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Live Eagle Cam — Big Bear, California



  • edited April 2023
    There is a video I watched of E22 on the ground and in the background, a guy on horseback and the horse fell.  Horse got up, dragged the guy a bit and he got untangled . Got back in the saddle. 
  • Official chat stated the rider was ok. This is also a horse boarding farm.
    E22 having a ruff morning with the little birds. ( he's in the nest tree)

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • A new cycle--loving, working, rest and repeat…
    For the past few days, Jackie and Shadow have been busy busy busy…like they are on a nesting mission.
    First on their agenda is usually mating on their favorite lookout tree…then off to work, bringing sticks to the nest, rearranging the sticks already there…bringing fluff to the nest, rearranging the nest bowl already overflowing with fluff…bringing food to the nest, multiple times a day and either giving it to Jackie or eating it yourself when she doesn’t show up…helping each other with the stick arranging, which often allows them to sneak in some beaky kissing…trying out the fit of the nest bowl…working until way after dark to get everything just right and then off to the nearby roost tree for some cuddly shut-eye before it all starts over the next morning.
    In the past 4 days, they have mated 7 times, brought in 44 sticks and 10 bunches of fluff to the nest and had 8 meal deliveries (all 8 delivered by Shadow.)
    After the latest snow storm, their day began with intense nest work. Jackie and Shadow both brought big sticks and shared the job of placing them, and then shared a few sweet beaky kisses. Jackie almost crashed into Shadow a couple times with her giant stick deliveries, but also found time to cuddle up to him during the work.
    The next day started with a love-making rendezvous, followed, as usual, by both of them singing out an announcement to the neighborhood. Shadow went back to work on the nest…then time for another rendezvous—the time span from flying in to meet on the snag to the completion of their announcement singing is usually about 30 seconds—very efficient. When they returned to the nest, they gave themselves a little break to watch around the neighborhood. But they were soon back to work, this time with a fluff delivery and tender cuddle time as they helped each other arrange it. (Fluff is little bunches of soft grasses or pine needles for the center of the nest bowl.) And then a new record-setting third rendezvous of the day on the lookout tree. After that full day, they had a young eagle visitor who landed on the nest tree below the nest. Jackie, especially, kept a close eye on it until it flew away.
    Yesterday, Shadow made an early morning visit to the nest for a look around the neighborhood, before their usual lookout tree rendezvous. Then both Jackie and Shadow spent time at the nest with more giant stick deliveries and hard work. Shadow was in an especially flirty mood all afternoon, nipping at Jackie’s tail or wing to get her attention…and, of course, some of her gentle kissing.
    Now, once again, it is rest and cuddle time in the roost tree to be ready for whatever shows up tomorrow.
    We can all hold beautiful thoughts for Jackie and Shadow to get whatever they are working so hard to accomplish. They and we thank you for your assistance!
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Is this E 21 with E 22 in nest at noonish Florida time?  
  • YES
    12:00 E22 in the nest.12:05p shrikes bothering E22. 12:06pm M in with a fish. to the veranda, E22 mantles. 12:07p M to the attic. 12:08p E21 floats to the attic with M. E21 to the nest. E22 mantles. M to the pond. YAY E21 is BACK!
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • Whew!!! 🦅🦅😍
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • After several "tassels" the past two days, the E's find comfort with each other.

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • some owlets visited the nest the other night. Of course, no one was home when they did.  Cute babies. 
  • Sticks and more sticks…then sitting and a beautiful pair…
    Jackie and Shadow have again been very busy at the nest the last few days.
    While Jackie was sitting in the nest bowl, Shadow flew in with a stick just long enough to keep bumping Jackie…so, of course, she had to get up and assist him with that bumpy stick. Working in unison, they got it into just the right location. And afterward, Jackie gave Shadow a few sweet kisses for all of his hard work.
    Jackie also brought her own big stick…but she’s a big girl and when she stretched up tall, she got it across the nest and placed all on her own…well, with only a few rearrangements to other sticks needed to be completely satisfied.
    Jackie was kneeling in the bowl watching Shadow circle to fly in with yet another stick…and that darn stick pushed Jackie right out of the nest bowl. This time she stepped aside and watched as Shadow worked to get that troublesome thing located correctly…and apparently Shadow was so pleased with his work that he had to tease Jackie by biting her tail a couple times. Then he laid down in the bowl to test it out.
    Shadow didn’t step aside for Jackie’s next giant stick delivery, but grabbed right onto it. There was some tugging and pulling…and then some more pulling and tugging in both directions on that stick before they found where it properly belonged.
    When Shadow sits in the nest, he usually busies himself with arranging the sticks around the bowl while he’s there…it’s important to always keep working! And when that was done, he waited for Jackie under the pink full moon…but instead of coming, Jackie called him from a distance. He answered…and then went to meet her on one of their favorite perch trees, the stick depot tree.
    By the next day, when Shadow brought a really long, complex stick, Jackie just kept standing where she was while he worked hard behind her to get that uncooperative stick to settle down into place…then to Shadow’s amazement, she flew off without even acknowledging all that hard work or proper placement.
    Jackie has spent long periods at the nest the past few days, either hanging out on the front porch or working the nest bowl. When it’s just soft enough, she lays in the bowl—and her lay-downs have each day been getting longer—even up to an hour. Like Shadow, she works while she’s sitting to rearrange every tiny little piece of fluff into just the right formation.
    The nest bowl now has 2 or 3 times more fluff than it has ever had! And still Shadow brought in another huge bunch, which he delicately arranged while Jackie kept a close eye from the front porch making sure he didn’t knock anything askew.
    Then, time for a little break…and they stood side-by-side on the front porch like the beautiful matched pair that they are, watching out across their expansive neighborhood.
    Jackie and Shadow have then been spending nearly every night snuggled together on their nearby roost tree, resting up for another day of important work.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Hackie and Shadow are working so hard in this nest. I hope they get another shot at kids. 
  • Checking the nest for treasure…
    Apparently, when Shadow arrived with a stick to find Jackie sitting on the nest for a long time, he got a little nervous and wanted to check things out. So, he used his tried-and-true method of the ol’ stick on the back trick…but Jackie didn’t get up. Now what? He got busy with sticks and avoiding looking at her, maybe trying to wait her out…but that didn’t work either. So, he spun around, giving her a bit of a breezy haircut. No reaction. He stared at her, but that still didn’t do it. Maybe another haircut will work. Nope. Then, finally, for no reason at all, Jackie stood up…and Shadow rushed over and looked up and down the nest bowl underneath her, checking for anything that might be under there…like maybe some little white oval things. He checked and double checked, but found nothing. So, he went to work helping Jackie keep the nest bowl in perfect shape.
    That night, Fiona showed up to discover that Shadow had left a lovely fish tail in the nest, obviously a gift for her. So, she had a nice long dinner, sitting in the nest nibbling on her golden treasure for over 20 minutes…until Fast Freddy decided it was his turn and chased her off. He started crunching on small pieces and then decided that he better just take the whole tail with him…he dug it out and off he ran with it! But no worries, there were still enough fish bits left to continue dining at the nest and they both did that off and on over the next couple hours.
    Yesterday, after testing out the nest bowl, Shadow decided to work on the outer edges of the nest where some giant sticks had obviously run amuck and gotten out of their proper places. When Jackie arrived with a stick, he had to help her with that ever-thickening bowl of fluff in the center of the nest—it must be at least a foot thick with all the recent fluff deliveries. All of that hard work of course merited a little appreciative wing nibble and some beak kisses.
    Shadow was panting yesterday, from the nice, warm sun that has finally decided to hang around for a while. Like dogs, eagles do not have sweat glands, so they pant to let off extra heat.
    And Shadow was apparently still feeling a bit flirty. He kept teasing Jackie with little bites on her wing while she was perched on a higher limb to watch around the neighborhood. She didn’t seem to mind too much as she only snapped little warnings back at him--they are both considering themselves still in nesting mode and have been mating almost daily on their favorite snag.
    Like Shadow, we will keep checking to see what Jackie has in store for us.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • This is some magnificent photography!
    In this video you will see an intruder with a fish it has taken from M15. The intruder then decides to perch in the attic then makes its way down to the nest to feast. A short time later E21 comes in and scares the Eagle off

    not_nadineGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Big Bear cam watching a fire. It’s a ways away but fire travels fast if it gets out of control. 
  • Sticks and play on a windy day…
    As usual when they bring lots of sticks to the nest, both Jackie and Shadow sometimes bring troublemakers…
    While Shadow was diligently working on the nest bowl, Jackie arrived with one of her many-branched monstrosities. Shadow kept focusing on his own work and let Jackie deal with that big stick…until she put it almost on top of him. Then, of course he had to jump in and help her get it into the right place. They worked together, pulling it this way and that from both ends, even getting it wrapped around Jackie. So, Jackie latched onto it and stretched high enough onto her tippy toes to walk that stick across the nest. And since the stick was then too high for Shadow to reach, he had to let her put it where she wanted…but, that wasn’t the end of it. Each time one of them got it placed, the other decided it needed to be moved to a different spot. After a full 3 minutes of work on that one stick, a raven saved the day by circling the nest and drawing Jackie and Shadow’s attention away from that stubborn stick.
    When Jackie had gotten comfortably situated in the nest bowl, she started arranging each tiny twig and pine needle around her…that is, until Shadow popped in with a new stick too long to handle. After getting poked a few times, Jackie stood up. But she left Shadow to handle that stick on his own. A few maneuvers were enough before Shadow deserted that one and went to work on some more cooperative sticks on the other side of the nest.
    Later that morning, Jackie found a straight up stick that simply would not move no matter how much she tugged and pulled and twisted and bent it. After Shadow arrived and placed his own stick, he decided that the best way to help Jackie was to nip at her wing and tail enough to get her involved in some beaky kisses. And it worked…for a minute. Then she went back to work on that same stick...so Shadow had no choice but to work his magic all over again. And finally, Jackie left that uncooperative twig to stick up where it wanted.
    By afternoon, the exact position of the sticks seemed way less important as Jackie and Shadow both got busy poking at each other with little nibbles and kisses.
    To celebrate a fun day, the evening’s gusty winds blew the clouds into a beautiful, pancakey shape visible from our 2nd camera.
    And for tomorrow, there will be more work to be done, coaxing those stinker sticks into proper alignment.

    This link will give your the video to the above happenings
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Soaring high…
    In case anyone might have the idea that Jackie and Shadow work all the time…
    Shadow was on his way to the nest, carrying a huge branch in his talons, when suddenly the beautiful day and swirling thermals merged to become irresistible. He caught them over the lake behind their favorite perch trees…and he circled, rising up and up, looking like he was thoroughly enjoying taking this hefty branch on a fun joyride before he swooped it in to become part of the nest.
    And Jackie was watching from the front of the nest, waiting for him. As soon as Shadow swept into the nest beside her, he went to work to find a place to put his newest treasure. Obviously, if he can soar high with that huge branch, he shouldn’t need any help with it once he had it in the nest. So, Jackie stepped aside and just watched as he maneuvered and placed it, then climbed and lifted it, then rearranged and shifted it until he found a spot to leave it…and go work on something easier, like fluffing up the mountain of fluff in the nest bowl.
    Not to be outdone, Jackie brought in a giant complex stick with even more tiny branches than Shadow’s soaring stick from the day before. As soon as she landed and flipped the stick over, Shadow snatched it right away from her and hustled across the nest to find its correct spot. But this one was stubborn and would not agree to settle down in to any of the obvious places. Even after Shadow lopped off a few of the ‘sticking-out twigs’, it would not cooperate. So, finally, he moved it back across the nest to the outer edges…but that silly stick immediately got all tangled up in Shadow’s prize soaring stick from the day before. And then what a mess.
    Jackie saw that he could use some help and with a few sweet little beaky kisses convinced him to let her assist. Then, using her ‘much-bigger-than-Shadow’ physique, Jackie carried the whole big, conjoined mess over to the other side of the nest. Shadow followed her and they worked in unison, tugging on both ends, to find somewhere that conglomeration would fit. After their joint work ended with the sticks being basically back where they started, Shadow was able to get his prized stick unlocked from Jackie’s and he placed it properly just where it belonged. And Jackie went back to work on that tall, uncompromising stick in the back of the nest that continues to insist on standing straight up instead of laying down politely like everyone else.
    Jackie left first. But it was obvious even to stick-man Shadow, that after such a rough and tumble evening of tricky stick work, it was time for a cozy snuggle together on their nearby roost tree.

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Up, up and to the top!
    After several years of extreme drought conditions and shrinking lake levels, things are finally looking up for Big Bear Lake.
    This season we have received about 9 inches of rain and over 120 inches of snow (over 240 inches at the resort level!). The snow keeps melting, the gurgling streams keep filling the lake up. Some of those seasonal streams can get very loud and easily heard by the sensitive microphone installed in the nest.
    Big Bear Lake is a man made lake located at about 6750 feet above sea level in the San Bernardino mountain range of Southern California. It is about 7 miles long, ½ mile wide and 72 feet deep when full. The lake begins its history in 1885 with the completion of the first dam, which was replaced by a higher multi-arch dam by 1912.
    Being 100% rain and snow-melt fed, the lake level may fluctuate considerably depending on precipitation. The lowest level was recorded in 1956, when the lake dropped to 24.42 feet (almost 44 feet down from full).
    Today, the lake level has reached 63 feet 7 inches (8 feet 8 inches down from full) - a stark contrast with drought conditions we experienced just several months ago, when the lake dropped to 54 feet 9 inches (17 feet 6 inches down from full) in October 2022. If you stare at the nest camera long enough, you can see it rising in real time! The two pictures below tell the story.
    With the lake level on the increase and the bay near the eagle habitat filling up, Jackie and Shadow will no doubt find new places to fish and forage for food, or rediscover the old ones. We may notice some changes in their habits, or see them perching in different trees in the habitat and all around the lake.
    We trust that all eagle followers who visit Big Bear in the summer will respect the eagle habitat. Please remember that the nest can be viewed safely and legally from the Dana Point parking lot. Do not forget to bring binoculars to fully enjoy and appreciate the eagles and the nature that surrounds them.

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Updates from the Florida Eagles-M15,E21, and E22

    May be an image of hawk vulture falcon eagle and text that says Desiree DesireeDeliz Deliy

    May be an image of nest tree twilight and sky
    Over a 100 days old, we know our days are numbered getting to watch them. They will soon be flying high and free above the FL skies.

    May be an image of eagle
    GNTLGNTNeesyHedda Gabler
  • Please be aware of your actions and the consequences they can incur.

    Apr 23, 2023
    In this video, M15 brings a fish to the nest. The fish was previously hooked and a piece of fishing line can be seen as Dad lands in the nest. A few moments later M15 makes his way to the Oak Office tree with the fish in tow, fishing line and all! As Dad flies over the pasture you can observe the fishing line entangled in his right wing. By the time, he flies over the pond, the line has fortunately unraveled from his wing and can be seen trailing in the air as he lands in the Oak Office tree. M15 removed the hook in the Oak Office Tree and ate the fish. The purpose of this video is to highlight the every day hazards that eagles come up against. I vividly recall E19 and E20 being in a similarly distressing situation. Both eaglets were entangled while in the nest with a piece of fishing line and hook. E19 freed himself of the hook within a couple hours and E20 luckily removed the line and hook overnight. At the time this video was recorded the administrators and camera operators checked on DAD and the kids and gave the all clear. Stating that the fishing line was no longer a threat. I have been very distressed while watching the events at the Dale Hollow Eagle Cam unfold. DH17 and DH18 are entangled in a fishing line while Obey (or the male adult eagle) is missing. So I decided to edit and post the video of M15 flying over the pasture as a section of fishing line wraps itself around his right wing then trails behind him. These events serve as a learning experience. Many people are contentious of the their actions, such as properly disposing of fishing line and tackle. But we must continue to spread awareness so that these circumstances do not repeat themselves.The leading causes of death in bald eagles are : Lead Poisoning is caused by the ingestion of lead originating from hunter- shot animals and lead sinkers from fishing. Vehicular Trauma (death by impact, broken limbs, legs or wings) Anticoagulant Rodenticides (Secondary Poisoning) Instead of using first and second generation anticoagulant rodenticides other methods such as snap traps, zap traps, and safer rodenticides that do not cause secondary poisoning of wildlife in general can be implemented. In addition keeping trash cans tightly closed, securing pet food and including birdseed, grains, and any other food stored for farm animals and pets reduces the incident of rodent infestations and the need for rodenticides. Safer rodenticides, that do not cause secondary poisoning to wildlife are available. But these chemicals are still very toxic to pets and humans. Extreme caution must be used when handling these toxins. I am not promoting the use of the “safer chemicals”. My goal is to inform others of the options that are available. But again, how we store and dispose of waste is our first defense against an infestation of rodents. Bromethalin attacks the nervous system causing paralysis and death. Cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3 is very popular because of the reduced risk of secondary poisoning. This substance kills rodents by increasing the levels of calcium in there system which leads to the calcification of the rodent’s heart, lungs, and other vital organs. Fishing entanglement/ hook ingestion. When an animal becomes entangled in fishing line a painful struggle ensues. The victims of this entanglement typically suffer feather damage and lacerations from the constricting line as they fight to escape. Entangled animals are often entrapped and are unable to move, find food, or escape from predators. This deadly entrapment will ultimately lead to exhaustion, starvation, and dehydration if the animal is unable to free itself. When it comes to fishing, how can we help protect wildlife? We can all prevent wildlife injuries and deaths caused by improperly discarded fishing line and hooks. Dispose of broken or leftover gear properly; never leave behind fishing line, hooks, lures, or bait. Some places offer designated fishing gear disposal options, such as fishing line recycling bins or tubes. Do not release fish who still have hooks in them; if practicing catch and release, use barbless hooks. If you find an animal who is entangled in fishing line, and you are able to safely capture the animal, or If you unintentionally hook an animal while fishing remove the hook if it is possible to do so safely. If you are unable to do this, contact animal control or a permitted wildlife rehabilitator. The findings in this video are my personal opinions based on my observations. Please take my findings with a grain of salt! This video was recorded on Friday, April 7th of 2023. At the time this footage was recorded, E21 was 93 days old and E22 was 90 days old. This is a public video. You may share it at your discretion. This footage is part of a series that was recorded after Hurricane Ian destroyed the main nest and Harriet's disappearance. Enjoy the video! For additional content consider subscribing to the channel and enabling notifications.

    NeesyHedda GablerGNTLGNT
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