiona & Fast Freddie: you might have seen them, heard them, or heard about them!
    They come out to show off nearly every night on the nest camera - our local San Bernardino Flying Squirrels are affectionately known as Fiona and Fast Freddie. Being strictly nocturnal, they feel quite comfortable around Jackie and Shadow once they have figured out that eagles cannot see very well in the dark. Fiona seems to like to get Jackie to do wing slaps at her! And she is an expert at skidaddling at high speed, sometimes ‘flying’ right over Jackie’s tail as she launches herself out of the nest. When Jackie is sitting on eggs or chicks, Fiona seems quite perturbed to discover that one of those pesky eagles is home instead of out for the night.
    They can glide for distances of more than 300 feet using parachute-like flappy panels of skin (patagium) that stretch from wrist to ankle, so don’t worry when you see them jump into the abyss, expertly avoiding Jackie and Shadow’s wingslaps. Fiona and Fast Freddie have it all covered. Sometimes you can even hear their cheeky backtalk - it is their nest too after all!
    Since they are a no-show during the day (the most convenient time for observations), our camera, with the ‘invisible-to-eagles-and-humans’ infrared night light, provides a unique insight into their lives. After several years of watching, we can confirm that these squirrels, who are known for spending considerable time foraging on the forest floor searching for their favorite truffles, are in fact very much omnivorous. They are very fond of Shadow’s fish tails, coot feathers, egg shells, and even crunchy beetles!
    Little Flying Squirrel ‘kits’ (babies) usually remain with their mothers in the safety of a den until they are fully grown, so we are still waiting for a chance encounter with juniors. A full grown flying squirrel can fit into the palm of your hand. It is only about 10 inches long, half of which is tail, so the kits would be very tiny. Maybe one day… err… night!
    Fascinating fact - Humans have long sought to replicate the flying squirrel’s gliding abilities. Base jumpers and skydivers have developed a special suit that mimics the flying squirrel. The suit works to slow their descent and allows them to maneuver through the air.
    These tiny squirrels are our best clean up crew, working diligently to find every munchable tidbit in the nest. But, we still cannot tell them apart. That’s why we call one squirrel Fiona, two squirrels - Fiona and Fast Freddie, more than two - Fiona, Fast Freddie and Friends.
    They are extremely fast, so don’t blink tonight or you will miss them!

    May be an image of pine marten squirrel and nest
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyFlakeNoir
  • Such great write ups. 
  • edited May 2023
    I think Florida cam might be done for the season. Not sure why because The E’s are still coming by. 

    Jackie and Shadow, though, may give us some babes. Fingers crossed. 
  • I think Florida cam might be done for the season. Not sure why because The E’s are still coming by. 

    Jackie and Shadow, though, may give us some babes. Fingers crossed. 
    Saturday night there was a strong storm with thunder, lightning and hail knocking out the live feed wed cam.  Admin were able to continue watching via the PTZ cams.  The live feed is up and running this AM ( 5/1/23 ). 
    E21 flew off before the storm, approx 1PM Saturday. It may have been seeking shelter, or possibly taking off for the season. We are approaching that time in their lives to fly free. Remember, E21 was gone for 5 days after the second fledge and returned.  We wait and see.  Both M and E22 have been seen since the storm and appear well and fed. 

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyFlakeNoir
  • Thanks spidey. 
  • Big bear eagles got snow !!!! Ugh!
  • Checking in and protecting the homestead…
    After being less often at the nest for a couple days, Jackie and Shadow checked in to make loud announcements that they were home and protecting their territory.
    In the mid-afternoon, Jackie was already yelling at a raven as she flew into the nest with a fluff delivery. She and the raven continued squawking back and forth as Shadow arrived with his own bunch of fluff. Of course, he joined into the yelling fray, making his sweet voice heard in the ongoing announcement that “this is Jackie and Shadow territory and all ravens better get out!” That raven just wasn’t paying any attention. So, Jackie continued the argument with it for over 5 minutes while Shadow worked behind her to get the nest arranged just right. Jackie even posed for a close-up before they flew off together.
    They returned a short time later--this time Jackie brought fluff and Shadow brought a nice, sturdy stick. It took both of them working in unison to get that tough stick placed just right near the front porch. With that big task complete, Jackie rewarded Shadow with a little beaky kiss.
    Throughout the visit, they were both very much guarding and keeping watch around the area…
    …and the wide-angle camera caught track of them rushing off the nest to both soar back and forth, chasing a group of ravens around the nest area. They swooped after them with some fancy flying and loud chortling to make those ravens skidaddle. After such a successful chase, both Jackie and Shadow stopped by the roost tree for a late afternoon rest before heading out to finish up the work day.
    Today they hid out all morning as a spring snow storm whisked through the area dropping a few inches of that wet white stuff all over the nest.
    Thank you for continuing to watch as Jackie and Shadow surprise us each day with their ongoing decisions and activities.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoir
  • Moon over the FL nest
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoir
  • Ravens and sticks and snow, oh my…
    Right before the latest snow storm, Jackie and Shadow spent the afternoon yelling at and chasing ravens away from intruding into their private territory. By the time they had finished showing those guys who are the bosses around here, the nest needed a little cleanup and maintenance. They rearranged a few sticks and Shadow went out to bring some more, all under Jackie’s expert supervision. Jackie even posed for a few close-ups before making sure the nest-building continues properly by bringing in her own stick selection…
    …then came a day of snow.
    After the snow had once again completely covered the nest, Shadow was the first to arrive for a survey of the situation…and he ‘surprisingly’ decided more sticks were in order. So, he brought back a chunky fellow to start the process. Then Jackie pitched in with a long, windy, skinny one…and then it was time for a fluff delivery by Shadow to cover up some of that annoying white stuff.
    Later that morning Jackie and Shadow delivered a few sticks to their favorite Stick Depot Snag, but, as usual, none of them would stay in the tree…
    …so, by evening they were back to rearranging their nest and then roosting together in their favorite roost tree.
    Yesterday, Shadow decided it was time for more fluff and nest softening. Jackie couldn’t decide which was more needed, so she brought both fluff and a stick. While she worked hard getting that arranged, Shadow brought in a rather messy stick. But with effort, they managed to get everything properly situated. So, Shadow took a little break on the front porch and Jackie decided a nest bowl softness test was in order. Wanting everything just perfect, she made a few needle-by-needle adjustments…
    …but, she had to quickly hop up to help Shadow keep an eye on the neighborhood raven, again flying too close for his own good. After a morning of so much work, they both flew off toward the lake for the afternoon.
    As always, we cannot predict what might be next…so we will all watch and see what they have in store for us.

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoir
  • FL  E22 at pond

    E22 enjoying a meal
    May 7 D3 at 144144 E22 eating rabbit maybe 5-7-2023jpg

    E22 plays pick up sticks

    ****E21 was last seen on April29 at 1:02PM  flying WNW.  May his/her new life be safe.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoir
  • The stick deliveries continue…
    Jackie and Shadow have continued visiting the nest almost daily, bringing sticks, fluffing fluff, chasing ravens and sometimes just hanging out.
    One early morning, Shadow stopped by to work hard on fluffing up the nest bowl. Jackie soon flew in with a beautiful stick to add to their collection. But...Shadow was still working diligently in the middle of the nest…and Jackie just couldn’t get that new stick over him or around him to put it in the spot she had her eye on, which happened to be on the opposite side of Shadow. In her determination to get by, she shoved on Shadow a bit, then finally compromised and put the stick down beside him instead of behind him. So, it was certainly just an accident when Shadow later shoved on her trying to get by to the front porch. She caught herself with her wing when he tipped her over, so all was fine. So, it was obviously a simple coincidence that she happened to look straight into the camera right after that, as if to say “did you see that?”
    That evening Jackie was first to arrive and take on the nest bowl fluffing duties, and Shadow brought the stick this time. They finished the work ‘swift and easy,’ but then hung around the nest together until long past dark. They had to keep all eyes on those pesky raven neighbors that apparently were having a loud, rowdy party somewhere nearby.
    The next morning, Shadow had to yell away intruders again before getting down to his work. In the evening he brought in a lovely Christmas tree-shaped branch that just wouldn’t settle itself down no matter which side of the nest he put it on. Even biting off some of the little twigs didn't seem to help.
    After dark, Jackie arrived first, and according to the size of her crop (the large bump just below her chin), she had just come from having a large dinner. (The crop gives eagles—and other birds—a place to store food so they can digest it as needed.) Jackie couldn’t decide about staying or leaving, but finally left the work to Shadow. As usual, Shadow worked hard on his stick rearranging to get it just right before he could allow himself to join Jackie in the roost tree and snuggle up for the night.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoir
  • FL update

    E22 spent part of the morning soaring the thermals. Beautiful sight. M15-dad- brought in a delicious fish, which was quickly consumed. Off to the trees. Is this the day E22 will begin his future journey?
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoir
  • May 20
    A nice, long visit…
    After being at the nest for only short visits over the past week, Jackie and Shadow spent over 4 hours at the nest yesterday…
    Shadow arrived mid-morning after apparently noticing that the nest fluff had diminished. After all, those stinker tiny swallows have been zipping through on occasion nabbing a pine needle or two for their own nests. But, no worries, Shadow replenished it with a big bunch of soft stuff and rearranged it just right.
    Later, Jackie zoomed in, yelling at ravens the whole way to the nest and still shouting at them as she arrived. She kept a sharp eye on those noisy neighbors for over an hour until Shadow arrived to assist.
    Shadow brought a stick and then focused on fixing up the place, since obviously the nest organization had gotten severely out of hand. Jackie supervised, of course, and took time to give him some sweet thank you nibbles for all his hard work.
    To do her part, Jackie left and brought back a long stick that took both of them to properly position in the nest. Then she went out to guard from the front porch while Shadow continued the furniture arrangements.
    After both of them hung out watching the neighborhood for quite a while, Shadow left to go check on the nearby roost tree. He quickly got into a shouting match with those ravens. So, Jackie rushed off to join him in the roost tree to assist. By the way the ravens attack and scream at Jackie and Shadow whenever they are at the roost tree in the day, it is very likely that the ravens have a nest very nearby.
    Jackie and Shadow spent much of the afternoon bringing sticks to one of their favorite perch trees where they continue to deposit new ones. Eagles often have more than one nest, so they could be working on building a 2nd nest. So far, of the many sticks they’ve brought to that tree, only a few have stayed in place.
    But they are still bringing sticks and fluff to the nest tree, so the new tree is simply an addition, not a replacement.

    Thank you to each of you, as always, for your ongoing support of Jackie and Shadow and FOBBV!

    May be an image of eagle falcon and nest

    May be an image of eagle and nest

    May be an image of eagle nest and text that says Presented by FOBBV FriendsofBigBearValleyor org 2023-05-20 2023-05-20135656 13 135656 202 56

    May be an image of vulture eagle falcon and nest
  • Spa day for E22- May 21

    SWF   dunking   5-20-23jpg

    SWF   just sitting   5-20-23jpg

    SWF   Splshing   5-20-23jpg

    SWF   jumping up to grass   5-20-23jpg

    E22 flies across the pond heading east & flushes out a heron and an ibis  Then a few minutes later we see E22 fly to the pond's edge and wade in and start to soak and take a bath! E22 really enjoys its bath time just like Mom ♥ splashing around, dunking under the water, soaking and even preening right there in the pond! Clean and pristine and Harriet approved! E22 then flaps up to the bank and over to the grass by the hubcap tree before flying off.


    0947. E22 leaves cam view flying low to the W.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • May 25-26
    Defending the homestead…
    From the behaviors going on around Jackie and Shadow’s nest area, it seems that both the neighboring ravens and the nearby hawks have active nests this spring. They both are working hard at keeping the giant eagles away, which makes Jackie and Shadow get more protective defending their territory.
    A couple days ago, Jackie ‘came in hot’ to the nest—flying full speed and yelling the whole way in at ravens and a hawk. She stayed around, guarding from the front porch, until a raven came too close and she dove off after it.
    In the meantime, Shadow was dive-bombed by a red-tailed hawk as he was bringing a stick to the Stick Depot Snag, one of Jackie and Shadow’s favorite perch trees. Shadow turned talons up to defend himself from the hawk, while Jackie zipped by chasing the ravens and screeching out assistance. Even after all of that, talented Shadow managed to keep a hold on his stick and bring it to the snag as he intended.
    A couple hours later, Shadow arrived at the nest to work on the furniture arrangements. He apparently had gone out to lunch in the meantime since his crop was very full. But, no worries, he worked hard on all those sticks—getting them into just the right spot and biting off any annoying little twigs standing in the way of proper function. With all that, he easily worked off any extra calories.
    Later, when Jackie brought a stick to the nest, she had to keep yelling at those pesky ravens getting too close…and Shadow was yelling and chortling at them from a nearby tree, working as loud as he could to make sure they know who owns this territory. When the ravens wouldn’t skidaddle, Jackie took off to chase them away from her nest.
    The next evening, Jackie and Shadow visited the nest together, but Jackie left early to head to the roost tree. Shadow stayed, as he often does, to get every last bit of work done before roost time. This time, as he was working, something showed up in the area to put him completely on guard—his head feathers gave him away as they started slowly to rise up until they are all standing out and he was obviously in full alert mode. It took him a few minutes of scanning the area before he relaxed enough to join Jackie in the roost tree for the night.

    May be an image of vulture grouse eagle and tree

    May be an image of eagle and nest

    May be an image of eagle and nest
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • Sunset at the Fl nest

    May 26 A2 at 062113 E22 tall on tree sunrise 5-26-2023jpg

    E22 practicing catching skills-- misses the duck
    May 26 A4 at 073327 E22 swooping duck BB 5-26-2023jpg

    Time to soar and explore
    Screenshot 2023-05-26 101042jpg
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • edited May 2023
    E22 is that kid. The one who never leaves home.  The one who avails himself of the brand new, big tub of sour cream you bought for baked potatoes and uses it all except a teaspoon that gets runny in the bottom of the container to mock you. 

    Not that I know anything about that. ❤️🤣
  • ...I miss the friggin' duck 'bout every day....love me some sour cream though....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • E22 is that kid. The one who never leaves home.  The one who avails himself of the brand new, big tub of sour cream you bought for baked potatoes and uses it all except a teaspoon that gets runny in the bottom of the container to mock you. 

    Not that I know anything about that. ❤️🤣
    Normal nesting season ends in Fl by May.  E21 sets the record at earliest , 114 days old, leaving the nesting area.  To date-- E15 sets the record at 216 days.  E22 is now 140 days old. Average departure time is 126 days.  

    He/ she has the pond,  horse friends/ comfy abode of a nest/ pesky mockingbirds and as many term it  ---- a " Dordash Dad M15".    Why leave......    We await nature's call to soar and explore.

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • A little guarding, a little working, a little loving…
    Jackie and Shadow spent a quiet Thursday night together in the nearby roost tree, as they have been doing most nights.
    Bright and early Friday morning Shadow was at the nest and yelling at those raven neighbors to stay out of his territory. With that task done, he went to work on arranging the nest bowl…
    Jackie soon flew in to join him and delivered a new stick. Knowing that the new stick would want to find a home immediately, Shadow pulled and tugged on it to try and get it out from under Jackie’s feet. Finally, she took it herself and placed it beside the nest bowl. But obviously, that was not the correct location, and Shadow had to step in. Jackie happily moved aside to oversee the operations while he worked to make certain that stick—and every other stick in the nest—got put into the place they belong.
    After all of his dedicated work, Jackie decided to help a bit. But Shadow quickly turned around to assure her that he had everything handled. After all, only he knows exactly where each stick belongs. So, again, Jackie backed off the stick arranging and this time gave Shadow a bunch of sweet beaky kisses for all of his hard work.
    As she scanned the neighborhood, Jackie noticed that those ‘raveny’ neighbors were still hanging around the area. So, she quickly moved to a higher lookout and told them a thing or two about being too close to her nest—and Shadow joined in to put an added punch on her announcements.
    Jackie kept an eye on things from her high perch, while Shadow went out to bring back another perfect stick. He had that one placed shortly after he arrived and then had to find a new home for the one his bouncy landing knocked askew. Not enough can be said about the level of dedication it takes to keep all those sticks properly placed in perfect harmony.
    And just when you’d think the morning chores might be complete, those determined ravens started making noise again…so, of course, both Jackie and Shadow had to reiterate that this is their territory and those ravens had better watch out.
    Thank you all for keeping an eye out for Shadow and Jackie’s visits to the nest and the perch trees in the area. They both seem to have lost interest in egg-laying for this season, but are very much continuing their protection and maintenance of their beautiful nest even as they spend more time out and about other parts of the lake.

    May be an image of eagle falcon nest and text that says Presented by FOBBV FriendsofBigBearValley org 2023 2023-05-20 115935 35 2023-05-20115935

    May be an image of eagle and nest
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • E22-- It's just too nice here to leave......
    SWF  on office oak   5-29-23jpg
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Home Sweet Home…
    Over the past several days, Jackie and Shadow have visited the nest almost daily, sometimes staying for a few hours. Apparently, it’s just nice to hang out at home. And with the lake level much higher, their fishing grounds are once again easy to see from the nest. – (the lake level is now 11 feet higher than in January.)
    On Thursday, after a beautiful sunrise, Jackie and Shadow spent much of the day out and about. Jackie arrived first in the late afternoon and showed off her huge wingspan that spreads beyond the edges of the nest (her wingspan is over 7 feet!—the nest is just under 6 feet across). She was soon joined by Shadow…with a big stick to add to that ever-growing nest…
    …but one stick wasn’t enough for Shadow. He was soon out and bringing back another, bigger stick for his building project. Then he spent some nice one-on-one time on the front porch with his precious Jackie. But the sticks were calling…so he was out again and back this time with an especially long and twisty stick. He had to work hard rearranging other sticks to make it all fit together. Both Jackie and Shadow were in the nest for over 2 hours. And even after Jackie left, Shadow had some more stick work to get done before he joined her in the roost tree.
    The next day, Jackie brought a HUGE fish to the nest to enjoy her lunch at home…then she spent over 2 hours hanging out in the upstairs part of the tree above the nest. Soon after she came down to the front porch, Shadow joined her there for almost an hour of lovely side-by-side together time. This day, Jackie spent over 5 hours hanging out at the nest before joining Shadow in the roost tree for the night.
    Jackie and Shadow have also been doing some roost tree visits during daylight hours. On Saturday, they were both there in the early evening. But apparently Shadow felt like he hadn’t accomplished enough for the day…so he left and delivered 1 stick to the Stick Depot Snag and 1 stick to the nest before heading back to the roost tree to rejoin Jackie for the night.
    Sunday, again, they were both out all day until evening. Then they each brought a stick to the nest before roost time—but, of course, Shadow had to leave and bring a second stick before he felt complete enough to snuggle up to Jackie for the night. And yesterday, only Shadow visited the nest…with his requisite stick delivery before he joined Jackie at the roost tree.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • Florida: June 6

    Today E22 is 150 days old. He has surpassed the 145 days  of E12  for leaving and just might be heading for the record of 216 days by E15.

    E22 is sending more time away from the nest area. Cam and zooms could not locate him/her yesterday, however ground observers did locate across the rd at Yonder Pond and shopping center.

    This morning E22 flew in sqeaking-- "I am still here"

    7:52am E22 flies in from the SE across the road to the attic. 8:02am E22 very vocal. 8:05am E22 flies off the attic west.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  •  June 8 Big Bear
    A nest visitor!

    Jackie and Shadow returned to the nest early this morning to do repairs from  the young sub Juvenal 's visit earlier that day.

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
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