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Tut, tut, looks like rain -- or sunshine or storms.....



  • Lovely warm day today. 22C/71.6F

    The clouds were very fascinating on the drive home this evening. (These were taken between 3x and 10x zoom on my phone, so not great in the detail dept,  sadly.) 

    not_nadineGNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gabler
  • edited November 2023
    Rough night.  Very heavy rain and hail storm!    :s   

    Hunkered in with kitty.  
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • ....beautiful cloud cover and swindled dog pics..... :D
  • Why are the tall objects leaning off kilter or do i need to sit up straighter?
  • Why are the tall objects leaning off kilter or do i need to sit up straighter?
    Yeah I thought that was weird too, I think it's just the camera 'bending' the outer edges of the image. I've noticed that in some of the pictures Irish has posted here too.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurben
  • ....damn glitches in the matrix.....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoir
  • Dull and chilly.....

  • ....dull and chilly....apt descriptive for one of my exes...... :D 
  • Here its Snow, Snow, Snow. About -7 C (19 F i think) and i want to do as the bears. Wish i could live of my fat for a few months and sleep (Sweet Natures Tired Restorer), that would be great. I am not the kind of person that like (is it Ella, Elsa?) in Frozen sings about building a snowman. No thank you!!
    Hedda Gablernot_nadineGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNotaro
  • edited November 2023
    Here too.   Did not expect to see all  this.   Sunshine and snow blizz.    Now KillCat will never go outside.

    Helpful hint:  Don't live around mountains.    Planning to head south.
    KurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaroFlakeNoir
  • Kurben said:
    Here its Snow, Snow, Snow. About -7 C (19 F i think) and i want to do as the bears. Wish i could live of my fat for a few months and sleep (Sweet Natures Tired Restorer), that would be great. I am not the kind of person that like (is it Ella, Elsa?) in Frozen sings about building a snowman. No thank you!!
    ...nice drop by Edward Young....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaro
  • It's December 1st and there is no snow in Edmonton so far this winter. O-O

    First time since 1928!!

    Thank you El Nino!
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNotaro
  • ...they've forecast a "frozen mix" for here tomorrow and methinks it has nothing to do with a certain Disney Princess song re-edit.....
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaro
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...they've forecast a "frozen mix" for here tomorrow and methinks it has nothing to do with a certain Disney Princess song re-edit.....

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaro
  • I love a good sense of humor. That was fun. 
  • With all this snow all over the country right now a new trend has started. Snowsculotures of erect male genitalia are popping up all over the country. Creators unknown. Noone bothers with tearing them down. When one in authority of things like that was asked she just said that she admired the youths creativity and saw no reason to remove them. Gotta say i agree with her. Some of them are very detailed.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesy
  • ...buncha cocksure teens huh?.....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesy
  • Wow - last time I posted in this thread was March 29th!

    It's about minus 6 C here which is about 21 F - a bit of snow on the ground but nowhere near what we would normally get

    Still don't have our Christmas tree up yet

    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Snowing a lot, and blowing a lot! Not quite qualified to be called a snowstorm but close. About - 6-7 C  and probably more if we add the wind chill. I really needed to go out and do some shopping but i took one look out the window and decided to postpone it a day. A wise man does not go out into this if it isnt absolutely necessary and i think i can survive another day even if my meal today wont be the biggest. The cars on the parking lots look like enormous giant insects. I'm hiding under two blankets in my bed with a book and something to drink. WINTER IS COMING!!!
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesyHedda Gabler
  • A little bit of summer to warm my northern friends. 

    GNTLGNTNeesyHedda GablerKurben
  • ....don't delay to long Kurb or you'll become a cross between Sole Survivor and the Donner Party.... :D :D :D
    NeesyHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoir
  • ....Flakers?....thank you...ain't seen the sun in days here.....wtf.......
    NeesyHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoir
  • edited January 2024
    It's cloudy here and minus 2 C - that's 28.4 F for you people who aren't on the metric system :)
    I found this interesting article about the US and the Imperial system:

    When I went down to the States in August with Josh, after we crossed the border it said the speed limit was 40 so for a little while I was crawling along at a slow rate until it hit me that it was 40 mph (facepalm)

    Eventually I started going 65 :D

    40 miles per hour = about 65 klicks
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • edited January 2024
    FlakeNoir said:
    A little bit of summer to warm my northern friends. 

    It’s been too long seeing those carefree kids. Great shot of that bird! What kind is it? 

    Kiss those faces. Snuggle those necks.

    and is M’s coat bleaching blonde or is that just the way the light is hitting? 
  • edited January 2024
    FlakeNoir said:
    A little bit of summer to warm my northern friends. 

    It’s been too long seeing those carefree kids. Great shot of that bird! What kind is it? 

    Kiss those faces. Snuggle those necks.

    and is M’s coat bleaching blonde or is that just the way the light is hitting? 
    That's a Swift. (or Swallow) M's favourite thing at the river. 

    He is actually tan in colour beneath the black, he was wet in those shots so the black hair was clumping and the tan showing through. He also has his summer coat, so sheds some of the black hair I think.

    Cloudy but warm day today.

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesy
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