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Live Eagle Cam — Big Bear, California



  • Visitor in Nest Tree-- Big Bear Lake today

    And a little humor:

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Morning Routines and a Special Visit…
    This morning’s duet was led by Shadow, then Jackie quickly chimed in, such beautiful music they make together!
    Jackie did a little stretching then handled her “business” before surprising the cam operator by heading straight to the nest for a short visit… not to worry, cam 2 was able to catch her graceful landing. We have not had an eagle in the nest since August 8th!
    While Jackie was tootling around the nest, Shadow snuck out of the roost tree, and headed to the Stick Depot Snag. It seems Shadow is not quite ready to start his serious stick work at the nest and is still enjoying every last minute of his summer vacation.
    Jackie didn’t keep him waiting too long, she flew by as Shadow kept his eagle eye on her. She stopped off at a another tree for a few minutes before heading over to join Shadow. They perched quietly together until the sun lit up the valley… they both did their “business”, we call this a PS (poop shot), before they headed off together to do what eagles do in the summertime… hunt and perch.
    Raptors often (but not always) relieve themselves before flying to lighten the load so to speak.
    The new nesting season is fast approaching! Jackie and Shadow generally visit more often and start nestorations in October. The visits continue to get more and more frequent in November and December.
    The 2024 Calendar along with other new items are on the way and should be in the online shop by the end of the month! https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/shop/
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • The good, the sad and the bad…
    The good…Today Jackie spent over 6 hours calmly watching over her territory from the Twin Pines perch. She seemed so at peace with just watching that even spotting an osprey and later a Peregrine falcon perching on her Stick Deposit Snag did not upset her. It was a lovely day to simply chill out.
    On Saturday night, Shadow was back snuggling up with Jackie for a sweet night in the roost tree. And since those big birds were not at home in the nest, Fiona took the opportunity to zip around the nest a few times as she traveled up and down the limbs of ‘her’ home. A few days ago, both Jackie and Shadow spent the early morning chatting on the Lookout Tree, apparently discussing their day’s activities before heading out toward the lake.
    The sad…we were very sad to hear that the company that banded Jackie’s first 2 chicks posted on Friday that they had reports from the U.S.G.S. bird banding lab that both Stormy (from 2018) and Simba (from 2019) had each been found deceased a few years ago in areas of California far outside of Big Bear. Today they added to their post, stating that they do not have additional information on causes or details. Friday was the first time this information was released for any of us to see and some of what was released was unclear. We called the bander to get clarifications before posting but did not receive a call back until today. They could not provide any additional details.
    We know that this is hard news to hear for anyone who follows and falls in love with our eagle family the way we have. We are grieving with all of you.
    The bad…there are some people who host FB or YouTube pages who are publicly accusing FOBBV of hiding information from the viewers. Contrary to that, we simply prefer to confirm information and make sure that anything we post is accurate and solidly backed rather than delivering drama simply to get attention. We’re sad that these people apparently need attention and drama so badly that they are not concerned with reassuring accuracy even when the information is deeply emotional. None of what they say about FOBBV is in any way accurate or true. Please ignore their attacking statements. And please give them a hug when you see them. It seems that they might need one.
    As all of you do, we love Stormy and Simba very deeply. We are sad and wish we could have protected them out in the world. But since that is not possible, we will simply send them our heartfelt gratitude for being such a beautiful part of our lives.
    Please be kind to yourselves and others in this time of sadness.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • 🥺 R.I.P Stormy and Simba. 
    (and shame on the disgusting people stirring up rumour and drama. Waste of space)
    GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Ditto what flake said. 
  • FL season begins Oct 1
    Nestorations have begun.  

    Note: For ID purposes, I will be referring to the female eagle as F1 (Female, #1). This is the same female eagle that has occupied the territory/appeared in my ground videos since 5-30-23. If/when she is given a name or number from the Pritchett's/SWFEC, I will switch and use that. The official start of Florida Bald Eagle breeding season is October 1st. **I do not have any information on when the cams will be installed and start streaming, other than expected by October 1st. Please check the public official Southwest Florida Eagle Cam Facebook page for updates on cams and naming/numbering of the female eagle M15 partners with. Link: https://www.facebook.com/SouthwestFlo... Video opens with a view of the nest tree on this overcast morning. No eagles were in view when I arrived. M15 flew in from the W, then flew to the pond oak for a branch. Shortly after, F1 arrived with nest material, the first nesting material delivery I have seen her bring. M15 and F1 work in the nest together. M15 flies to the front pines area for his second branch of the morning. F1 again joins M15 in the nest for nest work. M15 heads to the W pasture for his third branch of the morning, missing a snap, then landing near the tree line. M15 finds a branch on the ground, and delivers it to the nest. After placing the branch, M15 joins F1 on the attic. M15 and F1 vocalize. M15 watches to the N, as the truck arrives from the S (apparently for cam install). M15 takes flight, heading N, with F1 following him out. The truck goes to the nest tree, the bucket is rising, and the eagles return to the nest pasture. F1 flies off to the E, and M15 lands on the nest tree/U branch. Ninety seconds later, M15 flies to a front pine, then leaves eight minutes later. The truck also left, apparently postponing installation.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir

    The cams are installed, once tested they will go live. Oct 1 officially begins the season.
    Below is the main link for post and news.

    If interested, take the time to discover the history of this nest. The ink is filled with all the info. May M15 and his new mate soar and have a productive nesting season.

    @Hedda Gabler, @FlakeNoir, @GNTLGNT- ; I will attempt to post information from the official chat when available.  


    Cam views and chat link:

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler



    those who have followed this thread know that Jackie and Shadow had a stay vacation thru the summer.  Their nesting season is a tad later than FL>  late October/November.

    May Jackie and Shadow soar and have a productive season.
    FlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • Thanks Spidey. ❤️
    GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Cam not live yet, but here is an awesome vid of M15 and F1 building thier nest.

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • An Eagle at Last…
    We have spotted Jackie and Shadow hanging around the habitat more often the last several days. This afternoon it appeared Shadow decided to settle into the roost tree early. As we were watching him preen through the back door a very sneaky Jackie quietly flew in through the front! Thankfully the wide view cam was focused on the nest for her fly in, and we must give her a perfect 10 for sticking that landing!
    After over a month of empty nest syndrome, Jackie’s visit was a welcomed sight! She looks relaxed, refreshed, and ready to start a new season. Jackie seemed to be looking down and around the nest… what a mess this is, Shadow has some serious stick work to do! She did tinker with a few sticks, then maybe decided this is a two-eagle job. Instead of working on the nest, she headed over to the roost tree to join Shadow for a bit more preening before calling it a night.
    The area is expecting the first subfreezing temperature of the season Friday, the colder temps just might signal Jackie and Shadow that summer vacation has come to an end. Jackie and Shadow generally start stopping by the nest more often in October to begin nestorations for the upcoming season.
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • edited October 2023
    Checked in late last night to hopefully catch a glimpse. I want them to have a good season. 
  • I have been catching M15 and F early morning eastern time, around sunrise/ and again just before sunset.
    Good morning.Both eagles on the attic at 7:09a then to the nest. Some nestorations. Mating on the attic twice, 7:16a and 8:24a. 7:47a to 7:50a close ups of Fe. Fe may be on treetop perch. 8:32a M laying in the nest.

    Big Bear- Jackie and Shadow - their pacific sunrise and sunset.
    7:10AM, Jackie & Shadow were very busy redecorating their house and having a bit of mixed decision on where each sticks should be at.
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • Oct 4
    FL Eagles.... time difference make 
    catching"live cams difficult for some. The two links below offer excellent snaps, and usually a daily video of the days happening.  As time goes on, and if successful eggs are laid it will beome easuly to watch live.

    Page 11-12 cover Oct 3 ad 4 activities:

    Oct 3 video FL

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Honey Do...
    In the early morning hours, Jackie and Shadow had several serious conversations… maybe Jackie hollering out her honey do list? With the day planned out, Jackie made her way over to the nest to deliver the first stick of the day just as the sun came up. Not long after, Shadow showed up, stickless! No worries, there are plenty of other out of place sticks in the nest, and they both went straight to work..
    Moving sticks here and there, working together, working solo and sometimes supervising each other… maybe thinking how much better they could have done it themselves! They did take plenty of breaks for flirting and bonding with beaky kisses… and more beaky kisses and a few more after that… and Shadow even got in at least one wing nibble.
    Jackie must have felt today’s work was done and headed out through the fog for some much-needed perching time, while Shadow stayed back for a bit, hanging out on the front porch balcony…
    Later in the evening, Shadow was perched in the SDS tree, looking out over the lake when Jackie showed up with a stick… Soon Shadow headed out, grabbed a stick, and a minute later brought it to the nest, showing Jackie what tree the sticks really belong in! They didn’t stay long, just enough for a bit of stick work and MORE beaky kissy before heading over to the roost tree to call it a night.

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • I caught Shadow in the nest tonight and he was in fine voice!
  • spideyman said:
    Oct 4
    FL Eagles.... time difference make 
    catching"live cams difficult for some. The two links below offer excellent snaps, and usually a daily video of the days happening.  As time goes on, and if successful eggs are laid it will beome easuly to watch live.

    Page 11-12 cover Oct 3 ad 4 activities:

    Oct 3 video FL

    Thank you...! I usually miss them. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • A few days into the season and we are already seeing strong signs of a bond between M & this new potential mate. Going forward we will refer to her at “F23” or Female 2023 as we did for “M15” or Male 2015.
    If and when we see eggs and an official bond for life, we will evaluate a possible rename then. by Adam Foglia

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Absolutely gorgeous images.
    GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Breakfish For Two?
    Jackie stopped in for a few minutes to drop off a stick this morning, but that is not the big moment of the day... Jackie came in through the back door with her to go order in tow. A nice sized trout(?) breakfish! This is the first meal of the season at the nest.
    Just as she was starting to enjoy her meal, a hungry neighbor stopped by hoping Jackie was in the mood to share. We’re not sure Jackie has ever been in the mood to share, but the raven gave it a good try...
    The first attempt was to hop around the nest tree... from the side of the nest, to the front porch, to the balcony, up stairs, down stairs... and repeat. This tactic didn’t phase Jackie at all, but she did make sure that fish was securely under her talon...
    The raven re-grouped... maybe if I steal a stick that big bird will chase me and I can grab a snack. That got Jackie’s attention, don’t mess with Jackie’s sticks! A fierce wingslap followed, but that fish never left her talon...
    Finally, it seems the raven resorted to sweet talking Jackie, maybe there was a little begging involved... Jackie again was not impressed and not inclined to share her fish. The well mannered raven finally gave up and Jackie continued to enjoy her meal...saving her favorite for last, the tail. A pair of ravens did return later in the afternoon to grab some leftovers, maybe he/she found success!
    Both Jackie and Shadow were seen perching around the habitat and ended the day together in their favorite roost tree.
    Ravens have their place in the environment and are very intelligent. Some get upset when they see the ravens prey on Jackie and Shadow’s eggs... They have only done this after the eagles have given up on them hatching and leave them unattended. The ravens are doing their job, which helps Jackie and Shadow to move on with their lives. It is also likely the ravens use the eggs and nest scraps to feed their own chicks.
    Nature is simply amazing!
    Pull up a perch and join us in chat on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@FOBBVCAM for the Grand Re-opening Day on Monday 10/9. Chat schedule 8AM - 10AM, 5PM - 7PM Monday - Friday. See you soon!

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • These trees are made for… Eagles!
    Jackie and Shadow sure enjoy the variety of trees Big Bear Valley has to offer. Trees are vital for bald eagles, especially in areas crawling with ground predators like bears, coyotes, bobcats and us humans. They allow eagles to hunt, perch, rest, raise their chicks and do other eagle things stress free.
    Although our eagles can be spotted in hundreds of different trees around the lake, only a few of their favorite ones are visible on our live cameras.
    - Nest Tree stands proudly at about 155 feet tall rivaling most of the trees in the area. The nest was started at the very top of this Jeffrey Pine tree (145 feet off the ground) by the previous resident pair known as Lucy and Ricky back in the fall of 2012. This happened after the original nest built in a nearby snag (dead or partially dead tree) fell victim to the elements and the overly excited, ready-to-fledge, bouncy eaglet known to us as Jackie, who is also the first recorded eaglet in the valley.
    Over the years the nest has grown up to 5 ½ feet in width and 6 feet in depth. It is conveniently equipped with the Front Porch and Back Porch for observation purposes and a dense canopy, protecting nesting eagles from the elements and predators.
    There are many branches below the nest suitable for perching. Some of the sticks that frequently go overboard to the delight or dismay of viewers actually got stuck on the tree limbs, forming the aptly named Basement. Although we do not know whether any birds or mammals currently occupy the Basement, we suspect that our resident flying squirrels Fiona and Fast Freddie might be using it.
    - Simba Tree is another Jeffrey Pine that is located quite close to the nest. That was probably why our eaglet Simba chose to land in that tree once he fledged (left the nest for the first time). This tree is also frequented by Shadow during the nesting season when he wants to be closer to incubating Jackie or if she needs some assistance with the ravens.
    - Stick Depot Snag is named that way because Jackie and Shadow are known to bring sticks to and from this tree. They have brought over 100 sticks here over the last season in apparent attempts to build a starter nest or a summer vacation pad (a lot of them fell off). Shadow loves to snap sticks off this tree, and with so many exposed dry branches, it is also perfect for jungle gym exercises.
    - Lookout Snag provides a great view of the lake and eagles’ favorite fishing spots. This is their favorite morning layover tree - they often use it before flying off for the day to do other eagle things. Although they have been spotted mating in pretty much all known perch and roost trees, this is probably their favorite mating spot. Most of the time matings happen away from the nesting site, often just before or after a nest visit.
    - Cactus Snag is likely a former White Fir tree. It has lost all its live branches and needles and now looks just like a cactus. Jackie and Shadow like to snap smaller and pointier sticks off this tree.
    - Twin Pines are often used during the summer, as they provide ample shade from the scorching, high-altitude sun..
    - Hideout Pine is a favorite of various visiting eagles. Great fishing opportunities and the mild alpine climate attract transient eagles year-round. Jackie and Shadow tend to tolerate them well enough during the off-season and even graciously allowed a few sleep overs in this tree.
    - The Roost Tree is where our eagles sleep most often. This Jeffrey Pine has a lot of branches that shield them from the elements and nocturnal predators (owls). When not incubating or rearing chicks, eagles prefer to sleep standing up on branches or other perches. They have a special locking mechanism in their feet that allows them to grip branches automatically, without “thinking” about it.
    Jackie and Shadow have a wide selection of roosting trees available to them, but only one is seen from the cameras.
    There are many other trees that they use daily. If you find yourself in Big Bear or another area frequented by Bald Eagles, look for them in tall prominent trees with a good view of the lake. Eagles often choose either the highest branch as a vantage point or sturdy branches close to the trunk for protection.
    Learn more about the Big Bear eagle history here: https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/eagles/eagle-history/
    May be an image of tree and text that says Nest Tree Back Porch Simba Tree Base ment 2023 09 Front Porch 4812 Hideout Pine HOP Stick Depot Snag SDS Roost Tree RT Cactus Snag resented Twin TwinPines Pines TP FriendsofBigBearValleyo Lookout Snag LS Presented FOBBV

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • Florida M15, F23

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • FL  Oct 6

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
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