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Random Thoughts



  • When is kurben back? Hopefully he comes with photos. I love everyone’s photos. 
  • Wordle 365 3/6

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaroFlakeNoir
  • When is kurben back? Hopefully he comes with photos. I love everyone’s photos. 
    He's away 2 weeks, so.... this coming Sat, back home? 🤔 I  think???
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurben
  • edited June 2022
    I am down to one feral kitten. Slowly but surely the other 8 have disappeared.  I hope it is a boy — please no more kittens .  I feed it every day. Give him water. Talk to him because it’s the law. 

    It’s a beautiful little thing. I call it fuzzy butt because it is fluffy. Odd mix of colors and here’s the interesting part— it’s a dwarf. So I think I’m renaming it Peter, or Dinklage. The Dink. The Big D. Which sounds rather rude but i think  it’s better than The Big Peter. 

     It has the stubbiest little legs, it’s got to be a year old and it is tiny. Heathy looking. Eyes bright, coat clean.  

    And the Paul Harvey rest of the story here is — I have 2 big hawks circling every damn day.  I swear to God, i will take a tennis racket to these assholes if they touch this cat. I will be the maniac going Kill Bill bat shit crazy. 

     And I will hurt myself doing it.  And I will receive some outrageous fine for killing protected birds of prey.

    But, veni, vidi, vici — I will kill them, load them in my little car and drive them out into the desert where I will bury them near a cow skull and a mysterious Dana shaped skeleton. 
    Well, Dinklage ended up being a girl. Less than a year old, pregnant dwarf. She got huge fast and was low to the ground, like a badger.  A week ago, she got in the shelter i made and as it got dark, i could see her breathing hard. Nothing I could do to help.  By next morning, she was gone. It’s been at least a week since i have seen her.

    I was a source of food, water and safety.  I fear she may have died because she would come for a sure food and fresh water supply. Her anatomy may have needed assistance.  

    I know nuthin’ bout birthin’ high risk babies 🥺. 

  • ....sorry to hear of the sad kitty sit-rep.... :(
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • edited June 2022
    I am down to one feral kitten. Slowly but surely the other 8 have disappeared.  I hope it is a boy — please no more kittens .  I feed it every day. Give him water. Talk to him because it’s the law. 

    It’s a beautiful little thing. I call it fuzzy butt because it is fluffy. Odd mix of colors and here’s the interesting part— it’s a dwarf. So I think I’m renaming it Peter, or Dinklage. The Dink. The Big D. Which sounds rather rude but i think  it’s better than The Big Peter. 

     It has the stubbiest little legs, it’s got to be a year old and it is tiny. Heathy looking. Eyes bright, coat clean.  

    And the Paul Harvey rest of the story here is — I have 2 big hawks circling every damn day.  I swear to God, i will take a tennis racket to these assholes if they touch this cat. I will be the maniac going Kill Bill bat shit crazy. 

     And I will hurt myself doing it.  And I will receive some outrageous fine for killing protected birds of prey.

    But, veni, vidi, vici — I will kill them, load them in my little car and drive them out into the desert where I will bury them near a cow skull and a mysterious Dana shaped skeleton. 
    Well, Dinklage ended up being a girl. Less than a year old, pregnant dwarf. She got huge fast and was low to the ground, like a badger.  A week ago, she got in the shelter i made and as it got dark, i could see her breathing hard. Nothing I could do to help.  By next morning, she was gone. It’s been at least a week since i have seen her.

    I was a source of food, water and safety.  I fear she may have died because she would come for a sure food and fresh water supply. Her anatomy may have needed assistance.  

    I know nuthin’ bout birthin’ high risk babies 🥺. 

    Oh hell, I'm sorry girl 😔 it's just so awful when you can't do any more for them and things go wrong. I'll try to keep hoping that she found another regularly filled plate maybe closer to where she dropped her babies? Perhaps she just started labour at yours but then moved somewhere else and had them?
    Sigh... it's a hard and scary life as a homeless female kitty. 🥺
    You did everything you could Deejers. 💜
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesy
  • Your digestive system both starts and ends with cheeks
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurben
  • Wordle 366 5/6

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • The person who first discovered that coconut could be eaten must have experienced depths of hunger many will never know.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurben
  • GNTLGNT said:
    The person who first discovered that coconut could be eaten must have experienced depths of hunger many will never know.
    Same with pineapples
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurben
  • Wordle 367 4/6

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • Wordle 368 4/6

  • Wordle 369 4/6

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • edited June 2022
    There is the game Heardle, also free. One a day. I got skunked today. Scott, you would probably kill this from your Dj days. 

    Just like name that tune
  • And there is Worldle. Geography. I am horrible at geography. 
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Not necessarily 😃
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurben
  • There is the game Heardle, also free. One a day. I got skunked today. Scott, you would probably kill this from your Dj days. 

    Just like name that tune
    I was given the link to this a while ago... I am SHITE. ☺
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurben
  • And there is Worldle. Geography. I am horrible at geography. 
    Oooh, I'd like this one! Not saying I'd be any good, I just like geography. 😆
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurben
  • ....I don't like anything that requires me to think....my brain is out of warranty and trying to find a loaner is damn near impossible.... :D
    Hedda GablerKurben
  • Wordle 370 4/6

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • Wordle 371 3/6

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNT
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